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23382124 No.23382124 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever considered suicide?

>> No.23382138

No I'm insanely handsome and successful

>> No.23382364

Almost daily

>> No.23382822

I've found destructive behavior to be sub-optimal.

>> No.23382975

Yes all the time and I have for years. I have a pretty decent life, $80K salary at 25, bachelors degree, live comfortably as a white male (6’0, blue eyes, relatively fit) and an OK family life. I’ve had more than 10 sexual partners, some of which were actually 8/10+. I still prefer death to this life. There is no hope.
We are all monkeys searching for constant social validation and endless dopamine loops. Humanity is disgusting. I don’t shoot myself simply because I care too much about my family.

>> No.23383016

I love my friends so much. You should make some and find a hobby that gives your life meaning beyond that what can be reduced to “dopamine.”

>> No.23383017

Every day. Too high iq is a burden.

>> No.23383034

if you have friends you are a simp

>> No.23383042

>We are all monkeys searching for constant social validation
Speak for yourself, normie.

I don't want to kms because I literally don't give a fuck about shit like
>80K salary at 25, bachelors degree, live comfortably as a white male (6’0, blue eyes, relatively fit) and an OK family life. I’ve had more than 10 sexual partners, some of which were actually 8/10+.

>Humanity is disgusting. I don’t shoot myself simply because I care too much about my family.
Your family is composed of disgusting humans. They should kys with you you pathetic faggot.

Also, lmfao @ flexing about a salary.

>> No.23383055

I agree I don't have it quite as good as you but not too far off and I find the human condition disgusting and I dream of escaping this world through technology.

I don't like having a physical form.

>> No.23383142

Thanks for the advice anon. Have some friends but a lot of my old friends resent me for they all work trade or service wagie jobs and Covid has certainly increased the isolation
You sound butt blasted
I don’t think life is inherently bad, I just don’t think it’s for me. I’m too much of a pussy to do it, but I wouldn’t recommend other people kill themselves. There’s just nothing much else to accomplish once you reach a certain level

>> No.23383149
File: 39 KB, 500x500, Blastoise Laughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eww gay as fuck, suicide is bullshit. You leave a mess and have some loved one clean your shit up. That's just unacceptable desu.

Find little games to play, like learning your tax code, building a solid core, and having regular bowel movements. Apply this and you'll see. only faggots refuse the call to live, you're not a faggot are you?

>> No.23383168

>You sound butt blasted
Nah, just reading you like a book.

Imagine coming to 4chan to flex and then crying about how you want to kys. You're a joke my man.

>> No.23383201

Eh not really flexing just stating that my life is actually pretty good compared to yours and it’s still not worth living

>> No.23383458
File: 73 KB, 568x479, 1600727565222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 50% of this post is a lie.

>> No.23383515

life is gay but im living it to the end

>> No.23383525

No I have crippling anxiety over dieing. Too scared too think about it

>> No.23383606

we are very similar. thinking of my parents' reaction if i necked is the only reason I didn't.

life might actually become worth it with the freedom of financial independence. may be false but chasing that carrot gives me something to live for

>> No.23383876

The thing is I had 30 Moonday tokens which I bought at 40 dollars and then sold at 100. Moonday is over 1.8k now and my tokens are worth around 50k. I am still a kid, how can I live with this?

>> No.23384588

You are a fucking faggot. Fuck you scum.

>> No.23384614

Same, it’s a form of mental illness desu

>> No.23384618

no one knows the tops
no one knows the bottoms
when trading shitcoins, just be glad you got away with a profit.

>> No.23384650

>I don't like having a physical form.
physical form is all you are for what you know.
So stop being a teenage emo suicide girl and start living life and fullfill your purpose
I am an ugly guy
30 years old never had a woman. No job no bachelor and I want to live

For me it's unbelievable to hear of ''blue eyes handsome guys'' who wanna kill themselves.

Maybe you faggots you got too easy... that's the reason why you don't appreciate

>> No.23384661

yes, but I'm not going to buy whatever you're shilling

>> No.23384742
File: 143 KB, 512x424, 2020-07-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go find a hobby or something interesting to do

i literally just cood every day for fun and to improve myself. have never gotten bored of it. find something you like to do and keep doing it. learn to code your own smart contracts. learn some JS and HTML, figure out how to code a website, design a defi app, and just have fun.

maybe you don't like cooding. there's so much stuff out there that you don't know about. find something that interests you and keep learning about it. stop wasting your time being bored. get your fucking life together and you won't want to an hero

>> No.23385444

Then do something about it faggot. Leave the city and become self sufficient.