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23329903 No.23329903 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>23327428

All fudders stop here. Read Fudbingo.com before posting in this thread, otherwise you will be bullied.

>Flare snapshot date - December 12th 2020:

>Past /XSG/ threads

>UHNWI aka Mellon:

>Kendra Hill:

>Other Insider:

>Other Other Insider:

>Bank of Canada Insider:

>Conference Anon:

>33 million XRP anon:

>Judy Shelton (Trump Fed nominee):

>The Myth of Market Cap:


>What wallet do I use?
There is no right answer for this. Mostly personal preference and security vs. convenience.
Hot storage (with Spark support) - XUMM or Exodus.
Cold storage - Ledger/Trezor or Paper/Metal Wallet

>> No.23329909

I need some hopium, bros.

>> No.23329920

How about that swell pump

>> No.23329926
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Ripple mentioned directly.

It's coming. Hang tight.

Also, join Rp9MedV for extra comfiness.

>> No.23329935

ripple .26 eoy, get in now

>> No.23329937

It’s happening boys.


>> No.23329973

same feels. I am living off cope right now. The light is almost gone, swell pump was a failure and the dates given to us have all been false

>> No.23329982

What dates?

All we have is EOY by Mellon. Ignore BABA, he's a fag.

>> No.23330058

all my dates came from BABACUMGUZZLER.
I heard a lot about early - mid October but I cant remember the actual dates. I try not to to think of it. I wake up sad and go to sleep sad.
I'm lower class Australian anon, this all my money. I wont be able to do this again for a long time.

>> No.23330089


You won't lose the money, XRP is relatively stable.

Every day we receive more and more news that confirms the theory XRP is the chosen one.

Wait for at least until March 2021. It's not that much time in the long term, is it? But the upside is huge.

Stay strong fren.

>> No.23330139
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thanks for the hope anon. I had pretty much decided on March-ish anyway for when I try to break out of my social class. I wont be in my 20s forever, now or never to break out or I'll get stuck with a girl and never leave this class.
I have a large stack - I went full retard for even the smallest chance that we might all make it.

>> No.23330149

This coin is so dead the last xsg timed out

>> No.23330163


Weekends are slower.


> fuck off our /comfy/ space

>> No.23330175

Thats the first time a thread has timed out since I started reading every single thread around #40

>> No.23330182

I think a lot of the OG's are fed up with these latest threads, a lot of weak hands sold and a lot of the last few threads have been bots, paid shills and fudsters.

Where are you schizos? Are you out there?

>> No.23330218


Well, October was the "month of nothing".

And we're still only mid October.

Can't wait for november.

>> No.23330268
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Cant stop the gods from engineering

>> No.23330277

>March 2021
kek now it is March, holy fuck my sides

>> No.23330318

Cypher did nothing wrong.

>> No.23330476

That’s was sad to see. Let’s see that it doesn’t happen again.

I think you’re partly right. The fud gets tiresome, but it’s also because we’re having something of a quiet month. Feels a bit like the calm before the storm with only a few trickles of info coming out. Without the flood of fresh info, there’s a lot of rehashing of old news and bored infighting. The /comfy/ levels have certainly gone down.

>> No.23330530

maybe the fudders are trying to save both your sanity and your money

>> No.23330533
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>> No.23330564

I see no hope for xrp. Waste of money. The hype was just made so dumb ass investors like I dump money into it. I will hold indefinitely. Give me good coins that will get me out of the hole eoy.

>> No.23330630


You do know I am archiving all these FUD and "no hope" posts for when XRP is >1000$ right?

It will make a wonderful 150x150 poster for my mansion.

> #0doubt

>> No.23330668

Should I buy the Lego Pirates of Barracuda Bay set or $200 of XRP?

>> No.23330691


Considering one is a depreciating game while the other could generate 200K in returns...

What do you think?

>> No.23330702

You can’t go wrong with either anon

>> No.23330720

based and bluepilled

>> No.23330818

$KAVA is soon enabling $XRP borrow/lending ala Compound.


Funny thing? BNB, BTC, XRP are in the works, but not $ETH.

> ETH cucks BTFO

>> No.23330862

Maybe neither wants to be saved, fren

>> No.23331014


>> No.23331069

I think it’s time to give up. Hodling since 2016. Missed the 2017 dump opportunity and now this coin is ready for the shredder.

BG123, ripple riddler, owls, ... I’ve seen it all.

Thanks for the ride anon. It’s been a blast but it’s time to go.


>> No.23331121

cya loser

>> No.23331228

I guess it's over for us in the end...

>> No.23331240

How can anyone hold XRP and not be suicidal?

It's the biggest loser in the top 20 of 2019, 2019 and 2020 so far and most likely will continue to be the king of shitty investments for years to come, with all the dumping going on. Wake the fuck up if you haven't already, there is no way in hell this shit is ever going to be worth more than a few cents, not with that massive supply and constant dumping, oh pardon me "programmatic sales" and "strategic XRP investments" and "OTC sales". It's a fucking shitshow, has been for years. Muh $2000 by EOY, yeah right, Ripple devs are going to be holding quadrillions of dollars....

time to move on, 2017 was three years ago

>> No.23331260


>> No.23331285
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seems you faggots need some hopium

yes baba is a piece of shit cunt, but he has insider information the two are not mutually exclusive

xrp will be 1000+
either eoy or at the latest february

look at the fundamentals of xrp, dont be discouraged by emotional decisions

you wont need to hold xrp for years and years

>> No.23331287

nah, they'll be just fine, they already are billionaires and as long as they don't run of gullible retards who keep buying their dumps the money is just going to keep rolling in. All they have to do is to keep up appearances, keep doing their PR stunts and pay this or that hasbeen company to claim they "use" XRP every once in a while, and retards will keep lapping it up and keep spinning "soons" and riddles and memedates and whatnot.

