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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23422488 No.23422488 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not going to lie, this is the easiest hodl ever.

>> No.23422557

thanks just sold my stack

>> No.23422597

Fucking Jews, I hope they deliver

>> No.23422847


thanks you've convinced me.

>> No.23422946


>> No.23422996

ALGO only existed since June 2019...

>> No.23423068


>> No.23423184

The devs and founders sold all there ALGO and left the project. Buy AVAX

>> No.23423217

Also I agree to some degree. The staking rewards make it easier to cope with the fact it's not going up like everything else. Or when the price goes down, like hey ya know with my staking rewards it kinda almost balances out... (not really)

>> No.23423219

smelly kabob coin. no thank you, Bobak!

>> No.23423422
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Those dubs.

Also, thots on Bon,

Worth a participation?

>> No.23423438

If you can get something out of the yield meme, yes

>> No.23423802

why is eth still trying Algo BTFO'd them in all categories say team, tech and partnerships why is eth still standing

>> No.23423819

We don't know.

>> No.23423894

We are going back to 0.3. It's a good price to buy Algo

>> No.23424005

few understand

>> No.23424035

I opened one webinar of this and it seemed like a garage project, sorry I only invest in professional projects

>> No.23424097

Why not, it's got a decent staking return.

>> No.23424126

Any /biz/ regular unironically holding this instead of being all in on PNK for the next 2 months is a 60iq brainlet

>> No.23424188

Because muh tps is a meme that only newfags fall for. Ethereum won long ago. Algorand is just another dime a dozen ponzi coin that nobody uses for anything.

>> No.23424263

$50 gas fees

>> No.23424284

ETH 2.0 has big problems. More delays for critical features are coming

>> No.23424341

>yahoo won long ago

>> No.23424388

kinda agree on the tps but what about the tx finality? with algo I send whatever to exchanges and it's there in a minute (the 5s tx is a lie) but with ethereum when I send I know I have the time to take a quick dump and after all that it's still not processed aka 10/12 confirmations or whatever conf threshold they ask

>> No.23424421
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Stop typing

>> No.23424473

>muh phd
>muh google engineer
are you serious

>> No.23424516

Out of all the cryptos out there why in the fuck would anyone hold this 10B supply VC scam? I mean just look at the fucking chart. Newfags get all excited about 5% staking returns but don’t care about the 100% yearly inflation?

>> No.23424593

Layer 2 solutions + ETH 2.0
Doesn’t matter. Dozens upon dozens of better faster Ethereum competitors have flooded into the market since 2017 and not one has gained any adoption. Speed is nice but not if you have to sacrifice security and decentralization to get it.
Algorand has good tech but so do plenty of other platforms. The chances that this is the one that will succeed is tiny. And even if it does succeed the supply inflation will kill your gains. This thing is moon proof.

>> No.23424633
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Postdoctorsl MIT research
Scientist for IDF

And the more you keep flapping your stupid gums, the more bios I'll post

>> No.23424706
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you'd be better off buying REN desu

>> No.23424768

delays do matter in tech, zoomer. this virus could bring the need for adoption and things can change very quickly.

>> No.23424831


holy fuck the algorithm is working today

>> No.23424891
File: 978 KB, 1925x1600, 800A3952-F8AF-42CD-8927-0BA80B2DBAE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I wonder why USDC is on Algo. Hmm why did coinbase list them so fast. Hmm why did they revise the initial tokenomics. Hmm what upgrades have been made since the original protocol proposal. Hmm what ‘nobodies’ are running this project.

Pic related

>> No.23424911
File: 1.19 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20201020-202836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is..
How high can Algo go? Where do you see it?

>> No.23424992

>tfw Algorand hosts global auctions for carbon credits

>> No.23425127
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They want more

>> No.23425162
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This one is a two parter.

>> No.23425373

>shrimp farming congests your network.
b-but muh plasma, muh loopring. how many bolt-on solutions do you add before you admit it's a clogged "virtual" machine?

>> No.23425416

>he typed as he licked his thumb and index finger to slurp up the remaining cheeto dust in his mom's basement...

>> No.23425514

projecting much fat boi?

>> No.23425606

always, Jak Adien.

>> No.23426095

this better moon i just bought 10k

>> No.23426995

50% in ALGO, too ez

>> No.23427276


even if it doesn't, just hodl

>> No.23427277

it isn't

>> No.23427488

ppl talk about ALGORAND supply but don't remember that ADA supply was 31 billion... so 30 times more than current ALGO supply and was able to reach $3.50. ALGO will easily reach $25-100 next bull run

>> No.23427794


>> No.23427844
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>tfw 5k ALGOS staking in wallet
How much to make it? Trying to get at least 10k before it goes over 40 cents again.

>> No.23428002

checked. make sure to send an empty txn to yourself so you can actually compound them (they show up as added in your balance but not your account and the staking rewards don't reflect that if they aren't actually in your account).
10k for suicide stack ($50-100k).

>> No.23428187


holy fuck

>> No.23428231
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>> No.23428253

eth 2 is never coming. eth 1.5 is the future

>> No.23428278

Was on the fence about ALGO but yeah....I believe in memetics so I'll buy in.

>> No.23428296

ADA never reached 3.50 moron. ADA has more scalable tech and good tokenomics. sorry bro

>> No.23428339

Where are the fucking smart contracts, putz? You know... the thing that actually gives VALUE to a platform kek

>> No.23428380
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100k stacked and comfy. Will hold no matter what.

