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23319030 No.23319030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do rich and poor people differ in mentality?

>> No.23319045

I want to lick her bangs

>> No.23319064
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>> No.23319093

Short term pleasure and long term reward.

>> No.23319114

Rich people pay attention to depreciation.

Thats why rich people buy iPhones, Rolexes, Lexus, Homes in desirable neighborhoods, stocks, etc.. their value holds up very well relative to their utility.

Even though they spend more money, their net worth doesnt tank, like when your typical poorfag spends money on depreciating clothes, german/american cars, etc...

>> No.23319197


victim vs. predator mentality aka slave vs. master mentality

I am a victim of circumstances. This happened to me because of (thing). I am not at fault. This is why I shouldn't try harder.

>rich(self made):
I can take advantage of these circumstances. This happened to me, now I am going to litigate and/or learn and adapt and try again. I may or may not be at fault, but I learned something.

"you can't win if you don't play" referring to the lotto and gambling.

"you can't win if you don't play" referring to the stock market

I can't wait to spend half my paycheck on alcohol and drugs.

I can't wait to spent 5% of my monthly budget on alcohol and drugs

I need this new (thing), I can buy it on credit and pay for it later.

I don't really need this thing, I will spend this money improving my business or my self.

>> No.23319234

I think the poor don't value their time. Literally.

>> No.23319260

Yes. Rich people think, poor people feel.

>> No.23319308


>> No.23319321
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Once you've made it, there are only two ways of thinking about problems -- real problems and poor people problems.

Real problems are problems that can't be solved w/ money (there are not many of these). Getting the wrong type of cancer is an example of a real problem.

Almost all other types of problems fall under poor people problems. Poor people problems can be easily solved w/ money, if you have enough of it.

It's a complete change in one's manner of thinking about and approaching the world. Example: "drinking in public is illegal, you can't do that!"
No, the fine you would get is a poor person problem. Drinking in public costs $250. DUIs, speeding tickets, insider trading, etc... all have a set cost to easily weight the risk/reward against.

Most other high-net-worth people I have met think like this. I gave a few simple examples but this can be extrapolated out virtually endlessly. Corona-chan? PPP. Housing market rising faster than inflation? PPP. Etc... etc... etc...

RPs and PPPs -- that's it.

>> No.23319381

I like this manner of thinking

>> No.23319410

The people I know always go out and spend all of their money on alcohol, the new FIFA or call of duty, expensive clothes and Apple products.

>> No.23319425

i live a life of asceticism while keeping my money in savings accounts, mutual funds and stocks. i hope to raise at least 5 children with my now gf/future wife (who is a staunch catholic btw) so my savings will be allocated towards their wellbeing. if I accomplish this I can die happy.

>> No.23319439

What if I'm poor and think drinking in public still costs $250? Am I a chad in the making?

>> No.23319446

poor people: no patience, spend most money on shit that does not return money.

rich people: have patience, spend most money on stuff that returns more money.

>> No.23319476

Rich people make more money than they spend, poor people spend everything they make and sometimes more.

>> No.23319483

What? Fiat is worthless? My bank declared bankruptcy? Keeping gold was banned and we have to sell it at a state enforced price? There is a 50% tax on house owners?
Wait, why am I poor?

>> No.23319500

You're a retard. How the fuck would a poor person be able to afford a home in a desirable neighbourhood in the first place? You are over 18 aren't you?

>> No.23319535

That's exactly what a poor person with some money would do.
He would then act surprised when he becomes poor again after a few months or years, because he was busy spending it all to impress his friends instead of learning to manage his wealth and stop being a narcissist.

>> No.23319556
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Are we all just gonna ignore the fact that OP posted a man who looks like a woman?

>> No.23319563

Yeah. If poor people were smart and adopted a rich person mentality they'd be buying Rolexes, Lexus cars, Homes in desirable neighborhoods and stocks.

u thread shit, sir.

>> No.23319568

>Thats why rich people buy iPhones, Rolexes, Lexus, Homes in desirable neighborhoods, stocks, etc.. their value holds up very well relative to their utility.

You are retarded.

>> No.23319580

Rich people take life into their own hands, poor people never read or try to pursue money and just accept societal norms. Getting rich is just like going to the gym, you just put the work in learning and taking action, combined with a little luck

If instead of money, we asked how do you accumulate gems on your virgin game you would have ann easy answer, but if we make it real life all of a sudden people make up random reasons why they dont have money

>> No.23319615

The would involve a complete collapse of the modern financial system and would obviously fall into the category of a real problem.

>> No.23319629

Here is one that will strike home for many of you

>poor people
spending 50 hours a week in a video game is a good use of my time, it's not like I have anything better to do

>rich people
spending 50 hours a week getting another degree, training, or studying a new skill I can use to make it is a good use of my time, I only get one life so I had better make the most of it

>> No.23319639

>poor people thinks that with the right "mentality" they can become rich
>rich people do what the fuck they want

>> No.23319675

who is this?
I'm already in love please tell me this isn't a man

seconded, self loathing is pretty much at the basis of many poor people, especially in our society where everything is so easy to get (through porn, heavy doses of sugar, drugs of all kinds, social media and so on)

>> No.23319690

That's not a real problem because it can be solved.
You just need to prepare your wealth to not take any loses when it happens.
As a self made rich person said:
"The most important thing is not to get more money but not to lose it..."

>> No.23319964

In losing conditions
I'm an idiot, I failed, I'm worthless, market/capitalism/government is at fault
Dumb move. Let's improve on it. If the odds are against me, I must bend them towards me.

In winning conditions
I am the best there is. See my Ferrari? You jelly? Here's a receipt of an Aston Martin I'm purchasing in France RIGHT NOW, plebs. Here are my bitches, watch how much money I can spend, I'm like a rockstar. 50x long MOOOON baybeeee!!!!!
I'm treating myself to something nice. Save 80% of profit for now. Shit, I still have a lot of dough, let's go. Here's a pic of me in the Bahamas chilling. Oh, you saw my Ferrari in the background? Yeah, got it last year after a nice quarter of profits, had it for a good 12 months now. I can afford to pay for everything without eating into my savings, so let's make the most out of what I already have.
Now, reinvest, keep analyzing the markets, take profits, cut losses, and wait for the next opportunity.

poorfag doesn't own to faults, or stays down. Tries to prove to others he has money and power, even if it leaves him on shaky ground.
richfag improves, gets up. Has nothing to prove, always has solid ground to stand on, the rest is just ornamental.