Same old, same old, year in, year out

>> No.23331291
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why february? pic related

MAXIMUM timeframe we are looking at is 4 months, easy hold.

celebrate new years, christmas, enjoy the destruction of the USA and there u go

>> No.23331293

Fud is thick as fuck in here, makes me bullish

>> No.23331299

>some twatter faggot posted "soon"

wow, I haven't seen that one before....

gee, thanks so much anon

>> No.23331333

retarded take, so much news is going out right now

>> No.23331346


2017 called, they want their buzzwords back

>> No.23331349

It is very homosexual that people are giving up due to the disbelief in baba. You guys are being low iq faggots.

>> No.23331358
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>> No.23331378

yea sure, as opposed to unquestioningly believing in vague bullshit which gets regularly deleted and which has been proven to be a fucking total made up thumb suck at least a dozen times over the years

you faggots are beyond help

>> No.23331379

k, breadcrumbs

>> No.23331390


>> No.23331391

so so cool

give us a another 2017 buzzword

>> No.23331402

Where did I state that I believe in Baba? I'm saying it is retarded to invest AND sell the coin because of Baba. Fuck off.

>> No.23331407

Checked. Based digits.
Central banks, BIS, looking at CBDCs. BIS due to present report on CBDCs this month. All CBs so far have been concerned about interoperability & dollarisation (both of which are fixed with a bridge asset). BoA using ripple.

>Hurr durr what’s “news”

>> No.23331414

Sell what? I already sold...

>> No.23331425

Just go back.

>> No.23331444

just keep buying the dips faggot, you have years and years of them ahead of you

>> No.23331479

Gladly. ;)

>> No.23331539
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Tuesday I will be buying a few K more. Do I still have time?

>> No.23331621

there's a 5th type of person; the Grey Pill. more of us than you'd think lol.

>> No.23331678

>I guess I better sell a month before the flare drop because I DONT WANT FREE MONEY

>> No.23331700

I mean, I hope we moon today, but realistically, yes, You’ve got time.

That ‘reset’ is just a change to the benchmark rates. It’s nothing to do with XRP, crypto, or any kind of actual fundamental change to the financial system. It’s been wrongly associated to XRP.

>> No.23331705

Too late, already sold mine

>> No.23331741
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Sause of that info.
Financial reset would be a huge deal if true.
Baba said today's a big deal too.

>> No.23331805

yet another awkward and out-of-place xrp forced "schizo" thread attempt with the same handful of idiots barking back and forth
fuck chainlink, and fuck its retarded run to $20 which made all these complete newfags flock here and hope that their heavy, heavy fucking bags get "picked" next by biz if they spam it enough
you belong on twitter - so that you can repost twitter larpers dribbling shit on each other or whatever it is that hashtag chasing karens and tyrones do nowadays
>w-why come into our thread then huh?
because you fucking apes won't stay in your special ed thread, and if you're incapable of doing that you need to fuck right off to where you came from with your eternally sub .30c shitcoin

>> No.23331826

See: >>23331700
it’s not a reset. Just bad retorting

>> No.23331841

*bad reporting

>> No.23331886

It's over...

>> No.23331908

Copy pasted from XSG 93:

Some years ago there were allegations (which were true) that some banks were fudging libor (the base interbank swap rate), mainly by timing trades at the end of the day, just before the rates were read. Regulators caught wind of this and so embarked on a project to replace li or with new rates.

A huge number of trades and products (loans, swaps, whatever), reference libor and other rates that will be discontinued and there has until recently not been much liquidity in markets for the new rates, so this was posing concerns for banks.

Add to that, where you are dealing with clients that are not big financials, they may not be incentivised to agree to a rate switch, so what to do about those was problematic.

Then there is the ever present technical problem of getting all feeds and systems updated.

Anyway - big project. Important change. But nothing to do with a global reset - just switching the base rates on trades.

I should also mention - the overnight funding rates are different in that they basically take an average rate over the past few days (5 days for SONIA, the GBP rate). That’s how they intend to get around the late day price fixing issue.

Also - fines, etc., for banks that don’t make the switch (as well as switch all trades after a certain date to the new rates)

>> No.23331942
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>> No.23331972


>> No.23331980

Oops didnt mean to include the blessed digits

>> No.23332035

It's impressive to see how hard they've been pushing it over the last week, and how they've added in larping as schizos to their toolkit. It smacks of desperation.

>> No.23332066

Wow this thread was horribly depressing to read through. So much sour grapes and copium.
I really hope you guys make it and escape this fucked up rat race but I’m afraid it’s not going to be because of XRP.
Why not invest in DeFi? It’s still relatively early. I get that chainlink already ha da run to $20 but there’s still other small cap DeFi you could be throwing money around. It’s clear that’s where this market is going. And why didn’t you guys just invest in chainlink when it was relentlessly shilled here for 3 years??

I hope you guys make it.

>> No.23332067

Morning chads. October being full of FUD is not shocking. The mere fact that we have known October will be a slow month and it is, is in itself bullish because it means we’re onto something. XRP has connections to all the highest institutions, even the fucking White House. I’m 90% XRP, 5% XLM and 5% ALGO and sitting comfy as fuck. Don’t let FUD get to you. Go listen to the Bearable Bull or some shit. XRP will moon fucking soon, and when it moons it moons hard. Stop being a little bitch and go buy some more, right now.

