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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 493 KB, 598x599, d5889610af4b2efc26b671fce7347f3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2339434 No.2339434 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2339480


>> No.2339490

>Scam City

Have fun with that anon, I'll watch from a distance as your portfolio vanishes into thin air.

>> No.2339505

You again? There is collectively like 5 fudders on this board for Swarm City. You literally say the same shit every time. If you dont even see a pump coming for this coin you're retarded. Only 50btc wall to double the fucking price kek.

>> No.2339639

Elon is that you?

>> No.2339664

It's the only thing I'm in. 100% of my money is invested. I drive for Lyft on the side getting raped by their shitty business model, but it's how I survive till SWT moons and what's also great, is I'll actually use the platform to replace shitty Lyft.

>> No.2339864

It's nice to see people already considering driving for swarm.

>> No.2339878

cant wait to use this to get extra money in and out of crypto without having to be raped jewish fees

>> No.2339929


Read this then bought my fucking moon ticket.

>> No.2339951

How long u guys are holding? I have 90 swarm and i think ill either bust or sell at 500$ per coin. Fuck it

>> No.2339970

could they have picked a worse name?

>> No.2339974

They're naming their different projects after parts of a city. I think it works.

>> No.2339987

hah, alright I get it now

>> No.2340114

Literally all in on this. 300,000 fucking USD in this bitch.

>> No.2340142
File: 34 KB, 496x202, kingwhale shill ALL IN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. of course you do

>> No.2340174

Not him, but it sounds like he's saying he's bored. I'm bored holding this too rn, it's not moving yet. It is the definition of a boring coin.

>> No.2340179
File: 56 KB, 415x639, scty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These mockups for their release really sold ya eh?

>> No.2340206

Is this your first coin? Have you never heard of white papers?

>> No.2340212

It's not boring for me, I'm enjoying being up 150% already. I bought at $2

>> No.2340228

Yeah, but its been stagnant as of late. It will be that way until the news gets closer. He probably bought in at 4.50ish. Which isn't bad, but I can see why he'd be bored.

>> No.2340235

It's going to be boring but no pain no gain. It's either this or sleepless nights gambling on garbage. I choose this.

>> No.2340255

Swarm is already an app, this won't do shit, it's a scam.

>> No.2340260

Are you fucking stupid? Swarm is not an app. I advise you check out the papers on boardwalk.

>> No.2340267

>Swarm is already an app, this won't do shit, it's a scam.
When the whales are fudding this hard to keep the price down because us regular people discovered the coin before the designated pumpndump day

>> No.2340270


It's literally uber without an app and zero insurance or liability.

Order your ride share from a computer! This coin is literally the most shit coin out of all the shit coins I've ever seen.

>> No.2340275

Stupid people like them are why it's boring right now. They don't even understand Swarm City and go spreading bullshit.

>> No.2340277

no there's already an app called swarm and it's popular as fuck.

swarm city is a scam, that's why they won't "le release an app" because they'd be sued to shit by Swarm

>> No.2340299

The ride service is not the only thing BOARDWALK offers you fucking tard. PLEASE for fucks sake, read up on the white papers.
No, an app would force the coin to become centralized. Jesus christ.

>> No.2340323

Don't worry about these shit skin niggers, let them trade the coins appropriate for them, none other than shit coins.

>> No.2340352

Daily reminder SWT means Allah to Muslims

When the oil princes find this out they will dump their riches into this coin

>> No.2340358

Neither of you know anything about swarm. It's entire team are scam artists. The idea itself is straight up retarded. You are actually fucking stupid if you did any research into this coin and still invested, I respect people who blindly followed the meme more than you. kys.

>> No.2340377

Okay, please explain to me about what you're saying then. It's easy to write a bullshit summary. How about say something substantial, you know, with substance?

>> No.2340408

care to make some points or you just going to keep throwing around bs because you missed sub 4$ swarm and are upset your posw isnt going anwhere

>> No.2340768


>> No.2340821

>implying a fucking website is not centralized

>> No.2340859

How to learn why no SWT app:
Step 1: go to Iphone
Step 2: say "hey Siri"
Step 3 : say "define decentralized"
Step 4: ?????
Step 5: profit

>> No.2340888

Tell me more about how a website is not centralized.

