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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23457116 No.23457116 [Reply] [Original]

Todays AMA
bruce pon one of the main things people seem to get confused on is that they think Ocean is just ONE data marketplace.
Is it true that you are aiming for over 1000 data marketplaces to be built? (source — ocean launch video).
Also can you comment on any enterprises building their own data marketplaces?
We saw a certain automotive’s data marketplace before it was swiftly taken down. Are you able to comment on this?

Bruce- "Every enterprise that we’ve spoken to is interested in selling data on their terms. They will take the Ocean Market open source code and make their own. We will help them with it."

Enterprises are willing to sell data on their terms and make their own open source code.

They dont need Ocean or the token.

We will help them will that.

Charge consultancy fees that dont benefit the token holder.

Bruce also stated that he's not sure what the Data Market will even look like and that all of 2021 will be used to figure that out.
Umm, so atleast one year before you even know what you're doing? And enterprises wont be using the Ocean token or tech?
Enterprises will only use the Ocean marketplace.
Why wouldn't an Enterprise make there own market place?

Ocean Protocol is a scam

1.4 billion total coins.
350 million in circulation
17 million introduced last week.
100's of millions more into circulation over the next few months.

I am a token holder and I am Pissed as Fuck.

>> No.23457144
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Damps coming frens. Glad i never bought.

>> No.23457218
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Ocean is a vaporware PND alongside Quant.


>> No.23457223
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The fake hype in the telegram from admins is sickening.
"I know a secret partnership, but I can't say anything " lmfao

Ugly Chart... 1k Sats end of year

>> No.23457302
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>> No.23457312

I'm buying RLC.
After that AMA and the bullshit hype liars and scam artists in the telegram.
Unloading my 500k + ocean over the next few days.

>> No.23457417
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>> No.23457478

Quant holders spotted

>> No.23457660

I've never bought Quant.

>> No.23457683

Kek, stop using my pics....Actually, it’s ok, it’s Ocean...People need to be made aware of this scam.

>> No.23457765

Kek.. about the pics.
I'm trying to save Ocean holders from getting burned by the bad community members and scam project.

>> No.23457794


Ocean sucks dick. Fuck You Bruce Ponzi
Faggot. useless fucking coin and project

>> No.23457823 [DELETED] 


>> No.23457911

Kek the admins are the worst in Ocean telegram. The only thing they do is hyping the plebs up to dump their bags on them

>> No.23457944 [DELETED] 


I'm the OP. I just said I've never bought Quant or even looked into it Faggot.
I love RLC
Fucking stupid pajeet faggot.
Can you read?

>> No.23458025

I didn’t know ocean was a scam.

How many Polkadot projects are turning out to be scams. This is becoming shocking. First Kulupu fucked me over, then other projects are turning out to be run by drunks and pedos.

Slowly backing away from Polka...Damn they fooled us

>> No.23458041
File: 54 KB, 1198x956, Ocean-Protocol-Team .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Out of the 15 Ocean team members listed during the ICO, 11 have left the project.

2) Three of the cofounders left Ocean only a few months after the ICO finished in May 2019:

Dimitri De Jonghe - Cofounder
Left August 2019

Donald Gossen - CoFounder
Left Sep 2019

Daryl Arnold - CoFounder
Left October 2019

3) Aitor Argomaniz described as a "Founding Member", left in September 2019

4) Two team members (Timothy Ley and Oana Ionescu) left Ocean in 2018, yet their profiles were added to the ICO team of 2019.

Timothy Ley
Ocean from Sep 2017 - Dec 2018

Oana Ionescu
Ocean from August 2017 to Jul 2018

5) One team member (Mike Anderson) is shown in the pic, but does not include Ocean as part of his work experience:

Mike Anderson
Ocean not listed on Linkedin

>> No.23458062

iexec already does this lol

>> No.23458078

RLC is a french scam, always has been

>> No.23458082

Thats cray cray.. kek
The admins of the Ocean unofficial telegram are pedos and drunks.
Sent me dick pics and asked for my private keys.

>> No.23458084

Polkadot was just a meme to pump the bags of CT

>> No.23458087

literally just approved by the French SEC

>> No.23458105


I'm scared. Holy SCAM

>> No.23458193

Why don't you fags call it by its name, because you don't know it? Simple google search retards

>> No.23458194

>the French SEC
Oh you gullible fuckers are so damn retarded, holy shit

>> No.23458426
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The most important people in Ocean are Trent McConaghy and Bruce Pon. The rest can come and go as they please.

