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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 766x462, Quant-Price-analysis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23433832 No.23433832 [Reply] [Original]

QNT the standard


>> No.23433872

Quant rated 95/100 by a top investment consultancy.
We’re going to make it, frens.

>> No.23433889


>> No.23433954

Pls link

>> No.23433974

And the only negative they found was "muh closed source and patented". Else it would have been 100/100. Fucking kek.

>> No.23434396



>> No.23434769
File: 83 KB, 600x374, bankhuntersV3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23434791

This is shitcoin quant is better

>> No.23434866

>Uniswap gem
can you please not do this?

>> No.23434897


>> No.23434910

Theres about 3k qnt at a premium price to uniswap on idex rn btw.
at 0.032-0.0325
No those aren't mine, i'm not fucking selling.

>> No.23434989
File: 295 KB, 1507x1146, Monosnap 2020-10-22 12-31-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jeet spam thread #100

Anyway, once a scammer always a scammer...


Gilbert Verdian getting sued by former employee Toby Box ROFL

Now you know why the former team collapsed.

>> No.23435011
File: 399 KB, 1237x1266, Monosnap 2020-10-22 12-33-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your shitcoin manufacturer is not only scamming people, but he's getting scammed too

>> No.23435021

It mentions Gilbert’s meeting with the Bank of England. Thanks, just bought 100K

>> No.23435023

Nothing unusual here.
Minor disputes between startups and the odd employee are common.
But you’ve never been in business, so you wouldn’t know, kek.

>> No.23435025
File: 62 KB, 459x838, (0) biz - Archived - QNT - Business & Finance - 4chan 2020-10-22 12-34-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"rearchitecting the entire financial system"

>> No.23435032

Sing us a song Gypsy King.

>> No.23435045


No! He scammed Toby Box and now he has to pay him back


You already knew that since 2019. The thing is that Bank of England chose Accenture in 2020. BTFO

>> No.23435064

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.23435097

No, there was a dispute over the terms of the contract. Seethe harder FAgetin.

>> No.23435108


No! He tried to scam him, but lost and now he has to pay back

>> No.23435123

This is most likely the reason for why he left the company. He was getting scammed by Gilbert. Who knows what other stories you will hear from the other team members, the true founders of this shitcoin

>> No.23435139

Hey, mentalist. When are you going to post about ‘$14’? Kek.

>> No.23435166

Gil is kinda based. Instead of paying him 150k he only has to pay 23k.

>> No.23435173

Token not needed buy Quant

>> No.23435224

Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.23435249
File: 160 KB, 657x527, 593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why they hired pajeets to shill QNT, they need cash

>> No.23435316

Imagine being this retarded!
You fud and you fud but the price keeps rising. You can’t afford to buy back in because QNT is over $13 with no sign of slowing down!
What a timeline, Quant chads.

>> No.23435509


>> No.23435540

The family man

>> No.23435680

How does it feel when QNT price just keeps rising and you have fudded from 1.5$ and now it is going to 20$ ? Lmao

>> No.23435777


Aside from the fact that your boss Gil is lying and scamming left and right....

The last thing you wanna do in a bull market is to get trapped in an illiquid shitcoin like Quant (trading at 80eth/24hr on IDEX). You won't be able to cash out and you'll be left holding the bags at -98% when the whole thing is over.

>> No.23435931

Then explain why price moved up when hacker sold his 50k QNT?
I know you are just trolling here but cmon, I assume that you are the Fa guy who fuds here every day and your fuds used to be kinda great but now they are just stupid.

>> No.23436394

I like gilbert I think he's a stand up guy, he definitely understands how banking works, and obviously has build his product around that. an overledger is a great product.

But he doesn't understand how crypto works. There's a few things that kind of bugged me about overledger. And also you know the fact that they kind of walked away from this tier one exchange which I agree is probably a good step no one should pay 1M to be at the mercy of these exchanges and then probably be forced to take part in some type of wash trading inter than what you get which I'm assuming would be against Gilbert's own morality. But the idea that quant can function - dealing with central banks and all these highly regulated government entities by only having liquidity on decentralized exchanges I think is asinine.

