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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23430723 No.23430723 [Reply] [Original]

So what if he raises taxes? It makes for a better society and it ends white supremacy

>> No.23430762

This is a business and Finance board

>> No.23430763

This has been debunked

>> No.23430982

this pedo is going to jail.

>> No.23431017
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i can just imagine the slav sitting in the computer farm in a tracksuit, bored as fuck, concocting more "social engineering" /pol/ bait while snow falls on the urban hellscape outside.
hope you're buying Chainlink with your wages, Vasili, it solves the oracle problem. That's all we care about here.

>> No.23431289
File: 113 KB, 732x732, 1600226142998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden will win a ticket to federal prison.

>> No.23431323

as if paying taxes is a thing in 2020

>> No.23431447

>suggests raising taxes if you make more than 400k/yr
>americans: "muuhhh you cant raise taxes"!!
>trump: lowers taxes for the wealthy
>americans : OMG he cuts taxes!! yayyyy

this country is so fucking stupid but i get it, we are all being manipulated. but fuck man, im getting tired of all this

>> No.23431460

If he wins you better be holding quality investments. You're not going to be able to sell for 4-8 years otherwise the taxman is coming for your principle

>> No.23431473

>what's wrong with ending gravity?!?
You can't. It's a constant.

>> No.23431480

i make 300k so i'm below the threshold so I hope he raises the fuck out of some taxes

>> No.23431686

His proposal makes escaping the (upper) middle class impossible, no?

>> No.23431717

stop being a dumb nigger.

>> No.23431735

yes, that's what all taxes are essentially for at this point, basically ensuring that the kid with two doctors for parents will never ever actually join the elite

>> No.23431741

>I hope government seizes the wealth of anyone with more money than me and squanders it rather than let people invest as they please, which would improve returns on my own investments as well
Kys nigger.

>> No.23431743

He'd have to end himself then

>> No.23431761

Imagine if everyone did tho. Our society needs people to keep working or it falls apart. As fucked up as it is, the world is running on wage slavery.

>> No.23431797

retard, im not even american but even i know biden is a legit ccp puppet.

>> No.23431817

Trump did double the standard deduction, which does more for low income families than high income families.

>> No.23431883

85% tax for everybody making more than $10,000,000 a year
50% tax for 1,000,000 a year
30% for everybody else
offshoring illegal, offshore bank accounts illegal, dual citizenship illegal, renouncing citizenship illegal, must live and be taxed by the government in order to do business in the United States. Redraw all state lines into districts that actually makes sense. Abolish state governments and make the second highest political authority under the feds be municipalities with a rural contado. Feds have only veto powers in 99% of matters. Ban social media. Nuke Tel Aviv. Invade Mexico and kill all cartels. Make all drugs legal. Mortgage help for married couples with children. Ban no fault divorce. Restructure Supreme Court powers. Ban foreign government lobby groups. Ban multinational lobby groups. All politicians must be tried after office to investigate any crimes committed. President punishment being execution and all family exiled to Guam. Hang all neo cons and neo liberals. Build high speed rail and walkable cities
vote for me in 2032

>> No.23431892

>squanders it
then run for office nigger if you don't like the budgets

>> No.23431932

Or, I could just keep more of my fucking money and spend it how I please, you stupid nigger.

>> No.23431961
File: 130 KB, 626x802, angry-caveman-illustration_6460-625-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or, I could just keep more of my fucking food and eat it how I please, you stupid civilization having niggers

>> No.23431989

your wealth only exists because of the circumstances governments and nations create, sanction, and maintain. Ancaps are absolute retards

>> No.23432027

Holy shit you are a fucking retard. Taxes are oppression and the government must be FOUGHT CONSTANTLY to break free of wagecuckery that finances white genocide and prevent escapes from the middle class.
You really need to go back you jewish faggot.

>> No.23432118

Not everyone has the capabilities to do so, punishing the ones that do is not something I would ever vote for

>> No.23432127

>Taxes are oppression
the sentiment exposing absolute braindead trash brains bound for nothing since 4000 bc. You very clearly did not understand what I implied in my post, but thats ok, it requires actual basic education in history, historical processes, and political theory in order to, which clearly I shouldn't expect. You, unironically, exist in a society faggot. Your wealth is generated in a closed artifical playpen ecosystem created by and maintained by politics. You have arcade coins and arcade tickets from playing arcade games
>FOUGHT CONSTANTLY to break free of wagecuckery that finances white genocide and prevent escapes from the middle class.
>You really need to go back you jewish faggot.
ew. pol brain cancer meme speak

>> No.23432152

He worse. He’s europoor zoomer.

>> No.23432155

do the math, how would one with that money even think about joining the elite..

>> No.23432159
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>> No.23432164

take the full VALUE pill
it goes deep

>> No.23432165

Thats antisemitic!

>> No.23432177

meme brain meme speaking retardation
welcome to /biz/

>> No.23432182

So give up your entire wage so you can better your country zoomer

>> No.23432183

>finances white genocide
>absolute state of biz

>> No.23432197

Children of doctors won’t ever make it anyway. Doctors are crazy. Children of doctors tend to be over medicated and drug injured. Sad how people worship such retards.

>> No.23432801
File: 107 KB, 850x400, 1EC18D2B-3B03-4EEE-9EEE-E301588313B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate those soviet bastards