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File: 47 KB, 450x600, E635792E-EAD5-46AB-95DA-D4867223E282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23428220 No.23428220 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that money is cope

A prettyboy with 10/10 face face a far higher quality of life than someone like Bezos or Gates

Instead of spending your money on shitcoins you should spend it on surgeries and steroids to looksmax

>> No.23428248

OP is cope. Real men buy land and own homes.

Only rentcucks think of such superficial shit

>> No.23428249

How much Chainlink does Chico own bros?

>> No.23428250
File: 3.47 MB, 640x624, rolling head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like men not women

>> No.23428256

What are you a fag? Girls give less of a fuck about looks then you think.

>> No.23428270

>have 8+/10 face
>effects are disabled by being fat
>can activate chad mode anytime I want
>too lazy desu

>> No.23428282
File: 177 KB, 623x702, 1597193319108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really understand, if you have money & some land. You can do whatever you like.

You sound like something out of a high school drama show, once you leave cuck education you will see that its all about $.

Those who have it smile, those who don't Cope to proportions unbelieveble...

>> No.23428290

now post current day chico

>> No.23428291
File: 747 KB, 1280x1648, 1577598554956(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me you're not an 8/10

>> No.23428307
File: 78 KB, 781x957, 8D98A804-7931-4A09-B61D-A406E78B30B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chad will just marry a billionaire heiress if he wants money

>> No.23428343
File: 176 KB, 1446x1024, FDB1866A-896E-44FE-B631-0C6740B064A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that even the richest most powerful men in the world like Epstein still are slaves to pussy

Epstein had to set up an elaborate worldwide ring, and pay millions just to get a scrap of pussy.

The billionaires like Bezos and Epstein risk eveything for something chad gets for free

>> No.23428400

ok retard

>> No.23428418

Post hand

>> No.23428449

Looksmaxing won't remove the effects of being highly inhibited

>> No.23428452

Prettyboys have a terrible quality of life because they transition poorly into manhood

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.23428461
File: 28 KB, 474x544, CB9D40A4-D46F-4049-94DC-F4DFD745CD48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I got down to 200 a couple times in my life and women started asking me out. It’s not really worth it. Do it for your health though.

>> No.23428469


>> No.23428481
File: 32 KB, 300x242, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get rich
>Get plastic surgery

>> No.23428520

>wasting time trying to get for free something you can pay for to have instantly
rich people can buy you, your time and your anus

>> No.23428523
File: 41 KB, 542x602, 1601305999311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ugly, dumb, fat AND poor, the only good thing I didn't strike out on genetically is height not that it matters.

>> No.23428527

Everybody who has one good thing going for them thinks the guy with the other thing is "all girls REALLY want".
I have friends that are gym Chads who fuck a lot of good looking chicks but they're blue collar workers and get buttmad about less handsome men scoring good chicks because they have more money and better jobs.
The only thing you never hear anybody say is "man I wish I was more insecure and constantly over-thinking everything"

>> No.23428533

>caring about women at all

>> No.23428743


Why are you such a cock sucking faggot.

This is me and I fuck lots of young teens

>> No.23428984
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190803-121607_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is me

>> No.23429021

i guess you cant activate chad mode

>> No.23429027

I look like OP pic except better

>> No.23429056

i prefer to masturbate to graphs on my alts rn

>> No.23429088

This guy has an incel profile and disgusting teeth.

>> No.23429269
File: 353 KB, 888x1920, 451D5820-67A1-4410-B40C-1186A87754C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure that I’m a chad

>> No.23429300

We'll need more to decide if you'll make it. Maybe full body.

>> No.23429323

Too lewd for me but I look decent body wise. Not fat or anything but should work out more

>> No.23429329

He may have a pretty face,
but does he have a beautiful voice?
I sing Gregorian Chant every Sunday, AMA

>> No.23429359

I'm sorry but you'll have to prove it.

>> No.23429366

Lmao. Whats an incel thread doing on biz? Go back to lurking onlyfans and complaining about not getting pussy. Remember, even if you are a 1/10, you can still get puss. If bums can do it for free, so can you. Find self worth in yourself and not the fags on 4chan. Now move along and kys.