>> No.23332103
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>buying legos and not more crypto

>> No.23332129

Anon, as I’m feeling positive, I’ll help out.
>Why not invest in DeFi
> It’s clear that’s where this market is going
Despite your fudding, you must be at least tangentially award that major jurisdictions are looking to regulate crypto.
What do you think regulations will do to ‘DeFI’, the horrible, retail market that it is?
Just the slightest critical thought should make it clear to you why XRP is the better bet.
In a couple of years, XRP will be the king of only a few coins left standing. All that defi nonsense will be regulated to shit or in the bin where it belongs.

>> No.23332150

btw 4 didn't like being a slave but hated being woke he wished to be ignorant of reality but wanted the illusion of power and mastery.

>> No.23332193

Based. Plus, Flare will have regulated DeFi on it.

>> No.23332209
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I charge 1 eth for 20-30+ ETH raise for sure

In which i take only 60% as upfront to get proper payment for influencers and team and rest after work

>> No.23332222
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Here’s one

>> No.23332235


>> No.23332238

I don’t want to knock flare. I’ve made my views on it clear in previous threads.

Let’s just say, I don’t hold much hope. XRP is the one I’m backing primarily because it’s NOT retail. DeFi is retail. Smart contracts has already been done by ISDA (and Isda’s version will always win).

I don’t mean to fud flare, but I don’t want anons lulled by false hope (that’s why I’ve taken the time to point out that the ‘reset’ in benchmarks isn’t what it seems. False hope is fud.

I hope I’m wrong about flare btw. I’m set up to receive and will benefit if it succeeds. I’m just trying to say don’t put all your hopes in it. It is not XRP. It is not the main project that will lead to moon (the interbank/interCBDC market)

>> No.23332254

See this is the sort of shit that makes making it later this year especially nourishing. Its not enough that I should succeed.

>> No.23332276

My bank uses ripple and I'm Australian. What do you mean has been companies you absolute dog shit pajeet.

>> No.23332288

Whats the grey pill?

>> No.23332306

Which bank, anon?

>> No.23332310

The fud is so thick in these threads I stop reading when I realise its fud.


>> No.23332325

Dude what's the point to shill like this if you know coin is garbage?

>> No.23332349

I didnt have money for chainlink at the time, ended up selling 300 for $300 to buy ciggies to help with the rat race.

What makes you think were not invested in defi anon? You only need a small bag to make it with xrp.
The threads are simply because we're excited. The ones who arent brainlets know we have already made it, but in the mean time arent putting all of our eggs in one basket.

>> No.23332357

go with the flow, blend in, dont work too hard, life doesnt matter but there's no reason to get down about it. basically nihilism but without the faggot goth depression aspect.

>> No.23332358

My XRP schizo friend said yesterday it's the 14th of February. Lmao postponed AGAIN

>> No.23332384
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Commonwealth bank Australia

>> No.23332417


>> No.23332467
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Its time we go full schizo and make up our own coded language and weed out the jews trying to setup shorts and post fud for profit.
Sick fucks.

We could setup a system where your first post in the thread must start with a word that adds up to 113.

That way we know who is regular who sold or just some jew trying to profit with his greasy hands.

>> No.23332472
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Thats pretty reasonable anon, you sound like me a year ago.

Had a "psychotic break"
Fuck doctors are retarded
It was a 10/10 existential crisis
I'm glad it happened, saved my life and I found pic related along with bhuddism.
Didnt stop the medical system from telling me it was a bas thing and aggressively trying to medicate me
Never been better in my life though

>> No.23332494

We already have a coded language anon?

>> No.23332521

not to worry, it will still be postponed many times, just like it always has

>> No.23332528

Ah yeah, spiritual awakening. I had one of those in 2016. It eventually lead me to Jesus Christ. I hope you find Him too, anon.

Regardless guys, I just reread some of the OP insiders. Comfy as fuck. WAGMI EOY. I suggest rereading those if you feel you need some hopium.

>> No.23332548

Why didnt you tell me?

>> No.23332551

Actually anon, funny you say that, it has been leading me towards jesus christ.
I'm going to read the bible either on weed or lsd, there seems to be something to it that normans dont get when they read it. Could be wrong.

>> No.23332667

>reading the bible on LSD

>> No.23332679
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I hope these poor fudders are getting paid... or is it really all rent free?

>> No.23332686

Monday is the 33rd anniversary of the October 19th 1987 black market crash, I am not a financial advisor

>> No.23332703


>> No.23332739
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Im not ready for this.
I think the chinese might actually do it.
They might pull the 51% trigger on btc.

>> No.23332760

They have the power. How would this advantage them?
Because if it would, its only a matter if time.

>> No.23332860

This is the key, baba and the hopeless fudders all are to be disregarded.

Hold for the flare drop and all the applications that will arise from that point.

I hold over 300k of xrp and over 50k ounces of physical silver.

These are the two cheapest assets on earth. Do not be fooled by meme dates etc.

Look into the position limits recently imposed on comex trading. The elites are preparing around the world for an enormous rise.

>> No.23332922
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Research time


>> No.23333032

I think there’s something in this EOY shit if you look at it from a schizo point of view.


All the 5’s in it, the ‘5,6,7’ if you add them up. If you do that clock thing you get

Or 11/13

Is it confirmation of my moon phase theory, 11th full moon of 13. It’s a super blue hunters moon whatever that is and happening on Halloween.

>> No.23333118




>> No.23333123

Im getting £5300.00 redundancy pay, I have 34000 xrp, what should I spend my redundancy pay on. I don't trade I just hold, I currently only hold xrp.

>> No.23333197


>> No.23333210

I have theory that bible is coded message, and you can decode it through your dreams. I was reading it before I went to sleep and I had weird dreams. I found Jesus through LSD he saved from the devil. God bless you all

>> No.23333248

Get some XLM and ALGO to diversify, then the rest in silver and XRP.

>> No.23333328
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>Coinbase wallet won't receieve the Flare airdrop
I fucked up...

