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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 601x613, ad1a9fa79d9aa62d2378dc0dc9a82402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23387292 No.23387292 [Reply] [Original]

Made it thread. Those who've made it, show us your gains and your purchases, this is biz cribs

>> No.23387614

Where is this? I have a make it stack of Quant so I might want to move there.

>> No.23387633

You can't live there if OP is, you silly billy.

I have a make-it stack of Statera, and I'm thinking Switzerland in a year or 2 :)

>> No.23387664

>nouveau riche attempt at classical architecture
absolutely disgusting

>> No.23387743

Couldn't agree more it's pathetic really

>> No.23387882

So what will you buy with your Quant stack then?

>> No.23387911

Imagine how much pussy you could slay in a place like that. You could fuck a bitch in every room

>> No.23387929

Looks more like a liability than an asset.

>> No.23387998

How is it a liability? Insurance?

>> No.23388100

doing a reversed image search on that pic is leading me to some quite dodgy sites
it has 3k+ matches it would seem this picture is resold to hundreds of pool contruction and real estate websites
anyone know where the original is or more picture of that house?

>> No.23388167

I've just been buying up cars. 2 RVs, land rover, porsche cayenne, a boat and atv. I live in a complete shithole though. Idk what im doing

>> No.23388424

do you have any fucking idea how much a house like that costs you in maintenance? stupid nigger, why the fuck would you even live in a house like that anyway, it's not like you have any family, friends or women to share it with

>> No.23388620

my great great great grandfathre was a painter who was knighted by the king of his country for his art. if i get rich and make it i want to buy some of his paintings

>> No.23388746
File: 802 KB, 1932x2576, handsome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder : somewhere in the world a french Chad is living your dream life.

>> No.23388952

Took my profits and bought more Ethereum and Bitcoin.

>> No.23388981

You’ll be poor in no time doing that

>> No.23389006

I doubt it. He moved to some Eastern Euro shithole. View from his apartment is literally some concrete hobo alley.

>> No.23389010

>made it
Biz would buy a condo

>> No.23389028

choose one

>> No.23389171

I just bought a modest house in a nice neighborhood that isn’t full of gay mcmansions. It’s really unique, It has an atrium and gigantic trees and a secret room. Paid cash. Wouldn’t say I made it yet but I don’t plan on going back to work.

>> No.23389612

McMansions are based

>> No.23389632

looks like he lives in an abandoned WeWork office.

>> No.23389736

when I saw the word atrium I thought it was arbitrum

>> No.23389782

That house looks like a badly commissioned cake.
I live in UK though so I might be a bit fussy.
It really does have 'yank' written on it.. no offence

>> No.23390602
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>> No.23390885


>> No.23391012

Not me. I have a wife and 3 kids. I want a 5 bedroom house on atleast 2 acres.

>> No.23391034

>i have taste because i disparage things i could never afford

>> No.23391252


>> No.23391263

fair enough, but I heard the houses are all dilapidated there?
I'm liking the design, anon. Very chill.

>> No.23391846 [DELETED] 


>you and your child are going to live that long

>> No.23391853
File: 8 KB, 335x335, 20201018_080924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know you stand a chance to earn an additional token to your address as a holder of Hot Potato?
Yes, Hot Potato's system issues 100 tokens and divides them proportionally to all holders for every additional address that joins the system.

>> No.23392271

is someone fucking his girl in the background?

>> No.23392327


>> No.23392390 [DELETED] 

again for anybody who wants a free make it stack of statera, this girls name is emily goetz, she lives in brooklyn and works at venmo, has a child, should be very easy to find and abduct

>> No.23392438
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1244, Resized_20200819_173315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a new bike when my portfolio hit $50k.

>> No.23392442

No shit, all depreciating assets like some nigg

>> No.23392499

You are right. The only people who are retarded enough to want a house like that are yankees and coast dwellers. The lowest of the low

>> No.23392510

Living the life banging wrinkly French milfs

>> No.23393076
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A lot of cope here. Here's my house

>> No.23393119

Why are you so sad?

>> No.23393210

I have the same cuck shoes.
Running with them on my treadmill feels much better than running shoes and I also feel more confident doing my squats in them.
Haters gonna hate.

>> No.23393287

>buying a condo
low iq

>> No.23393346

why would you like a house that looks like something a rap nig nog would own?

>> No.23393434

>I live in UK though so I might be a bit fussy.
Every house built post-WWII in the UK is fucking shit. Luckily there's a lot of pre-war stuff still about

>> No.23393462
File: 3.31 MB, 1960x3775, 20201020_105839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hike and trail run with them, they are great. I'm very close to buying toe socks.