>> No.23429374

vocaroo larper

>> No.23429397

You’re like a 5/10 bud

>> No.23429471

Lmao dudes a 7 or 8 what continent are you from?

>> No.23429488

I completely disagree but 5 is average. At least I’m not ugly to people. :)

>> No.23429535

Now thats a cope

>> No.23429569

Bezos could literally pay your boss to fire you, pay your wife to cuck you, pay your landlord to evict you, andything he wants.

So keep coping with looks you effeminate faggot. You will never enjoy real power, which is the real mark of manhood.

>> No.23429584

ur a 6

>> No.23429672

Ugly people shouldn't get surgery. The whole point of your physical appearance is that it's an indication of the quality of your genes. If you have shit genes just own it and get with an ugly woman.
Or at least, if you must have surgery, get with an ugly woman who has also had surgery so you can both be "fake good looking" and not ruin the gene pool.

>> No.23429727

>Epstein had to set up an elaborate worldwide ring, and pay millions just to get a scrap of pussy.
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.23429731
File: 871 KB, 549x598, 9949BCF3-FE87-4260-9DBF-75EC36E3A410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet I guarantee bezos never get half the validation a male model does

He would trade eveything to be Barrett

>> No.23429755
File: 66 KB, 634x570, AF0D4010-5EB8-4D70-8AB9-68427FC00639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No money can compare to the feeling of having a face like this

>> No.23429765

Life is not a cat breed exhibition.
You have shitty genes if you wagecuck and you are poor.

>> No.23429766

men are not women

>> No.23429784

me on the right

>> No.23429804
File: 14 KB, 320x280, 2a884aaa5e95aa9e1c68a841d77c8595c3611cc68fa13f770b8dc2b90f825324_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if someone has shitty looks because of environmental reasons? A lot of kids grow up as mouthbreathers with improper tongue posture, which leads to a shitty jawline/receded chin. Some people were fat as kids because their parents fed them garbage, and then they lose the weight and have stretch marks and loose skin. Not everything is genetics. Intelligence is far more important anyways, and you can't fake that.

>> No.23429807

you have shitty genes if you have a shitty body and face. if you get surgery and get with an actual beautiful woman and fill her with your shitty face and body genes then it's a crime against humanity.

>> No.23429824

>A prettyboy with 10/10 face face a far higher quality of life than someone like Bezos or Gates

lol no

>> No.23429858

the gene pool is already ruined, check out arthur de gobineau

>> No.23429869

>yuck, those grapes look sour anyway

>> No.23429870


>> No.23429881
File: 43 KB, 696x523, sugardaddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this absolute faggot?

This is real power, nothing can compare the feeling of having the control on these dumb whores.

>> No.23429910

clearly you've never been fucking someone and had them inadvertently blurt out "fuck, you're so hot" or "fuck you're sexy". Worth more than any paid golddigger "relationship" on the planet.

>> No.23429921
File: 282 KB, 639x892, MYFACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 174 IQ and I look like this. I can only do mathematics up to Algebra 2

Would you guys say I can make it?
My only investment is Hudbay Minerals stock with 30,000 inside of it at 3.83 a share. Started it 1 year ago. I'm up 10k at the moment.

I'm throwing 15 thousand more on it if the stock market dips.

>> No.23429953

Nah he’s at least a 7

>> No.23429954

What a stupid post.
>Crime against humanity
Histrionic faggot.

>> No.23429956

Look at Ivanka Trumps kids. She had a ton of surgeries and looks like a 9 but her kids are ugly as fuck.

>> No.23429957

stocks are about to crash hard

>> No.23429960
File: 1.91 MB, 174x250, restart chip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda look like that, but it matters so little compared to how much your personality does. That guy probably cannot keep a girl for shit, if he's an autismo. If you're a sperg you will have no issue staying a kissless virgin like I have. But in 20 years when we're both ugly I'll still have my linkies.

