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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23481292 No.23481292 [Reply] [Original]

This place has gone to absolute, bottom of the barrel bullshit. Theres NO decent conversation here anymore, any that exists is drowned out by the pajeet shill bullshit to the point where any usefulness this place once had is gone. The amount of scams being parroted to members is beyond shameful. This place is doing more damage to crypto than good at this point, and so much could be weeded through with flags. Do it on a trial period. If I'm wrong, and the board's quality and function go downhill, reverse it. But at this point I'm about ready to just start spamming scat porn all over the fucking place because 1) at least the jeets would feel at home 2) it would better reflect the current state of the board and 3) I really don't give a flying fuck if you ban me because you've let this infestation of shills ruin any benefit this board once had. We've already asked for this before. Fucking. Flags.

>> No.23481312


>> No.23481351

We have been saying this since 2017 op. We aren't getting them.
p.s Fuck Jannies

>> No.23481370

It’s just the current meta is shilling on 4chan so as long as buyers keep coming here it’ll keep happening. The best thing is for all legitimate users to literally leave 4chan, once shills realise it’s an echo chamber they’ll leave and we can all come back. Everything is cyclical.

>> No.23481381

No different than any other time on biz. There's a slight influx in dot finance rugs, but just ignore them and go read the DMG whitepaper anon.

>> No.23481487

I don't want flags. It''s just wrong. You not judge people about where they coming from, just what they saying!

>> No.23481505

sir, i dont think flag is a good idea sir
i have good moon coin for you, buy xbtc sir

>> No.23481525

Kys unironically

>> No.23481533

people have been saying this shit years you are definitely new here

>> No.23481562

Spoken like a true nigger.

>> No.23481583


out of all the boards with flags this is the most crucial one that needs flags

>> No.23481586

But no sirs, me not new to this place

>> No.23481593

Commit suicide you scheming leech

>> No.23481596

How is it wrong? If you bring genuine value to this board by what you say, where you're from is irrevelent. But having the statistical data to see where the scam coins are being shilled from will answer once and for all whether there is any relation between country and the scamfest. You literally have nothing to lose if your intent is honest

Project more, newfag

>> No.23481614

And you spoken like true chandala!

>> No.23481627

Not true at all. 2015 through mid 2017 this was a totally different board. Shrimp farming general marked the beginning of the end

>> No.23481632

yes sirs! We should have flags in the streets!

>> No.23481647

Many flags for finance!

>> No.23481649

Congrats, we're there. That magical place you speak of where anons prefer reddit over 4chan

>> No.23481675


LOL the guy is quite literally indian and is against flags. Makes you think.

>> No.23481680

desu the pajeets and other shills are a good newfag filter
if you cant smell the curry infested fingers that made an OP long before looking at the rest of the threads post, you havent been here long enough

>> No.23481720


>> No.23481722

No! Me no indian, me purest american!

>> No.23481792

it's the constant flood of plebbit faggots lately.
it's way higher than usual and barely anyone checks their gay as fuck speech or leftwing niggerfagging
Definitely wish we had flags though OP
fuck jannies
niggers tongue my anus

>> No.23481824

OP is gay

>> No.23481845

dude props on this meme that is some funny ass shit right there lol a mirror under the bed.

anyway, back to bizniss -> back to that good old boringDAO new shit new world defi shit with all the UNI listing stuffs

>> No.23481909

this shit right here
this 100% plebbit tranny niggerdry is worse than pajeet scams
at least jeet scams are just an IQ/Pattern test, and you can make easy as fuck money getting in and out