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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23464009 No.23464009 [Reply] [Original]

Question time

Bitcoin has recently had new developments on its coding language going from miniscript to minsc which supposedly will make it easier to code smart contracts and other things into. What effect will this have on ETH? I am thinking that ETH has the first mover advantage but at the end of the day, if BTC wins the digital gold / reserve asset market, it will win in smart contracts because people will want to earn BTC on smart contracts, not something that has been pre-mined.

Please poke holes in this reasoning, trying to understand more

>> No.23464032

Drown in the Ganges.

>> No.23464030

You can't run for loops using the BTC scripting language.

>> No.23464075
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>> No.23464141

You need to research Quant if you are to answer this question.

Quant’s treaty contracts allow smart contracts to run across multiple DLTs and on DLTs with no native smart contract capability.

For example, Quant will make it trivial to write a smart contract that allows a product to be purchased with Bitcoin, insured via Ethereum, delivery traced via Polkadot and payment sent over a traditional payment rail eg Swift.

>> No.23464530

Where'd u get that from? I got the email of the event on the 29th but haven't seen any other info

>> No.23464591

What event??

>> No.23464642

I see, a subtle PNK thread. I like it anon

>> No.23464655

The big event

>> No.23464758

Btc is slow as fuck and expensive. It's smart contract capabilities are still nowhere near as good as what is capable on Eth.

>> No.23465004

Quant treaty smart contracts will fix Bitcoin’s fee and performance issues.

>> No.23465334

DocuSign and Clause Smart Agreements

>> No.23465656

Please explain to someone with kids and no time to keep up with the news, did something happen with Microsoft?

>> No.23465762

>DocuSign and Clause Smart Agreements

>> No.23465809

Yes, and what about Oracle?
Why is possible to Quant to integrate into Oracle’s core systems over a year ago yet Chainlink can’t?!

>> No.23466059

btc is a scam

>> No.23466135

If anyone thinks there's going to be a monopoly on smart contracts or Oracle networks, you're delusional. There will be lots of players in this space, and there's definitely room for more than one (just look at literally any other industry)

Also this

>> No.23466173
File: 8 KB, 270x187, what is this ''quant'' you are talking about.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds interesting. Do they have any adoption? What about the tokenomics? I have some credit cards just waiting to be maxxed out and need a winner. Shill me, Anon. Shill me this "Quant".

>> No.23466174

>clause.io is powered by Chainlink
Lmao hell yeah

>> No.23466229

>If anyone thinks there's going to be a monopoly on smart contracts or Oracle networks, you're delusional.
My man it sounds to me like you don't understand the difference between a service like Oracle and a technology like Chainlink

>> No.23466267

Enron bullshit, why don't you design and develop an actual product, fucking faggots

>> No.23466308

Chainlink is like a widget to Quant’s Overledger operating system? Is that what you mean?
Because it is a day’s development to build a multi-chain oracle with Quant.

>> No.23466410

Chainlink is the 1s and 0s that allows Quant to function.

>> No.23466413

I do, and think chainlink will be around for a long, long time. I'm super bullish on it longterm. But I'm also not deluded enough to think that Sergey is the only one who can do it and that no one else who's competent is going to try to improve on the concept.

Remember when people thought that nothing would ever replace myspace? Or yahoo? Or ebay? Or that IBM would dominate the computer industry forever?

>> No.23466550

Your analogy would work if not for the fact Quant is facebook while Chainlink is the world wide web.

>> No.23466593

Like how Toilet came along to replace Street but everyone just kept shitting on the Street? I too live in Mumbai and can relate to this historical scenario that occurred.

>> No.23466651


quant is literally a start-up funded by chainlink you fucking fool

>> No.23466661

I mean, I'd be worth like 8 figures if this is true, so obviously I want it to happen, but I just don't know. I actually think competition would be good for Link. Competition promotes growth and really separates the men from the boys. What would apple be without microsoft (well, they'd be bankrupt, Gates knew the value of competition and bailed them out)? Coke without pepsi? Etc


>> No.23466687


>I do, and think chainlink will be around for a long, long time. I'm super bullish on it longterm.

lmao at this tactic

*yawn*... wow I'm really sleepy guys, anyone else sleepy? oh i'm so sleepy, can't stop thinking about yawning

>> No.23466704

This. I can't imagine how expensive and slow certain btc smart contracts would be during network congestion. Like I wouldn't be surprised if some of them reached upwards of $500. Taking out a loan on aave during eth congestion was like $50 for me.
BTC will get flipped eventually, but probably not for a few years

>> No.23466744

That’s funny because in the up coming RealVision interview, the interviewer believes that Facebook is to Bitcoin as Quant is to the Internet.
I guess we’ll see how this plays out.
One thing I’ve noticed, though, is Linkfags who believe Quant needs Chainlink, actually don’t understand Quant very well.

>> No.23466762

Not heard that one before, kek.

>> No.23466813

So we can't even discuss projects anymore without either fudding them into oblivion or acting like a fanboy spaz? It doesn't have to be so black and white.

You can like something and still think there's going to be competition in the future rather than just being a deluded permabull

>> No.23466865

Yes, /biz acting all on-off, shill-fud doesn’t benefit anyone on this board.

>> No.23466869


it literally is you dumb fuck, google is at your finger tips

>this is unironically the kind of people anons take financial advice from

>> No.23466882


>> No.23466885

Why are you spreading fud? This was an intelligent thread until you showed up.

>> No.23466903


okay now I see you're just baiting into being spoonfed. not feeding. please continue your intelligent thread

>> No.23466990

Thanks. Maybe you can do some more research, because your understanding of the old Quant/Chainlink relationship is out dated.

>> No.23467087

THE event

>> No.23467613
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BTC = Bow To China
