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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2348521 No.2348521 [Reply] [Original]

From Galia's blog:
We’ve heard many concerns that having no cap in the first hour (other than the 1M Ether security cap) may result in BNT dropping below its initial price after the token allocation event. Even though we’d like to think that our hodlers will not be quick to liquidate BNT they’ve purchased at its initial price, we have decided to allocate any proceeds collected in the minimum hour which exceed the hidden cap as follows:
20% will be allocated to the BNT Ether Reserve, to further improve the liquidity of BNT, which increases stability while reducing conversion costs (price slippage) for all.
80% will be locked for two years in a smart contract that will buy back BNT for 0.01 ETH (the initial price) whenever it is available, according to its calculated price. The purchased BNT will be added to the Foundation’s long-term budget, and after a 2-year period, any remaining ETH will be allocated pro-rata according to the “Use of Proceeds” chart in our Token Creation Terms.
We believe this model can create a price floor that will address these concerns from some members of the community that we’ve been hearing and listening to closely: that a large contribution event could possibly result in a post-fundraiser price drop, to below its initial price, due to fully saturated demand and evergreen supply. We like this new model even better, so thank you again community for challenging us to improve it.

>> No.2348526


>> No.2348555

I actually really dig that

>> No.2348567


So they think they can get around the prisoner's dilemma ?

>> No.2348571
File: 38 KB, 600x600, expert manipulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 million eth cap?


>> No.2348576

they basically put in a giant non fake buy all holy shit this guarantees some good gains. I double my investment

>> No.2348592
File: 41 KB, 1199x781, itsover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bitcoin suisse STILL hasnt got back to me

i fucking hate kikes.

>> No.2348599

Needs to be 1billion

>> No.2348618
File: 4 KB, 86x120, 86px-Jew_shining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on Bancor?

>> No.2348628
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>> No.2348642
File: 89 KB, 2336x585, BTCsuisse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys in 'the queue'?

>> No.2348651

Also she actually says 'hodlers' KEK

>> No.2348680

They said I was in the queue to be processed two days ago

t. applied on saturday

>> No.2348707

This will end in tears.

>> No.2348773
File: 1009 KB, 500x210, inputContent_1496443136161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the ICO is there a way to confirm the transaction? Also how bad will this fuck up the Ethereum network?

>> No.2348823

80% reserve buywall at ico price.
you mean tears for anyone trying to get cheap bnt after ico kek

>> No.2348834

I applied on Monday and it said it should take 1-3 days because of heavy traffic am I even in the que I feel like im not going to get in?

>> No.2348895


nigga you gonna stay poor :D

I applied on Tuesday and i got in.

>> No.2348925

I really fucking hope they can handle the traffic I'm going in deep on bancore

>> No.2348927

what sort of returns can we expect from this if we buy at ico

especially if they raise so much money

>> No.2348987

2x probably. won't be huge because of the uncapped. DAO raised 100 million and went 2x before it got hacked.

>> No.2349053

How many coins total?

>> No.2349135

This is going to end badly for ethereum. If they raise 200m then every hacker is going to come out of the woodwork to get that.

>> No.2349145

Is this going to be good to invest in now?

>> No.2349175
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1421465181844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will BNT move to bittrex?

I don't wanna use that shitty yobitt exchange.

Looking to HODL long term

>> No.2349185

Fucking hell what did I do wrong what did you put for the monthly contribution

>> No.2349207

Most of the ETH assets move to bittrex fast

>> No.2349285

I don't think you can transfer the tokens for a week. This really makes it hard to decide to go for this or status...This is guaranteed to be able to get in, but status might have better gains because it is capped, with the possibility of not being able to get in like with BAT. Tough choice IMO.

>> No.2349302


Please tell me this is not real.



I applied on Saturday and received my automated reply but nothing else since then.

Should I bother spamming them with an e-mail?

>> No.2349306

going all in, fuck it

>> No.2349314

Bitcoinsuisse has still not messaged me. I got the automated email on Monday.

am I out, lads?

>> No.2349319

Putting 5k in the ICO. I'm in it for the long run so I don't really care if there is a slight dip right after the ICO.

