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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 400x400, thomas-8893e066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23435735 No.23435735 [Reply] [Original]

>sergey gets the fame

>> No.23435768

That's how it always is. You think Steve Jobs was there on the ground pulling chinks out of the suicide netting to send them back to work? No, he had people to do that for him.

>> No.23435769

You can't dodge the Hodge

>> No.23435785

Well I'm pretty sure if something goes horribly wrong it won't be thomas getting stabbed to death.

>> No.23435798

Fame = self-imposed hell

Always looking over your shoulder to make sure some crazy normie doesn't pop up everywhere you go. Hell, even in your own house. Who would want to willingly live like that?

>> No.23435803

Thomas action figurines and plushies when?

>> No.23435816

i actually looked into getting a run of 500 porcelain "sergey on horseback" figurines made in china, but had real trouble figuring out how to get custom designs made.

>> No.23435842

very cool anon

>> No.23435858


>> No.23435873

He lives in a gated mansion (the real kind, costing multiple millions of dollars) with security and cops patrolling the streets

>> No.23435904

Who? Sergey? Proof?

>> No.23435908

Anon pls ...pls do the needful & figure it out - use 3d printing if you have to. Then set up an Etsy store & post here, & I for one will buy

>> No.23435915

Yup. They all do. Literally living a life behind bars of your own making.

>> No.23436755

lol i hope you meant to sell them. pretty neat idea if so. you could make a pretty penny.

I'm only looking at the boringdao sale rn but I might want a few of those figurines lemme know sir

>> No.23437464

This post is extremely ironic given that Steve Ellis is the architect of chainlink and most of you newfags don't even know what he looks like. He has less presence than anyone on the team

>> No.23437493

this. Steve has been working since day one and is based as fuck.

>> No.23437877
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 1600474307284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said, pick up the soap

>> No.23438064

This, every major thing ever requiring a non-room-temp-IQ is actually an autist teamed up with some high-EQ front guy.