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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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23317475 No.23317475 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on XTZ?

>> No.23317513

Good adoption and tech with no hype. It should perform well when the markets recover

>> No.23317756

>no hype.
you weren't around in 2017 I take it?

>> No.23317837

I started following Tezos in 2016. Every ICO got too much money back then, but it may actually work out for this project.

>> No.23317937

I just want to cum inside Kathleen Breitman and impregnate her.
>Post pictures of her feet please

>> No.23318077

232 million anon.
tezos is objectively a complete failure.
Im still holding my ico bag, i get it, but its a failure.

>> No.23318156

Unless things change drastically due to the virus, crypto adoption is about a decade away. I don't see any downside risk holding XTZ

>> No.23318203

You can stake it on coinbase which i really appreciate. Im just trying to accumulate 1000 right now but i think it has a steady future. Kind of like BAT

>> No.23318302
File: 12 KB, 226x258, 19B7291E-D63A-4050-9B40-07E2EB3BE2EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit adoption with questionable tech (vouldn't achieve staking so call it baking - kek) and hyped like onla a true pajeet crew could do

>> No.23318643

>hyped like only a true pajeet crew could do
no, hyped only like a former goldman sachs jewish banker could.
tezos is, on the outside, a 10 million dollar project.

>> No.23319607


>> No.23319781

I doubt you really follow the project, most of the protocol devs are from Inria and École Polytechnique. Things are looking very promising considering the have unlimited money to pursue whatever they want.

>> No.23319940

Transferring XTZ to any wallet makes you realize it won’t solve shit. Takes 40+ confirmations which is almost a fucking hour. Nothing near instantaneous. I went to Algo instead for instant transfer, and instant staking.

>> No.23319979
File: 22 KB, 410x357, 4E7BEE1E-E0AF-41C8-A18B-CFC24C844CAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google had unlimited funds to create a faceberg competitor

>> No.23319989

Finality will be changed with future protocol upgrades, it's not really important right now. I also hold ALGO.

>> No.23320013

No blockchain has reached mainstream adoption yet. Social media is also different to finance

>> No.23320251

Ghost chain

>> No.23320459

>it's not really important right now


>> No.23320609

XTZ? More like SEX-TZ

>> No.23320851
File: 4 KB, 225x225, Tezos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elites of the fraternitas saurni won't let it fail.
She's doing sex magick right now to align with Saturn. True story.

>> No.23321594

It's a piece of trash that nobody needs, slowly rotting away. DeFi put a nail into its coffin.

>> No.23321704

>Believing that some shit.finance can put a coffin anywhere
opinion discarded

>> No.23321722

Have fun staking your worthless piece of shitcoin.

>> No.23321834
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Checked, dubs of truth

>> No.23322080

I tell you, there's no reason for Tezos to exist. Ethereum and some of the ERC tokens on its chain have already taken over that territory. All the interesting new finance stuff is happening on Ethereum's blockchain. Nobody needs Tezos.

>> No.23322128

Yes, scamfi has gravitated towards Ethereum and it's a bad look desu. Meanwhile, central banks and institutions are testing CBDCs and STOs on Tezos.

>> No.23322204

>google had unlimited funds to create a faceberg competitor
Exactly, unlimited funds but breitmans and not vitalik, all that money is jot motivating and its definitely not innovating

>> No.23322251

Breitman is not leading the project. Again, I doubt you follow anything closely.

>> No.23322268

I hope it goes to a few hundred that would be nice gee golly willikers it would be life changing money for a poor schmo like me yes sir

>> No.23322437

Spare me of that speculatory 'institutions' crap. They don't need bullshit like Tezos. This is like babbling about IOTA and its alleged 'partnerships' with certain companies. This shit means nothing.

>> No.23322505

Cringe. This was the first project deployed on Tezos - it's not "speculatory".


>> No.23322529

>A security token backed by Brazilian Real Estate
Are you serious, mate?

>> No.23322560

Developing nations will be the first to adopt the tech - obviously. This was just a test with one billion dollars, much more is coming next year.

>> No.23322579


It has almost no on-chain activity. It is worthless.

>> No.23322745

Bullshit. The vision of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is to get rid of counterparties. With projects like Tezos or Raven you depend on middlemen to carry out changes on the blockchain for the case something happens to the irl object that is allegedly tied to the database. I wonder whether investors are actually properly protected by law against fraud when tech like Tezos is used.

>> No.23322929

Crypto anarchy died with Mt. Gox, bro.
>I wonder whether investors are actually properly protected by law against fraud when tech like Tezos is used.
Obviously, look at the work Securitize are doing.

>> No.23322994
File: 14 KB, 1097x96, reitBZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren’t we distributing the offer in Brazil? Or in the US?
>for efficiency reasons
My ass. They would get prosecuted and thrown into prison if shit goes wrong, that's why. Why ever the fuck are you even posting here, when you aren't interested in your financial freedom?

>> No.23323080

It's still early days, STOs will eventually be tradable on a DEX. The potential growth on these products will be fucking huge without the rug pull garbage we see today.

>> No.23323159

The only thing that's going to be huge is the fucking rug pull that's incoming with that piece of garbage. The pajeeting never ends.