>> No.23429962

Maximum cope

>> No.23429967

Here's my Youtube


>> No.23429975

I'd rather be a 6 or a 7 like bezos and be a billionaire than a little bitch faggot with a pretty face
and I have been told on 4chan to be close to an 8 with the potential for chad if I lifted but I don't care that much

if you prefer looks over money you're either really sad and pathetic with no self esteem therefore a bit of looks with marginally increase your happiness more than money would. but we are not talking about being a 2 or 3 we are talking about being bezes. he's a reasonably good looking dude imo now that he is buffed

>> No.23429980

>poorfag lookism raid
Yeah nah

>> No.23429987

You're probably right.
I think I should get out and sell everything but I won't.

I'd rather just do Dollar cost averaging and wait it out like the coronavirus crash. That way if nothing happens, I won't have sold out early.

>> No.23429990

>taking beautiful aesthetic genes and pumping them full of your bullshit genes to create ugmo kids, ending the aesthetic line forever
i stand by what i said

>> No.23429996

You obviously don’t look like that then

I have diagnosed autism, so severe that I’ve never been able to graduate or keep a job. Yet my body count is over 25.

No girl has ever wanted a relationship but they all want me as a fuckbuddy.

>> No.23429997

>A prettyboy with 10/10 face face a far higher quality of life than someone like Bezos or Gates
No. Looks will only get a man so far.

>> No.23430028

Lmao if thats really you, you're the person that used to post their picture all over r9k.

You look a little better.

I also moved on from r9k and became a chad. But I still don't post my picture on 4chan.

>> No.23430038

Cool. Post pics.

>> No.23430039

The facts are happiness diminishes after about 75k a year. And then consider she'll only love you for your money, not you. cope

>> No.23430045

This is probably the most shallow understanding of gene inheritance and expression I have ever witnessed.

>> No.23430080

The only physical characteristic women give a shit about is height

>> No.23430092

lol love. you cope you faggot. I have been with more than 70 girls. who needs love. I want money because once my looks fade I want to keep fucking the young ones. we just have different mindsets.
you cope at 40 paying alimony, tool

>> No.23430100

Two hot parents are going to create better looking kids than a hot parent and a ghoul, am i wrong?

>> No.23430105

Yes 75k for most people

But I think it platues then there is another few platues above that.

The first platue past 75k is the most normal people get to usually. Maybe the next platue is above 2 mil or something

>> No.23430104


>> No.23430132
File: 131 KB, 750x991, 1585362546443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look more like him than you and you obviously have no issue slaying so my point still stands

>> No.23430154

>The facts are happiness diminishes after about 75k a year
instead of parroting the first sentence, read the full study, brainlet faggot

>> No.23430176

Y’all say bezos is a 6 or 7 and then call >>23429269
A 5 or 6 kek

>> No.23430189
File: 115 KB, 780x1025, monand_by_fluffydus_dczt5vf-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using your money to create a perfect robot waifu

>> No.23430266

Fix your posture, eat healthy, stay away from digital pollution, get sunlight, and workout. Also stay positive and confident, this is all you need.

>> No.23430273

>he thinks happiness is infinite like money
based retard

>> No.23430289

You're under 25. Everyone says they want to keep having sex with young ones when they're young because they can't imagine doing anything else. 40 year olds are too lazy to chase after sex, your standards change.

>> No.23430337

I have good genes. Most males in my family all 6 foot or taller, with high IQs and good facial features. I still think your post is fucking retarded, and you are some histrionic faggot whose only saving grace is good looks.

>> No.23430343

You didn't even read the study.

And you have to be kidding me if you dont think there are higher levels of base 'happiness' then 75k.

75k < 7.5 mil < 75 mil < 7.5 bil.

...maybe somewhere in the double digit mils is where you break from reality and it could go bad.

>> No.23430353

>When plotted against log income, life evaluation rises steadily. Emotional well-being also rises with log income, but there is no further progress beyond an annual income of ~$75,000.
>Life evaluation refers to a person's thoughts about his or her life
>Life evaluation is measured using Cantril's Self-Anchoring Scale, which has the respondent rate his or her current life on a ladder scale in which 0 is “the worst possible life for you” and 10 is “the best possible life for you.” We find that emotional well-being and life evaluation have different correlates in the circumstances of people's lives. In particular, we observe striking differences in the relationship of these aspects of well-being to income.

