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23459541 No.23459541 [Reply] [Original]

Been lurking on LinkedIn last couple days and seeing all the people advancing in their careers makes me depressed.

Is LinkedIn turning into Facebook shit tier?
Does it also make you depressed?

>> No.23459620
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I don't use it for this very reason. I'm smarter than 95% of the people I went to uni with and yet because I am poor, not well-connected and live in the middle of nowhere with no car I cannot get any jobs. Feels shit desu

>> No.23459629

If you're so smart just make your own job.

>> No.23459684

Move to California

>> No.23459895

Not in that sense but it's being infiltrated by diversity wank offs and womans rights activists. They are absolutely destroying the content. Was honestly fuckin amazing for years, made lots of money as B2B salesman from LinkedIn in the past. Now I can't stomache the constant horse shit that gets spammed. A woman completes a coding bootcamp and gets a start as a junior dev and then makes self righteous post acting she's Nelson Mandela and overcame monumental amounts of adversity and then it gets 10000 likes and comments from other dumb bitches and chicks who support her against the war against white males.

>> No.23460079

it's 99% fake bullshit. people jerking themselves off, trying to look important.

>> No.23460124
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>delusion incel who thinks the world is holding him back

>> No.23460133

This this this. I logged in and its nothing but muh vote and women blm worship. Fuck linkedin

>> No.23460268

Sadly this is true, virtue signal with no limits.
Muh diversity
Muh inclusion
Fake achievements
Stupid Recruiters

>> No.23460278
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this is cope

>> No.23460289

imagine being a wagie

>> No.23460318

Linkedin is a fucking cesspool of backslapping and self-congratulatory fuckwits. Probably the least effective method of networking in existence. Just delete your account and move on OP

>> No.23460353

Whats the best way to find interesting and good jobs
>Inb4 networking

>> No.23460354

It makes me sad how important people think they are boasting about their achievements

>> No.23460458

Lmao. One of those is an imposter

>> No.23460469

haven't updated my linkedid in 7 years.. kek,

don't even do anything with my university degree..

t. commercial model earning around 3-4k
hope i can retire on crypto though before i loose my hair

>> No.23460852

This, please prove them wrong anon

>> No.23461001

LinkedIn is kind of useful, but you have to decidedly milk it for its benefits, without getting too sucked in, because the corporate world is in fact a dick-measuring contest, and believe me, there's always someone out there with a bigger dick, so it can be kind of depressing.

Me personally, my resume is sort-of good, so every once in a while, I get contacted by a recruiter for a job offer. Never actually get the job, because I'm either underqualified, or too autistic on the phone, but it's interesting nonetheless to get a perspective of the market.

I haven't updated that shit in a while, and I guess I could, but with LinkedIn, I always feel like I'm kind of doxxing myself, so I set everything on private, because I'm happy with my current job. I've been thinking about making a fake account, or seeing if there's a LinkedIn-API that I could use to datamine or something like that