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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2339057 No.2339057 [Reply] [Original]

Racists will still try to convince you that it's a bunch of garbage.

I'll have the last laugh.

See you, suckers.

>> No.2339141
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>> No.2339169

I'm in. Not shilling, I just believe in the product. I recommend watching the videos if anyone's interested. It's one of the few sub 50mil market cap coins that actually has a good future and road map. They launched their MVP recently, understandably it's shit, but that's not the point of an MVP.

Good long term hold

>> No.2339199
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>> No.2339242

More money for us fuck them. I think it wa only /pol/tards that didn't like it. There was a small period when they shitposted here for a little

>> No.2339254

This looks like a street shitters coin

Go squat somewhere else

>> No.2339325

>Not profiting off of the ethnically disadvantaged

Can't even be a bourgeoise right.

>> No.2339420
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>> No.2339462

>racist garbage

Why are you people so deluded

>> No.2339473

Honestly, why is that a bad idea? Africans spend money just like anyone else. It could be very profitable. Are you literally just mad about black people?

>> No.2339495


If they wanted to use bitcoin as money they could use fucking bitcoin, they don't need to register their voice samples and 3d facial scan to you crackerjack honkey motherfuckers so you can automatically tax them via the blockchain and enslave an entire continent

>> No.2339502

You are so dumb, not even trying to counter his argument, just LOL RAYCISS.
They don't even have phones, how do you expect them to be trading cryptos and buying and selling shit with it when most of them don't have access to the internet?
So retarded.

>> No.2339525


I'm actually working on a mobile dating/meetup style app right now. trying to figure out how to work crypto into it.

>> No.2339533

Most Africans have cell phones
http://www.pewglobal.org/2015/04/15/cell-phones-in-africa-communication-lifeline/ and have for years.

>> No.2339539

ive been watching this coin since its inception

havent been watching for the last 2 days though, which is shit because i missed the meme dip

>> No.2339541

FYI cellphones are more common than you think in Africa. It's cheaper than installing phone poles all over the country.

>> No.2339563

Yeah but how common is wifi and 3g/4g/5g? How are they going to use that shit on their daily lives when not even first world countries adapted that well to it?
Why do they have to use humaniq instead of a literally better coin?

>> No.2339568
File: 15 KB, 318x372, africa phones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a bit of an issue though, most of the phones they use arent smartphones

>> No.2339569

Humaniq is pretty gud but not available on my exchange

>> No.2339614

Africa is mostly developing nations for sure, but the population is growing and it's getting more urbanized. Someone could easily penetrate the market with a good simple crypto app/SMS.

>> No.2339684
File: 92 KB, 1200x900, regional-population-projections-centered-legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>population is growing

thats a fuckin understatement my friend

population in africa is set to explode

marketing campaigns in both SA and Nigeria would do wonders for this coin

>> No.2340433

/pol/fag here, invested despite the fact I think it's a shitty memecoin.

It WILL moon to at least a dollar when some braindead commie journalist writes an article about how "eurocentric" traditional currencies are and how the valiant HMQ devs and their shitty meme coin stand as a bulwark against the sort of xenophobic hatred that's become all too common "in the post-Trump" political landscape.

That's when I'll be selling off my HMQ and finding a new meme to pump and dump.

>> No.2340441


>> No.2340492

Africas population is exploding so good damn fast that french is set to over take, English, Chinese and Hindu as the most spoken language in the world (once more) by 2050

>> No.2340654


>> No.2340766

Not 1488coin, Whitecoin, Pepecoin, Nazicoin, Reichcoin, polcoin,

>> No.2340784

ayyo we wuz rocketmayn n sheeeit

we goin to da moon cuzz , hol up fo real 1 sec quick time ya'll sayin i cants take muh gun on boarD? sheeeeeeeeit das racis nigga imma put a bullit in yo azz