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File: 73 KB, 992x934, iStock-461157107-latin-america-2-e1547495891808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23319928 No.23319928 [Reply] [Original]

Is Latin America going to become the world's next economic center?

>> No.23320045

no, I don't think so
they have some very unfortunate genetics and most the the 'hopeful' south american countries are spiraling into self destruction at the moment

>> No.23320094

Depends on if whites move there

>> No.23320096

no. their whole continent is covered in mountains and jungle. its unbelievably expensive to transport things so they cant even trade effectively with eachother (the reason there is no real S.A.U where there has been an EU for ages). It will never be an economic centre of anything

>> No.23320126

t. brazilian

>> No.23320139

Google argentinian peso to USD.

>> No.23320156

Shit, meant for OP

>> No.23320164

you retarded OP?
of course not

>> No.23320301

Chile is really bad ass idk about the others. I want to move there

>> No.23320330

Asia is already becoming the next economic center. Japan, Korea, Singapore, China, Malaysia, Taiwan if it still exists, maybe India.

>> No.23320561

Chile is shit, go to paraguay.

Chilean snoop dog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz5BfAVn0X0

>> No.23321369

only whites and chinese are capable

>> No.23321438

No, it is a shithole full of genetic freaks. It will always be a shithole until Europeans re-colonize it and do a second genocide.

>> No.23321478


Mexico demographics look good, not Brasil unfortunately.

>> No.23321515

/end thread

>> No.23321546
File: 40 KB, 828x828, photo_2020-02-29_21-35-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically true.

>> No.23321576

Asia and Africa are the future
West is done.

>> No.23321599

Panama fag reporting in, not in a hundred years

>> No.23321698
File: 26 KB, 518x517, 1602724663391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paraguay, what self respecting white man could ever live in a shithole like that? South america is fucked because of the joos, unironically they control the state, academia, monetary policy and most npcs don't care about politics and are mutts low iq. ran by corrupted fat men.
Look at argentina, highest distribution of jews in SA

>> No.23322255

those niggas hate each other and are used to their governments fucking them in the ass

>> No.23322262

capital's moving to the west, we had Greece, we had Germany, later France and The Netherlands
during the last 100 years it's been slowly moving from the US, to Japan and now China
next in line are unironically pajeets

>> No.23322282


>> No.23322480

never ever ever, maybe if get wiped off the map and be colonized by Briths instead of filthy Spaniards.
we have lots of resources and could rule the world but corruption rules everything around here

>> No.23322509

el negro shoro oe

>> No.23322549

No. Socialismo on the rise

>> No.23322634

No, Brazil is third world tier, Argentinian peso going to zero and Chile getting woke.

I'll stick to my deep euro states thanks very much.

Guns, gold, XMR and LOKI.

>> No.23322854

lmao not in the next 100 years, non south americans don't actually understand how shitty things are over here

>> No.23323213

Am in Mexico right now, can confirma that that will not happen. Only thing they learned is how to destroy the nuclear family.

>> No.23323242

People think everybody can match the white/European economic standard. It's entirely possible that it's impossible. If Euros didn't exist, we'd be talking about how great South American economies are and wondering if Africa will ever match them.

>> No.23323309 [DELETED] 
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t. venezulan

>> No.23323329

If your argument is paraguay snoop dog no thank you