>> No.23430393

maybe take your IQ and use it to develop a better understanding of what "histrionic" means, it's not a catch-all insult, it has a specific meaning.
Also I don't know why you'd be so triggered by obvious observations about the value of hotness unless you felt like maybe you had shit genes after all.

>> No.23430399


>> No.23430431


>> No.23430448

Lol he got u >>23430337

>> No.23430525

You literally stated that an ugly person having kids with a hot one is a "crime against humanity". When you consider all the actual terrible shit that goes on in this world, that sounds like an embellished, overly theatrical reaction to me.

>> No.23430557

Histrionics are theatrical in delivery. Diva-esque. Tantrums. Just making an exaggerated claim doesn't remotely quality.

>> No.23430579

This right fucking here. I should know i was one. After I hit 21 my temples receded and I grew a FUCK ton of unflattering body hair and it's been rather downhilish since. I'm not some monster but I did not transition well as anon mentioned and I know it. If you're a pretty boy yoy need to stop with the egotistical self down playing and realize that within 2-3 years you can literally lose it all. Diet, exercise, AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUCKING HAIR at all costs or you will regret it like I did by being a lazy gag who thought it would last without the work.

>> No.23430606

>Exaggerated dramatic behavior designed to attract attention
If you don't see how implying an ugly person is slighting the entire human race by having kids with a pretty person, isn't exaggerated and dramatic, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.23430636

Typing messages on 4chan isn't the same as acting theatrical in real life anon.

>> No.23430664

It's not my problem that you think the word means you have to "act theatrical" for something to be histrionic or overly dramatic.

>> No.23430699

Well you seem like you're autistic

>> No.23430715
File: 55 KB, 1024x759, 1603110057186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting women on a pedestal above every other aspect of your life
I'd call you a zoom zoom but this behaviour is frightening common. Women have the excuse of being biologically wired to desperately need attention, they can't help it.
You gotta stop being such a bitch and stressing over pussy anon, you'll live longer.

>> No.23430720
File: 3.24 MB, 2048x1536, zvum4d7ez8wx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUCKING HAIR at all costs or you will regret it

>> No.23430729

7/10 face & 6'
Gym maxing. Lifes not that good, or i wouldnt be on 4chan. You need actual social skills with good looks. Women will come up to you but they'll leave once they realize you have autism.

>> No.23430890

>they will leave once they realize you have autism

Fuck this is so true that it hurts.
There is about 1 in 10 that stick around though

>> No.23431007
File: 244 KB, 820x930, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, you're effeminate.

Real men don't need "validation" you fucking pussy kek

>> No.23431164

I'm sure you're Tom Cruise or The Transporter anon.

>> No.23431191

>A prettyboy with 10/10 face face a far higher quality of life than someone like Bezos or Gates
this is true

Nothing can buy two eyeses of a woman excited to see you

I am not even talking about love here... just talking about consensual sex. Nothing can buy this.

Hookers are not consensual sex

>> No.23431204

op you're right, 100%. but since one cannot be born with new genetics, getting what you want with money is the next best option after you have exhausted looksmax

>> No.23431206

>>can activate chad mode anytime I want

>> No.23431222

>if you have money & some land. You can do whatever you like.
except to have consensual sex with a women who is excited about you

>> No.23431271

I'm 5'7" and considered very attractive. In public I get mocked and treated like an outcast.

>> No.23431358

>Real men don't need "validation"
Lmao how can you have sex with a women who is digusted by you?

>> No.23431433

please tell me you're memeing

>> No.23431463

Hi Brandon

>> No.23431475

Sell bro

>> No.23431536

retards buying the fucking top as always. they can't be helped

>> No.23431540

preferring money over looks is a scarcity mindset. you can make money at any time but you cant change your genes.

>> No.23431571

I'm thinking to sell soon.
I know a hard dip is coming. I'd say there's a 60% chance of a drop like a rock. And a 40% chance of nothing happening.

I think I'll sell if it hits like 5.80.
That way I'll have 13 thousand, and if it crashes to 4.00 a share, I'll have 13 thousand extra to make-up for the 3.80 I bought in at.

I'm not memeing.
It's all real. A high IQ can't help you if women don't like you. Not even in Puerto Rico do they care for me.