Also, there are 45 members listed on Linkedin

With regards to TOKENOMICS:

"Bruce- Ocean tokens can be used for multiple purposes:

First, it’s a means of exchange in the crypto-economy. You can use it to buy goods and services . We have a partnership with Travala, where you can book travel with Ocean. This is a typical, base use case for most crypto.
Second, it is used to activate Ocean smart contracts for the sharing of data, here’s where it gets closer to the Ocean code.
Third, in Ocean V3 the Ocean token will be used for several purposes:

1, Staking on datasets using Ocean.

2, As a counterpair in Balancer and Uniswap for data tokens.

Fourth, we see OCEAN being the means where the OceanDAO proposals get voted on.
Finally, OCEAN will be part of the network reward and mint/burn mechanism as we roll out the updated token design."


Oh, and by the way, once the bomb gets released, you will FOMO at 10x like the losers that you are

>> No.23458444

RLC makes this shitcoin obsolete

>> No.23458492
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Imagine FUD-ing Ocean when your dogshit scam Iexec is using Ocean Protocol tech to survive. Fucking embarrassing :))))))))))

>> No.23458495

There's no bombs faggot and no 10xs. Kek
Thats the point.
Ocean is vaporware that enterprises will pay Bruce and Trent only consultancy fees. He said it himself.
You're part of the problem.
Feeding pajeets bullshit hype.
None of the partnerships mean anything. Any company can join all the the "Partnerships " ocean claims to have.
Keep dumping on your 3rd world country community faggot.

>> No.23458519

Also, why the fuck do you idiots keep posting Quant things? Wtf
I've stated 3 times i don't even know what that is.
Keep hyping garbage.
Next week when nothing happens, the dump will make you cry.

>> No.23458538
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Well, Daimler disagrees with you. Now GTFO already, dumbass

>> No.23458563

Regards to the tokenomics.. kek

1.4 billion coins?
No chance of 50 dollars like you keep telling the retard pajeets.
100s of millions of useless coins will be dumped on the community for many months to come.

>> No.23458582


Yikes, look how fucking retarded and embarrassing you are. Hundreds of millions of tokens will be spread to the community as network rewards for decades.

>> No.23458585

They are making their own market place and have no need for the ocean token.
Bruce said it today.

>> No.23458606

This was long before iExec made their own data market retard hahahahahah

>> No.23458611


Kek. You're a blind fucking clown.
Useless token, unless scam project

>> No.23458625

No one will be using the Network. Thats my point. Rewards... yeah for the founders as they dump

>> No.23458640


This is only useful if that company shares their data to other companies privately. For the rest of the data, which can be made public, it's better to leverage Ocean tech and see what their data is worth by allowing the community to stake on their data and curate it.

You are a dumb desperate cunt.

>> No.23458653

All this FUD against OCEAN only means "buy the fear". Glad my orders got filled around 2600 sats. This is going to 10K sats minimum before EOY.

>> No.23458660


No! The rewards are for the community. Your whole vibe reeks of imbecility and desperation

>> No.23458661

Notice how every polka project telegram refuses to give any info on sale. Less like businesses and more like scams. They just say trust us. And all the mods and admins are in Vietnam. What’s that all about?

>> No.23458686

They are desperate to make the token useful.
"Lets making staking available and we'll keep this scam charade going Bruce."
"Ok Trent"
Give it up pleb retard
Next week when there's no secret news...
We'll all know you fuckers are scam artist pump and dumpers

>> No.23458703


Ok. Bye now

>> No.23458718

Secret bullshit hype faggots.
So many people are losing money because of you cunts.
Keep ripping of the pajeets

>> No.23458721

No it means we are taking anons this is a scam like we did with confido. Your coin is legitimately useless and obsolete

>> No.23458751


It cannot be useless because, before selling your data, you first need to know how much it's worth. And you cannot do that without using Ocean Protocol and its token. You need people to stake on the it and curate it. "Staking is a curation signal tending towards higher quality datasets.

>> No.23458766


I know a secret. Bullshit faggots.
Fuck you and your pump and dump.
Seen it on the internet and its huge.
Keep dreaming. Fucking clowns

>> No.23458780

Bruce said companies want to sell their own data jackass.
Not use ocean.

>> No.23458781

The quality of comments is getting lower and lower.

>> No.23458787
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>> No.23458812

Alot of pissed off people hold bags of shit next week when the secret news doesnt drop.
Bet you cunts are selling now.

>> No.23458817


Nobody said that the secret news is coming next week. What's coming next week or the week after is V3

>> No.23458840

Some secret huge partnership you lying sack of scam artists. Back pedal all tou want.
You cunts are scam liars

>> No.23458853


Holy shit, take it easier, dude! Maybe some strong meds could help with that mental ilness

>> No.23458862

Not exactly secret when you can find it on google