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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23377347 No.23377347 [Reply] [Original]

I have $1000 to invest. What is the most risky, highest possible payout investment?

>> No.23377363


Good luck, dude.

>> No.23377381

sirs make it $1050 in a couple of minutes by using coinbase earn to get $50 by just watching some videos and answering questions
if you use these codes you wont have to be on waiting list


>> No.23377389

Ain't clickin that shit nigga. Explain what it is. I'm not on /biz/ much

>> No.23377391


unironically going to moon, same dev as CLV that crabbed for 2 weeks and then shoot up from 3$ to 50$, Dev already said he was going to addd token staking and liquidity pool token farming.

>> No.23377408

Any shitcoin. But a less risky and almost equal payout potential is unironically bitcoin due to the government printing even more moeny.

>> No.23377439

That's Uniswap, a dex. Coin is MFF.FINANCE, they pay out dividends, in Eth, every month for holders of it.

Also, ignore the prick above you, he's a pajeet (Note his English) and is trying to make money off you by lying about not being on Coinbases waiting list for their earn programme. Pro-tip: you will still be on the list.

>> No.23377484

It's probably a scam, don't send any money to random coins.

Also to answer your question it depends on your timeframe, if you're looking for something to get money quick then I can't spoonfeed you, you have to DYOR and actually get into it, look for something in DeFi and farming tokens which seem to get huge ROI but also super risky and rugpull/trends are very quick, lots of PND.
Just be on the lookout for some shitcoin shilled here and hope to leave at the top rather than after the dump.

>> No.23377489

Have you not seen the MFF thread earlier? Full of bots? Also the shilling on other platforms? What are you smoking anon? Are you ok?

>> No.23377501
File: 133 KB, 842x831, 9F4BB03C-CD10-4FF5-8CE3-1EBBF9DCF528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FREEDOM RESERVE is a coin designed to replace the pound. As the UK exonomy collapses the pound sterling is crashing to the value of a peice of dog turd. FREEDOM RESERVE is the new britfag ponzi. launching on November the 5th to commemorate the blowing up of parliament by the great guy fawlkes [pbuh]

The aim of Freedom Reserve is to cuck the Bank of England hard and replace the pound. and for /biz/ its an opportunity to make obscene amounts of money

pre-Launch there are bounties available for doing simple online clicking actions.

Dont miss out.


>> No.23377512
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WALT bro

>> No.23377517
File: 531 KB, 1626x1080, main-qimg-822d15e84b48e4053c65ec49b3607266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put everything on zero on roulette

>> No.23377529

RSR but will take a while. Also, not that risky.

>> No.23377555

That wasn't bots. That was a mountain of Pajeets and shit speakers. Not sure what they incentive was, but the price skyrocketed afterwards.

The devs are really active in the telegram group, and aren't shit skins.

>> No.23377608

What makes it good?

>> No.23377652
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My timeframe is indefinite. Ideally something that could grow into a car downpayment for my kid in ten years. It's money that I could otherwise piss away on a new TV or couch. I already have boring safe investments in ETF so I'm looking for something high risk high reward. But I don't know much about investing or /biz/ in general. So naturally I came to the worst possible place to ask.

>> No.23377673

thats a man

>> No.23377699

Wrong. Don't ask me how I know lol

>> No.23377719

Like I said, for holding it you get paid in Eth at the end of month.

>> No.23377820
File: 37 KB, 607x608, photo_2020-05-25_21-49-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's on such a long timeframe I'd go for: BTC/ETH/LINK/XMR.
The four horsemen of crypto pretty much.
None of them will do a x100 though, but still very very likely they will still be here in many years to come.
I'll also give you my bet, check Lition. Lowcap, solid project, check the website and the whitepaper. Staking is functional and sustainable. DYOR.

>> No.23378011

that's a woman (male)

>> No.23378042

You could go 50-100x leverage on whatever coin you want. You can do some far OTM options on a pennystock.

>> No.23378134

she's a /b/ whore

>> No.23378166


>> No.23378295
File: 94 KB, 1213x576, Bondend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for solid token sales like Bonded or Union and make sure to get in early.


>> No.23378297

STA will either make you lose it all or 100x it

>> No.23378309

High risk? STA

>> No.23378432

REN for sure

>> No.23378470

/biz/ made a coin and it is unironically going to make all of us rich


>> No.23378561

Xrp. 1k gets you about 4K then you get the air drop on December 12th, which is free money and you’re holding an America made product, a standard if you will.

>> No.23378651

Primedice. Choose 2% chance to win.Instant 50x.

>> No.23379598
File: 1.36 MB, 1240x425, image (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some Radix dude like seriously...if you feel like you missed out on eth back when it was first announced...now is your chance to not miss this next eth again

>> No.23379681

don't listen to these crypto faggots
you and i both know these are all scams shilled here
go buy some options nigga

>> No.23379695

Flipping Dfinance tomorrow on uniswap. Risky, but very nice asymmetric risk

>> No.23379709

Stop falling for these, it's as bad as buying shitcoins named after food idiot

>> No.23379733

without rugpull risk (but only x2-x5)


with rugpull risk (x5-x10):

>> No.23379744

>Ideally something that could grow into a car downpayment for my kid in ten years.
Why are you aiming so low? In the first nine months investing in crypto (I'm 20 yo now) I made $30K. In 10 years we're going to see mass adoption.
>None of them will do a x100 though
What makes you think that? Within the next 10 years:
> BTC - 5X at lease
>ETH - 10X at leas
>LINK - 100X (not even memeing)
>XMR - don't know enough about the project, but crypto regulation might hurt it.

>> No.23379765


> muh rugpulls used .finance (defi) domain
> all .finance domains are rugpulls reeeeeeeee

how dumb can you seriously be pajeet? LMAO

go ape in a new SCHMORE fork

>> No.23380301

Send me 2x 500 vanilla gift cards and I will repay you 3k in 3 days