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23477839 No.23477839 [Reply] [Original]

The Virgin Akropolis
>inferior defi polkadot project
>claims Delphi is for normies, makes you go to their FAQ and input some complex equation to figure out APY instead of just telling you
>normies don’t/won’t know how to do that, contradicts itself
>doesn’t tell you how much you’re earning and just drops a random amount in your stake once a week
>no team info readily available on website, have to dig
>has pumped a lot, 20x up from all time low
>two token system makes no sense as ADEL serves no purpose other than to dump on people after receiving

The Chad MantraDAO
>the superior defi polkadot project
>APY is shown in percentage and even lets you know how much OM you’re earning per day along with actually giving you the rewards daily
>interface is easy to use
>lighter colors, light websites statistically perform better than overly dark ones
>team info along with their LinkedIns are in plain sight for everyone to see
>only 15% up from all time low
>half the MC of Akropolis, more room to grow

>> No.23478225

Are akroplets just coping or what?

>> No.23478512

Can this be disputed?

>> No.23478886

was Chad in an accident? He looks all gympy? How the fuck does he walk like that? Insane!

>> No.23479318


>> No.23479340

Both shit projects, Akropolis least has some recognition, if you brought DAO at the top your anus will have been re-calibrated by now and you have 88.88% of fuck all right now. AKRO has also bled to death, you are much better off investing in RAMP it has the best investors in the DEFI space including Blackrock & BNP Paribas and it has a microcap of 1 million also look at DEV for an easy x5.

>> No.23479354

I can cope, but CHAD? LOOK AT HIM FFS! his ass is turned right around? does anybody else see the problem? he literally sees himself shit?

>> No.23479388


>> No.23479861

Dev sucks.

>> No.23480322

project looks decent, but need more info on Chads appendages. Torso too.

>> No.23480783

Getting 80 OM per day right now. I’m comfy bros

>> No.23480831

BoringDAO > MantraDAO. Polka is overpriced.