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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23462949 No.23462949 [Reply] [Original]

A slovenian thread. All slovenes gather around! Kaj kej holdamo?

>> No.23463014

smo gejevski narod in si ližemo nemške čevlje

>> No.23463045

Joooo kva je zj

>> No.23463084
File: 23 KB, 597x144, JaJa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/tard tuki

>> No.23463235

Jebiga. za halpce rojeni in vzgojeni.
Jst tut! Ziher si woke.

Fantje post your portfolios

>> No.23463287
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Koper je hrvatska
link 1k eoy

>> No.23463336

Vem kaj holda tvoja mama trenutno

>> No.23463723

>posting in a cringe thread
At least he learned some English lately.

>> No.23463765

how did slovenians turn out so civilized compared to croatian and serbian animals?

>> No.23463885

Austrian ordnung und disziplin.

Also apparently we have more genetic similarities with northern than southern slav.

Lahko lepo tudi spizdiš nazaj na /pol/

>> No.23463914


>> No.23463958

hello fellow gypos

>> No.23463988

what are we stealing today?

>> No.23464042
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>we have more genetic similarities with northern than southern slavs.
You're correct

>> No.23464085

Kaj je že keri cashoutal pa mel probleme z davkom?

>> No.23464101

Hello gentlemen,

There is a Slovenian project called Origintrail (TRAC)

Have you heard of it?

>> No.23464288

I think my ancestors are from Slovenia and Italy

>> No.23464505

Venetian clay btw

>> No.23464549

Huge fan of OriginTrail.

>> No.23464801

jebem ja vam mater kuraci

>> No.23464844

Lol get fucked balkan boy

>> No.23464843
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ok retard drawing some mountain on the Russian flag doesn't make you a new country


>> No.23464855

My slavic brothers round the table, ko vas jebeeeee

>> No.23464898 [DELETED] 

Btw holdam eth in dot

>> No.23465033

Btw I hold eth and stack dot and I piss on croat

>> No.23465297

vsi ste pedri.

>> No.23465333

It does actually

>> No.23466110

Ne še, ampak menda sprejemajo neke nove zakone kjer bodo kripto gains obdavčeni 25%. Kok mamo slovenci skupej linka? 30k chad here.

>> No.23466156

Sej to, vsakič ko se kdo kej pizdi kok nam gre slabo, se mormo spomnt pa pogledat hrvate. Pol jih je opic.

>> No.23466702

Posting from Maribor

>> No.23466757

jel tamo ne plaćate porez na kripto ?

možda postanem janez

>> No.23466776

vsak slovenski thread na 4chanu je zmer isti z istim folkom iz okolice Lj, k se trud na vse svoje moči govort po 'ljubljansko' v angleškem slengu. uglavnm cringe.
fucking sage

>> No.23466829

no no..

>> No.23466906

Kdo te je ranil?

>> No.23467137

temeljno in rdečetabletno

>> No.23467191

bitcoin, monero, litecoin, eterij
pa še enpar šitkojnov, ki bi bilo boljš, da jih ne bi kupoval

>> No.23467211

to so luzerji iz mn3njalnika baje, wannaby edgy pa take fore...

>> No.23467219
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haha, jezen hrvat
kako kej turizem, kolega?

>> No.23467371

A ga kupujes se vedno? Al je prepozn?

>> No.23467400

kje si to bral? wtf, nej grejo gladko v pizdo?

>> No.23467415

You people aren't white.

>> No.23467611

bo padlo na ustavnem
uff ne predstavljam si vlagat 5k+ v nek meme, maš pa jajca (in krompir)

>> No.23468047

trenutno je 27,5 % budalo

>> No.23468132
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trenutno ni obdavčeno, če ne aktivno trguješ (manj kot 100 menjav na leto)

>> No.23468173

mas ti kurca 30k

>> No.23468184

>manj kot 100 menjav na leto
kva pol delaš kle legenda

>> No.23468236

10k linklet reporting in. A mi bo ratal?

>> No.23468866

A 100 menjav na leto je? Maš link?

>> No.23468920

Ni sam odvisno od menjav. Dost je odvisno od "lastne interpretacije" tistega avstrolopitka na davčni ki dobi tvoj primer.

>> No.23468967

Kaj pa menjave na uniswapu?? Its defi. Kje bom dobil od uniswapa csv file. Ubistvu me zanima če lahko na uniswapu trejdaš brez posledic davčne.

>> No.23469143

Fantje, mislim da sn ga faso

>> No.23469158

A tiča?

>> No.23469170


>> No.23469201

Prek sperme?

>> No.23469261

Kaj pa staking rewards? Pa Airdropi?

>> No.23469565
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Laughs in demokratični socializem

>> No.23469572

fantje, da li je koroška based za zivljenje?

