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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2333598 No.2333598 [Reply] [Original]

i got $100 to blow, trying to invest.

what's best?

what do you use?

>> No.2333606


It's gonna pump very soon.

>> No.2333629


>> No.2333636

i'm assuming this is stock

>> No.2333644

/pol/ get off this board.

>> No.2333837

legit my second time here. my first i lurked but had no clue wtf any of the terminology meant i'm just tryna make $ like the rest if yas

>> No.2333880

then maybe you should fucking lurk more
even 2 hours of lurking and you'd have basic knowledge

>> No.2333887

Lurk faggot

>> No.2333904

Lurk, nigger. AT this point you might as well light your $100 bill on fire and let it burn. You'll achieve the same effect.

>> No.2333917

You were going to invest $100 in... stock?

>> No.2333935

Whats with the influx of normies trying to jump on this train recently. If you gonna try at least go research wtf youre doing first

>> No.2333951


look you jews i already said i didn't know shit the least you could do is point me in the right direction

>> No.2333953

1. buy ETH at an exchange
2. either trade for other coins or hold in your wallet
3. profit

the market today is such that you have to be an idiot to lose

>> No.2333975

THANK YOU all i wanted was this

>> No.2333996

NHS and other computer system hack around the world and the hackers demand to be paid in bitcoin which was worth about £1500.

Everyone remembered it from when it cropped up in the news in 2014 when that Norwegian encryption guy realised his $17 he bought of bitcoin in 2009 was worth 1million. The. Thought "oh shit, that could have been me if I bought some in" so they hopped on the train as an investment

>> No.2334008

google bitcoin

I saw reckful talking about buying bitcoins on stream today (he's a twitch streamer with a huge following)

end times are near

>> No.2334042

Guess I'm an idiot then because everythings going down today. No juicy gains today guess I'll just keep hodling.

>> No.2334068

>implying the lambo just shows up in your garage overnight

It takes time and solid research to find the wheat amongst the chaff. Good luck noob faggot.

>> No.2334093


>> No.2334120

100 dollars? Thats how much my breakfast cost this morning

maybe stick to watching childrens cartoons and let daddy work the market

>> No.2334260

lurk to find out how bitcoin and cryptocurrency is. Then buy AnimeCoin

>> No.2334296
File: 72 KB, 620x400, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% XVG 50% KIDS.

Both are going to moon tonight. XVG give you the steady and safe gains, KIDS for the quick but risky gains.

>> No.2335101

This coin's a fucking scam but go on and tell me lies about it mooning idc anymore.

>> No.2335118
File: 124 KB, 1209x563, crymoarfgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ get the fuck out then you fucking faggot, lurk moar

>> No.2335154

You did see that damn near every alt is tanking right now, being tied to btc. Why are you so sure that XVG AND Kids is going to moon?

>> No.2335183
File: 27 KB, 468x376, 1427273159653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up, get the fuck out and fuck off.

>> No.2335261
File: 61 KB, 228x223, IMG_9617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut it, cunts. everybody was new once.

>> No.2335276

and most people lurked or asked honest questions, they didn't come in and say
>spoonfeed me

>> No.2335452
File: 50 KB, 666x553, IMG_9619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said a point in the right direction. or at least what you cum-skins use.