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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23474304 No.23474304 [Reply] [Original]

i just want to make fucking money in my sleep man. stocks are absolute fucking garbage. starting an online business sounds impossible. passive income is literally impossible without having some ultra boring skill and then spending millions in the first place.

everything is too god damn hard. i can only feel comfortable if i make money in my sleep. i have chronic fatigue and its like being in late stage cancer or aids and i need to sleep 12 hours a day plus take naps and the only way i can get restful sleep is ifi make money

>> No.23474449

ngmi with that attitude

>> No.23474485

the expectation of attaining success being anything other than a process of fire and shit is not the attitude to start with. you probably have another 60-70 years left of life. are you content with being a poor lazy fuck? go make it happen

>> No.23474500
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How you approach making a shitload of money as fast as possible will depend on your stats, anon. You need to post approx. age, net worth, skills/education.

>> No.23474513

can you draw? make some degenerate comissions

>> No.23474520

None of those things are as you described, literally just dyor and apply yourself.

>> No.23474533

>Buy chainlink
>Wait for staking and 100x gains
>Live off passive income.

>> No.23474549

anyone remember that passive income genreral we used to have? I miss the old days.

>> No.23474658

/biz/ got greedy chasing waterfalls in 80000% apy foodcoin scams and lost its way. Although we're in a bearish board cycle right now, things always fluctuate. I think /biz/ will rebound hard starting in Q2 2021

>> No.23474691

look what I found ;)

It's Back!
Do you have your own business?
How to make money online and from home?
Side hussles?

Little to no Investment($100-$1k)
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing of any kind
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Affiliate Marketing
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook(comprehensive guide:https://kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/))
>product arbitrage
>Vidya development

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buybot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

christ, some of those ideas were either retarded or genius.

>> No.23474801

Too bad! Fix yourself or you lose, you get nothing! Good day, sir!

>> No.23474860

>drop shipping $100





im guessing the rest is bull shit too

>> No.23475309

Here OP let’s start at the basics


Your need for such excessive sleep is probably due to nutritional deficiencies. Fix that, and if the issue persists then maybe it’s due to medication. If it isn’t then how about your environment? Do you work construction? Either way I’m thinking it’s the diet

A proper diet won’t make you rich, but can drastically improve mood which would certainly benefit you

Next is to pick something and START. Preferably something useful, remember don’t focus on getting money(I.e worthless slips of paper) but on getting value. What’s important is that you start, since it takes around 10,000 hours to become a master. Every day wasted is one you won’t get back.

What should you start? Look around your city/town and use basic supply and demand plus your own interests to decide. Sounds to me like you went to public school and this ended up learning nothing useful.

Next remember that desire is the basis of all suffering. Cut out useless noise you do not need right now(it’s not helping your situation is it?), and focus on what you do need(food and shelter)

This could cause you to have to work less hours, ofc I understand you want a beautiful gf and a Tesla, but you must wait. You need to wageslave less. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO SKILLS.
Unless of course you wish to become a high up wherever you work, then go ahead and give them more of your time I guess. But that doesn’t sound like you.

Okay? Fix your DIET and pick up a BOOK and work LESS hours. Reinvest that time into yourself. In 1-2 years you could very well be closer to “making it” so to speak. Also stop smoking weed and masturbating

>> No.23475338

Provide liquidity on qnt/eth pair.

>> No.23475354

vidja development is not an investment, the roi is terrible and I don't get it since everyone and their grandma plays videogames.

>> No.23475378
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>not a single person here has actually addressed OP's points and instead just posts unsolicited self improvement bullshit.

>> No.23475509

OP needs a major mindset change, everything will be “too hard” for him

>> No.23475559

uniswap staking

>> No.23475696

How come "mindset" didn't work for you?

>> No.23475781

You should be checking out prediction markets most notably staking liquidity into them.

I'd start with PlotX.

>> No.23475825

are u that retard faggot from the other day asking everyone 'oh and why are posting here?'.

>> No.23475846

50% of games released on steam make less than $500
this shit is all a meme, you want to make money you need capital, simple as

>> No.23475867

I don’t have chronic fatigue and as a tailor I make excellent money running my own business. You have to have some sort of mental issue to write what the OP wrote. He said it himself, everything is too hard but he wants to make money in his sleep?