Because central banks are not going to go ahead and go pick those up on fucking uniswap. No Way.
We've had discussions about this, but we haven't seen much progress moving forward
but I think he doesn't understand the issue or it's definitely not one that they're tackling which to me seems... very odd

I'm not sure how they expect all these large institutions to acquire quant. Because they're definitely not going to do it through uniswap and if they do it through Qants treasury qants still needs a way to be able to facilitate these transactions and again we come back to the same issue.

>> No.23436503

> he doesn’t know how it works
> he doesn’t know how to fud
> he’s a fag

>> No.23436512

Quant Interchange ?

>> No.23436606


>> No.23437076
File: 104 KB, 1080x602, 20200812_204930__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qnt pumpin and pumpin

>> No.23437094

Quant is easily the best investment of this decade

>> No.23437164


Nice fud pasta.

Now fuck off.

>> No.23437215

Stansburry Research, good fucking god institutional investors are going to pour into this

>> No.23437243
File: 633 KB, 1080x1070, thighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out, trannie, go dilate.

>> No.23437607

Calm down OP
It's sure a good project but I don't see this hitting 10K.

>> No.23437716

$10k will happen.
Quant has no ceiling. The price will continue to grow so long as world GDP does.

>> No.23437752

>43 posts
>20 posters
Kek after two weeks of relentless shilling still nobody gives a shit about your vaporware.

>> No.23437777

Is that why QNT wallet numbers are growing exponentially?
What a keking brainlet.

>> No.23437839

>9,300 wallets
KEK cope harder

>> No.23437901

qnt's chart is looking very juicy

>> No.23437903

> can’t grasp the concept of the exponent
> can’t fud
> is literally a brainlet

>> No.23437922

>11 posts
>fails miserably to dispute any fud in his own shill thread

>> No.23437957







>> No.23437982

Quant fudders really have flipped. This is what happens when you sell your Quant and the train leaves without you.
Next stop: $20

>> No.23438029

>9,385 wallets
>2,000 of them have LESS than 0.001 QNT
>muh exponential growth
The absolute state of QNT jeets

>> No.23438050

meanwhile price keeps going up

stay poor, rakesh

>> No.23438077

>price keeps going up on obscure exchanges with no liquidity and volume
>this is bullish
KEK yeah ignore the wallets argument and focus on NUMBER GO UP

>> No.23438086

Fudders should have kept a moonbag like Donnie did hahahahaha

>> No.23438091

Qnt is going only worse, i was thinking to invest in another layer 1 that has potential to dominate the market. will check Avalanche

>> No.23438110

This, fellow Quant chads, is what happens when you don’t stay in school.
Remember, logic and maths are essential life skills all of us need to succeed.

>> No.23438132


>> No.23438133

Yeah, QNT casually trotting to an ATH with the best looking chart in crypto. Oooh it hurts

>> No.23438169

see you at $1000 rajesh

>> No.23438178

>illiquid vaporware keeps going up on a market wide bull run

>> No.23438185

fudders trying so hard since $1.50 in march, and yet here we are at $13 and not even taken off yet, still well within solid chart structure.

strange, huh?

>> No.23438196





>> No.23438203

Now that's an argument, finally! Thanks for disputing my FUD jeet. KEK

>> No.23438206

QNT is fucking Cringe.

I'll stick with Clover42 thanks. Enjoy your overpriced shitcoin.

>> No.23438231

>14 desperate shill posts with 0 rebuttals
He's losing it guys KEK

>> No.23438234


>> No.23438242
File: 48 KB, 390x501, 1600461692307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have $1000 of trading money. quant will do me nice?

>> No.23438267

Your illiquid vaporware won't even reach 10k rupees jeet.

>> No.23438330

Let’s keep this fag going. He’s a timely reminder not to do meth and will ensure the East Coast read this thread over morning coffee.

>> No.23438355

organic liquidity is king, your shitcoins are being pumped and dumped by king CZ lmfao.

GL with your unregulated shitexchange getting shutdown with your bags.

Enterprise has spoken and Quant is leader

>> No.23438358

Anybody reading your threads stays the fuck away jeet. KEK

>> No.23438390

Right on, Quant fan.
I knew you’d come around!