>> No.23333386


>> No.23333434

you have until dec 12

>> No.23333469


>> No.23333489

>he doesn’t know about the secret

>> No.23333532

Use the XUMM wallet, it’s easy af to set up.

>> No.23333573

I remember last year people would say 11/3 was ganna be huge.


>> No.23333590

Good to know. The big four down there are so incestuous that if one is at it, there’s a good bet the others will be too.

>> No.23333717
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im more bullish than ever personally. y’all sleeping on huge news. also the trump campaign just locked it up even more so than before with this Hunter shit.
>pic related

>> No.23333873

so what happens if spark drops and someone whales governance to increase the wallet-locked balance to 50,000?

>> No.23333911
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Men, we are in the storm. Perseverance is key. Things seems grim now with all of the fud and lack of news, but we're all gonna make it. The fundamentals haven't changed. XRP is unironically, the standard.

>> No.23333972
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checked, blessed numerals.

>> No.23334001

How about Kraken for airdrop? Is it ok?

>> No.23334002

I'm serious lads. What happens if they drastically increase the price of a new XRP ledger? Does that flip the switch or just fuck us all over?

>> No.23334037


Fee for wallet activation can be lowered.

>> No.23334095


I am asking what happens if it gets raised. Nothing prevents ripple flipping it from 20 to 20,000,000,000.

>> No.23334099
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great catch.
btc can not be 51% attacked. you have no idea the coordinated-and-then-sustained hash rate needed to do that.

>> No.23334184

What if, what if, what if... if that happens, it happens. Not worth thinking about. What’s your alternative? Sell out now just in case? Forget it.

>> No.23334234

What are you stupid mother fuckers talking about? It is happening this year.

>> No.23334263


All validators need to agree though. Also, once a wallet is active they can't just increase the activation fee and deactivate your wallet.

>> No.23334266

What the fuck is this February shit? If you don’t think it’s happening this year you might not have been pay attention.

>> No.23334294

eoy on the lunar calendar is 11th feb 2021

>> No.23334338


I hope it is EOY, but personally I'll wait till March 2021 for it.

>> No.23334410

That just makes you #4.

>> No.23334426

Absolute unit

>> No.23334465

how do we know four digits doesn't mean 0.002 cents to this retard?

>> No.23334640
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Canada’s adopting XRP, just as bank of Canada anon said.
Just announced

>> No.23334701

IMF wants to negotiate world reserve. I wonder why?

>> No.23334784

Fuck off. No one follows that shit.

>> No.23334787

It irks me when I see /biz/ post these XRP happenings lmao. They just come up with other imaginary clown world economy solutions or speculative opinions and don’t realize XRP has been working toward all of this for years.

>> No.23334830


>> No.23334864

That article is from Feb, do you have something more recent because a quick search didn't yield anything about recent adoption.

I'm not following. Why does it irritate you that people post happenings?

>> No.23334869

It irks me lmao

>> No.23334882
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>No one follows that shit.

>> No.23334895

Exodus supports it

>> No.23334919
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I’m talking about the rest of biz. They post threads with IMF and CBDC news and they refuse to look at XRP as a key player

>> No.23334947
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Ah, I understand now, fren. Have a webm as thanks.

>> No.23334954

"If you know, you know" is a central theme of these threads for a reason.

The fool will speculate what occurs, and his only perspective after will be "how did I not see it coming, it was all in front of me!"

The thinker knows that there is a line between speculation and seeing the plans people are laying out.

>> No.23335074
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holy shit that was stressful

>> No.23335089
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Just added to the stack today brothers
Reminder that all fud is gay, we’re all gonna make it, and you’re always acknowledged amongst friends here. Don’t let the bad days get you down

>> No.23335114

this was done many threads ago to find out whether somone was trustable or not

>> No.23335272

How the fk snakes move so fast looks unreal

>> No.23335307



>> No.23335317

t. Reptilian

>> No.23335392

has-been companies, like Bank of America and Paribas and Santander.

>> No.23335408
File: 132 KB, 1440x1440, CAE9248D-EF60-454A-B445-6351AEBF862C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely epic escape. 10/10 watched again

>> No.23335410

big numbers. the IMF presentation on cross border payments should be pretty juicy Monday.

>> No.23335436

thats us at :33 secs right now.

>> No.23335490

polite reminder that cross-border payments/inter-CBDC transfers is merely Ripple's first project, they've made it pretty clear via their Line of Credit, Coil, Foundation and other projects (https://www.coindesk.com/ripple-wins-us-patent-for-new-oracle-based-smart-contract-design comes to mind) that their sights are set even higher than replacing SWIFT.

sounds crazy, but the multi-trillion-dollar cross border payment/remittance market is small potatoes compared to what they are trying to do with the Internet of Value.

i feel like Flare will play a pretty big part, especially in enabling XRP holders to act as lenders.

>> No.23335524

i just read a very good book about this that you might be interested in. "The Politics of Experience" by RD Laing. He's a psychoanalyst that was quite well known in the mid-20th century and that book argues that "madness" is actually a logical response to this fucked up world and "crazy" people are actually probably pretty sane

highly recommend. fairly quick read too, especially after the dry first few chapters

>> No.23335547

my spiritual awakening was in 2013, i had some kind of weird abduction experience and i descended into abject paranoia/schizo tendencies for several months but when i emerged my entire world had changed and i had basically reinvented myself.

it's the hero's journey- the descent into the underworld, the dark night of the soul, and the rebirth/re-emergence. perhaps in our world, the descent into madness and re-emergence is the closest thing to the hero's quest that most of us will face.

>> No.23335550
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1761, 6818F397-3752-4169-92B6-12AD0A0CA5A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teachers in this thread. comfy. birds of paradise. a very blessed text that changed my life greatly. everyone should read it.

