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23444263 No.23444263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just got rugged on Tinder

>chat with a girl for a couple days
>meet in the park
>smoke a cig, have a nice convo, behave as normie as possible
>arranged a second date next week

I was going back to my place and holy shit she literally deleted me from her tinder, deleted telegram etc.

It was a classic uniswap rugpull, can’t believe it. Pajeet scam.

>> No.23444279

try not being ugly next time

>> No.23444310
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>behave as normie as possible
This is your problem. Everyone is a fucking psycho and she imagined spending a lifetime with another automaton of society.

>> No.23444322

You just got ghosted because of some flaw she couldn't get over
Don't sweat it, just keep stacking sats, unironically.

>> No.23444326


normie detected

>> No.23444327

>smoked a cig

>> No.23444330

Okay? This is normal on dating apps. It could be a variety of things that have nothing to do with you. The bitch could have had a boyfriend and was cheating on him but then panicked and deleted everything or something. There's a million things it could be. Im glad I'm in a relationship now. If I had to go back to tinder, I would strictly use it for hookups and make that well known. I may not have any success but I just rather die alone than date again.

>> No.23444345

>smoke a cig
so this is how poor people live

>> No.23444349

stop trying to imitate normies.
people smell that shit.

>> No.23444355


>> No.23444361

I rugged a girl once by pretending to go to the bathroom after sex and then just leaving

>> No.23444371

>be fag on hookup site
>meet female to hook up
>don’t hookup. Schedule second date with muh lady
>chick deletes you from hookup site
Just....kys Fedora wearing faggot

>> No.23444375

sounds like you were the last straw OP. she had 1 date with you and was like "that's it. I'm done with men forever". impressive :^)

>> No.23444380

right. thats also a big retard move.
smoking and drinking alcohol. stop falling for that bullshit.

>> No.23444383


>> No.23444407

drinking is fine in moderation desu. smoking is always for low IQ working class filth since it's impossible to do in moderation.

>> No.23444430

did she smoke?

>> No.23444470

I don’t smoke usually, it was the only cigarette in a month. Dumped the pack right after.

Guess there is really something really off about me, I don’t know what though.

>> No.23444471
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>smoking and drinking alcohol. stop falling for that bullshit.

>> No.23444515

i tend to believe that it isn't even fine in moderation.
it's toxic.
why should i gladly take a toxin, just to change my state of mind?
doesn't it imply that i'm somewhat unbalanced mentally?
I'm fine with my ups and downs to feel no need to artificially modify it.
be content- and you will see no need for any of these substances.

>> No.23444517

Yeah, I also thought that might be a case. But we actually kinda arranged a second meeting, and literally 10 minutes after it rugged

>> No.23444542

I mean, at least she just ripped off the bandaid and you know where you're at now. Being strung along feels 100 million times worse. Ya it sucks, but you kind of dodged a bullet because not every girl is like that. A lot will just keep you as an option while seeing other guys and then just sort of fizzle (ie, instead of a straight rug they just do what ripple does and dump on you for months/years with no gains)

>> No.23444541

Sounds like she was too much of a coward to reject you to your face

>> No.23444544

the picture applies to you.

>> No.23444546

if she didn't smoke it's probably because you smoked. doesn't matter if it's the first cigarette you smoked in your life. they stink like shit and they're a filthy, disgusting habit for working class retard nigger slaves.

>> No.23444621

She smoked, I said already, she was the one who suggested to meet up and smoke a cig. Are you that anon who makes threads complaining about his smoking father thrice a day?
Yeah. Still kinda feels bad man

>> No.23444688
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>>smoke a cig
Big yikes. No wonder. You stink, plus you think so little of your health that you willingly ingest cancer sticks. Of course she blocked you

>> No.23444707

Dude, don’t worry about it. It happens to all of us all the ducking time.

I’m on the loo now.

I want to cry for you my baby, and be really sad about your sadness.

And you have a right to be sad, to cry.

Life is hard nigga. Very hard.

You can’t do much.

Just accept it.

Keep going.

Expect it to happen.

And you will not be so sad anymore fella.

Good luck my boi.

>> No.23444716

How many tokens did she convince you to buy?

>> No.23444732

It’s Tinder. If you didn’t at least get a blowjob on the first date it’s not going to happen.

>> No.23444770

You were Probly a socially inept dweb pushing for a second date like it was a sales call

>> No.23444784

Sounds like something an incel would say. In my experience some girls fuck on the third or even fourth date.

>> No.23444819

crossfit is so fucking retarded lmao

>> No.23444833

You have to close that bitch, otherwise you getting to nowhere land

>> No.23444835

How can I short your social life?

