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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2346697 No.2346697 [Reply] [Original]

who else fell for the zencash meme?

i bought early low, but I'm still in the negative and it's only getting worse

t. 20% of my portfolio is zencash

>> No.2346702

cut your losses

>> No.2346719

Zencash devs are known scammers we warned you

>> No.2346723

I bought some and this recent dump is depressing but I'm not selling.

>> No.2346742

not selling. see you in 6 months

>> No.2346743


Man it's hard to watch.

>> No.2346748
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just end me

>> No.2346761

>that race to the bottom
Wow, just wow
Might actually buy some when it gets to 100 sats. People are in panic mode.

>> No.2346765

don't fucking do this

>> No.2346776
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this is going to be one heavy bag

>> No.2346778
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bro If there's one thing I've learned it's hold, I lost 400 dollars on safe exchange coin, but if I would've held I would of made my money back 4x
just sit back and wait it'll go up I'm sure of it

>> No.2346790

now that's a delicious dip

>> No.2346793

If you want to make your losses back I think rubycoin is being pumped right now guys

>> No.2346794
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>> No.2346796

I think I will buy some when ZEN hits 50k sat..

at leat you guys are not as fucked as the posw-bagholders

>> No.2346800

kek zencash noobs beat the fuck out.

>> No.2346806

What happened to the posw anons?

>> No.2346809
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>> No.2346819

I still want to buy more. Kill me.

>> No.2346867
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>0.00239989 BTC
>105.21193676 ZEN

>> No.2346884
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dropped from 20k to 1.8k.. lots of people bought high.

>> No.2346886

i've got 30% of my value tied up in this coin. Do you think I should holdd for a week or just cut my losses now.

>> No.2346901
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>> No.2346914

Ruby is the next pumpcoin
Don't worry it's not started yet
There was a rat thread about it

>> No.2346945

-40 % since i bought like 2 days ago lol jesus

some shitcoins just dont work out, but im gonna let it sit there and see what happens anyways

>> No.2346946

You might wanna try stopping your losses by selling now, then putting that money into RBY. Charts looks good, might rise even further in a few hours.

>> No.2346968


> tfw I bought 5 ZEN and sold the first 3 for only about a 5% loss

I'll keep my two zen just to keep tabs on how it's doing, if the tech actually works then I expect it to rebound later.

>> No.2346969
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>0.0025 again
This is brutal.

>> No.2346994

I somehow managed to time both of my buys too be at the 2 highest prices it's been at. Lost 60%, more than $2k.

>> No.2347020

I'm down ~40%, fucking blows. Is there really no hope for a decent bounce?

>> No.2347034
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>> No.2347039

sorry anon. I'm down 1k atleast.
may as well hold because I sure as fuck ain't selling anytime this week

>> No.2347040
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Hit the dumbbells

>> No.2347055

The ZCL zealots are trying to sink it

They might succeed at this point

>> No.2347068
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>they actually held

>> No.2347127
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thanks ZEN

>> No.2347152

bittrex wallet now down.

>> No.2347153


>> No.2347158


>> No.2347163
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for every MOON MISSION there are 1000 craters, expensive lesson, don't buy shitcoins

>> No.2347176


but yeah may as well now

>> No.2347210

Still can't believe I went all in on POSW with 2/3rds of my ETH. What the FUCK was I thinking.

Almost killed myself when it went straight to $.03 from $.24 but then it went back to $.10 and I managed to get out with only minor losses. But still.

>> No.2347228

what the fuck


is this coin over

>> No.2347275

don't know. but starting to understand what it's like to become a walking meme

>> No.2347281

I have 400 zen.
Got it for free with the fork of zcl.
But now zcl is down to 25% of the value before the fork.
Zen is keeping me in profit for those 2 coins. If zen goes down even more, I will be in loss again.
This coin was supposed to be $50 at least.
I will hodl, nothing to lose for me in zen and nothing to gain by selling zcl with 75% loss, I may hold it as well...

>> No.2347312


Look at the price of ZCL at the same time ZEN crashed

Also, the Zen pools were getting DDoS'ed yesterday.

What I think happened is that the ZCL/ZEN owners that held both blockchains are trying to crash ZEN to drive up the price of ZCL after they sold ZEN

They are trying to double-dip

>> No.2347346

damn... wanted to buy some ZCL after taking a dump.. and now it's up ~ 45%

>> No.2347556


see >>2347502

You mother fuckers.

>> No.2348342
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What an absolute mess.

>> No.2348485
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Just lost $700 on this shitcoin because they decided to add a fucking surveillance guy to the advisor board and lead developer quit


>> No.2348556

I don't even know how to take this news. How can the lead be that much of a pussy? How did negotiation within the company go so poorly? Like, did he even tell them that if they added surveillance anon that he would quit? If so why would they purposely damage their company?
Nothing ads up. Don't know if i'm holding coz i believe this'll soon fix itself, or because i'm now dead inside.

>> No.2348594

yes, prolly will buy in 6 months. see ya poorfag

>> No.2348623

Agreed. It makes sense for anti-surveillance ventures to hire someone from inside the surveillance world to give them tips.

>> No.2348636

The whole thing is just a shit show. Wasn't about to go down with the ship. It might bounce back but I doubt it. Ain't nobody who values privacy that's gonna wanna use a privacy coin with some corporate surveillance guy on the team. Just had to swallow this loss and accept that you can't win them all. 40% loss isn't the end of the world, still stings though...

>> No.2348660

Buying opportunities

>> No.2348706
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N-no /biz/ promised me this was the chosen one I was told that every Chinaman would jump on this.

>> No.2348712
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he made a fortune dumping that shit all over bittrex and left just like that

that guy is literally the devil

>> No.2348851
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Yeah, this is my first ICO type deal and I was pretty shocked to see the selling pressure in the first few days. Its the prisoners dilemma, right? Whoever sells takes the profits drives the price down for everyone else so its a race to the bottom. And then the fuck ups.

According to the threads there is more than just the programmer leaving. There are technical issues apparently, obviously the launch did not go as planned yet the website shows their douchey marketing team at the convention celebrating a launch.

The programmer leaving and posters here saying just get a new dev should get their head out of their asses. No programmer, no development, no coins, the miners will abandon and my recommendation is cut your losses now.

>> No.2348884


>> No.2348934

I didn't wanna mention that stuff to hopefully give people here a chance to wait for it to bounce back and hopefully salvage something from the wreckage but yeah... Fuck this project man. It could have been so good too, the white paper was amazing.

>> No.2348947

>bought in on 15
>sold for 18
>bought on 13
>sold on 19

was a pretty gud run for me

>> No.2348979
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How do I know your whale group isn't just gonna coordinate another flip flop back to Zen?

>> No.2348997


I think it will bounce but these are dead cat bounces it looks like, but my trading sense is shit so take that under consideration

>> No.2350465

Isn't that the function of shitcoins though?
Quikbux with high risk of fucking up if you miss the dump.

>> No.2350578
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>mfw people who "bought the dip" and actually got screwed by the bagholders