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2343842 No.2343842 [Reply] [Original]

Will BTC die in a near future?

I know this ETH shill who's always talking about stuck transactions, huge fees and just conspires against BTC, always claiming ETH will be its successor.

Will this current indecision and August 1 be the death of BTC? Personally I think there's too much invested in it just for it to disappear, what do you guys think?

>> No.2343873

BTC is much safer than eth. Eth will be hacked (again) some day, it is pretty much inevitable.

>> No.2343888

BTC will fucking die and all of reddit will commit collective suicide.
DGB will become the main crypto.

>> No.2343897

I've never seen any major BTC hacks, just stolen wallets and exchanges. What makes ETH so hackable? Like the DAO hack? Vitalik's inexperience compared to the BTC team?

>> No.2343912

BTC is the Coca Cola of the Crypto Industry, it's not going anywhere and it will always be worth billions, perhaps trillions one day

>> No.2343950

It won't die but it won't be used for transactions, just as a store of wealth. I'm betting on Ethereum to be the day to day crypto, with Monero for dark markets.

Put 20% BTC, 70% ETH, 10% Monero and hold.

>> No.2344034

I've made most of my money off of memecoins, I know that's pretty risky but once I get enough capital I'll probably go 30/40/30 BTC/ETH/alts.

Can't argue with those trips, selling everything I can for DGB

>> No.2344054

BTC will possibly die because the goverments wont let it undermine banks and allow people to smuggle millions across borders without the authorities knowing

>> No.2344064

Isn't that valid for most if not all cryptocurrencies?

>> No.2344069

ETH isn't going to do shit. it's literally crypto-fiat and will be infinitely devalued because there are no limits to the number of coins that can be mined.

BTC will get fucked up by the (((banks))) after the august 1 fork. (((they)))'ll make it so that all transactions must be completed through banks which will destroy bitcoins decentralized nature.

the chinks will continue to mine the old bitcoin and the jew bankers will dump trillions into new bitcoin. also i predict that the US will make it illegal to hold the old format BTCs because they'll claim it sponsors terrorism and other fearmongering bullshit because they want total control over the crypto market and laws and regulations are how they plan to achieve that.

>> No.2344080

My point still stands

>> No.2344081

If BTC dies, every coin is going to die.

>> No.2344121

then find and use ones that the government cant trace

>> No.2344145

All crypto will die

>> No.2344175

Bitcoin makes me sad. You can't use it to pay for normal things instantly because you have to pay a huge fee.

Disgusting dog-eating chinks control all the mining of it, because they get cheap electricity from burning cheap coal that increases pollution and carbon dioxide in the air.

The concept of a blockchain is aesthetically disgusting.

Shut it down already.

>> No.2344191

the thing tech illiterates always say about ethereum is "it's better because it's more complex"

software engineers realize this is retarded. furthermore, turing complete smart contracts mean they can't be formally proved to be safe. expect tons of exploits and giant failures.

also be aware this isn't even the biggest problem with ethereum. it's literally a premined scamcoin and the SEC will be going after them any day now.

>> No.2344202

Nexus will save us

>> No.2344223

>implying a smartcontract executing piece of shit will be fast enough for daily transactions under heavy load.

you guys know ethereum faces even bigger scaling challenges than bitcoin right?

stop investing in shit you don't understand. you're going to get fucked.

>> No.2344251


>> No.2344273

Ethereum was never hacked faggots. The contract code written by theDAO had flaws and thus the hacker was able to drain 50 000 000 USD worth of ETH. Ethereum is forked out of bitcoin retards both have similar security features.

>> No.2344306

The truth is I haven't seen any noteworthy decentralized app, the DAO was a huge flop and it's bound for more shit to happen

So one of the most promising features about ETH can easily exploit others if not heavily tested and peer-reviewed, something that doesn't really happen. Got it.

>> No.2344320
File: 313 KB, 709x443, 1493229378973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bancor will embrace and extinguish all other cryptocurrencies, its literally a plan from the NWO to centralize and control cryptos and implement a world currency

>> No.2344322
File: 344 KB, 600x613, $nxs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Independently broadcast blockchain from space, Quantum resistant, wallet payment confirmation system in progress

Cubit satelitte badboys are going to take over lad, VSS is sponsored by NASA. His dad is the owner of VSS, do the maths, look at the funding trails

Decentralized internet, whitepaper still being developed, indirect government funding

Nexus is the moon mission

>> No.2344347

Wrong yet again fucknuts.

>> No.2344369

>Microsoft Windows can be hacked therefore it will never take off

>> No.2344379

>Implying Ethereum has even a % of the people and resources behind any MS OS

>> No.2344394

Ethereum isn't responsible for the security of the smart contracts, the people writing them with a vested interest are

>> No.2344401

>literally backed by MS

>> No.2344430

"Backed" is not the same has "being developed/maintained by". Microsoft just throwing money at the project doesn't really mean it has its top devs working on it.

