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23384804 No.23384804 [Reply] [Original]

Jerome Powell (the boss of the money) just spoke to the IMF (all the other money people) about how we are on track to create a central bank digital currency (CBDC = stablecoin).

There's like no threads talking about this, but the implications are overwhelming for cypto.

CBDC will be the future stablecoins.
Bitcoin will be the future store of value.

This is literally happening right now.

>> No.23384862

There will be more gains for the platform that hosts these CBDCs, especially if that platform is PoS. Bitcoin is literally paying a remittance to China..you really want China to control "digital gold"? kek

>> No.23384889

There are threads on this OP. Its called XRP Schizo General.

>> No.23384893

I want China to poop on my butt xD

>> No.23384955

CBDC's may not even use ledgers, the point is they are moving from cash to digital currency.

China can only afford to sell bitcoin. It doesn't behoove China to hurt Bitcoin. Also, we are in Bitcoins infancy, I doubt China is going to be able to compete in any way with first world money when the writing on the wall becomes more clear.

>> No.23385019

>CBDC's may not even use ledgers
They understand the value of public blockchains, but first they want privacy features enabled.
>I doubt China is going to be able to compete
China is a big threat to bitcoin's sovereignty though crypto is more useful for them in undermining the USD.

>> No.23385044

This. We’ve been talking about this all day. Stellar was present and shilled but XRP was described the whole time without saying XRP by people who represent Ripple partners.

>> No.23385059

China is rolling out the digital yuan and is way ahead of the US and NATO in general. You didn’t know this?

>> No.23385072

they literally just shilled a bunch of chinamen into downloading a digital wallet to find out whether or not they're the lucky winners of a YuanCoin. literally last week goy. keep up.

>> No.23385092

>They understand the value of public blockchains, but first they want privacy features enabled.
That's what I gathered as well. The point is they don't just talk about this stuff for fun, and there are countless reasons a digital currency would be a boon for the fed. My point is when this happens, it's only logical that Bitcoin will explode. People move in herds and are stupid in this way but they'll eventually get it. Institutional wealth is already getting it. At 200m and less volatility than most stocks recently, they have reason now to take notice.

>China is a big threat to bitcoin's sovereignty though crypto is more useful for them in undermining the USD.
The CCP scares me as well, but by manipulating it via a 51% attack, everyone is going to know. And so by doing so they'd destroy the value. There's no motive. If anything China would outlaw it.

>> No.23385121

XRP? But the CBDC would just be a stablecoin. If Ripple was involved, Ripple would just help build it from the ground up. XRP in itself would have nothing to do with it.

>> No.23385201
File: 41 KB, 480x360, 389B8060-E4CE-45D4-8227-851D70D02CB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re being politie with the refute so I’m just gonna tell you this; the fud you’re saying is intertwined with a bunch of other misconceptions as to what XRP is designed to do, which is to be a bridge asset. It doesn’t aim to be THE global currency, it’s going to be a bridge asset for CBDCs, it will provide liquidity and allow for interoperability between CBDCs which from the meeting you can conclude many countries are developing.
Note that distributed ledger technologies, which was mentioned numerous times, was literally patented by Ripple and was donated to the World Wide Web Consortium.

>> No.23385285

Oh lordy. I'll go down that rabbit hole later. An interledger huh. I'm comfy mostly in BTC as I like it as the digital gold play.

But while I have you here, what's an XRP make it stack?

>> No.23385322


>> No.23385403

Not sure, i don’t believe 2k eoy but I have 40k.
Look into it. Also just wanted to remind everyone here that XRPees have been saying CBDCs were going to be a thing for years and everyone always laughed and now they’re starting to see it right in their face.

>> No.23385472

You’re a retarded mother fucker, the IMF literally talked about having a diverse selection of assets, and the best way to make sure there is a level playing field, they would use an underlying asset to go between the trades.

Example: if you wanted to trade dollars to pesos, you would trade Dollar for X, X for X(b) and then X(b) for Peso.

The asset that makes the most sense for this case is XRP since it’s practically free to do, uses the least energy, Tons of liquidity, and is virtually instantaneous.

Name a better coin for this use, or could solve this transfer any faster.

I’m not a XRP maximalist in anyway, or skitzo, but there is no other crypto or digital asset that competes when it comes to Forex.>>23385201

>> No.23385697

no country would ever used that premined centralised garbage

>> No.23386650


>> No.23386798 [DELETED] 


>> No.23387433

I mean, it's gonna be Quorum right?

>> No.23387737

They'd be turning so much power over to Brad

>> No.23387784

Don't forget usa company ; no one wants dollar 2.0

>> No.23387932

>CBDC will be the future stablecoins.
it will not be stable not even close
every government depends on running a deficit, that requires money printer to go brrrr and is anathema to a hard currency like cryptos
whatever the solution it will require massive yearly inflation to keep the gibs going

follwoing that greshams law will dictate that the cbdc will be regarded as useless rather quickly and everone will flee into a hard asset
what remains to be determined is wether the powers that be are stupid enough to try and launch a digital currency or they are boomer enough to think they will be able to smash all competing hard currency
for if even one hard blockchain survives their cbdc is worthless