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23352729 No.23352729 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a broke ass 19 year old. Not trying to make it rich quick, but id like to have a good amount by the time i’m 30. I have no bills, besides spotify and amazon prime with student discounts. and I have an income of $240 a month passively. I have a $1000 to invest, i currently use Acorns and Robinhood because i’m a noob. How can I improve and maximize my returns?

>> No.23352737

by sucking dick on only fans

>> No.23352741


>> No.23352753

>and I have an income of $240 a month passively
From what?

>> No.23352755

god i want to fuck a cute femboy in the ass

>> No.23352757

Get a job faggot. $240 a month isnt shit you should be making that in 3 days.
You'll never make it.

>> No.23352796

You in college? Maximize your returns by growing your network, eating high quality foods to perform better. $1000 is chump change once you get out of school, like back of your pocket money. Don’t try to invest it, you’ll never get anywhere with it

>> No.23352874

Yes I am in college, I do really good in school in for engineering.
I used to work at walmart but the kung flu hit and I have family members really susceptible to it so I quit. Worked there for a year and a half and hated every day. Don’t want to work a job like that again.

>> No.23352884

Child support back pay. Not the most dignified but it’s deserved.

>> No.23352897

I’m about to have another $1,500 to toy around with after I sell a truck I rescued.

>> No.23352921

>Wah wah daddy didn't love me so now his income is my income
If your dad died you wouldn't be getting his wage slave gibs so why is it deserved? Since the state says so? Go fuck yourself retard

>> No.23352993

Well, he ditched my mom and I when I was 2, personally I don’t hold him that accountable because he’s a douchebag and I’ve been trying to get away from it, but he owes over ten thousand dollars. Tell you the truth had he been a dad to me at all I wouldn’t ask him to pay. Way she goes.

>> No.23353028

Anyone here worked full time and going for school in STEM at the same time? Is this even possible without stimulants?

>> No.23353184

I did for about a week and finally quit, I suppose it’s very possible to do but it was pretty terrible. You definitely lose sleep.

>> No.23353185

You'll come to hate your mom before you know it. Generally when the guy leaves after few years rather than right at birth, it's because the bitch became unbearable. And soon this burden will be yours as your bitchwhore mom jumps from dick to dick without being able to make one cope with her, she'll get back to you to vent her frustrations of being a dumb whore and you'll understand why you "evil" dad would rather pay alimony.

>> No.23353189

cure yourself, degenerate man

>> No.23353282

While my mom definitely isn’t perfect, my father is a lazy incompetent man who decided working wasn’t for him. My mom worked two jobs before finding a stable career and she and my step dad who is actually a decent man now make 200k+ combined. My father is a loser. I’ve tried to have a decent relationship with him and it just wasn’t worth it.

>> No.23353313

>If your dad died you wouldn't be getting his wage slave gibs so why is it deserved?
This isn't actually true, had a friend who's dad killed himself in prison when they were 4 and his social security became the child support thereafter until they were 18
Besides 240 a month isn't even a high amount of child support

>> No.23353325

pay for clover trading course (search up on instagram), demo trade ,then take ftmo challenge for 100k account, then cash out 10-15k per month by february. you get refunded the 600 if u complete the challenge by making a 15% return and the course cost 350, so you'll have 50$ to spare.

>> No.23353333
File: 13 KB, 215x250, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came to get financial advise
>opened up some memory holed thoughts to some anon on a Mongolian comic forum

>> No.23353349

Nigger, back pay on child support sounds like the absolute minimum this nigger shpuld be doing for not wearing a fucking condom
Props to OPs mom for not aupporting abortion

>> No.23353399

at 19 I was grinding out 10 hour graveyard shifts 6 days a week for $160+ a day

>> No.23353424

Checked, and also doable
Go work at a gas station, you'll unironically have time to study on a graveyard shift

>> No.23353473

buy RSR

>> No.23353484
File: 3.28 MB, 3902x2412, E2EC2921-0072-4596-88E9-8296D08E8CD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so could I, I’m not against work, I’m currently enrolled full time in college for a mech eng degree. I do odd jobs on the weekends and generally just flip anything I can get my hands on, like this truck I got for free from an aunt of a coworker. Had no money to pay me for cleaning up a few acres of land. Unrelated but if anyone wants to buy a few hundred feet of top grade coax cable, or E7TE truck heads hit me up.