Sure, I guess investors will have a blast deciding what contracts are safe and those which aren't

>> No.2344431

sounds like a load of bullshit tho

>> No.2344439

>investors will have a blast deciding what contracts are safe and those which aren't

>investing in contracts

You really have no fucking idea how any of this works, do you?

>> No.2344452

>I'm betting on Ethereum to be the day to day crypto
Ethereum already craps out everytime there is an ICO. Not going to happen.

>> No.2344461

Many smart contracts like the DAO at some point need funding or just mess around with your money,

>> No.2344462
File: 68 KB, 630x480, coinerlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a brainlet

>> No.2344493

Did they throw money? I just meant put their name next to it. That's cool though so how did you decide you'd go 40% ETH once mum gives you the capital?

>> No.2344495

Yeah for startups and people making scamcoins

That's NOT what ethereum was designed for or why people are speculating on its value. It's literally only relevent to /biz/ and other NEETs trying to get rich quick off 'companies' that 99% will fold in the next 5 years.

The whole allure is the Eth Alliance, which is more centralized and doesn't require any outside capital

>> No.2344550


Imagine security like a house. If your house is made of concrete and has no doors and no windows, it's very secure. If your house has 100 different ways of getting in, it's not very secure, there are more points of failure.

BTC is designed just to transfer numbers around. There aren't many ways to fuck with it. Eth is designed to let you run whatever kind of code you want on the platform. There are innumerable ways to fuck with it.

There are multibillion dollar companies getting hacked every week. What makes anyone think an autistic slavic kid can protect a decentralized platform worth billions of dollars?

>> No.2344565

The big boys? Who rely on being the outside capital to retain fresh ideas projects and skills to stay on top? What are you saying?

>> No.2344580

bitcoin won't die August 1st. this UASF crap will just die off slowly and then luke dashjr an greg maxwell hopefully need to go. fucking morons.
then there is nothing to block a 4mb HF and many more in the future. let satoshis original design go on.
segwit isn't even a piece of crap, it's just the way they want to push it.
as for the butthurt ETH haters in this thread: it won't fail either but stick around on BTC trails.

>> No.2344581

I guess the general idea is it costs more than would be gained

>> No.2344586

and how many houses do you see that don't have any windows?

you could literally say this same thing about any industry

If you don't think MS, JPMorgan, Toyota, etc qualify as "not needing outside capital" then there is nothing to the contrary.

>> No.2344595

I think the lack of segwit was a design oversight by Satoshi. Is there anything to indicate the opposite?

>> No.2344597

I'll only go for ETH once I see that bitcoin has its days counted (hint: will not happen). As for the adhominem, I've made more money buying and selling shitcoins than probably most of you Vitalik dick suckers. Keep "HODLing", will be fun seeing everyone panicking once everyone realizes ETH has no maximum coin supply and its scam daddy gets arrested

>people actually think he sold at 20$

I understand the concept dude, but until I see any noteworthy game changing smart contract or dapp, I'll remain skeptic

>> No.2344612


ETH wasn't hacked. Dao's contract Duane had an exploit, which eventually led ETH to hard form the currency. That's why we have ETH classic. I'm not saying that forking over a contract was a good thing, but they weren't hacked.

>> No.2344647

eth was never hacked

>> No.2344650

it really doesn't matter. SW is okay, it's just that a blocksize increase has to happen, and this is actively blocked by Core for whatever reason (not even going to argue for one). so miners get pissed and block SW on the other hand. what this actually is about, is a communication and diplomatic breakdown by Core, largely at fault are Luke, Greg and Adam.

>> No.2344666

Yes, Bitcoin in its current state is suffering. Massive transaction fees, slow confirmations, etc etc. There are some remedies but they're not likely to come to fruition/last in the long term. It may be a while but the grandpa of crypto is doomed to die at some point. Ethereum is a far superior blockchain tech in just about everywhere... but I think something else will replace Bitcoin as "the digital currency." Ethereum will be used mostly as a smart contract platform and not a way of buying shit with digital money.

Baka. First off Ethereum was never hacked; the DAO smart contract was manipulated to steal money (because there was a flaw in the contract). The Ethereum community decided to hard fork to give the funds back to the proper owners. Second, Ethereum has surpassed the Köppelmann constant and is in fact more secure than the Bitcoin network.

>> No.2344671

until it doesn't

>> No.2344992

>Today wanted to send $200 to poloniex
>$30 transaction fee
FUCK that. Any way around this or am I just jewed?
All I want is some dash.