>> No.23393561
File: 290 KB, 750x936, 1536885113395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23394200

this is the /biz/ house for everyone in the Andre rugpull thread

>> No.23394587 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 400x400, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is her, again if anybody wants free money all you have to do is find this girl on her way to work at the Venmo office, beat her up and steal her phone.

again thats Emily Goetz who lives in Brooklyn and works at Venmo, browsing right now reading this, and thinking of the next person shes going to manipulate into suicide.

>> No.23394700

Get more land than that.

>> No.23394802
File: 798 KB, 1027x686, 907628c5380e521df4ceafa5f39d5f71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staying in the same city I grew up in. Building my small company into a much larger enterprise. Donating to local causes and getting into local, and maybe even state politics. 5 sons and 0 daughters.

>> No.23394851

luigi's mansion 4 lookin lit

>> No.23394872 [DELETED] 

heres a condescending (you)

>> No.23394908

Nice bike, anon.

>> No.23394960

Dope bike anon

>> No.23395047
File: 27 KB, 650x400, 23252626262626262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you going to do with a 25,000 square foot house. picture you and your three friends on the second floor veranda sitting in 3 chairs and looking out over that horribly landscaped "yard" before you head in to room #14 of 42 to play some xbox.

>> No.23395216

this bike is sexy af

>> No.23395313



>> No.23395324
File: 40 KB, 314x350, FFXIRDMAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexy af
sexy artifact armor?

>> No.23395426 [DELETED] 

you know whats better? always having to look over your shoulder because of your wifes slutty past. always knowing that theres going to be hunting all of your children for the rest of your life because of who you decided to make children with. it doesn't matter where you run to John, your daughters are going to be raped to death.

>> No.23396096

Based schizo poster.

>> No.23396169

>living in france
>being a shitskin
nah not my dream life

>> No.23396190
File: 63 KB, 300x348, 128-1281930_9105314-neet-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with parents
>get to save 100 percent of my money
>get to travel and fuck foreign whores whenever I want

Have fun with your mcmansion which is a huge liability.

>being stuck in one place

>> No.23396403

More details what she allegedly did please.

>> No.23396509

I wouldn't buy a huge mansion unless I somehow made like $10 million.
For most biznessmen it's probably more realistic to make $1-3 mil and have a normal house.

>> No.23396613

Its owner isn't trying to impress high society. It serves its purpose, which is to be a party girl pussy magnet. Blonde starlets don't know or care about Corinthian columns, they just want a cool looking place to swim and do coke

>> No.23396710

>Really nice bike instead of a car

Absolutely Patrician

>> No.23396785
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>>23394587 (You)

>> No.23396999 [DELETED] 

shes one of those psycho sluts that acts ridiculously innocent but in reality shes out to get as many dicks as possible. she manipulates people into loving her because she needs as much attention as possible while giving none back. she chose one guy in particular that reminded her of her father to try to get to kill himself by promising she was going to marry him but cheated on him behind his back as much as possible. after she broke up with him to be an ecstasy slut studying abroad she manipulated other people around her ex to try to get him to kill himself and completely destroyed an entire group of college friends to do so. has now gotten married and had a child with somebody she works with to further her career, and pretends that everything is fine and that she did nothing wrong.

all of this because she was molested by her uncle and abandoned by her father after he realized she was turning into a turbowhore.

>> No.23397015

this abomination is offensive to every single one of my senses. The designer deserves to be drawn and quartered for breathing life into this monstrosity. May haven have mercy on your souls.

>> No.23397138

you fucking weirdo, kill yourself

>> No.23397174

>shes one of those psycho sluts
>she was turning into a turbowhore
anon, I...
all women are whores. grow up. you want to go to jail over this bitch bc thats where your heading...

>> No.23397198

oh and your friend was weak bitch. which is why he was cast aside. learn from his mistakes or the same will happen to you.

>> No.23397335
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>> No.23397578 [DELETED] 

theres whores, and then there's actually insane turbo sluts who lie and cheat for fun. he was weak which is why she took advantage of him so hard, it was incredible watching all of his friends abandon him for her because she was so good at manipulating all of them.

>> No.23397613

Thanks bros. I also bought my wife a new bike, but she can't into dropbars.

>> No.23397661 [DELETED] 

your wife is massive slut John, she's only with you because it makes other people mad and she doesn't love you in the slightest. she feeds off of hate, not love.

>> No.23397676

t. no bike

>> No.23397709

Watches are so fucking retarded. Just use your phone to tell the time. Bitch.

>> No.23397761


>> No.23397810

fucking bitches on a boat, made it in my book

>> No.23397877

he made the same mistake made by many. he knew what he was getting; a highly sexed BPD chick that he'd always wanted. he just couldnt handle it.