>> No.2340920

I forgot to mention
>imply any iShit user cares about decentralization and privacy enough to not use the centralized versions

>> No.2340985

Not linked to your google play, or app store id.

>> No.2341003

Lel, is there a way to use this without going to the swarm.city website? If not, it's centralized.

>> No.2341024

this is the biggest scamcoin ever. id soon rather put my btc into mooncoin or some shit

>> No.2341069

explain why, etc, etc.

>> No.2341124

Hell yeah I'm in!

>> No.2341134

old FUD is old

>> No.2341206

>let's just fire a patsy, rename our organization, and rename the coin
>no more scam ;)

>> No.2341290

Really convincing evidence that you included there

It really makes me want to sell all of my SWT

>> No.2341318

Shhh, please don't talk about this coin to others.

>> No.2341320
File: 47 KB, 577x573, swarmcitystronk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yup, we totally care more about our product than the market price ;)

>> No.2341337

>REEEE stop bragging that you're getting rich!

You sound like a nocoiner t b h. But there is still time to hop on the train. Not much, though, only a few more days.

>> No.2341341
File: 104 KB, 615x605, swarmcitynotascam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yup, we're totally not a scam ;) ;)

>> No.2341342
File: 163 KB, 445x465, IMG_0528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's always the same couple of FUDsters who just show up for the swarm city threads
>mfw when I realize swarm city is worth the effort to spread all this FUD
>mfw when I realize swarm city triggers people who coordinate shit coin pump and dumps
>mfw when I realize they feel threatened by legit projects because they know they can't compete (they repeatedly claim they have more respect for people who invest in meme/shit coins)
>mfw when I realize they're spreading all this FUD because they don't want their shit coin party to be spoiled
>mfw when I realize this solidifies that swarm city is the real deal

>> No.2341349

H-how does this indicate a scam?

>> No.2341352


It doesn't

>> No.2341358

It's at the very least a huge fucking redflag.

>> No.2341383

Agreed, that technical support offer just reeked of a pump and dump scam. HUGE FUCKINGG REDFLAG(perhaps you're Indian?) as you put it. Thanks for warning me, I just sold all of my SWT to buy dogecoin.

>> No.2341404

>hey, need help?
>btw use any spare sats to buy our coin ;)

>> No.2341419


>the value of the coin is directly tied to the (perceived future) value of the platform/ecosystem
>a higher coin valuation is a legit thing to celebrate because it validates that the path that swarm city is taking they is approved by the markets
>the person that takes care of the twitter sends out like 5 tweets a day and is desperate for content
>oh no a price tweet

>> No.2341482


>we don't have the expertise to create a native phone app so pass it off as wanting to remain decentralized
>to use SWT, you'll have to go to our website at swarm.city
>again, we're not centralized because it's all client-side javascript ;)
>we may have your IP, the time you visited our website, and the screensize of your phone but we're not centralized at all ;) ;)

>> No.2341622


You are really dense mate. Anyone can see the source code on github, fork it, and start their own site or develop their own mobile app solutions.

You are confused about what decentralization even means. Read this post https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin/the-meaning-of-decentralization-a0c92b76a274

>> No.2342663


>> No.2342759

Get with the program you silly bastards, stop shilling swarm. A spike too early could cause it to crash later, save it for their launch event.

The plan:

SiaCoin (next two days) > Digibyte (Two days after) > THEN Swarm.

No more shilling, focus on those with news that's happening NOW. Passively apply SWT for now, then blast it sky high later.

>> No.2343064


If they have the power to ban you from the platform, it's pretty bad. I think you could write a client though that hides most of identifying info however.

>> No.2343507


administrators of swarm.city can only control what hashtags are displayed on the frontend. Nobody can control their actual existence

Other sites will spring up, especially if they start blocking people (which they wont and which you could easily circumvent too btw). There will probably a white hat and black hat site though.

This is a complete open-source project.

This is straight from their github page:

"Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:"

Does this sound centralized to you..?