>> No.23444880
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Haha nice one but check this out:
>match with way out of my league 8/10 blonde
>first she acts unintrested
>then she reads my dude weed bio to attract stoner chicks
>she's coming over tomorrow to my house to dude weed and watch a movie
>holy shit
>we lay on the bed smoke while watching Mandy(terrible choice don't pick this it scares girls off, otherwise great movie fuck roasties)
>she gets creeped out says goodbue, no sex nothing
>within hours I get deleted
Was pretty bummed about it at the time but now looking back on it, it is surpringly easy to manipulate females.

>> No.23444956

>>meet in the park
>>smoke a cig
This is your idea of a date? No wonder you got ghosted, try buying them a meal next time and not smelling like smoke

>> No.23444991

OP here. Finally got home.
Why females have to rug it? This is literally the exact same Pajeet scamming.

>anon team
>promises of further development
>abrupt rug as soon as any minuscule benefit/resource is obtained

>> No.23445042

>behave as normie as possible
whatthefuck is wrong with you, if you are interested in a girl just be yourself, if she won't get around that she isnt worth your time
for everything else, there are tons of hookers or tatted blue haired girl that would fuck anyone giving them attention

>> No.23445105

bro, you two didn't even fuck. why would she keep you in her tinder contacts? why would you keep her in yours for that matter? you really trying to date on tinder?

>> No.23445128

Just send her a text telling her to grow the fuck up and call her an undeveloped cunt for lacking the courtesy to be honest and upfront with you. Tell her to fuck off because YOU DECIDE when this is over and if she responds ghost her forever. If not, you know you stood up for yourself. Trust me. You'll feel better and it will help you move on instantly. Otherwise you'll be hung up on this for who knows how long and you don't want that, now do you?

>> No.23445140
File: 1.17 MB, 1206x1572, Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 7.07.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrug yourself by forgetting about womyn and checking out the newest liquidity mining setup with Badger.

DIGG em up.


>> No.23445146

Lmaoo incels leading incels

>> No.23445163

date anon....but that's not what tinder is. it's a hookup app. everyone who signs up knows that. try bumble is you want to meet people interested in actual dates

>> No.23445175

You guys have seriously lost your fucking minds to be arranging meetings with rando women form the internet during a pandemic. You realize that if you do this, you are literally meeting girls of your own caliber. Your better bet is staying home and reading classics of literature and lifting weights

>> No.23445213

Uh based department? We found our guy
Depends on the chick honestly. You have to feel out their tolerance for horror. Also, first time I watched mandy I was stoned for the first time as well in a long time. What a beaut to watch toasted

>> No.23445224

No you don’t understand. She deleted EVERYTHING, disappeared into thin air, driven into sunset. I have no way to contact her (not that I want to).

It’s like your coin gets deleted from blockchain forever

>> No.23445230

I'd like to read some classics but I'm literally addicted to checking the charts whilst browsing biz 247, I mean wtf, I might miss something. Wat do :-/

>> No.23445233

>Brooo just respect her.
>She deals with this all the time. Have some sympathy for wymen.
>Just pretend it doesn't bother you, bro.
>We should be tolerant of all cumbots.

>> No.23445255

You probably acted like too big of a normie, and she found you boring. Autists usually can't calibrate properly with women. They are either too passive or too straight-forward.

>> No.23445280

Should have gotten a phone number before the date at least. I don't even know how zoomers meet without at least getting a number.

>> No.23445320

The trick is to match them swap numbers and arrange a meet up and then delete them before you get deleted.
Here is the logic you have their number why would you stay matched?
You could even say you're not on the app anymore, in reality you're still talking to other matches. That's the game.

>> No.23445323
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>Behave like a normie

This is where you went wrong. You are FORGETTABLE. First date is the filter for me, I'm going to say "retard". I'm going to be myself, I'm going to show them the weird art I make; sometimes I invite them to watch me photoshop stupid shit on discord (girls under 24 all seem to have discord). You need to be entertaining to them, or they get bored.

>> No.23445330

>using tinder
have fun with your stds retard
it isn't worth it
all women are the same dumb old whores

>> No.23445373

> Tinder
Stopped reading there

>> No.23445378

I would LOVE to know what kind of "benefit" she got from your park date. did you give her a cigarette? fuck out of here, anon. You weren't used. You were just uninteresting and she judged it better to not know you.

>> No.23445410

I don’t make any art and I don’t photoshop, i didn’t want to invite her over as I wanted to first meet her and chat for a bit. I thought it was going really well

>> No.23445450

Man y'all have no game bunch of lames itt. Getting them to meet up is the hardest part, once you do that it should be smooth sailing. How autistic do you have to be to fuck that up jfc.

>> No.23445476

judging by his posts, very autistic.

>> No.23445516
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Anon learn to live with it. People find me off all the time. They always say something like I can never figure out what you really think etc.

When your in these niches of the web you get to red pilled for normies. They notice how you don't care about their approval, that you don't give a fuck about being a consoomer or an corporate drone. This makes them insecure.

>> No.23445538

I guess I am indeed (legitimately) autistic.
I am a programmer, people say I talk funny and I struggle to make eye contact sometimes for more than a second at a time.
But sometimes I just feel like I’m cured but oh well guess I was wrong

>> No.23445571

post her profile

>> No.23445599

I can’t, she literally wiped everything

>> No.23445607

Don't sweat it Anon, women disappear off of Tinder constantly. Just think of it this way, would you want to be with someone who thinks it okay to do that to you? Fuck no. You're going to be confident and you're going to find a woman who will treat you with respect. If they respect you from the get go, there's plenty of time to fall in love after. Really, this bitch was just presented with buying LINK at 2017 prices and she said no, i'm okay being a dumb broke cunt. You literally don't need her.

>> No.23445623


>> No.23445642

>getting them to meet is the hardest part
jesus christ what do you look like?

>> No.23445689

The funny part is that I am quite well off, but I never mention in on a date nor will, but I wonder if I should show off a bit

>> No.23445692

this is why women aren't interested in you autist pussies. who cares if you don't NEED to do it. it's for fun, like literally everything else in this world. you don't NEED to invest in crypto or stocks either. you could just wage until you die

>> No.23445760

This is what every incel does and reeks of desperation.

>> No.23445835

Good post, normies seethe when you dgaf about the matrix.

>> No.23445981

Don't. You shouldn't reveal anything like that for as long as possible, ideally. Let her prove to you first that she's interested in you above all else. Once a woman truly loves a man, her priorities will change and vice versa. You sound somewhat innocent OP and women have incredibly low standards (not saying this to be mean). I think as long as you display some form of competency in something useful, they'll get interested. Also, it helps to practice "hinting" about aspects of yourself rather than just saying "my interests are x, y, and z".

>> No.23446032

>They notice how you don't care about their approval
this will make some women crazy for you though

>> No.23446071

It happens bro. Dating apps have made it easier than ever for people to meet and because of that everyone is disposable.

>> No.23446083

It's the only way OP will find closure and get over this NPC Wyman. Cucks like you caring about how you are perceived is beta as fuck.

>> No.23446194

lol what a take. I did the same thing to girls on tinder I matched with, had one date, was over it, and never spoke again. Ghosting is only a big deal if you are a thin skinned little bitch.

>> No.23446228

women who smoke cigs are literally always damaged whores, drug use in women is a sign. don't over look it

>> No.23446246
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, 6B5C1A60-7223-4EF8-9C75-1233D3E243C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this one time I met up with this one girl off Tinder at some bar, we were having a decent time and even went outside on a walk holding hands for awhile having some good conversation, then at one random point she got really weird and walked back inside. I tried to follow her and go up to her but the doormen and security guards were like “yo idk what happened with your gf but she told us to not let you talk to her, sorry bro” I was so fucking confused and saw she deleted me on snap already so I just left. Weeks later during a late night fap session I saw a face on PornHub that looked pretty familiar. It ended up being Tinder girl, I confirmed by checking the same tats in her porn videos and on her IG. Mind was blown. Hit her up through another IG account and asked her wtf happened that night and also that I saw all her porn shit. Never really found out desu as she dodged the question but we ended up hanging out at her place a couple times after that, she lived outside in like a shed at her parents house who seemed pretty normal. Saw the dad working on the roof and little bro coming home from school and everything. Was fucking weird how most things seemed so normal outside of her career choice. We did get talking about she came to the industry though and some of the stuff that happens within it so it was pretty interesting. No larp. Pic related, Izzy Bell for all you coomers out there

>> No.23446333

>drug use in women is a sign
it isn't for men?

>> No.23446342

You are pretty dumb. He clearly explained he can NOT contact her. Dumb, desperate and contradicting yourself. Stop before you dig yourself deeper in shit.

>> No.23446358

>I don’t smoke usually, it was the only cigarette in a month. Dumped the pack right after.
This makes it even worse.

>> No.23446404

wow you went on a tinder date with a literal porn star and still didn't coom? kinda mean on her part imo

>> No.23446478
File: 119 KB, 1080x1080, D76706F9-55D2-4E2D-B6F8-DC6A00EBE261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?