>> No.23469604

Ne, hrvatov nočmo v sloveniji. Ziher se ne boš v naslednih 50ih letih po tem k se boš preselu sm tut mal potrudu da bi po naše šprehu. Kr dol ostan. Precej prepričan sm da slovenci ful diskriminirajo vse južnake. (Vsaj po seb kukr vidm)

>> No.23469669

Ostan doma. Slovenci mamo pregovor, ki pravi:

Doma je najlepše.

>> No.23469747

Fuck off back to yugoslavija Janez Novack

>> No.23469873

Jest sem kupu 1k€ bitkojna ke so zadnč v oštarij neki od tega govorl, pol sem pa djau - 'om pa še jest!

>> No.23469939

Sell signal.

>> No.23469973

Kakšn signal nj prodam? Kuga ti ni jasn

>> No.23470099

prek tvojga kurca v pizd ejga kua pa pravš
s jebu ježa paz ga urajmou

>> No.23470227

kva je nedojebanci še kr gverate
sami janševi pudlčki posrani mamini sineti
že cankar je vedu de smo nigri in taki bomo tut ostal

>> No.23470271

ejga a tis tut gurenc, se vid da smo najbl na dnar usekan
dumžale kle

>> No.23470341

aja tis eden od unih debilou k misl da je vsak z juga že kr genau busanc
en ste tok zabit da še šiptarja pa nigra ne ločte

>> No.23470370

Šiptar, niger, čefur... Use isto sranje. Sam za pred pušo

>> No.23470476

Lmao všeč mi je kak nihče noče povedat kaj holdajo, bravo dečki in trapi

>> No.23470535


>> No.23470538

Can one of you please confirm that there is no capital gains tax on crypto there? I might move from UK to cash out.

>> No.23470567

There is a lot of tax.

>> No.23470690
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Slovenian BVLL here. yes, i do hold chainLINK. good luck to all

>> No.23470696

Jaz sem bolj novi na crypto sceni, kje se lahko pozanimam glede davkov na dobiček in ostalih scalp taktik naše preljube države? Also uživajte v lockdownu

>> No.23470728

ce ze dolgo browsas /biz/ se nerabis sekirat z dobickom

>> No.23470825

pa tak no, browsam na čase samo nisem pa skos aktiven na crypto sceni. V nemčji vem, da če imaš crypto valute več kot leto se nena obdavčijo (mislim da vsaj)

>> No.23470836

Everywhere I read says there's none

>> No.23470951

this thread is full of shills, basically unfucked mamycels and others

>> No.23470973

tis mi tut bl črn na pru pugled

>> No.23471106

There's not a lot of resource online for learning about crypto taxes in Slovenia. I just don't want to give all of my LINKs to the Jewish taxman. Most people go to Portugal to cash out. But I have connections to Friuli so I'd prefer to be close.

>> No.23471149

harmonka... on the blockchain.

>> No.23471216

okey, just don't speak itelian here, some people don't like it
also don't speak croetian or albenian and meybi also hungeryian because you will get a kick in the ass
we also don't like american guys

>> No.23471270

Puchi me kurats

>> No.23471320

kva je kulega as pjn
zdele te bo krek u kremple dobu sam pazi se boš kuj 4k dol pisu se kr poslov od geinov za letos

>> No.23471488

Slofags, have you ever considered putting južnaki on a blockchain?

>> No.23471528

toj najvecji cringe k se dogaja v slo (levaki).

also btc eth link rlc knc

>> No.23471721

I only speak English. I'm English

Do you also hate English people there?

>> No.23472362

Not really, at least in Maribor we don't.

>> No.23472546
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>> No.23472805

laibach so meli nek smisel v 80-ih, danes ga pač nimajo
njihova muzika pa nikoli ni bla glih ne vem kej

>> No.23473105

Yeah, Laibach is sort of a relic of its time and are less interesting nowadays. The kids aren't interested in it despite the alleged 80s retromania and also won't get it anyway.

>> No.23473709
File: 56 KB, 399x350, comfy_in_bed_iexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iExec RLC, a sploh kdo rab karkol druga ko pa decentralized cloud + (druge pičkarije k dela).

>> No.23473801

Jst sm 99,9% v linku.

>> No.23473864

Those parties in Ljubljana and the old prison area still going on every weekend?

>> No.23473935
File: 614 KB, 749x749, boomer_drinking_oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kak davk tip... sej gre tut brez. pa zdele ni davka na trading, sam mining. pa še to nevem kdo ga bo plaču. predstavli si de tvoj sin z 1 grafično majna na svoje gaming kompi. pač, kako bi nej država vedla de on nima prjavlene dejavnosti...