I have to physically go to Uruguay/PR, where the women have low foreheads, and then physically walk up to them and ask them for a date, etc. It's hell because I have autism as well.

>> No.23431586
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 8+/10 face

>> No.23431616

>a 40% chance of nothing happening.
dude, look at pe ratio and buybacks

>> No.23431627

It's 17 thousand additional potential dollars if I sell right now and it drops.

>> No.23431642

I know we're in a bubble as well.
I almost forgot that. Thank you.

>> No.23431707

I'm doing the math right now.
The 10 thousand might make-up for everything I lose from buying back in at a high

>> No.23431758

Well, this is what I've got right now

82,245 = HBM wins, Hold
70,992 = HBM wins, Sell Early
111,560 = HBM Wins, Sell Early

I'm not sure which one to choose. The brightest future is +30k

>> No.23431824

78,163 = HBM wins, Hold with minor dip
82,245 = HBM wins, Hold
86,768 = HBM wins, No Dip
70,992 = HBM wins, Sell Early
111,560 = HBM Wins, Sell Early

It's just very difficult to predict the stock market.
It could just keep pumping. Or shave a meager 20% on HBM, and I gain nothing.

Or keep pumping to 7 without a shake.

>> No.23431849

So really this is burn 10 thousand dollars or gain 30 thousand.

>> No.23431897

I'm just going to go off of the 1911 Spanish Flu, say the economy will keep pumping, and buy the dip if it comes in.

That's really all there is to do.

>> No.23431971

You can essentially become a chad at any age with modern dentistry. There are appliances and procedures that can be used to improve facial development. A well developed jaw is pretty much what separates attractive people from average looking people. The less developed the jaw, the less attractive.

>> No.23432046

the absolute state of this fucking board

>> No.23432074

>It's just very difficult to predict the stock market.
you don't say
>I'm just going to go off of the 1911 Spanish Flu, say the economy will keep pumping
the disease is less relevant than government reaction. asset prices are massively inflated. you are all in on one stock at the very tippy top of the market in hope of making something like 50%. it can drop 80 % before your sell order gets in. meanwhile, bull market in crypto has just begun where 5x gains are fucking ridiculously conservative

>> No.23432134

The sad truth is that beautiful people are often more intelligent than ugly people, because intelligent people can acquire wealth and attract more attractive mates. Usually beautiful people, are smart and wealthy.

Life is a system of feedback loops. If you were shat out by in an unfortunate loop, then chances are your offspring will have it even worse...

>> No.23432148

pretty sure you're a fag

>> No.23432175

None of this matters at all. Be ugly or fix it but stop fucking navel gazing. Holy fuck.

>> No.23432186

I'm not risking anything.
That's stupid for me to enter the volatile crypto space when I only have 60 thousand dollars and very little history with bitcoin.

I could wake up to -20%

I'm simply not ready for it.

>> No.23432187

This is the face phenotype that VALUE holders sons will have probably very high test

>> No.23432189

>The sad truth is that beautiful people are often more intelligent than ugly people
think about who you invest in? are beautiful people running those projects or ugly autists?

>> No.23432205

>I don't really understand, if you have money & some land. You can do whatever you like.
True enough, until you realize that friends and experiences are the most valuable things in life and that no matter how much money or property you own those things won't help you one little bit.

>> No.23432206

I am preparing to enter bitcoin with the profit from this stock with a 1 thousand USD metamask portfolio.

But I haven't seen anything good yet.

>> No.23432230

this is why we need communism, to make the rich pay their fair share.

>> No.23432253
File: 629 KB, 1019x709, 360-3601159_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-drsi-mmvsaaammw-grotesque-steve-sans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lookism fags discovered crypto
go back to /fit/
better yet, go back to /r9k/
when i make it you and your twinky looksmax faggots will be my boytoy sex slaves.

>> No.23432266

epsteins pussy was underaged and incapable of propeer breeding, he had sick garbage taste

>> No.23432276

This but unironically
OP is also clearly falseflagging and also a fag

>> No.23432291

if you have a 174 iq why cant you go past algebra 2?
no offense

>> No.23432319


Post face, fatty

>> No.23432328

White matter deficiency in my brain.
I don't have the mathematical talent that I should.

