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23437112 No.23437112 [Reply] [Original]

Brokefag here with a thousand dollars ($1,000) to invest into something what should it be?

>> No.23437142
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>> No.23437146

A lowcap obviously. A super cheap lowcap where you need to do an OTC deal with the devs.

>> No.23437162

Buy MSFT and just let it accrue dividends for 2 quarters if you're broke and afraid to lose the money, and then get a loan with the stock as collateral.

>> No.23437413

DRC Digital Reserve Currency

>> No.23437457

If you're broke then you shouldn't be investing. Build a financial safety net of savings first.

>> No.23437590


I make too little it's taking forever to save up I finally got an extra thousand bucks you don't think I should invest it ?

>> No.23437602

Link you absolute mong

>> No.23437612

>>23437457 is correct, if that's ALL you have, don't invest it. At this level, security should be your main priority, and you really should have a good amount of cash saved and easy to access in an emergency.
However if the 1,000 dollars you're talking about is just your spare money and you have more in the bank as saving, I do have a recommendation

>> No.23437615

Dont listen to that retard and his boomer wisdom. Invest money you have. It's losing money in savings.

>> No.23437626

No. You literally need money set aside in case of an emergency. If you don't do that, you're literally one unexpected event away from ruin

>> No.23437655

good advice

>> No.23437657

if $1000 is all you have, you will make dumb decisions with it because you'll be emotional

>> No.23437698

You should hold onto that thousand bucks so if you lose your job for whatever reason you won't immediately become homeless and starve. Only look to start investing when you have enough savings to cover six months of expenses.

Also if you have such a poor paying job maybe you should be investing in yourself instead by going back to school.

>> No.23437734

1000$ isnt going to turn into life changing money unless you take risk with it

>> No.23437756

you got fuse.io launch in like an hour dude. better hurry up

>> No.23437765

chainlink or fantom

>> No.23437772

fucking based

>> No.23437848

its chainlink baby, always has

>> No.23438560

Get a bag of 0x__MR, they are set to release 0xMixer and will have a DeFi implementation shortly.

>> No.23438597

RLC is your safest play

>> No.23438607

buy something like FTM or AVAX where you can stake it and where development is continuing and the system is useful