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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 291 KB, 800x534, ethereum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2347072 No.2347072 [Reply] [Original]

Let's not focus on other altcoins until Ethereum is $10k a coin.

When will Ethereum go up to $300+?

When will the metropolis hard fork be implemented? End of June.

Discuss all things Ethereum. No altcoin shills please.

>> No.2347165

>let's give vitalik more money


>> No.2347192

that screenshot is just normal js with the linebreaks removed

>> No.2347205


It's downhill from here, I'm afraid. Vitalik killed the coin the instant he met with Putin. Given the Russia hysteria in the US right now, there's no way it doesn't get controlled or banned as an instrument of Russian infiltration and money laundering.

>> No.2347428

metropolis release?

nigger, fucking raiden isn't even released yet, and that shit was due 14th april

metropolis is late 2017

>> No.2347883
File: 104 KB, 800x600, Piccard-Ethereum-Fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth roadmap is such horseshit

They want to put in zksnarks for privacy which always means trusted set-ups:

> Its only a problem in so far as the trusted setup phase would still need to be done for any mixing contract to be deployed. And if the setup phase is compromised (i.e. all the participants involved collude to retain the initial random seed; even a single honest participant can prevent that), then they could steal ether from the mixing contract (they could create fake proofs of deposits, and then withdraw ether that isn't theirs).

>The first thing is the party/parties who generate the "common reference string" (i.e. initial secret key) in the "trusted setup phase" of a SNARK. This trusted setup phase is the major caveat, the achilles heel that is a requirement for all SNARKs.

>There is no mechanism by which a non-participant can establish trust in the setup.

And it's not even that good of privacy

>Unless you have privacy/anonymity enforced (and thus mandatory) on the protocol level, you will only slightly improve privacy (the blockchain remains non-fungible) because one can still differentiate between certain coins.

>> No.2347924

>bitcoin is only for silk road

sure didn't lower the price when alpahbay took eth

>> No.2348133
File: 38 KB, 300x301, zsnarks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck is this children bullshit?

>> No.2348438

How do I schedule a transaction to take place at a specific block number? Using either Parity or MEW.

>> No.2348469

I want to buy into eth if there's a dip...is there a possibility for a dip on aug 1?

>> No.2348495

there's no reason to not buy now. eth is never going below $240 again

>> No.2348530


Nah it's going up to $275-$300 tonight or sometime on FRI/SAT/SUN. I would get in now but I understand your reluctance.

>> No.2348581

When is the Chinese conference?

>> No.2348687

>eth is never going below $240 again

Did your crystal ball tell you this?
Have you bought on leverage?

>> No.2348794

Hmmm I've got some but Im thinking of throwing another $5k in....just worried it'll dip.

>> No.2348868

How to buy on leverage? I'm on gdax

>> No.2349213


i don't think it will dip again until it reaches $275-$300, and it wouldn't dip below $260 from that point on

you could always buy a bitcoin and put the rest in eth

or buy some altcoins

>> No.2349301

nah bitcoin is fucked on aug 1. What do you think Eth will be at the end of the year?

>> No.2349422
File: 22 KB, 275x197, Screenshot 2017-06-08 at 4.17.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone name another coin that is faster and/or better than ethereum?

>> No.2349429


I don't know. On the r/bitcoin forum many are saying they will move to LTC/litecoin if BTC doesn't figure it's shit out, other say they will move to ETH/Ethereum, and a lot say they will just dump and cash out. So It's hard to say..

>> No.2349450


>> No.2349470

/r/bitcoin is pure cancer, even for reddit.

mods censor anything that doesnt fit their agenda. the only people who remain there are completely deluded/have been duped.

/r/btc way better

>> No.2349714


For the uninitiated among us, what happens on aug 1? And what do you think will happen with ETH at the end of the year? (Is it even worth investing into at this point?)

>> No.2349871

When might eth surpass btc realistically speaking?

>> No.2350044



>> No.2350099

bump for answers, bought my first eth the other day and I want to hodl all my money there, whats going on, should I spend >all the money?

>> No.2350122


he helped putin hack the election

>> No.2350169
File: 93 KB, 624x720, 303745_363252827087319_1983747018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first time on 4chan and even I know you're a shitcoin shill

>> No.2350184

Also, what sort of online wallet are people using? People on /biz/ provide some long-ass code whenever they beg for money

>> No.2350211

vitalik is putin's second cock holster right after trump. I advise everyone to immediately dump ETH and go all in on BTC, LTC, and ETC.

>> No.2350221

hurr I'm a durr

>> No.2350224


>> No.2350230
File: 126 KB, 500x393, a-ntimes-saturday-november-8-local-man-gets-dubs-check-1594551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh you guys

>> No.2350239

Trump is going to get impeached. Sell ETH now.

>> No.2350256
File: 29 KB, 302x290, 1494226485219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aha you're not getting my eth, faggot

>> No.2350257
File: 93 KB, 500x720, 11755763_10207287086716095_8458331688983057683_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2350261

by whom nigger

>> No.2350271

You know you want to sell me your bags. 1 800 come on now

>> No.2350276

its their coinbase password

>> No.2350281

Bump of ultimate destiny

even comes with a song

you can only play it if you answer tho

>> No.2350286


Not trolling, this is my first time seeing it. What is it?

>> No.2350288

mfw ppl cant tell my sarcasm. mfw I have no face

>> No.2350304

its a wallet address my nigga. Try using myetherwallet

>> No.2350309

>What do you think Eth will be at the end of the year?

absolute minimim is $300. probably $500. if shit goes berserk then we could see +$1000 ETH by JAN 2018 but that will require both raiden and metropolis to come online soon and not suck, long shot

but AUG 1 guarantees ETH will cannibalize at least some of BTC marketcap

>> No.2350340

/biz/, everyone

>> No.2350346


>> No.2350350
File: 99 KB, 241x257, 1235384279658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah what the fuck is this august 1 shit nigger

>: (

>> No.2350376

its when vitalik and putin makes sweet sweet love on national television

>> No.2350431
File: 15 KB, 319x216, 11222705_10205824817234391_6862375441409277138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>: (

>> No.2350437

you know what google is you fucking nigger? do your research you lazy piece of normie shit

>> No.2350452

now now... who is going to panic sell me their eth bags except lazy fuck normies?

>> No.2350470

Your mum

>> No.2350521


some UASF for bitcoin that many don't want happens, many want a hard fork, bitcoin is very divided

>> No.2350533

http://www.uasf.co/ - August 1st

>> No.2350544

Sounds like free money for us then

you know actually its possible big movers are causing this to sell hard, its not normal for the media to actually talk about bitcoin and its spiking like a motherfucker right now

>> No.2350642


Time to inform our elected officials that ETH is a tool of Russian influence and infiltration and all ETH transactions should be banned to comply with US sanctions on Russia.

>> No.2350680
File: 236 KB, 808x805, 1494886572171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you fucken dare

>> No.2350733
File: 398 KB, 1280x1556, 1453353349102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
