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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2332940 No.2332940 [Reply] [Original]

I hate that I have to repeat myself like this again but it seems we have quite a lot of newfags so I will.


This is the best strategy here.

Your coin is dipping? It's still the same coin, isn't it?

>> No.2332993

fuck off bagholder shill

>> No.2333051

more like BUY MY BAGS

>> No.2333074


And this is why our motto is Buy High Sell Low.

>> No.2333088


this only works on non shitcoins.

>> No.2333115

yeah the motto should be baghodlers 4 lyfe

>> No.2333121

You people haven't got a clue what you're talking about.

Buying the dip is the key to success here, the real key.

/biz/ always buys the dip. It's our way and it's unironically the best strategy right now.

But newfags never do learn...

>> No.2333158

show me one fucking coin that is dipping right now

we're at ATHs out the fucking ass right now.

>> No.2333188

>one fucking coin that is dipping right now
>we're at ATHs out the fucking ass right now.

>> No.2333231

should i go dgb or strat? mhh

>> No.2333265


>> No.2333282


It's the DIP after all

>> No.2333294

No fuck you that's like telling people to buy Mooncoin. That's a dead coin. There's a difference.

>> No.2333315

Look if you people can't figure out which coins are shit and which dips should not be bought, then I can't help you.

I'm talking about good, strong coins. Those are the ones where you need to buy the dip

>> No.2333337

Buy DGB, SC and GNT

>> No.2333352
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>> No.2333465


>> No.2333534
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Sia is at the very bottom right now. It is going to raise back to the top very soon, I think even tonight there will be a massive pump.

Thank me later :)

>> No.2333548

OK I get it - buy dip of strong coins which I did a research on them. But tell me when should I buy BTC at first? How deep it will fall what do you think

>> No.2333565

Don't buy BTC it's the worst performing coin out there.

Buy ETH if you want gains. Other coins only go up in long run against BTC and BTC against cash so just buy other coins, not BTC.

My advice is to buy the dip for other coins like ETH.

>> No.2333751

I bought 5 ETH when it was $218 btw and holding for at least several months but you probably misundesrstood me. I want that BTC to trade for altcoins but don't know when.

>> No.2333769

What do you mean?

You can buy BTC, hold it for a second, then buy the altcoin with it. What's the problem?

You should be doing all your transfers in something faster like ETH or XRP anyway, never BTC. And you should deposit into an exchange with USD first, then buy ETH or something directly with it.

Why are you touching BTC?

>> No.2333797

anon I don't know how to break this to you buy


>> No.2333924

I thought I can buy altcoins only with BTC...

Coinbase deposit USD > buy BTC > send for example to Bittrex BTC wallet > buy altcoins...

So you say I should buy more ETH and then trade ETH for altcoins when I want to buy STRAT for example?

>> No.2333956


>> No.2334037

You're an idiot.

Put your money into your USD wallet on Coinbase with 0% fee. Then transfer that to Gdax (0% fee). Then buy ETH with a limit order on Gdax (also 0% fee).

Now send the ETH to your favorite exchange. If it's Bittrex, send to Bittrex. WOW you didn't have to wait 3 days to get it cause it isn't shitty fucking BTC! Amazing! Now sell your ETH for BTC on the exchange if it's Bittrex and use the BTC to buy the altcoins.

Now you shouldn't need to hold BTC for more than a minute and shouldn't need to hold ETH for more than 30 minutes.

Now wasn't that fucking easy?

>> No.2334124

Not and idiot just a newbie. I will lurk more and question less then. Thank you sir.

>> No.2334142

Sorry I've been kind of an asshole to everyone.

>> No.2334161
File: 105 KB, 1088x889, 1435983546675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>took op's advice and bought eth now that it's dipping
>it's dipping even more now

>> No.2334169


>> No.2334215

get LTC, soon it'll be too late, whales accumulating slowly - it will blow soon.

>> No.2334355

sorry if this is dumb, newfag here, how tf do you know whales are accumulating

>> No.2334738

It's true, it always pays off in the long run if it's not an absolute trash coin. Ripple being the exception