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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23443504 No.23443504 [Reply] [Original]

>Dad got me to start a mutual fund when I was 18
>have saved/made a lot of money that I probably wouldn't have without it
>Parents both struggle financially and are in debt, wanted a better life for me
>get into stock market because of dad
>dream about making enough money that I can set my parents up for a comfy retirement

whats your reason you want money so bad, /biz/?

>> No.23443530

i dont care about money i just want to be right on my calls

>> No.23443557

My reason is the exact same as yours anon, good luck to you and your family. God bless.

>> No.23443579

The same as yours, I wouldn't mind about fucking money but my family needs it

>> No.23443712

Same reason here. I don't care about lambos, mansions or thots, I just want to make sure my family is comfy.

>> No.23443721
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Lurk more or come back when you have a better understanding of crypto and the stock market. Or else be prepared to lose what little money you have. Most people here are either in 6 figure hell, dirt poor, or wagies. Don’t get all your information from one place and learn to use excel and document your shit. Best advise I can give you is use your brain don’t be emotional if your shit drops -40% and you don’t know have an idea why you’re never going to make it. If you only knew how stressful things really are. Autistically staring at charts, scouring for crumbs of real vent info. If you do t want to do any of that just get ether Bitcoin link and XRP (for shits)

>> No.23443754

Based. Freedom to explore and help family out are my main reasons. Best of luck anon. We'll make it.

>> No.23443827

I don't think I'm going to get into crypto, seems a little too volatile for me and I only have like 40k to my name. I am new though so I appreciate the warning. Investing actively scares me but I am getting ready to take the leap, going to be ready some books on finance first. Any you'd recommend?

>> No.23443834

I want my parents to be well, especially my mom, but also my own goal is to buy a piece of property and put the worlds best sound system on it. I want insurance on it, and I want anyone with a close reference to be able to come and listen to music on it.

Extremely high fidelity audio is a passion of mine. I’m pretty secular, so giving this to humanity would be the closest thing to religious salvation I could ever hope for.

>> No.23443866

Just start reading white papers. It’s a halfing year for Bitcoin. Crypto is clearly exploding and about to explode further. Not investing a small portion of your money into something is just ignorant.

>> No.23443889
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>> No.23443892

Dangerously and unequivocally based

>> No.23443907

Good for you to have goals but ngl that's a pretty fucking stupid goal bro.

>> No.23443914
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>> No.23443926

>whats your reason you want money so bad
I don't want to be disrespected by others.
I don't put money into cryptos though.

>> No.23443966

>Hardworking Parents
>Dad busts ass 24/7
>Keeps family intact through busting ass constantly
>Move to Whitesville
>Live comfy suburb life instead of Ghettoland, USA

>Want to be like my dad
>Begin busting ass
>Save/Invest anyway I can

I want to be like my dad.

I want to be like my dad.

>> No.23443979

I bet you’ve never heard Wata Igarashi play a live set on a Funktion One. Other weirdos will love it. Normies won’t, but I didn’t invest in Crypto to be a fucking normie.

>> No.23443996

to never have to work again

>> No.23444022

Financial literacy is just common sense with math and shit. I honestly recommend just lurking /SMG/ add filters to the script. You missed out of GME (GameStop) x5 but you can buy the cannabis meme some fags like to push. Personally I can’t do this because I don’t have the time. No one is going to spoon feed you unless it’s to pump their own bags

>> No.23444076

You ever cry when listening to music? Maybe I’m a fag but without fail if I’m listening to “live/raw” quality music I weep. I fucking cried listening to snake eater

>> No.23444118

So I can dab on my ex who dumped me.

>> No.23444174

Must be nice to have a kind parent. Mine is a pair of controlling narcissistic ones, so they wont know I am already into investing and trading. Once I have made it, I will leave them.

I hold Fantom, Tomochain, and Dock.

>> No.23444189

To not end up like my father who is 53 and doesn’t have a bucket to shit in.