Never trust slovene blockchain projects, they are all failures, my friend worked at one (InsurePal)... We talked about it and we probably laughed for 2-3 hours STRAIGHT like retards while talking about what kind of pajeet shit is going on. Fuck that shit was hilarious, he left and is now working on Bitstamp

Ja, sam ga REALNO ni treba plačat. + lahka dobiš MCO kartico in kaj ta kartica dela? Ti maš to kartico + btc, eth, xrp, whatever in pol lahka z njo normalno brez provizije plačuješ ko pa de bi meu kartico od NLB al pa nove gorenske. Basicly pretvor v tistem trenutku ko kupiš neki tvoj crypto v denar in ni vezana na tvoj ime... Poleg tega maš pa https://www.travala.com/ zato de potuješ po sveti. REALNO NE RABŠ KEŠAT OUT

Ja lol. Mislem, kdo ti bo karkol reku ? Sej sploh nevejo de to delaš. A piše tm na uniswapi tvoj ime in priimek in davčna? Poleg tega maš privacy coine, in sam nardiš iz walleta na wallet private transakcijo. Nism ziher monero/zcash ma nek "pool" v katerega lahka kdorkol da in nardi iz tm private tx. v tem smisli de se vse skupi zmeša in pol nardiš iz tm private tx na druk wallet in neve noben kam si nakazu in BAM, "oprau" si denar. poleg tega maš pa tut mixerje in lahka prek mixerju prvo in pol še privacy tx

>> No.23474111
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>> No.23474261
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btw, to je zdej officially RLC thread, bitches

>> No.23474621

as nurmaln, lej za kak dreh si zapravu tele trice

>> No.23474642

ja sam te bo fursovc vprašu s kod si pa dobu ta in ta prajvt tx, boš pa pisan gledu

>> No.23474786

Kako dobit sluzbo na bitstamp?

>> No.23475115
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če me kdorkol upraša ni moje ? kako mi bojo dokazal da je

tko de znaš v pythoni programirat, pa linux uporablat, pa baze šraufat

>> No.23475254

>not a third rate exchange
anyone who works there should unironically kill themselves

>> No.23475266

>tukej od 2013 k so nas kickal iz /g/-ja
>še kar reven
ne more bit slabš

>> No.23475526
File: 43 KB, 851x638, godfather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, if you're a big player they give you super little fees. Also they're fully legit 100% of the way and they even have REAL € and $. Which from an institutional standpoint is the thing you want.

>> No.23475713

RLC ID. &green.

>> No.23476150
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>> No.23476533
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>> No.23476635

ebin fail

>> No.23476669

A ste se ga narokal na Metalki? Da ne bo kdo Kreka poklical.

>> No.23476770
File: 789 KB, 528x555, dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danes piše meme history moji prijatelji !!!

green id + "RLC" v IDju + odprem svoj thread z GREEN IDjem

potem pa še trips ko shillam svoj thread


>> No.23476814

is slovenia a good sex tourist destination?

>> No.23476846
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Well depends, do you want to pay for it or get it for free? If you pay for it then no, if you get it for free... than yes

>> No.23476974

25 year old balding autist with a 4 inch dick. yeah ill be paying for it

>> No.23477076

Proof that yugoniggers are no true slavs

>> No.23477218
File: 268 KB, 798x793, sir_rlc_eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, sounds like some weirdo in a club. There are some real psychos in clubs like K4 (The usual drugged up weirdo place you go to on a friday. techno, house), Orto bar (hard style, psytrance, metal), Gala hala (weird shit, sometimes good), Channel Zero (psytrance and weird shit mostly), Rog (this one used to be literally a club in an abandoned factory which is completely unregulated. You could easily use heroine or drop some excasty/mdma, snort coke/speed/ketamin in front of a security guard, since they didn't give a fuck. It was so sick it was fun, the new year parties were great).

Basicly, this shithole has got a lot of clubs with the biggest degenerates you've seen in you're life. Imagine a club of 500 people with 98% of the club being on X. So getting a "25 year old balding autist with a 4 inch dick" is not that hard I would argue. Also a lot of people overdose right on the dance floor on these kind of parties and 1 guy even shat his pants while he continued to dance.

>dance in club
>smells shit
>0.5s later
>everyone pushes me like a crazy retard from behind
>we move 2-3 meters
>look back
>1 guy that looks dirty, drenched in filthy 3 day old party sweet shat his fucking pants, shit dripping down his shoe, shit on the floor, a big circle around him
>continues to dance
>sec guard don't notice
>shit stays on the floor
>people dance on shit

WELCOME TO THE SLO CLUB SCENE. Drugs are cheap and available

>> No.23477867

Based Slovenia, I was in Lubiana, beautiful city. Just for that I tell u next gem guyz, when the presale come out buy, $TMC