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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23361976 No.23361976 [Reply] [Original]

no one saw this coming eh?

>> No.23361986
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>> No.23361993

topkek, same thing will happen to Core. You're all degenerated gamblers. You need to learn that if a project isn't an investment IN something, i.e. a real company by real people with real aims and real customers, then it's not worth shit.

>> No.23362073

let it go.

>> No.23362110

I saw it comming I am just numb to it.
I just throw money whenever it reaches near 80million MC and let it do whatever.

>> No.23362158

I wonder if the tooth anon killed himself.

>> No.23362893

Based Stockholm syndrome anon

>> No.23363527

Sold the pump. Wasn't going to hold on to this bullshit coin any longer. Huge loss but this thing is never coming back.

>> No.23363730

every fucking time i buy the pump and it dumps

>> No.23363751

>Not buying when it crabs and taking profit as soon as it pumps more than 10%

Literally why

>> No.23363846

Good goy

>> No.23363949

Yes, sell at a loss like a retard

>> No.23363983

I had no idea that Ample might crash.
Its literally never happened before today

>> No.23364055

thanks for the opium, i'm very bullish now

>> No.23364311

I'm honestly shocked at how many people here were and continue to be naive enough to think this has any intrinsic value whatsoever.

>> No.23364381
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>I'm honestly shocked at how many people here were and continue to be naive enough to think this has any intrinsic value whatsoever.

>> No.23364409

why dump when we're having the second positive rebase in 18hrs?

>> No.23364414

>positive rebase
anon, i....

>> No.23364444

>Muh stonks
Implying you fucks aren't gambling too with your option trading

>> No.23364448

Will there ever be enough buy pressure to get it up again?

>> No.23364455

Not an argument, bagholder.

>> No.23364467
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>Not an argument, bagholder.

>> No.23364576

Coin is being accumulated heavily right now during the next cycle we will see a market cap boom.

>> No.23364585

Back in summer he said that he pulled out.

>> No.23364679


If enough people sell there won't be a positive rebase which scares people. So they sell.

>> No.23364704

there have already been two positive rebases. the next one is probably a negative.

>> No.23364773

Always remember: if you see it on /biz/ it's a scam

>> No.23364811

Do you guys still hold ampl?

>> No.23365065


Just bought in. Low volume is keeping this coin at neutral rebase level. All weak bagholders sold the latest pump, so no more cuckholders left. Only stronghands now.

>> No.23365171

>b.. but muh marketcap

>> No.23365598

AMPL failed
xAMPL failed
xETH will fail
xBTC will fail

gee it's like this model doesn't work
just ride the pump and sell near the top

>> No.23365874

AMPL has a fat investor allocation specifically designed to dump on you.
Give me 1 (one) argument for using Ampleforth over $BASED.
You can't.

>> No.23365920


It doesnt have much value but back in the days this shit was a goldmine imagine your money go 2x with positive rebase on top and it did for whole month shit was cash man, i guess people still waiting for it to return.... i do too man i do too....

>> No.23365946

this. mini-pump got nervous fags out. ppl that bought in now at >1 arent selling until 1b mc

>> No.23366211
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>> No.23366248

Lmao youve gone insane from missing the whole defi hype while watching your initial get fucking destroyed havent you?

>> No.23366302

Because /biz/ is fucking retarded.
Coin crabs at a low price? BAD SCAM SCAM SCAM
Coin already pumped above 10% that day? HOLY SHIT FOMO

>> No.23366414

Based is gonna be huge. Barely ever see it mentioned here. Worth paying attention to who they're partnered with on Moonbase. REN is a big get, makes me wonder who the anon devs are.