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23370276 No.23370276 [Reply] [Original]

>wallets gone from 4520 (15 October) to 4480 (today)
>Price slipped from 0.08 to 0.065
>not s single decent announcement

I've fucking had it with this thing - it's turned into just another biz shitcoin like pnk, rsr or lit. I can't believe I've become a bag holder of such a coin like all the poor schmucks I used to secretly laugh at holding other such rubbish. FUCK!

>> No.23370315

LIT is good though, but yes anon yes, cheap coin = bad. Remember to fomo after it went at least 30% and then sell when it starts crapping a little downtrend.

>> No.23370377

Unfortunately I bought my stack between 0.01 - 0.03, which is even worse cause "why bother selling now, may as well wait to see if it goes up again"

>> No.23370552

Same here. I am coming to the coclusion that with vast majority of these crypto 'projects' that it is best just to get out when you double your money and move on to the next flavour of the month

>> No.23370725
File: 109 KB, 663x436, pigerznthelads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u dont see another opportunity to double your money in stateras near future u are ngmi

>> No.23370799


Right, but the waiting for this is what bagholding is, & by god these bags are not getting any lighter

>> No.23371559

I should have sold at 45c, I at least would had been one of the responsible whales who actually 20x'd his gains and bothered outpricing the dumpers by buying STA back.

STA could had been like XOR or YFI when a bunch of whales outprice everyone.
But STA had this problem where the top 20 addresses didn't bother selling and instead let all the top 100 brainlets sell into trash like Ampl and Sushi where they lost money. Right now a bunch of whales switched to xBTC

I'm pretty sure the team behind STA feels the same way we all do since V1; swing it and never ever keep more than 10% of the liquidity in STA or else you're going to get rekt.

Most whales have 33% of the liquidity in their stack and the asian whale I cry for him.
I cry for anyone who's portfolio is 90% STA and Ghost.

>> No.23371636

Whale here. Will sell at 1$ to buy back in at 20c. Not selling was a mistake in hindsight, good analysis anon. Other than that i am more than relaxed about Stas future performance, low time preference gambling a poor mans sport, i.e. niggertier.

>> No.23371740

still holding 6k in bag cuz devs didnt abandon project everything is working fine whales are holding tons of stateras they will have to dump it slowly at some point and deflation + balancer will do the job

>> No.23371836

The asian whale is still up like 200-400k lol

>> No.23371993

You cry?? Kek

>> No.23372571
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hmm i htink i know whos behind these threads

>> No.23373090
File: 237 KB, 393x261, SJusRxn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking yikes people actually spend their time doing shit like this?

>> No.23373301

Just sold. Lost 5 eth on this scam.

>> No.23373367

This isn’t even a top 500 market cap coin and it’s been fudded, knocked off, ripped off, attracted scammers, done a 470x and is still going.

Of course the angry will be the angry. I see the inevitable as such.

>> No.23373406
File: 169 KB, 1067x1040, In the rocketship over biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1.30 eoy

>> No.23373435
File: 3.33 MB, 2946x2043, soyboycompilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bring Lit into this you little bitch boy

>> No.23374682

You also lost 5 eth on this? Same...