>> No.23335659

I’m lurking a BSV thread now. These faggot think regulations are pro BSV (maybe they are) but if you mention how Ripple is the only and the biggest crypto company to be pushing for regulations for years they’ll reeeee

>> No.23335711
File: 30 KB, 736x407, 1533240203629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So don't mention it. Part of the fudding we get is from people that don't want to hear about XRP that are "invaded" by people from xsg. They'll find their way here or they won't. It's on them. I wasn't a /biz/ browser until recently, but after doing some reading I hopped on the xsg train and now I'm 15k deep.

If people are gonna make it here they're gonna make it here. Let them find it on their own.

>> No.23335780

Xsg has been getting raided hard by Twitter normies/the rest of biz. I don’t browse biz anymore, just these threads. I have taken a step back since all this bullshit, waiting for the trolls to back off the gas a bit.

>> No.23335788

really grinds my gears

The bancor was a supranational currency that John Maynard Keynes and E. F. Schumacher[1] conceptualised in the years 1940–1942 and which the United Kingdom proposed to introduce after World War II. The name was inspired by the French banque or ('bank gold').[2] This newly created supranational currency would then be used in international trade as a unit of account within a multilateral clearing system—the International Clearing Union—which would also have to be founded.

(In a related story, EF Schumacher is the ultimate based economist and his book Small is Beautiful lays out the system of cooperative, sustainable capitalism that will form the backbone of the coming post-reset system, also the Rockefeller-backed Lindisfarne Association https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindisfarne_Association has already figured out what the global culture of interlinked village economies will look like and the U.N./Rockefeller-backed Lucis Trust will be the official Luciferian NWO religion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucis_Trust (there is an interdenominational Lucis Trust chapel at the UN headquarters btw) https://www.lucistrust.org/blog_wgun/un_manifesting

interesting times, we are living in

>> No.23335809

worth noting that Tet/Lunar New Year was the beginning of the pandemic last year too, with all the Chinese folks traveling back and forth from China in late January/early February. it'll mark one year of pandemic/panic/chao from which the novus ordo seclorum will rise

>> No.23335830
File: 59 KB, 424x693, B10661F5-5820-4372-A33F-A5FF22F79714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23335838

whenever i see this i always picture the lizard going 'yipe yipe yipe' like in looney toons

>> No.23335889
File: 714 KB, 1125x1764, F9CBE191-3399-4E33-A24B-A97736F95109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>’private sector’ ‘products’ ‘advisors’

>> No.23335941

ah! this is the picture that inspired me to order it, because i already knew and loved many of the other books in that image.

thank you so much for that anon- i am studying mental health counseling right now, and have been greatly frustrated by the way my textbooks and classes treat 'madness' as a "schizo" myself, who believes in the illuminatory nature of transcendental experience and thinks that much of what society considers 'madness' is actually a rational response to the sick world we live in

so reading Laing was pretty powerful for me- here's one of the most renowned psychoanalysts of the 20th century, saying the same thing as me.

Now I'm reading Jung's Red Book/Liber Novus. it's pretty far out, i think he basically tapped into the World Mind/collective unconscious and was channeling it into visionary poetry/allegorical myths, similar to Blake talking with angels and whatnot. wild shit

>> No.23335947
File: 740 KB, 1125x2113, 57705B0C-0740-4A89-9C15-8BA28F2F2B13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.23335965

wait, i thought RD Laing was in this. do you have another similar picture with The Bird of Paradise in it?

>> No.23335984

I believe my caption was about RD Laing in the primordial /xsg/ days. I had lent it out at the time of picture taking kek.

>> No.23335988

happening, it is

>> No.23336015
File: 92 KB, 1078x1148, 1602695519454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember back in March when we were telling people on /biz/ that this partnership was go based on breadcrumbs and a huge number of FUDers laughed and said we were crazy?

It just keeps getting better.

>> No.23336033


>> No.23336115

Same shit happened with banks legally holding crypto.
Retarded fudders will never learn. They’ll just keep on coming up with stupider shit or keep repeating shit from 2015.
>there’s actual retards who think XRP MC cap is 10 trillion

>> No.23336225

nice to be with all you anons today.

>> No.23336262

not happening November
not happening December

dont sell eoy or you will rope

t. solved da ripples

>> No.23336289

Theres a lot of coins stealing our memes or directly attacking XRP. Bullish as fuck.

>> No.23336364
File: 143 KB, 300x420, 1474292370969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To pee or not to pee?
That is the poo poo.

>> No.23336371

and you.

willing to share your workings?

>> No.23336373


>> No.23336490


>> No.23336492
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>> No.23336505

All you need
Phase 3 begins 9/11
Masonic history

It is not a long wait for 1000000% gains but not happening EOY

>> No.23336530

that shit scares me tho because bitcoin has more and more institutional backers flooding in everyday. they have atm infrastructure rolling out as an inter medium and arguably they are owned by banks via the bildeburg takeover. the only thing that doesnt exist is an abundance of news in their favor. but even then thats arguably because most of the iso20022 infrastructure is designed to handle multiple assets bsv very fuckin much included. so no need to pump another coin to sufficient volume when some already exist.

this is litterally my biggest fud. its everything ive found that could upset the happy little xrp picture in my head. please prove me wrong because id rather continue to grow my fuck you stack xrp than try to create a sui stack of btc/bsv.

>> No.23336545

Masonic history in entertaining form
part 1. (p.105) https://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Walt-Disney-Uncle-Scrooge-and-Donald-Duck-The-Don-Rosa-Library/TPB-9-Part-2?id=144822
Part 2

>> No.23336557

Are you me? I had mine late 2012 - early 2013. Levels of schizo never before seen and reaffirming my spot on team Good/God/Jesus. The sulfuric stench of hell and that feeling of immense evil/disgust in multiple vivid inception like dreams will really wake your ass up.

>> No.23336672


bitcoin cannot handle the quantity of on-chain transactions required for mainstream use. it is a physical impossibility. every solution to the scaling problem is a compromise toward centralization or performing actual transactions off the chain. systems that incorporate redundancy and fault-tolerance without the needless extra work of hashcash will win out. there's really no reason they wouldn't.

>> No.23336681

I'm waiting till Feb 28 2021 max unless it at least goes to 30+ cents then I'll hold a little longer. If it's after this I'm inclined to not believe your "riddles."

>> No.23336716

I don’t know much about bsv other than it’s another btc fork with some XRP traits like fast and cheap transactions but it’s POW. They don’t have nearly the same support as XRP, they’re not an INATBA coin either. Craig is a coke fiend egotistical sociopath and literally nobody likes him, at all. BTC is being bought up by institutions because it’s the most popular crypto and has a huge market cap. It’s Chinese, and basically a Chinese product if you think about it, which is why Trump hates it. I don’t think it would fail because idk if you’ve seen those crypto documentaries that are literally all in China, but bitcoin is a big part of the Chinese economy and if the US tried to fuck it up it would hit them hard.

>> No.23336725

Is it EOY or not bros why does everyone keep changing I thought everyone was convinced we would be at 2k EOY why is it now february

>> No.23336789
File: 650 KB, 727x727, 1591245503343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop perpetuating meme dates

>> No.23336791

Some lunar calendar bs. Next it will turn out they were using some ancient Aztec calendar or some shit were 2020 is actually 2024.
>Baba always wins lol

Thus why feb 28 is my deadline. Anything beyond this and it will be a 3-5 year wait and may as well get other gains and jump back in at a later date, but I'm optimistic it's soon. Lot's of good news lately.

>> No.23336818

I bought during a huge dip and im still at a profit even if it goes down 30%(it won't). Holding strong for the better of my sanity

>> No.23336840


and that doesn't mean bitcoin or its forks still won't go up. i think andy warhol's work is an eyesore but people still pay money for it. people pay lots of money for a gender studies degree. bitcoin is way too slow with a 1MB block though. even with segwit it can only support so many tx/s. bch looks good but the hard fork coming up is completely senseless and it seems at best shameless cash grab on part of bitcoin ABC at the expense of the project's trustworthiness, if not outright sabotage.

>> No.23336932

ok but if nothing happens you gotta not namefag anymore. thats the deal

>> No.23336967

>3 pennies
>a chicken leg
>a virgin cat (preferably mix bred)
>and a mixtape of the beastie boys

>> No.23337000

with most of the hashpower now in the hands of relatively few mining organizations and ASIC engineers i don't see how anyone could argue in good faith that BCHs block size increase would hurt decentralization.

even a block size increase is something of a bandaid though.

>> No.23337001

>one digit iq
>cant order a xbox
>pee poo

>> No.23337128

>yellow i.d.
BTC takeover confirmed.

jokes but i appreciate you taking the time to break this down.

>> No.23337182

hey how do your farts smell?

>> No.23337232
File: 298 KB, 1000x700, 1600697038916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beloved digits
great info and checked

>> No.23337274

>systems that incorporate redundancy and fault-tolerance without the needless extra work of hashcash
You are actually retarded and have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.23337284
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, 1592499951307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to learn the difference between hype, hope, and hard evidence. The former two are fine and fun to play with and meme, the latter should guide your actions. There is plenty of hard evidence that points toward XRPs ascendancy. There is no hard evidence for a specific date. Hodl or don't based on your reasoning, but don't, never ever, internalize the meme. This is something too many newfags, tourists, and cancer fall into: never internalize the meme.

>> No.23337290


i mostly do it for my own understanding and do not guarantee correctness. ETH's switch to PoS seems reasonable. if bitcoin does not do something similar then its usefulness will be limited by its transaction throughput. once another coin surpasses bitcoin in terms of popularity things will change a lot because people will realize that first-mover advantage does not last forever, and they'll have to make decisions based primarily on the technical merits, robustness and trustworthiness of each project. xrp is a strong contender imho. that said, i wouldn't sell all my BTC

>> No.23337362


so what's your solution to the scaling problem?

>> No.23337372

instead of slinging shit, try explaining why you feel he doesn't know what hes talking about.

>> No.23337407

Sell your XRP. It will never go beyond $1 even if it is widely used for cross border payments and widely adopted by banks and financial institutions.

>> No.23337410
File: 213 KB, 597x1178, xrpthestandard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo here. Some embrace, some do not. Whether you choose to portray a personality in which you embrace the memes or not, you still have all the hard evidence alongside it. Either way, those with the will to see, shall see. Those who only see memes and fud fail to land their eyes on the hard evidence.

In a way, all of our discussion contributes to it. Whatever side you're on.

>> No.23337437

how do I claim my flare friends

>> No.23337451

I'm never selling before $1

>> No.23337472

What a compelling argument. I will now sell my entire stack.

>> No.23337505

what are your thoughts on lightning?

>> No.23337510

read op

>> No.23337610


>> No.23337624


it could be implemented on any crypto with some work. doesn't it defeat the purpose if actual transactions do not occur on the blockchain?

>> No.23337633

>eth PoS

>> No.23337698
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, 1595216589717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>o-okay the utility is there, but i t- it'll never go abopve a dollar lol get rekt

>> No.23337699

ty friend
you got a good one for ledger?

>> No.23337741
File: 8 KB, 935x63, Will Post Later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23337750

Xrp, quant, eth are 10/10 holds
Stellar, iota, algo, monero are 7.5/10 holds
tezos, polka, EWT, btc , link 5/10
Bitcoin sv and zenon 2.5/10

Everything else in the top 100 spare a few I'm probably missing is a shitcoin and like the sands of time will be lost to the wind.

Screencap this

>> No.23337794

Yeah, australia is like that. Its a 2d country for simpletons and psychopaths.

>> No.23337852

Kek'd and checked bin laden digits and funny meme

>> No.23337865

Truely blessed isnt it?
Hail satan
Hail Mein furher

>> No.23337873

the purpose of what? the banks would benifit and wed all stay poor? seems bullish ya know?

>> No.23337898

>Hail satan
Sincerely gtfo with that trash you faggot

>> No.23337904

Noticed that. The conclusions they come to are so cope

>> No.23337925
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x960, Hathaway_Cycle_24_Prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decode this chart fellow patrician schizos.

>> No.23337930

Is hitler still all good bro?

>> No.23337962

This is xsg not pol

>> No.23338005

Hitlers alright

>> No.23338012

That little lizard is us in this psychopath world, and those krav maga choke hold break moves are xrp.

>> No.23338029

This anon understands

>> No.23338066

Will read

>> No.23338080


why wouldn't they use xrp? why implement a system like that on bitcoin? there will still be a lot of on-chain transactions from users who are not using micropayment channels. and taking advantage of micropayment channels would require a good deal of organization outside the bitcoin network itself. not that it's impossible but it seems like a lot of trouble to go though.

>> No.23338156

Could I steal that rare pepe on the bottom right? Its cropped could someone?

>> No.23338177

Bsv can sir

>> No.23338183

Let's say I invest in xrp after December 12th, let's say for example December 23rd or even January 23rd, what's stopping me from claiming spark tokens, what's stopping me further in the future doing this

>> No.23338200
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>> No.23338203
File: 8 KB, 150x163, Screenshot_20200820-225738_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evidence is too great to ignore and I haven't even done any deep digging just basic stuff everyone posts in these threads I've been following XSG for a few months now after I came to biz originally because of chainlink. I will keep holding

>> No.23338207

>Craig is a coke fiend egotistical sociopath and literally nobody likes him

You are right,
But Craig is an ordinary australian male. Takes one to know one. He is also very very smart and has the history to be the real satoshi. The fud campaign against him us very bullish. He doesnt want to prove he is satoshi, he wants his product to win by being the best.

>> No.23338213
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 2779026B-0176-4D1C-A604-033B0E33B9E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking nigger faggots. It happens when it fucking happens. Pretending anyone here is an authority on anything and then applying failure if the project when some brainless date doesn’t come true is the definition of stupid fucking fud. Quit eating your own shit you re-feed loop fucking slaves. You fucking puppet shits.

>> No.23338228


i've yet to see a realistic assessment of how these networks will perform under heavy load.

>> No.23338232
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>> No.23338261

It doesn’t even matter IF they perform under load, they’re too far behind in adoption. Ripple has already checkmated the entire industry, nobody is going to wait around for a better idea.
>The year was 2020, and they were not prepared

>> No.23338264

Theres a one time snapshot

>> No.23338267

See >>23338005

>> No.23338278


>> No.23338280
File: 312 KB, 1110x1239, cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October was supposed to be a silent month, regulations, hot news and articles were in previous months, can someone post the GO LIVE date chart again, November we moon to 2k

>> No.23338316

Bsv seems to have around 1 sec difference in transaction times. The cost is cents higher too, but it’s PoW and >>23338261 is right Ripple is far ahead, they’ve pitched, XRP they’ve trialed it successfully on a small billion dollar scale, and now they’re waiting for clarity so banks can finally legally use it

>> No.23338427
File: 268 KB, 989x1280, bab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Feb or March.

>> No.23338466

Schizos/prophets have never been right with their doomsday predictions. We'll get there when we get there.

>> No.23338473

Ngl I get irritated at dateposting, but I’d love November. Knowing that I never have to work again and that I can start building empire starting 1 Jan 2021 would be fantastic.

>> No.23338491

its november

>> No.23338494
File: 651 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-10-18-02-09-11-62_e4424258c8b8649f6e67d283a50a2cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qwhat sonny jim!?

Avg. Transaction Fee 0.0000032 BSV ($0.0005 USD

Block Time
(average time between blocks) 9m 44s

And dont say it doesnt scale, big blocks allow for just that. Lightning does not.


>> No.23338512

Oh you mean vs xrp, not btc. My bad.
Xrp and btc/sv have different use cases.

>> No.23338518
File: 24 KB, 647x194, christmas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do use divination to understand the themes and currents that affect my life on the micro and macro scale...

>> No.23338534
File: 6 KB, 927x75, christmas2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you tell ?

>> No.23338766
File: 61 KB, 676x677, 16548FE5-FC6B-4246-ACD4-38D58F469135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 0.000003 USD fee
>mfw 3.77 second transaction times
>mfw 1,500 TPS
>mfw non inflationary, retards don’t understand the tokenomics
>mfw 8b XRP has already been burnt

>> No.23338813
File: 597 KB, 1125x1816, 38B6F41B-9374-4BD1-A7B2-D7879F7E2A15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23338998

I’m new to xsg; I got here in August. To me it seems like news is being released more often and it’s less cryptic. Is that the case or has there always been this amount of news out there and I’ve just not been paying attention?

I’m just wondering about confirmation bias and if I’m wrong in thinking that it looks like news releases are accelerating.

>> No.23339052

you have approx 3 weeks to get your bags packed.

