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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23390692 No.23390692 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23390712


>> No.23391082


>> No.23391095


>> No.23391119

what did he mean by this?

>> No.23391410

>a dollar made is a dollar earned!
Some bullshit. Arbitrary tax laws, subsidies, rebates, incentives, networks, social priveleges, and plain dumb luck can all vastly modify how much money a person receives for doing precisely the same amount of work. Saying if a guy made money then he's net neutral because he traded work for the money and you always get money in 1:1 proportion to the amount of work you put in is preposterous. A trust fund baby with an inheritance didn't 'pay the price' for his money, nor did a lottery winner or a gambler at the casino. Millions of government drones and middle management boomers collect paychecks while doing nothing.

OP image is just wageslave cope: "If they're rich, they probably worked so hard to be rich that they're miserable anyways.
I'm so glad I'm not rich. "

>> No.23391432

>OP image is just wageslave cope
So is your post tbqh

>> No.23391548


LQ bait

>> No.23392042

If you want what other people have, do what those people who have already accomplished it do. But don’t be jealous of them. If you’re jealous and then try to get what they want, I’ve found it blows up in your face. Say you see frank get a bmw. You get jealous and get a bmw. It doesn’t work because you’re jealous and competing and now you’re working too much overtime to get the new or it breaks down a lot. But if you see frank is a successful public speaker and you want to be a public speaker, do what he does. Model him. Find out whom he listens to. Maybe he will even mentor you.

>> No.23392060

LIQ poster

>> No.23392423


>> No.23393052

I wouldn't say comparing yourself to more financially successful people is something bad, but I'd certainly agree that it's the wrong metric. We go to /biz/ (or any other platform for that matter) because we want to make it in life, and the greatest metric determining one's individual progress is a comparison with oneself at an earlier point in one's life. In other words, compare your current progress with your yesterday's progress or any other previous point. If you can say that you've personally made a positive development, you are right on track.

Be a better version of yourself everyday, even if it's only a tiny bit, and avoid comparing yourself with more successful people, instead aspire to be like them.

I mostly concur. You can't really say that the precise imitation of another successful person's actions will guarantee the exact same outcome, however, there are common traits of successful people that might help in your personal development.

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi.