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23330932 No.23330932 [Reply] [Original]

I met a girl, and she’s really good at video games, we played and she’s fucking better than me, also she knows about stocks and crypto’s... what do I do I really like her FUCK.

>> No.23330941

tell her you like to spend time with her and you would like to know her better

>> No.23330946

How big is your stack and dick?

>> No.23330951

It's a man

>> No.23330955

Wrong. "Hey, let's hang again" with good eye contact and a smirk

>> No.23330966

he probably browse biz like the rest of trannies

>> No.23331036


>> No.23331183

>>23330941 is all you need. Be clear that you're into her and have a date planned.

>> No.23331246

I don't know why you losers are replying, this has already been debunked.

>> No.23331288

get gud fgt

>> No.23331328

Typical biz, if not a larp then clearly a faggot.
Meet a girl, she's nice, into good things and is intelligent to know about way to increase personal wealth.
What do? Go on Persian carpet sellers forum to ask what to do..

Never change biz

>> No.23331335

don’t get to cocky bros. smirk could go wrong badly

>> No.23331365
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Did she flirt with you at all? If not she isn't interested in you as a man.

>> No.23331456

Beat her with the controller and call her a whore until she leaves for trying to trick you with her thot magic.

>> No.23331481

check if she has a dick

>> No.23331501
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Last night I dreamt that I had a girlfriend, how do I stop doing this

>> No.23331506

get a boyfriend, fag

>> No.23331519 [DELETED] 
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She's mine white boi

>> No.23331527
File: 195 KB, 1024x989, How women work..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are whores.

>> No.23331530

spotted the amerimutt

>> No.23331605
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I really hope those stories are nothing but LARP

>> No.23331643

I mean if you’re hanging out alone with her wether she’s flirting or not it’s worth making a move

>> No.23331708

it's unironically a man

>> No.23331870

wife her then

>> No.23331899

She's probably accumulated more todger than you have chainlink.

>> No.23331915


>> No.23331962

didn't read any replies so not sure if anybody pointed this out, but if a girl is better than you at video games you fuckin suck at videogames and should kys yourself. check em

>> No.23331978

Dear god, I find myself in agreement. I don't know how a man wouldn't snap at some point

>> No.23332003

Quit being a virgin incel. Ironically "all women are whores" but none will fuck you, weird conundrum right?

Reading shit like this makes me sad, if its not a larp the guy is the most beta of males and retarded to boot. Oh no, child I met at school wants to fuck other dudes, no shit brainlet, don't get married when you're young and have had no life experiences. Marries a chick with a kid who he meets at AA.... Great idea, all the best people are there.

His whiney posts are whats wrong with this world, people making untold shit decisions and then blame everyone else apart from themselves.

Also for what its worth when you're married and raising a family the idea of "my house" and "my momey" are memes, if you're both raising kids, both working you own things jointly. Why wouldn't the "stuff" be expected to be split when you split?
I know this is a very non biz way of thinking but I fucking hate beta losers

>> No.23332104

You're fucking retarded.
1) Women are mostly whores for chad, not for the average guy.
2) Even if you can easily screw around, why would you want to fuck whores? I fucked some college sluts when I was young because I didn't know better, and it sucked. No real emotions involved, just the robotic action of fucking and feeling regret when finishing.
3) Yes that guy made some poor decisions. But can you blame a young guy in a society which teaches us to idolize women for making these mistakes? And why the fuck would it be ok for the court system to be so heavily skewed towards women?

Getting a good woman use to motivate men to great things. There's still some good women left, I met a few. But they're really rare

>> No.23332189

A girl with a dick, right?

>> No.23332411

1&2)You keep saying whores all the time but whats your definition of a whore? Someone who has 10 partners, 20, 30? Whats your arbitration point? And realistically if women were into you wouldn't you be a whore? Why should it be different for women?
3) it seems like the only thing being idolised is virgins, here's a fact, fucking virgins and or women who don't have any experience is awful, again I'm really not sure why there's no middle ground with you, cant there just be women who fuck dudes who aren't whores? Think you're obsessed incel also why is a system that's splitting things 50/50 seem weighted to you? You marry a woman and she stays home to raise your kids, 10 years later you divorce, why wouldn't she be entitled to something for the efforts? This idea of "my money" is as I said totally retarded. If you're married or have kids "I" becomes "we" .. if you can't deal with that don't do it

>> No.23333180

To your first point, I agree it's not that easy to define "whore". I qualify them as such because they would get with multiple guys in a night, no problem. Not necessarily screwing, but other sex acts. That was the norm for college girls here. I honestly think any woman that allows all kinds of sexual acts the first day you meet her = whore. The crazy partner count follows. I wouldn't be surprised if they were at 30-40 by age 20, at which point they've already basically lost the ability to pair bond.

No, it would not make me a whore. I use to think like you, but in fact you have to realize that it's women who hold all the power in the hookup / dating scene. Women and men are fundamentally different. Women can choose to have sex every day with a different partner if they want. Not possible as a man, unless you're super chad.

I don't personally idolize virgins, and a woman doesn't have to be one to not be a whore that's insane thinking. Those who have had multiple long term partners for instance and don't have one night stands for instance.