>> No.23446519

happens. hell i've even did it to a girl or two before. had this been on some other app or you met in person, not Tinder, might get some different response or sympathy. i recently matched with pretty nice qt compared to usual landwhales, eventually met up, had a pretty damn good first date compared to my standard affairs; agreed to meet up again she seemed very interested.

fast forward one friday "sorry anon i'm busy tonight' never heard a word from her again

>> No.23446539

Obviously. This is advice for going forward. Pretending that ghosting doesn't bother you is the ultimate cope. Tell her to fuck off and be done with it. Simple as.

>> No.23446581

trips of truth
4chan is more anti-women than it is anti-drug especially on this board since half of us are on uppers at any given moment. Bumping my chest with a fist as I drink my 2nd Explosion preworkout of the day.

>> No.23446589

don't sweat it. look at it as practice. keep swiping and be more of a asshole to women. they don't like a nice guy who they can walk all over. they want a challenge and someone they think they can change.

>> No.23446619


>> No.23446638

>he fell for the normie meme

No woman of value wants to be with a generic boring dude, there's an endless sea of guys like that.

>> No.23447409

Pornstars get paid to have sex, some of them don’t like to fuck guys on the first night for free when they don’t know for sure if they’re clean or not and could potentially put their job at risk

>> No.23447566

Don’t worry. I’m 39, tall, have all my hair, have a muscular body, am reasonably good looking and have ugly women and gay men hit on me constantly. I have been ghosted that many times by both women I have met and tinder girls who I have spent 3-4 days chatting with that I have lost count. I’m a tiny bit autistic and introverted so that may contribute but it’s just one of those things. We are in this together.

>> No.23447582

wtf after that u still reached out wtf bro..

>> No.23447594

>meet in the park
>smoke a cig

Oh wow prince charming over here.

>> No.23447608

You don't smoke and think it is a good idea to try on your first date with someone? not to mention most women hate smokers.. sounds pretty autistic ngl..

>> No.23447627

I'm the guy you quoted. Its normal. I went on countless dates in two different cities over nearly 6+ year span. I was stood up or ghosted all the time. You just gotta move on. The girl I'm with now told me she didn't have time to play games and wanted to actually meet up and not text all day. You could certainly say I got lucky.

>> No.23447652

literally every girl you meet on dating apps is guaranteed to be a slut with a high body count

>> No.23447653

this, why is it so hard for uglies?

>> No.23447782

Never define your worth as a man from the behaviour of women towards you.
Women are worthless scams 99.5% of the time. Soul destroying succubus.
t.women if not producing babys can fuck right off semi chad.

>> No.23447798
File: 257 KB, 834x1155, 5123474C-DF6F-4A18-BAEA-B2DE7FA00E0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on the very threshold of inter generational wealth
>spend money on fags instead
Why would a woman choose to share your life
Stop smoking
Start stacking
In less than two years you’ll beat off pussy
With a shitty stick

>> No.23447880

but are psychedelics ok?

>> No.23447896

He fell for the Hold meme
you're never going to make it OP

>> No.23447984

wow, you met a real porn star on tinder, she's marriage material

>> No.23448001

worse anon wake up

>> No.23448158

well it worked for James Dean

>> No.23448167

>matched with disgusting 2/10 coomer
>read in his bio that he's like, really into weed
>might be able to smoke for free if I play my cards right
>try to fake acting interested but it becomes impossible
>still somehow manage to make plans to smoke the next day
>get to his place, and he says the only TV is in the bedroom so we'll have to lay down in bed to watch
>whatever.jpg lets just smoke
>before even asking me what type of movie I like, he puts on this disgusting movie
>start thinking he's going to murder me
>still hit the bong before leaving
What do you think, girls? Successful night?

>> No.23448352

well it worked for >jewish sex slave

>> No.23448542

imagine going thru all that just to get a couple hits, any decent looking girl can get tons of the stuff for free without moving a finger

>> No.23448571


>> No.23448642

what the fuck

>> No.23448720

>meet in the park
Isn't the purpose of that app to arrange a sexdate? Should've just asked her to come over at your home to fuck.

>> No.23448755

>>chat with a girl for a couple days
>>meet in the park
>>smoke a cig, have a nice convo, behave as normie as possible
>>arranged a second date next week


If you don't fuck on the first date you're a faggot and she will be unimpressed. "Have a nice convo" hahahahahah my sides.

Get her drunk, get yourself drunk, flirt hard, and fuck her brains out.

t. 350+ tinder dates and fucked ~85% of them

no larp. Yea sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but you gotsta at least make the right moves.