I'm like 117 IQ when it comes to mathematics. I am holding variables that don't take much working memory to process though because I have a lot of gray matter. That's why I'm here.

>> No.23432342

I should look like John Carmack but I don't. I wasn't exposed to enough prenatal estrogen in the womb. I'm glad I at least had a sister before I was born

>> No.23432395

Eyes too far apart. Nose too big. Brow super soft, not protruding. Underbite appearance. Weak jaw. Non visible cheek bones. Collar bones not visible, suggesting skinny fatness. Pale, mole spotted skin. Hair and facial hair is good, but it looks like you’d have dandruff and smell like a 3 in 1 hair product. And your body is pointed left but face pointed right, which is timid and insecure posturing. You could be a 6/10 but because you’re a coward who hasn’t mustered the confidence to put yourself in life for the female rejection that would indicate to you your real score, you’re actually a 4/10. Once you put yourself through life’s rejections and gain some confidence, you’ll be a couple points higher. But stop being a weak fag posting your picture on mongolian cabbage farming forums for internet validation.

>> No.23432400


You have an IQ of 174 and ask a bunch of virgin anonymous basement dwellers for financial advice?

>> No.23432411

What do you mean by temples receding and taking care of hair? Do you mean taking hair supplements?

>> No.23432417

There's 216 IQ around here.
I don't see what's wrong with that.

Most of the time I don't hang around here though

>> No.23432439

And I'm hoping to see what the men with more white matter think. Most of the time it doesn't really work.

But sometimes it does. I'm invest in cat token at the moment. Expecting a 3-4x in 10 days. If it doesn't work out I'm selling.

>> No.23432465


Damn how did you know my IQ was 216. Anyway you got me. My financial advice is go all in on Link on leverage

>> No.23432476

I'm thinking about doing this with the profit from stocks.

>> No.23432483


>> No.23432496
File: 10 KB, 181x278, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time wrecks all in the end

>> No.23432500

gehngis khan say no

warlord is 1 lyfe, fuck different bitches every day after killing your enemy

>> No.23432514

What's your favorite season of Drag Race?
You just read him for filth, honey!

>> No.23432524


You're welcome. It's too bad we didn't meet earlier, I would've told you to ditch stocks and go into Link from the beginning

>> No.23432525


>> No.23432533

Smart semi rich average looking guy here, this is wrong. I acknowledge the better quality of life that super handsome guys live, and I might pay thousands for a handsomer face and a few inches if it were magically possible without surgery. But I wouldn't trade any iq points for it, in fact id drop from a low seven to a five in looks if I could get a 10-20 point iq boost in return. 100% sure gates and bezos wouldn't trade places with any of the pretty boys in this thread

>> No.23432548

I wish I could have. But I had no clue what it meant when a single coin is posted over and over.

>> No.23432556

what you just did is even worse

>> No.23432739

>A prettyboy with 10/10 face face a far higher quality of life than someone like Bezos or Gates

>> No.23432741

They're just poorfags coping anon, it's pure projection.
None of them will over show their supposed good looks in any case

>> No.23432791

I think I don't trust you.
I saw another 216 that said Link is a scam. I don't think he was lying.

I don't trust Sergey with 2 billion USD either, and there are snakes that make shit like Luigi.Finance on this board

>> No.23432803

Epstein didn't rent pussy, he literally bought children to sacrifice them. Huge difference.

>> No.23432941

You look like a retard.

>> No.23432962

Anyone can fuck ugly chicks bro.

>> No.23432983

You could be telling the truth though.
But I also feel that you could be a snake looking for me to invest 40 thousand in their coin.

>> No.23432998

Well, I'm not.
I've gotten a 36% return in 1 year.

Most people can't do this.

>> No.23433053
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, TerraChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am what the incels call 'Chad'. Pic for proof.

I look better than the guy in the OP, but women are too intimated by my looks. Being exceptionally goodlooking has its downsides.

>> No.23433094

Dude,does it seem like pretty boys get shit more? I have a ok body shape and a handsome face,care less about fashion and wear basic walmart shit.It seems I get mocked more,dont know if it's because of the looks or the way I dress. Already pretty schizoid as it is.Cant stand being around ppl.