>> No.23353903


>> No.23353958

Part time work + stem is possible, full time work + stem you'll kill yourself guaranteed.

>> No.23354052

Its normal in germany to get that much if you are neeting and under 25.

>> No.23354072
File: 14 KB, 358x411, Hitler in kimoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just defined my mom, you get it bro, you get it

>> No.23354637


Nice quints, Checked. OP isn't going to make it.

>> No.23354653

How much?

>> No.23354719

>I hate my Y chromosome it's worthless
>also the person who shares my Y chromosome should be my slave because fuck him for being worthless
>That worthless man is paying me to be worthless
Like father like son, good job at living up to your genetics.

>> No.23354736

If your step father is so good compared to your father why doesn't he pay you to not be a broke ass bitch considering he makes $200k a year?

>> No.23354773

He's not a cuck.

>> No.23354843

OP, forget about other judging niggers. You've time, learn about finance first then you can invest in what you really believe. I've started collecting some good sources for beginners recently. Go have a look at them. They’re maybe not enough but at least they're not lamestream pozzed bullshit, just watch out for precious metal shills even though they’re mostly right, then you’re good to go;









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>> No.23355007

im so glad I dont live in hicktown like you wow

>> No.23355291

Buy kneepads ofc.

Or, look into small caps and stealth projects shilled to you on biz.


I'm monitoring Zeta Protocol

>> No.23356148

>on the outside I'ma BADASS SOLDIER but on the inside I'm a sissy :))

the mental illness of trannies never fails to impress

>> No.23356241

Do not work when you're in college. Since you have chosen to do it, do it wisely and invest in yourself. College is for building connections and for building experience. Join, lead, or build a club or society. Get tight with professors that are well connected. Make friends across faculties, you might use them to build a business after you're finished. Do courses modules outside of your specialization like foreign language, business, finance, social science, law, or another stem subject like biology. Find a way to do foreign exchange in the summer, or do internships, or start up your own shitty business. You have a chance to try things out that would make you a stronger person by the time you're 30. Don't fuck it up by trying to balance it out with flipping burgers in McDonald's, especially if you have support from your family.

>> No.23356969
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>> No.23357080

It’s not his job to. I don’t accept charity and I buy all my own shit. I guess from your shoes it seems pretty unfair to my father but Id trade all the money in the world for a decent childhood with a normal family instead of the memories of my mother crying because she couldn’t afford to feed us both. You don’t know shit about me buddy. He gets off pretty lightly at $240 a month.

>> No.23357112

Let me guess, you love paying $1,500 a month for a studio apartment with bare brick walls because you love the city life and being able to “mingle”. Trust me buddy you’ve never lived until you breathe air that’s not filled with smog.

>> No.23357239

>I'm 19 years old and enslaved my father who I hate
>it's not charity the government forces him to do it
>I buy my own shit!
>gets free money from daddy
>It's my money I got it myself!
Listen buddy I don't know my father, my mother was 14 when I was born, and my step daddy beat me daily from 8 years old until I was 15; but I'm not a bitter little prick over it and I don't expect the state to force them to give me reparations. I pick up my own burden and walk with it.

>> No.23357289

>It's not step daddy's job to feed me, but real daddy should be forced to
Maybe the man fucking your mother should be in charge of that faggot.

>> No.23357303

respect bro - resilience is something most people don't (or want) to have. Keep fucking winning

>> No.23357465

Jokes aside one of my mates has made a couple of hundard quid off only fans. If your semi-fit film yourself riding a dildo or something. sned it to older men of twitter.

(i'm assuming your gay).

>> No.23357936

What do you mean, how much?

>> No.23358374

Sounds like you need a hug, also why is everybody seething over OP getting free money from his scumbag father while the rest of you wage cuck and pull the pieces together like a REAL MAN never shed a tear and probably take out all of your issues on the external world. The world would be a better place if everybody just accepted their daddy issues...

>> No.23358395