>> No.23448782

hmmm certainly sounds like a bit of a rug done on you

>> No.23448846

Pfff unless he's cat fishing it's not because of looks, probs an autist

>> No.23448880

I love you

>> No.23448918

Rugged? Make your money back with NPENG

>> No.23448934

She probably has a boyfriend and decided it wasn’t worth it or something of that nature

>> No.23448964
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What do you guys say when you guys date and talk about what you do, like if you made it off crypto you aren't working, but you cant just say that because of the implication that you are either a scammer or totally loaded which you don't want to reveal because of gold diggers.

>> No.23449106

don't tell woman shit
they love "mysterious" guys
you simply never stop asking questions and let them talk
paying for shit in front of them and not telling them where it comes from will drive them nuts
don't actually spend money on them though

>> No.23449114

>first date was smoking a cigarette in a park
>didn’t demand even a tug

>> No.23449150

/biz/ is literally literally the last place you should take dating advice from. /b/ would honestly be better.

>> No.23449179

you belong on plebbit for sure

>> No.23449186

I been talking to this 9/10 chick on Tinder for about a couple months, she claims to be a business woman from hong kong and she offers to teach me about crypocurrency. I already sussed out its a scam but I am string her/him along to see how much effort they want to expend to try to get me buy some of their shitcoins.

Every couple of days she shows me her portfolio of 90 something bitcoins or her "gains" with something like "made 20k in the last two days", "why haven't you bought crypto anon"? She claims her business is so busy she can only meet at the end of the year.

>> No.23449310

pure poetry

>> No.23449354

I cant believe people fall for this stuff.

>> No.23449372

Have you had any success with women or Tinder in the past?

>> No.23449387

kys immediately for a plebbit link

>> No.23449400
File: 24 KB, 407x405, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a man

>> No.23449446

Here's your (you) friend, take good care of it!

>> No.23449467

>try giving me free food next time so I can feel even better about ghosting you
Yea no thanks roast

>> No.23449477
File: 74 KB, 1080x1046, fee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23449500

>anon is literally getting rugged on tinder in 2020


>> No.23449540

lmao seriously anyone that still buys women food is a retard
they're the reason some girls keep a tinder profile just for free meals and brag about it
just make it clear you have money but want a "strong woman" that has her own money the same

>> No.23449632

shoulda has your way with her

>> No.23449722

weed is stupid cheap, literally a fucking weed
going through all of that for a few bong hits means she got wet brained along the way

>> No.23449788

how does that happen with under 100 lbs? Like, I've dropped 135 on my thigh and it bruised a bit the next day but was otherwise fucking nothing. And I've seen olympic weightlifters drop 225 on themselves and just shrug it off.

>> No.23449822

never underestimate desperate men

>> No.23449939

>tfw I really want to go to Asia to smash qts
>it's rona time so no way I'm gonna travel
>daydreaming about having dates with qts
I'm ashamed of myself
that's fucked up, keep up anon. At least you didn't catch STDs or something

>> No.23450000

>says infantile shit like "convo", "cig"
>wonders why woman ghosted him for being cute
Re-evaluate. Be less fake and cute next time you try this.

>> No.23450114

Her right arm is obviously her stronger/more dominant arm, it slipped from her left arm's grip so most of its weight fell on that side.

>> No.23450179

honestly, i think this world is just fucking clown as shit and everything is luck, I have been rugpulled countless times and I have ignored roasties too, but suddenly out of nowhere, i met some 9/10 girl from some shitty date app, and been great for months, its not perfect but its pretty good, have in mind I am extremely autistic person who only focus in life is to make money and passion for tech (that dont talk about money, specially to family and bitches), I guess is the confidence in me because I no longer care about what people think about me, and most of the time ignored girls because usually had nothing in common. its all tiresome, just ignore whatever the fuck this worthless bitch is on about and move to the other, by the time you get to like another girl you won't even remember her name.

>> No.23450203

it is, I'm just on 4chan so I'm sexist
IMO though women are much less predisposed to risk taking behavior than men, so I think women who use drugs will be more damaged than men

>> No.23450783


>> No.23451247
File: 224 KB, 569x802, 1449950456941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao based retard

>> No.23451284

>act fake
>get rugged
You done it to yourself.

>> No.23451406

Cope. If Chad smokes, she says she began smoking at 16.
Its irrelevant what the guy is doing, it's only about genetic quality and alpha presence.
Whereas it's Eugene smoking it's instantly disgusting and a no-go

>> No.23451430

Imagine not just inviting them directly over to your place.

>> No.23451438


>> No.23451611

Incel cope. After a meal is the perfect time to invite them back to your house