>> No.23433120

That face has 0 symmetry, definite fetal alcohol syndrome.

>> No.23433158

>You're only as young as your hairline

>> No.23433187

>in fact id drop from a low seven to a five
Earlier you said you are average looking, low sevens are already model tier. You already are a five, or in fact: invisible to prime women

>> No.23433227

I don't trust you.
You're a sorry person that got sucked into Chainlink when it's about to die. All it has left inside is a very dangerous 10x

>> No.23433471

Op is right

The dude he posted literally is a millionaire of his looks. And has had women obsessed with him over a decade

You guys can cope all you want with money your still ugly losers who need money for women and will only get gold diggers who don’t give a shit about you and settled after fucking chad.

She will never truly love you like she would someone good looking dude to good genetics

>> No.23433645
File: 2.21 MB, 2592x1458, IMG_20190620_002614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have a good life with mediocre looks too. You don't need to be a top 0.001% to find happiness

>> No.23433665

nah man ur too soft
go to a barbershop and grow a beard will be 10 times better if u ask me

>> No.23433807

stocks are not crypto my man. That`s a boomer market, and if in crypto you hodl for 3 years, in stonks it may be 10 so ur not going to live off your daily gains probably. IQ doesn`t matter IMO, but for a newbie your ROI is remarkable; Woud be interesting to know books you`ve read studying

>> No.23434293

fuk u jew most women ain't worth shit u fucking nigger

>> No.23434326

It's my brain.
I have a high gray matter brain that is 1 in 2.1 million Jews, but there's sufficient white matter that handles the mathematical part of investing.

I'll be a millionaire/billionaire no matter what happens. I'm too careful to be anything other than that. More than anything, I've reinvented the wheel in my mind.

Did take some information from Warren Buffet though, but not very much.

>> No.23434339

Stocks are also safer than crypto. You can research the company, and there's concrete evidence of what it is and where it's going before you ever buy the stock.

I'm experimenting with crypto right now. I'm seeing if I can get rich from the ponzi. I have had one 2x so far.

>> No.23434352

In all seriousness, you need to run everyday. You need all of the gray matter you can get in your mind turned on.

You have to think about what could happen before it happens. You have to think about what you can't see in a company. What is behind the stock number.

I use simply-wall street

>> No.23434353

I have a 9/10 face but am a schizoid. Your claims aren't true.

>> No.23434361

>I have had one 2x so far.
your luck will run out and you will lose everything.

>> No.23434374

>I have a 9/10 face but am a schizoid.

>> No.23434394

Yes. I can also greentext. What is your point?

>> No.23434404

I've had 9 successful stock trades out of 10.

It's more than luck. It's an IQ of 174 with high gray matter. My entire life was planned by my Dad for autism so he could live off of my skillset as an old man. It's like being a prisoner or a nigger.

But I'll be free someday

>> No.23434432

It doesn't matter how high your IQ is. You could have the smartest, most calculated trades ever.
Things can always go wrong, things aren't always in your control. Your over-confidence will be your downfall.

And even if you do, your assets will be seized in 2022 post reset.

>> No.23434445

You're right. But for the most part, it'll just keep going. When I build up 2 or 3 million USD, I'll probably quit investing 100% of everything I have.

>> No.23434450


>> No.23434458

Are you the 195 IQ?

>> No.23434478

True. Anyone who says otherwise is probably a 5/10

>> No.23434483
File: 55 KB, 769x800, flavio-briatore-ritwitta-roberto-cavalli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine giving a single fuck
real power here

>> No.23434570

I'm probably stepping on your beliefs.

>> No.23434580

gtfo newfags

>> No.23434778

gtfo r9k faggot

>> No.23434815


>> No.23434837

you guys are closet faggots, shut the fuck up.
You are just attracted to men.

>> No.23435052

S.. supermang?

>> No.23435153

25 is very low, why are you bragging about that?

>> No.23435382

Look like a greasy pedophile

>> No.23435503

The real redpill is that you just have to look slightly above average and masculine to make it, very ugly people and fat people will never been taken seriously