>> No.23398177

your daughter is going to by my lolita doll hanging from rings attached to metal rods screwed into her bones with no eyes, ear drums, or teeth. i know you pretend you dont care right now because it makes her "like" you more, but you're going to cry like the tiny bitch you are as you're dying and you watch me take her, knowing her future in hell. you responding for her right now is proof you're being heavily manipulated. will you be in kerhonkson for christmas like you are now? I know i will be.

if she had broken up with him it would have been fine, its what she did afterwards that makes her lineage deserve torture.

>> No.23398206

Thats why you don't fuck crazy. Better recognize the signs dummy

>> No.23398239

Kek no she wont cause you probably gonna kys you loco

>> No.23398427

Take this gay shit to /baph/

>> No.23398440

>signalling elitism on an anonymous board

>> No.23398462

He's half moor half italian not french

>> No.23398535
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>> No.23398628
File: 12 KB, 210x240, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.23398668
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Just bought this beautiful piece of property in Montana

>> No.23398681

I can finally afford Fakku

>> No.23398737

The only reasonable make it location is a cabin innawoods with no electricity and a thousand mile fence that's 20 feet high with a crocodile moat on the other side.

>> No.23398761
File: 74 KB, 634x389, 172a4a548e2741748c6b149382a93c1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xbox? Please. This is room #14

>> No.23398781
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Extremely based.

>> No.23398960

It's unreal how much cope poorfags can emit while thinking people can't tell they're seething.

>> No.23398993

im not some fucking movie villain. rifle bullets in stomach take you out but leave you alive. then its just a matter of walking over and throwing the girl in my car.

>> No.23399555

>swiss made
but you aren't. kek.

>> No.23399675

yeah but its where she believes shes going to escape me. the farthest thing from the truth.

>> No.23399839


>> No.23399850

mechanical disk brakes.... you fell for the meme.

>> No.23399982

Isn't france arabia now?

>> No.23400115

Based and mosquito pilled

>> No.23400320

It's not his girl, frenchanon is a flaming homosexual.

>> No.23400395
File: 463 KB, 840x859, 7639058-thumbs-up-anime-meme-11562884198juifsev5cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not some fucking movie villain
Yet you're letting everyone know what your plans are in advance a vague, poorly-written motive? You're doing a good checking off all the boxes so far.

>> No.23400528
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_20190715_115147_078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Bitcoin got me from the 3.6-12k run

Yes its the 2.0 T, 2019

>> No.23400839

you wont do shit faggot. come and try, I keep a 9 on me at all times. all that Statera is gonna buy me a big ol mansion in Switzerland and you wont do shit cause you're a fucking pussy :^)

>> No.23400866
File: 651 KB, 500x373, 1569694228889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the dream

>> No.23400938

do that thing like in the movie where the dude sewed the other dude into a walrus skin

>> No.23400963
File: 58 KB, 600x510, Henry-Wadsworth-Longfellow-He-that-respects-himself-600x510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All this ostentatious shit is cringe. Yes, I haven't made it yet. I can't buy this. But it's still cope to feel like you need to prove you're rich. It's like getting a t-shirt with a screen in it, showing your net worth. It's tasteless and shows desperation.

Making it is about freedom, about enjoying the good things in life, never having to worry about money or work again. It's not about competing to have the biggest yacht, pool or garage. You can be a billionaire and still not make it with this mindset.

>> No.23401023


triggered cope

>> No.23401074

#2 with a Large fries and a Frosty get to it

>> No.23401119

This plus a gf(male) to cuddle naked in that bed.

>> No.23401171


>> No.23401213

You know, I work in a trade that services high end properties like this. You'd be surprised at the sub par and cost saving building methods used.
The overhanging facade of one of these roman esque looking mansions fell over the other day. Turns out it was a polystyrene block with a fancy stone looking face, which was glued to the thin bit of concrete used to build the central structure. The rest of the Mcmansion is wood.
As european, I'm astonished that they aren't genuine stone palaces.

>> No.23401247
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>> No.23401251

Because he’s a white male

>> No.23401260

But he’s French. They’re objectively subhumans

>> No.23401282

>made it
>Still Nigel no mates
The final and ultimate cuckoldry

>> No.23401326

he should be thankful for this insult

>> No.23401490

do tell.

>> No.23401516
File: 10 KB, 275x183, safex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically made it with SafeX and now own hectares of land.

>> No.23401770

Korok seed on the left.

>> No.23401956

I've probably made it at this point. Gonna make around 700k this year at 31 years old. My previous 6 years before that I've averaged about 350k a year.

>> No.23402108

jesus fucking christ

>> No.23402111
File: 42 KB, 334x506, D18B4E6F-8CB2-4A1F-9CBF-A40D91A8867E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23402134

a wagie cagie car

>> No.23402277


make money on bitcoin. promptly throw it away on a car.

>> No.23402356

Behold, the average Frenchman, a Turk.