>> No.23444194
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I hope you make it anon

>> No.23444223

tfw grew up poor
tfw bought my daughter 10 QYLD for her 6 bday
will she make it? only jews can tell

>> No.23444241

literally the same, i just want my parents to retire early and enjoy their life

>> No.23444243

grandfather made millions from an investment and later generations pissed it away. I know the rule of the third generation and i will break it.

>> No.23444249

To show anyone who never believed in me because I give a shit about our fucked up capitalism system.
Fuck the wagies, fuck anyone who think he is better than someone.
Fuck the society

No matter how I‘ll achieve my goals.

Already set owning dozens of btc .

>> No.23444296

You have a good heart. I’m more sinister. I have a massive superiority complex and enjoy boasting about myself in the most arrogant demeanor possible. That’s why I do it.

>> No.23444297
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Dad went into massive debt starting failed business models all so my brothers and I could have a future together. He’s in his late 50’s and has $0 in his 401k. It’s up to me to make sure my parents don’t have to wage cuck until they die

>> No.23444440
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Same bro. Family is all we got

>> No.23444481

Basically the same motivation. I want to buy my mom a house (dad's fine but left my mom basically destitute with a myriad of health issues)

>> No.23444496

It feels even better to treat people kindly, anon.

>> No.23444580

You're a good son and I'm sure your dad is very proud of you.

>> No.23444602

>Friends, love, meaning and happiness

Lol you are a retard normie who is bluepillled as fuck. Kill yourself

>> No.23444630

Unironically this. Literally $500 or $5000 if I miss a call if physically hurts.

>> No.23444677
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You are good lads, cheer up anons, we are all gonna make it and make our parents proud

>> No.23444745

And you’re an NPC who spawns in the sewer

>> No.23444765

To just do whatever i want and not worry about the price tag.

>> No.23444775

What about setting up a recording studio so that artists you love that don't get the chance to record in an expensive studio can make better high quality sounding music. Then you can listen on your expensive audio setup and also know you helped give the artists a canvas? No room can make up for bad production.

>> No.23444796

Spite because my family are sacks of shit who never loved me and I want to Lord my financial success over them while they die in a gutter

>> No.23444811

I would like to purchase a cool old house and take good care of it.

I am friendly with a lot of people that don't have anything in savings/investments and live paycheck to paycheck while bitching about paying rent and student loans at the same time while working a shit job. It is sad and stressful, but they never seem to put any thought into how to use their education or skills to advance. They don't research stocks or crypto that could return more in a day than their minimum wage job.

I don't want to dab on them, but I feel like I know what type of people they will be when they get over 30 and I want to be far away from that.

>> No.23444849

Same as you. My mum and dad are still paying for a mortgage on their small house in the UK. My gran is old as now and doesn't want to go into a home, and can't care for herself.

Gonna be real difficult in the next few years when my mum and dad (both hitting 60) need to get a house to look after my almost 90 year old gran. I'm hoping that the next bullrun isn't a meme, and that I can make enough from Link to help buy a house for the family.

>> No.23444875

based Henry Rollins clone

>> No.23444999

I just want to be free bros. My goal is 30k (have 15 now) and then I will fuck off innawoods.

>> No.23445010

Financial security and so I can finally get away from my father and try and build myself up, get my family's health fixed, and have some happiness in my life.

>> No.23445023

audiophiles are mentally ill

>> No.23445183

>let slip I'm shorting the S&P 500
>Dad shows me his 401k to ask for suggestions
>all stocks
>retirement soon
>less than I have in blockfolio
I just want enough so my dad doesn't have to work any longer.

>> No.23445219

Are you seething because im a normal fag and not a sperg like you?

>> No.23445234
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> Mom sacrificed her whole life for me
> Single mom, worked every day, migrated to new country, left everything behind, built everything from new
> Dies from cancer
> Inherits me 70000 + a flat in a small city
> Feel bad that I caused her so many problems
> Would give away all the money to spend more time with her
> I just want to make it, so she can be proud of me

I love you mom

>> No.23445314

Jew here, she will not.

>> No.23445412
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>> No.23445485

She's proud of you anon. Make something out of this life for her.

>> No.23446293

>Feel bad that I caused her so many problems
Your mother would tell you it was all worth the pain, just to see you have a good chance at making something big for yourself.