>> No.23438399

>organic liquidity
kek wtf is that supposed to mean you autismo?
>GL with your unregulated shitexchange getting shutdown with your bags
You mean Coinbase, Kraken, Bittrex, Huobi etc?

>> No.23438417

I know, right? Quant is the best trade in crypto. Glad to have you aboard, fren.

>> No.23438420

The more you reply like this, the more exposed you get jeet KEK

>> No.23438445

Literally wtf are you talking about jeet? Are you having a breakdown? lel

>> No.23438472

I agree, go 90% QNT.
Don’t over commit, maybe keep 10% in BTC.

>> No.23438484

->Thinks hes making it
->Doesn't know organic liquidity, wash trading
Pick one

deluded brainlet

>> No.23438510

100% these retards are hired by the head charlatan, Ala Scamian. There's simply too much Quant spam when this shitcoin is completely abandoned

>> No.23438526

Take your meds
Nice greentext fucking moron holy KEK
>unregulated shitexchange
>wash trading
Congrats, you just described the state of your worthless erc20 shitcoin

>> No.23438582

Ya, Quant is the best short and long term trade. I agree, we will see $100 this year, $1k next.
Glad to see you saw sense in the end, anon.

>> No.23438618

>can't dispute anything
>proceeds to deny reality and reply like a fucking schizo
This jeet's mental breakdown is absolutely HILARIOUS

>> No.23438640

Congratulations you are a virgin

>> No.23438663

>you saw sense
Jesus my eyes bleed, your employers made a terrible decision when they decided to hire you kek

>> No.23438671

>15 posts by this ID

Rent free nigger

>> No.23438681

Good to have you aboard fren!
No, 10 QNT is nothing to be ashamed of - you’ll make eventually around 2022.

>> No.23438711

>Insulting, name calling ad hominem etc
Congrats you are a certified street-shitting jeet shill, and you're also terrible at your job.

>> No.23438748

In addition, work on your cardio, upper body strength (skinny looks faggy, desu) and your social skills.
Keep stacking the QNT, though, you made the right choice.

>> No.23438758

>88 posts
>31 posters
>15 by me
>20 by him>>23438681
>0 arguments 0 rebuttals
This is your qnt shill thread in a nutshell.

>> No.23438783

what price target is qnt looking at?

>> No.23438788

hahahahaha holy shit

>> No.23438789
File: 169 KB, 393x867, quamfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this faggot fudding the thread for cheap quanties is not bullish enough, here's pic related.

>You still have time anon, join us

>> No.23438796

I sued the bastards for their ICO it dies soon

>> No.23438798

Your target is 1000 QNT?
That’s great, anon, we’ll all make it!

>> No.23438847

> 95/100
> 95/100
> 95/100

We made it Quant frens

>> No.23438848

Get rekt jeet

>> No.23438856

Quant is 13 dollars. We gonna make it niggas

>> No.23438865


Look at that fucking botched ass analysis LOL

Tell those stupid fucks that JP Morgan Quorum is defunct. Also, giving 10 out of 10 for exchanges and wallets ROFL.

At least they gave the correct 5 out of 10 for decentralization since this is a semi-decentralized shitcoin, not only because of the source code being hidden, but also because of the governance model

>> No.23438881

>I'll refute him with gibberish what a brilliant idea!

>> No.23438901

I know, hard to believe you are now a proud QNT holder!
Welcome aboard, fren.

>> No.23438934

>this is a semi-decentralized shitcoin
No fren, I'm afraid it's fully-centralized.
>Overledger Network Treasury
>Same shit as XRP Escrow
>45million tokens
>We'll burn the rest we promise!

>> No.23439022

Probably best to accumulate daily. If your target is 1000 QNT, I suggest 100 per day. It’s your call, you do run the risk of being left behind, so factor that into your purchase schedule.

>> No.23439189

autists, both of you

>> No.23439268

i have some qnt, but this retard is making me want to get rid of it

>> No.23439276

Sell and move on, fag.

>> No.23439334

Dispute some FUD you mongoloid. Can you do that?