>> No.23428413

Daily reminder that this poster claims to have made it, but is actually an ETH/LINK Bagholder who FUDS in almost every ALGO/XRP thread, along with other projects that challenge his bags.

>> No.23428438

Her power comes form the mole

>> No.23428823

how often do you need to do this empty transaction?

>> No.23428875

as often as you want, but remember there's a .001 algo fee

>> No.23428891

when it gets big enough. some anons do it daily. the more you do it, the better it is.

>> No.23428982

3k algo here.. should i do it?

>> No.23429057

just buy like $20-$100 worth of algo if you gonna get more. and when you trasfer it over, it will automatically unlock and deposit the steak into the main wallet holdings..

algo really is slow/boring/comfy/pleasant hold.
don't have to worry about it, just stack it.
anytime it goes under 0.30, just buy it.

>> No.23429082

>the more you do it, the better it is.
no, it depends on how much you have staked since there's a flat fee on each compounding.
I tried to figure this out a bit ago, wrote a program to do it.
for 3k the optimal time to do it is every 5 days. provided i did this right.

>> No.23429447

>how often do you need to do this empty transaction?

no algo yet, QRD on what you're all talking about? thx

>> No.23429709

staking rewards are only distributed when a transaction occurs on an account.
So in order to compound your interest you need to send a transaction to yourself. Most wallets implement this as a button that says 'earn rewards' or similar, under the hood it's just sending an empty transaction. Transactions have a flat fee of .001 algo

>> No.23429842

>coin that nobody uses for anything.

Coinbase's USDC Expands to Algorand

>> No.23429849

if you hodl in the ALGO wallet, your balance is automatically updated.

>> No.23429891

10K Algo Chad checking in

>> No.23429898

So basically send my algo to the official wallet and I can forget about it and still get gibs?

>> No.23429906

Comfy staking rn

>> No.23429929


>> No.23429946

15 algos Weekly

>> No.23430059

The point is to claim your rewards. If you don’t claim them, you are earning interest on your total balance - rewards. Otherwise if you claim every so often, you earn interest on total balance + rewards. So if you don’t ever claim them, you are missing out on potential gains (but your balance in the UI will still show you as having them).

>> No.23430062

yeah it updates, but it doesn't compound until you get a transaction, just loaded it up on my phone.

>> No.23430116

Can someone break down how to stake? Can I do it through their app?

>> No.23430145

there's nothing to it, just download the app or any other wallet with staaking, get an address and send algo to it
it will do it automatically

>> No.23430186

Do you have any good recommendations for wallets?

>> No.23430216

>send algo to ledger(optional)
>hit claim rewards under account on ledger live
>send yourself a empty transaction that will cost you .001 algo to recieve your staking rewards

>> No.23430230

you still need to claim rewards every once in a while, that part isn't automatic
your rewards won't expire or anything, but you will only start earning staking rewards on your staking rewards when you claim them.
Exodus is pretty good, the algorand foundation's algorand wallet is decent too.
I use a ledger personally, the nano x models are compatible with their app which is pretty nice.

>> No.23430237

The wallet made by the Algorand Foundation. It's just called "Algorand Wallet"

>> No.23430260

personally i think being on a ledger is the safest thing due to all price action going on

you don't want to be caught in the middle of not being able to sell because of an exchange suspending withdrawals

>> No.23430280

I don't mind checking in on them periodically but Im busy enough I can't do it daily or even weekly.

Been doing some fast research into this, anyone think equities may wind up tokenized on Algo?

>> No.23430305

There's already a project doing this, go look through the tokens on the algorand explorer there's some cool stuff on there. I think tokenized equities are only available in asian markets right now tho

>> No.23430316

you're only missing out on roughly 0.11% if you don't compound daily

>> No.23430646

But what if you’re traveling and the price is mooning? Do you travel with your ledger or trezor?

>> No.23430656

If you store them in the Algorand wallet on your phone it takes 10 seconds to do it.
1. Copy your address
2. Send to address nothing
3. Wait 10-15 seconds

>> No.23431452

Selling my 200k ALGO right now, thanks OP

>> No.23431511

The longer you hold the more staking rewards you get anon, imagine if algo gets past $50
also trump said baba booey

>> No.23431987

1.5k mini algo chad reporting in

>> No.23432003
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Forgot pic related.

>> No.23432048

>endless supply dumps
>only pre-approved elites get to provide nodes

I wish I could justify holding this and watch it destroy XRP

>> No.23432050
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more like the crabbiest hodl ever

>> No.23432497

The nano s works too, you just need a micro usb cable.

>> No.23432513

and its the official one too if youre worried. I was worried at first it seemed kinda sketchy.

>> No.23432519

What's the difference between avalanche and algorand?

>> No.23432891

better guard that ledger with your life
>leave keys at home
>travel with ledger and 8 pin passcode
> buy back up ledger and leave at home

>> No.23433092
File: 92 KB, 613x912, C25BE85F-8E48-48AE-B3F3-6D32942C7280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some next kevel cipe. not only will cardano scale naturally as it gains users (like bittorrent),ADA has better staking mechanics, better tokenomics, on chain governance, on chain funding of development, it is also getting smart contracts. goguen features are already rolling out. marlowe is god tier for onboarding finance domain experts. the development velocity of cardano is unmatched, exceeding that of every other crypto project, the team is god tier with more fundamental science and rigor behind cardano's design than any other project... cardano wins in every category. sorry anon

>> No.23433787

>funding of development
Paying for Charles trips abroad and cigars doesn't constitute development

>> No.23434755

EZ Hold, hope you make it anon