>> No.23339153

Yeah more and more bullish news is popping up out of nowhere. I remember when the happening dates always ended up being news, it still happens but now even on weekends we get big news

>> No.23339250


>> No.23339263
File: 216 KB, 427x421, photo_2020-07-24_17-21-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is for faggots

>> No.23339265
File: 755 KB, 2048x2048, BC5C8ABB-3A72-4809-BDB6-6E6228B90A49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically every meme date I’ve been here for has had a huge regulatory revelation.

>> No.23339316
File: 107 KB, 283x375, 1595007988327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>51% trigger on btc.

what is this?

>> No.23339344
File: 203 KB, 1080x780, 1594980767661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is this chat even saying.. each day a % of xrp up?

>> No.23339441
File: 83 KB, 591x539, E710624D-3575-4F2A-8C67-8AD00F1447AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big VET movement
Just sharing for some of the vechain anons on here. This next week seems green boys. Even Greg Mannarino thinks so.

>> No.23339497

There's only a one day window.

If you bought 10 xrp on December 10th you will get 10 flare
If you bought 1000 xrp on December 15th you will still only get 10 flare

The train leaves after the snapshot date.

If you are in the snapshot then you will have a few months to claim those 10 flare. Only if you were in the snapshot though.

>> No.23339667

good i hold 6 figures of this chinese walmart coin. make me rich!

>> No.23339673

Me too anon, good stuff.

>> No.23339715

mister marduk. how come most of the transactions across the xrp ledger hold 0 economic value?

is this referring to IOU tokens?

>> No.23339768
File: 125 KB, 700x633, 1602622747070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other XSG bros enjoy a little Marc Rebillet?


>> No.23339793

damn, i got two 88 dubs in a row. lucky 8s

>> No.23339850

friday the 13th was when all the templars got arrested, it's a big day in masonry, october 13

columbus day is october 12

>> No.23339912

checked and roger ver pilled

i'd never invest a red cent in either BCH or BSV though. my money is locked in XRP ALGO XLM XMR and (the real dark horse king of crypto) DOGE

>> No.23339936


The neutral unit of construction or neutral unit of currency (code: NUC) is a private currency used by the airline industry, to record fare calculation information. A set of exchange rates is issued by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) every month. The ticket component prices are converted from the original currency (of the country of commencement of travel) and recorded on the airline ticket.

The NUC system came into being on 1 July 1989, having superseded the older "Fare Construction Unit" (FCU) system. As of 2008, the NUC depends on the COC (Country of Commencement) of the travel. Each country that has a strong currency has an IROE (IATA Rate of Exchange) too.

A similar unit, formerly used by the European railway industry, is the UIC Franc (XFU).

> airlines sell tickets in a non-native currency
> airlines needed bridge asset
> via ARC - the airlines' private clearinghouse - build off prior create private label bridge asset to create version 2.0 [NUC] in 1989

Wonder what other industries created their own bridge asset before it was cool.

>> No.23339945

dec = 10
nov = 9
oct = 8
sept = 7

>> No.23339954



>> No.23339960

If you held your coins for longer than a year are they gonna be able to confirm this if you store them yourself vs buying/keeping them on an exchange?

>> No.23339962

youtube: Flare Airdrop Ledger, there are a couple that are like 3 minutes

or just go to the https://flare.wietse.com/ and follow the directions, it is very easy, just connect your ledger to your metamask wallet and sit back and wait to receive mucho casho

>> No.23339964

cool song

>> No.23339988


>> No.23339994

>i'd never invest a red cent in either BCH or BSV though

i don't blame you, but i think there's a chance of them taking the lead once bitcoins limitations become more apparent.

i don't even like crypto for the most part, although some systems will clearly work better than others.

>> No.23340008

Also airlines' pioneered their own currency - frequent flyer programs - in the 80's.

Turbo fiat, if you will.

What many today don't realize is airline FFPs are a PROFIT center, not a cost center as airlines will sell their bullshit points to banks and other partners for bullshit fiat.

Banks (AX to DL, Citi to AA, JPM to UA) have given billions of dollars to airlines for the airlines' "currency" as bank customers are willing to pay more (think higher annual fees on a co-branded credit card, higher interest rates, etc.) for the privilege of being rewarded on spend.

>> No.23340009

the sun has been very quiet lately https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/solar-orbiters-data-shows-the-sun-is-at-its-quietest-but-heres-why-its-a-good-thing-2924551.html

a nice big flare to knock out our electrical infrastructure is all we need to cap off 2020 in an interesting way

>> No.23340032

excellent. thank you.

>> No.23340037


The point is airlines serve as a canary in the coal mine both for a failing fiat as well as a bridge asset.

>> No.23340097


>> No.23340114

meh who cares about charts

>> No.23340141
File: 8 KB, 201x251, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23340401

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be employed bro. My primary job by hours worked in XSG and XRP digging. I’m on a couple of hours actual work a day at this point, if that.

I need November!!

>> No.23340432

For those who sold ALL their XRP for XLM. Looks like you are going to slip with us.

>> No.23340436

Stupid question. But after I’ve registered for the Flare airdrop, I don’t have to do anything if buy XRP after that right? There’s nothing to update.

>> No.23340465

Friendly reminder David schwartz said his xrp plan wouldn’t work after 2020. It’s happening this year and anyone that says it’s not is a retard.
>hurdle I solved da riddles tehe it’s not this year but wgmi! Duuur.

>> No.23340481


>> No.23340506
File: 279 KB, 1080x1443, EkfMutnWMAYQHZ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like somone you can trust

>> No.23340523
File: 565 KB, 1200x1600, 1602880084843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In david we trust

>> No.23340542

What a chad

>> No.23340560

New thread




>> No.23340596

Thanks anon.

>> No.23341647

I tried to find the quote yesterday but when I scrolled so far down it froze the page