>> No.23439431

implying i want to fud
its not fud retard
its just information

>> No.23439474

When we hit $1000 QNT, you could sell half, then 50% every doubling?
You need to find an exit strategy that works for you, so sleep on it and we can discuss further tomorrow.

>> No.23439583


>> No.23439757

Why would i dispute it when you already admited its just fud?

>> No.23439892



>> No.23439893

Oh I'm terribly sorry fag, let me rephrase that for you.
Prove it's just FUD and not legitimate concerns over the project. Can you do that?

>> No.23439929

why? you would just spout some more bullshit

>> No.23440025

So you can't. Thanks for playing.

>> No.23440050

No, thank YOU anon, for buying QNT!

>> No.23440072


>> No.23440095

i dont think they bought any

>> No.23440097

26 posts
how much quant did you miss out on early, exactly, cobra? O right, quite a significant amount .

Ocean? noooootttttt the best pick desu

>> No.23440127

>119 posts
>35 posters
It's time for you to fuck off to your telegram safe space :')

>> No.23440137

Oh no, I missed another one :(

>> No.23440140

Kek, Cobra.
His name rhymes with ‘dumb fucker’.

>> No.23440161

I can. I don't even need to bring anything technical to do that.
1) you're too knowledgable about qnt to not hold any so you know its all a bunch of crap that was refuted multiple times in tg channels which means you're probably reading it as well and so I make a conclusion you're just another bored af holder
2) you can be that retard who sold his stack yesterday at $11 calling "the top", in that case you're just coping hard and trying to make /biz/tards sell their tokens to buy in back lower, which honestly aint happened cause your retarded ass didn't even check charts before selling

>> No.23440229

>I can
Then do it instead of projecting you massive faggot. What the fuck is the purpose of these threads if holders can't dispute anything? Put in my place and convince the lurkers to buy.
>inb4 we don't care
Then stop shilling and gtfo

>> No.23440282

>Then stop shilling and gtfo
No, it makes you mad, which makes me entertained.

>> No.23440303

Still can't refute anything I see.

>> No.23440338

The purpose of these threads is to raise Quant’s visibility for as long as possible each day.
Thanks for helping out, retard.
Keep stacking those QNT, fren! Try to stretch to 1100. Kek.

>> No.23440346

You won't buy back in lower than 12.5.

>> No.23440394

>The purpose of these threads is to raise Quant’s visibility
and exposing it as a vaporware shitcoin. Fine by me.
>I can
>I just won't lel
Still waiting.

>> No.23440407

>Still waiting.
Yep, keep on waiting, $12.85

>> No.23440456

Jesus this thread is fucking pathetic.

>> No.23441252

I'm a QNT holder and you're making QNT a fucking disgrace by having such low quality threads. Pick up your fucking game or don't create these shitty QNT threads at all, as all it does it make you QNT'ers sound like retards. Up your replies and have intelligent discussion.

>> No.23441436

If you read this thread you would notice it was high quality until fudders arrived intent to disrupt it.
Thanks for playing into their hands, brainlet.

>> No.23441453

p-please don't shill
fuck off
next time don't sell at $10

>> No.23441471

>pajeet shills bail out of their own thread
>"intelligent" qnt holder appears just in time to bump the thread before it's pruned
Why don't you try to refute the FUDers, big brains?

>> No.23441537

KEK just show me one quality post on this shitshow of a thread

>> No.23441560

Thanks for the bumperino, fag.
Yeah, me too! I’m also holding out for $1k before I sell any. We’re both going to make it!

>> No.23441580

Fuck off you idiot. Talk to me when you have a 6 digit stack, until then bow down fool.

>> No.23441605

Kek, haven’t you got a gym to go to.
Work on those arms, fag.

>> No.23441682

are you mentally sound bro

>> No.23441688

stay comfy with your 3 fig stack

>> No.23442206

whered the crazy man go :(

>> No.23442452

He just sold his entire stack worth 4k and pieced out.

>> No.23442604

great adoption now all member of Alaverdian family has access to overledger

>> No.23442695

Just bought 100 k

>> No.23442706


>> No.23442825

They were issued to him directly from the Overledger Treasury kek.