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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23469117 No.23469117 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of making money when they're saying we have to have mandatory masks and social distancing "until at least 2022"? What happened to two weeks to Flatten The Curve?

I want to just lay down and die.

>> No.23469153

The virus is nonsense. Just don't listen and find people with similar mindsets.

>> No.23469155

if "social distancing" genuinely a problem for you then you don't belong here
ffs 2017 was a mistake. we unironically need crypto to crash another 90% from here to weed out all the normalfags

>> No.23469186

Are you this upset by people who have more than 0 social interactions?

>> No.23469224
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Guess what faggot. You gave away your rights to murderous canaanites who call themselves jews. What did you expect? Never let a good crisis go to waste ;). We'll be opening the economy again after you have been sterli.. I mean vaccinated.

>> No.23469242

Demoralisation threads are gay

>> No.23469282

You travel to one of the sane places that isn't doing that shit

>> No.23469305

Not a demoralization thread, just a demoralized OP

>> No.23469543
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love seeing all the normalfags want to blow their brains out for not being able to make instagram travel pics anymore

>> No.23469613


I still don't fucking understand people that drive with masks on. Like, holy-fuck.
Its so unfathomable to me that people would actually drive in their own cars with gloves and masks on that I just assume they're ever acting it out, or being paid to do it.

>> No.23469660

One of my coworkers cycles to work with his mask on. He doesn't take it off until he gets to his desk.

>> No.23469676

I've literally never seen anyone doing that. The average person has an incredibly low iq, so I'd believe it. Does retards doing retarded things always upset you? You've gotten learn to let the water flow under the bridge.

>> No.23469687

>I literally want to die because I have to wear a stupid mask and they might shut down disney world again

lmao the absolute state of OP

>> No.23469710

this anon is actually right. this is a board by autists for autists. the only downside to this pandemic has been normalfags calling me constantly which socially exhausts me. some of us just want to be left alone to trade our shitcoins.

>> No.23469801

>"You are not allowed in our club normie"

>> No.23469839


What are you crying about faggot make money and time flies. before you know it you will be dancing with your cash.

>> No.23469906

>two weeks to Flatten The Curve
you failed to flatten the curve, that's what happened. now you have to wear the mask, to not let it get even worse. soon you will have a lock down because you didn't wear the mask and it got worse.

>> No.23469922

>dont forget to sign in when you visit places of mass gatherings to help track the virus spread
>paper cash is dangerous carrier of virus, let's switch to digital
>here's your chip implant with your digital wallet and gps tracker for your convenience, goy
>you also have to take this vaccine, otherwise you will not be employable for the possible threat to other's safety

>> No.23470021

But it's just a silly mask goy

>> No.23470061

What didint you understand when they phrased it "new normal"? That they wouldnt end this shit in one year? That its not about the virus?

>> No.23470063

love seeing normalfags in fear
also why would anyone ever need to insert this elaborate sci fi nanomicrochip in your body when you already willingly give all the information they need through your smartphone yourself?
your thoughts, needs, conversations, location, health, finance, everything.

>> No.23470287

Imagine thinking once you make it, you'll live in an urban area around these faggots and not buy a country estate.

>> No.23470349


Sending sick people into nursing homes was fine though.

>> No.23470433

It would have been two weeks if you fucking wore a mask, but you didn't. You went to parties, the beach, saw friends, saw family, and now my grandparents are dead.

>> No.23470457

Buying my own food means I don't belong here?

>> No.23470498

>he doesn't grow/hunt his own food
lmao walmart subhuman

>> No.23470558


>> No.23470577
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>> No.23470607

I shop from Whole Foods

>> No.23470628

I wear my mask in the car too, but because I keep my mask at home and put it on before I walk out the door, and don't take it off until I come back. I also keep it into a plastic baggie which I swap every week while I clean my mask.

>> No.23470672

>anon btfo

>> No.23470748

das rite

>> No.23470788

>imagine not wanting to watch blood pulsing through someone's veins in real time

They clearly don't have enough.

>> No.23470877

it sucks bobo but i got a tesla to make all the poorfags in the public transit salty because they have to wear masks.

>> No.23470915

Normies BTFO. Get the fuck out of this board.

>> No.23470922

If you have money why the fuck would you want to go out? Just stay home and play vidya bills are paid and games are cheap like bruh home gym master race

>> No.23470956

have sex
have sex
have sex
have sex

>> No.23471004

I always drive with my mask on just to make magafags seethe.

>> No.23471008

The whole point of it is to break the economic system to the point where a speculation attack can be executed into regional currencies. There will still be local currencies but these will be run on MMT and will be under relentless inflationary pressure.

Just enjoy the theater and try to figure out how to transmit your net worth into whatever the ark ends up being.

>> No.23471045

>I still don't fucking understand people that drive with masks on.

Do you never have to visit more than one place while you're out? If you're going to multiple stores while out, it's just easier leave the thing on so you don't forget when you walk up to the store. Not everyone is a drama queen who cares about wearing a paper mask for a 10 minute drive.

>> No.23471154

Shut the fuck up you fucking incel. Go outside.

>> No.23471192
File: 35 KB, 470x336, 58E6432B-BA05-4C4F-AC16-5BFCA8724058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this an insult, a suggestion, or what? Sex isn’t even that good. Love makes sex worth it. You ever cum in a sock? A vagina is the same just warm and moist. The eroticism of a woman moaning and heaving and you slowly pound her coochie is only achieved though passion and love for one another. Or tell me do your thots like to spoon or clean up your dick without question? Do you kiss prostitutes without worry? Sex is only good if there’s passion

>> No.23471259
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>> No.23471293

Since 2003, yes

>> No.23471296

Why not spend quality time with your wife? Oh right, you don't have one kek

>> No.23471316

Why though? Are you afraid for virus particles in your own car? I am genuinely curious