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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23345236 No.23345236 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone on this board such an asshole?

>> No.23345242

fuck you

>> No.23345246


>> No.23345249

based, redpilled, checked, fpbp and /thread

>> No.23345251

Fpbp. Go b a c k

>> No.23345253

you're awful OP

>> No.23345279
File: 1.40 MB, 2048x1366, 1602887398456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all wanna be kikes, envious, cheating scum of the earth. The scum that posts on /biz/ would steal from their own grandmothers.

>> No.23345296

Are you a newfag? Fuck retard.

>> No.23345328

They're mostly all shitskin retards too, Larping as successful white people.

>> No.23345371
File: 404 KB, 750x868, catsareassholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no consequences for being an asshole in these parts.

>> No.23345376

I'm awful? You don't know the first thing about me

>> No.23345379
File: 104 KB, 500x434, new-meme-le-dubs-man-22103094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs says ur a faggot

>> No.23345391

They're repeatedly getting scammed out of their trust fund money. Too stupid to understand how stupid they are. There's a reason scammers come to this board. Turns out there's a strong connection between idiocy and racists and incels.

>> No.23345413

Nah every once in a while people give out coins to friends and it's nice

I wish someone would be that nice to me someday here

>> No.23345429


>> No.23345451

This is not true, this has already been debunked by Reddit and Snopes.

>> No.23345503
File: 142 KB, 1400x1050, bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because asshole bullies are successful(not that anyone on here is). Got any more dumb questions?

>> No.23345514

Because they think that’s how they’re supposed to act. This board actually used to be ok. People were dicks, but they were helpful. It’s gotten so much more venomous over the last year.

>> No.23345523

welcome to society

>> No.23345528

They're indians.

>> No.23345544
File: 172 KB, 683x475, bully2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is how they're supposed to act. Cope some more you ugly faggot.

>> No.23345570

because most are either virginal poorfags so they're angry they'll never make it in life and thus come on here acting like a pile of trash thinking it'll make their penis bigger or they are from india and worship false god allah and false prophet mohammad and thus they act like assholes because they wrongly think they are the correct religion and wrongly think they are the chosen ones.

basically a board of delusional virgins and false god worshipping virgins that are mad they are virgins and will never make it

>> No.23345634

You kinda sound like a virgin yourself.

>> No.23345649

You realize india is anti-muslim right?

>> No.23345654

notice how the virgin lashes out when the truth about him is revealed? hurrr y..your a v...v...virgin
typical cope posting

>> No.23345702 [DELETED] 

We are not all asshoes,join us to find out :)

-We only Aped legitimate ALPHAS after extensive research and due diligences,NO SCAM and NO RUGS allowed.
-This to ensures that everyone in this channel able to get in EARLY,contribute to private sales or even start mining on those DELICIOUS APY before anyone else.
-As always,this is not financial advise.There are no guarantee that the alphas/project will be fully legitimate like how nothing in life is guaranteed .Always DYOR


>> No.23345718
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 1590082977200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notice how the virgin lashes out when the truth about him is revealed?

>> No.23345753

They're not "assholes" they're too stupid to say anything relevant. I have been in this shithole since 2015 and yes it has always been a douche place but like one anon said above, it was helpful so people kept coming back for a reason. You could say it was an heated up environment just like an old trading pit and also pretty funny. You could get insulted all the time but received good advice too, now you have people who don't even know what leverage is

Nowadays it has attracted the worst of the internet, MGTOW losers from lookism forums, pajeet scammers, telegrams groups, discord trannies, etc. all kind of brainlets.

They have turned /biz/ into the nigger of 4chan

>> No.23345760

oh top tier keks the virgin even saves beta billy pics to post when he gets btfo and looks like the typical scrub he is. you'll never make it with this type of behavior beta billy. especially not being a queer and saving pics of males to your computer

>> No.23345771

Isn't it why they split from Pakistan?

>> No.23345856
File: 106 KB, 265x407, 1598477796560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won the argument

>> No.23345916

how much LINK do you hold?

>> No.23346003

Imagine thinking this study refers to you. Fucking lol

>> No.23346145

Pysop thread designed to shake you out before the bull

>> No.23346160

well actually people here help me a lot when investing on bitcoin, it was a 50 dollars investment with 58 in return but hey, at least im getting the hang of it, tnx biz

>> No.23346172

generally calling someone an incel is a personal attack not a winning argument.
you can expect similar treatment at that point.

>> No.23346184
File: 644 KB, 985x941, 17415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

linkies did this

>> No.23346208

How new are you in general, you should know by now that most boards are populated by elitist spergs.

>> No.23346223
File: 1.06 MB, 2251x1022, 1602258572991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is but if it wasnt for /biz/ i wouldn't have discovered nor bought link under $1

I owe /biz/ an eternal gratitude. I can effectively say it has done more for me than any other board on 4chan

>> No.23346234

Because you're all inferior to me, respect is earned

>> No.23346696

I'm pretty nice on this board. Give honest boomer advice. The problem is often I'm banned for making important announcements

>> No.23347135
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