Speaking of the court system, the problem is exactly that's its not 50/50. Not even close. Women get to do whatever they want, and take the men's shit at the end of it. There's shitloads of stats on how courts coddle women, which in the instance of marriage makes it a very, very raw deal for men. Why do you talk about kids? Even if there's no kids they get half your shit. Even if they initiate the divorce after cheating on you. That's how it works.

>> No.23333282

>We share similar hobbies and talked for more than 5 minutes I'm in love

>> No.23333547

Where would a woman find a good loyal man who thinks like you? I never go out, I’m an introvert and most people annoy/disgust me, so I always wonder how I’d be able to meet a like minded person. I also don’t like social media so nothing to do there.

>> No.23333555


anything more than 5 is pure whoredom. get over yourself you beta pussy.

>> No.23333562

she also has a bigger dick than you

>> No.23333637

“Here’s a fact fucking virgins and or women who don’t have any experience is awful”. Sounds like an obvious kike opinion.

>> No.23334109

Anything over 5 is a whore? And I'm the beta? Kek. You're a fucking embarrassment to the 23 chromosomes you carry around.

You've clearly not fucked anyone. I mean I shouldn't be surprised but the absolute state of biz, incel virgins who desperately want to fuck, but can't get women, so hate on women who fuck dudes who have personalities and spend all their time on the net buying meme tokens so they have enough money to flex and try to make up for their lack of personality with money.

Tldr; get a personality. Get out your mums basement and try to normalise your views on women and sex.

>> No.23334111

>I like this girl because she has very masculine interests, even more so than me

>> No.23334186

Kek speaks rule of 5 bros

>> No.23334213

It is true, but only because anything more than zero is a cock goblina

>> No.23334673

I don't want to fuck at all but would only ever take a virgin. What do you make of this with your "wow such middle ground I am so smart" opinion, Anon? Incidentally, the middle ground is having sex with a virgin wife. The conservative case is never having sex. The whoredom case is having sex with a non-virgin wife. But I appreciate you trying to set up arbitrary dichotomies to suit your agenda.

>> No.23334712

At this point I am convinced you are a roastie or just a low IQ man. You seem incapable of understanding that men and women both have different evolutionary goals and strategies. Equality is a false god. Logically speaking, two things which are different can never be equal. You are a fucking retard through and through or just a larper at this point. The reason men aren't demonized for sleeping with a lot of partners is because it makes them successful at their sexual strategy, and it does not turn women off. A guy who sleeps with a lot of women is an evolutionary winner, a whore is an evolutionary loser. Now morally speaking both are equal, but once you actually use your brain you intellectual peasant you'll realize that there are biological grounds of the 'double standard'. Maybe back when society was ruled by objective religious morals, both the womanizer and the whore would be shamed equally, but now in our relativist secular society. A women does not need to fuck every man to be a whore, as we can see today with 30% of men being incel yet women whoring at record levels, its clear that women are whores to the men they desire, which does not include all men. Again, obvious conclusion if you weren't an intellectually lazy retard who is also probably a plebbitor. Also the divorce bullshit is a meme, and if it were such a fair deal, women wouldn't initiate divorce 80% of the time. Not to mention they definitely do not split things 50/50. A woman almost always gets to keep her kids and has enjoyed a comfortable life while living with the man, the moment she decides she does not want to live with him anymore she is NOT entitled to any of the benefits he provides. And then you proceed to justify it by saying hurr duur its just the law, again you must be a woman or a very low IQ man. In capable of arguing beyond a shallow POV and appeals to societal authority just like a herd animal(women).

>> No.23334768

vekdSPY5 btfo

>> No.23334939

Don’t worry if he’s a biz bro he will know at fist glance

>> No.23335053

Wow, I mean the levels of horse shit you have just written is frightening. If you're not larping and believe even 50% of what you've just written I genuinely feel sorry of you. Every other line is something about me being retarded but your entire diatribe is like something written by someone who's never had a conversation with a real woman. I would say you should go out, meet some women and try to normalise your opinions but I genuinely think at this point you're beyond help so just stay home and trade shit coins, safer for the world I think

>> No.23335099

Sadly you will never have her as she will always view you as inferior at vidya

>> No.23335110

Getting married to a virgin is a terrible idea. You've clearly not had sex before so here's a spoiler; you're more compatible with some people than others, if you end up marrying someone you've not slept with before you're rolling the dice as to whether you're going to spend an eternity having bad sex with someone you're not compatible with, this, dare I say it is why people cheat, after a while the now not virgin wife finds out from her friends what a good fuck is and wants one too, incel can't provide so wife goes elsewhere.

>> No.23335146
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>hole based shaming
>shaming by proxy of unavailable holes
>ad hominem
worthless cunt detected

>> No.23335157

Hang out with her more and have fun instead of caring about winning or seeming less intelligent. As a woman she’s more happy to have someone fun to spend time with

>> No.23335191

> Flies off to bang underage puss from non-whites

You think he has not snapped?

>> No.23335199

that's not a girl

>> No.23335200

Amazing input to the conversation, thanks for contributing bro.

>> No.23335771

love yourself, first, then you will stop giving a fuck about trying to win someone over, and your own inherent self worth will be felt and attract all the stacies. GL

>> No.23336071

buy now or be priced out forever