>> No.2349337

I'm 90% sure I'm going all in into Bancor anyways

>> No.2349349

How much did you say you will put in?

>> No.2349362

Id add to it but >no muricans allowed

>> No.2349376

15 eth

>> No.2349392


>> No.2349426


Same, and it is weird that it is still stuck at 62% after all that time

>> No.2349497

putting all my cash into it going full jew

>> No.2349578

says 70.5%

>> No.2349619

That's quite neat. So in the end it comes to which will give more profit in the long run: hodling eth or converting it to bnt

>> No.2349663

Going all in on this

>> No.2349685

I told to all dumb niggers to buy this. But they want to be poor fags. Let them be. Team provided so mucu chances so you don't miss out. You got to be DUMB as wood to miss this.

>> No.2349694

Yep. They confirmed recipe of my ETH today only £2000 as I'm low on cash at the mo but still it's something. My first ICO

>> No.2349705

I'm not doing that, but I'm going to dump 20-30 ETH if I can. Will the Jews make out the most from this? Of course. But they always give a taste to the goyim.

>> No.2349722
File: 24 KB, 600x484, 1496487588616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im too dumb to understand what this means

>> No.2349797

Fucking stooges, participating in the beginning of the death of what makes crypto good. If you give these people your money in exchange for their worthless fiat, I mean tokens, you're an idiot.

>> No.2349823


but basically they will buy back BNT if it ever sinks to 0.01 ETH

>> No.2349923


they're gonna use the money you buy bancor with to buy more bancor, to create a price floor i.e ensure no one loses money

No way this crashes day one

>> No.2349996

>supporting bancor

Someone tell me who they're targeting with they're coins? I literally haven't gotten a straight answer. No one's going to use this shit

>> No.2350024

Anyone you fucking retard, just like any other coin

>> No.2350612

literally the huge masses

>> No.2350655


They can - we'd be all invested in this thing's network effect after all and this would help limit people trying to profit in the short term.

>> No.2350695


Same - I can't be fucked.

>> No.2350734

Fucking hell. You are better off making some slick marketing page with an absolute minimum viable product, do an ICO and then just sell the company.

These fuckers are offering nothing but nice graphics and some big name team, yet raking in millions. Just like BAT. If a product is really good, like stratis, it will raise in value regardless of their ICO (just raising funds to build the product). No way BAT needs 30 m to build what they plan to do...

But then again, most of these ico's x4 in days after the ICO, so I get why people are happy to throw money at it. Really sticky situation.

>> No.2350771

Read the blog post. They are setting a smart contract with any extra funds that will buy BNT if it slips below ico price


>> No.2350791

Are you joking? Did you read and understand the whitepaper? They are making a decentralized exchange with absolutely no vaporware. This is gonna be big

>> No.2350804

For that, nvo has the better tech.

>> No.2350868

LOL stay goyim my friend

>> No.2350891

How do I buy bancor...I thought suisse wasn't necessary.

>> No.2350915

Read the paper

>> No.2351090

So NVO is still a real-time coincidence of wants exchange? Doesn't provide 100% liquidity or capture the long tail of crypto? Doesn't enable crypto-ETFs?

Yeah it sure is better than Bancor

>> No.2351814

>the masses

So normies that don't even know what the fuck crypto even is? Call me when Bancor actually does something decent

>> No.2351849

Whole point of buying into the ICO retard. Get in cheap before the masses catch on and before the product in developed. Once both those points are achieved then bask in the money from people like you buying in at 100x the price in 2 years time.

>> No.2352117

100x in 2 years?

Assuming 500m market cap, you need 50Billion market cap for that. This thing will have to be more adopted than ETH.

>> No.2352210

don't spoil their party with math man!

Actually it's only 250M max with the 1M ETH limit.

Then those 250M will be 1B in the first month, 10B in the first year, and 25B in the second.

Trust me, I hope.

>> No.2352300

That's assuming that the ETH market cap doesn't grow at all in the next two years. In my eyes ETH is only getting started.

>> No.2352350

1M ETH (260m USD) security cap just means that's their goal. It will go well past that in the 1 hour minimum time.