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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23340835 No.23340835[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You WILL wear the mask
>You WILL social distance
>You WILL download tracking apps on your phone
>You WILL report Covidiots to the authorities
>You WILL NOT question the experts
>You WILL enter the Covid Isolation Camps
>You WILL NOT disobey camp authorities
>You WILL get chipped
>You WILL report anti-chippers
>You WILL regularly recharge your chip, as is mandated by the WHO
>You WILL stay at home permanently
>You WILL eat Food Paste Products V.10-24
>You WILL take estrogen to curb your violent male tendencies
>You WILL NOT homeschool your kids
>You WILL surrender your guns
>You WILL become an UN citizen
>You WILL enter the Simulation Pods

>> No.23340878
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The mask thing is driving me insane I had a dream last night about yelling at people to break the conditioning and take off their masks

>> No.23340889

>You WILL use ETH

>> No.23340892
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>> No.23340895


>> No.23340896
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>> No.23340899

back to /pol/ incel

>> No.23340912
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"Our goal is to bring FedNow to market as soon as practicably possible. The target release date remains 2023 or 2024, but we will announce a more specific time frame once additional work is completed."

"Central bank digital currency could offer a more practical way to implement negative interest rates."

>> No.23340916

Why does /pol9k/ keep creeping in here

>> No.23340922

this is all going to end in some real life movie sequel scene where people all break the conditioning at once but instead with retarded masks

dont go to ihop btw, took my little bro out for dinner and everything sucks ass now

>> No.23340984

they will hopefully leave after this election, major paid or cringe shilling going on

>> No.23340989

Such a babe this slut

>> No.23341023
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>Why does /pol9k/ keep creeping in here
¦they will hopefully leave after this election, major paid or cringe shilling going on

>> No.23341030

go back

>> No.23341040

Do you think she could take the whole thing?

>> No.23341043
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>> No.23341061

sigh, chuds proving yet again to be completely incapable of discourse

>> No.23341083

the thing I don't get, if covid is really a big conspiracy by the Jews or chinks, why would it be a fake virus? wouldn't they release a real virus? it's arguably easier.

>> No.23341116
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>> No.23341215

Two things I don't understand.
1. How could cryptos survive this? No one here invested using cash, at one point or an other, your (((bank))) had to be warned that you were investing in crypto, it doesn't matter if it's a nuck or a thousand, you're on a list of people for the police to raid.
2. could people actually put up with the FedCoin without rioting? Having money with an expiration date is not much of an issue considering most have a hard time keeping they account balance above 0 anyway. But FedCoin will throw most into negative, we're heading for starvation with this. And hungry people turn against the state.

The virus is real, it's the flu.
It doesn't matter what's real in this clown world, only the narrative counts.

>> No.23341307
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>ALL of the EXPERTS in my GOOGLE bubble world have reached a consensus that covid is the greatest danger we face in the world today.
>You don't believe in science eh!? Look right here, this article from dr.glowberg on GOOGLE says your arguments are NONSENSE, you fucking CHUD.

>> No.23341313
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no shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service.

>> No.23341388

bunch of liberal fags browsing biz fuck off to your overlords

>> No.23341479

back to r*ddit faggot

>> No.23341573

This is biz you fucking gibbering retard

>> No.23341574

please can we already get to the simulation pods?

>> No.23341678


don't know what a bunch of liberals are even doing on a business/finance board. not only do they not understand money, they also don't believe in capitalism. given their constant deferment to authority on all matters in their life, I don't even understand how they find out about crypto; all their experts say it's a scam and only used for drugs/child porn. I know they don't have minds of their own so I don't know how these worthless retards ended up here in the first place.

>> No.23341688
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kys shill/moron

>> No.23341715

>Covid isn't relevant to the economy or business

This is a /pol/ site now, anon.

>> No.23341727

Were already In them anon

>> No.23341740

those hicks are more active this year because most of them got laid off from their low skilled jobs, the others still have to work so there isn't the same amount of people from the other side to respond to their schizo delusions

>> No.23341745
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>> No.23341778
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It's too late. Its become a fetish now. All my blue pilled friends love their masks, and their kids love their masks.

>> No.23341850
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Glad I don't live a commie shithole where they are retards like this.

>> No.23341851

Every incel here will be vaxxed and taxed to the fullest extent of the law

>> No.23341866
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we're here to stay

>> No.23341871
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>> No.23341888

any way I can change my settings?

>> No.23342002

You live on the moon?

>> No.23342054

The hell is a chud?

>> No.23342151

Some retarded acronym the left came up with because it can't meme. You're better off not knowing considering it's cringe as fuck, it's something something basement dweller incel.

>> No.23342155
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Some reddit term that I suppose means a fake chad. Anyways I wish this board wasn't so shitty now wojak and reddit faggots ruined this board.

>> No.23342226

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller

>> No.23342285

So it’s a “meme”. fuck man the only chud I know is that Instagram guy Churdleys who does the characters with Trevor Wallace and that Asian guy.

>> No.23342329

>You WILL take estrogen to curb your violent male tendencies
Could you imagine any scenario where mankind would've succeeded without this? I certainly cannot.

>> No.23342366
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Is this clown world what you call success anon?

>> No.23342403

OP will be a Cringe Faggot

>> No.23342411

If whites wouldn’t have brought over the niggers and Columbus didn’t come to America life for everyone would have been much better.

>> No.23342421
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not getting eaten when we were in full OGGA BOGGA DOMP ET stages, that's about the extent I am talking about

>> No.23342468

It's not white that imported the apes. The trade was jewish.
Them spanish colonials were fucked up though, I'll give you that. Not as much as the savages they met, but still.

>> No.23342488
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I went out with my roommate today. He's pretty cool, heart but so fucking obsessive over the covid shit. We were eating and if he was expecting the server to come over she put on her mask. I'm not in camp NO MASKS DON'T DO ANYTHING EXCEPT OPPRESS MY FREEDUMBS because I'm not an autist, but I think it's really silly to think that some of this stuff really does anything. The state here expanded the mask mandate to group gatherings OUTSIDE as well unless it's like a sport thing and its fucking retarded at this point. (Colorado).

>> No.23342548
File: 119 KB, 846x599, 51A2B847-5A09-4506-AF13-B2CF18DFCA69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a descendent of one of those savages, if they didn’t worship white cock as much as they did we would have been a parallel empire. Colonialism was a mistake. Vietnamese speak French, Chinese/Hong Kong are white, it’s all so gay. Unironicly we was kings with

>> No.23342653

at this point? That whole shit is 100% FUD, there was no pandemic, it's just a flu that kills less than the flu. Even the official data shows that despite being inflated with unrelated deaths being counted as david19.
I shit you not, it's to the point where someone who dies falling down the stairs will get his dead body tested so they can get a positive result because the tests also are horseshit that basically always return positive even when you're clean, so they can further bloat their numbers. AND IT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH to justify these lockdowns and absurd mandates.

Anyone not seeing through these lies is an absolute tool.

>> No.23342955


The lockdowns are the cover for what was already the inevitable collapse of the economy, and an excuse to impose FedCoin and negative interest-rates.


>> No.23342975

wow lol ur so cool :P

>> No.23342997

I don't know fren, but I'd love to see her try.