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23316010 No.23316010 [Reply] [Original]

am pretty frugal.
currently make $180k per year from my job but could live off $30k easy.
In the 2017 golden bullrun my crypto got up to $100k and I'm retarded so didnt cash out and ofcourse it's gone down to $10k.

I fell for the meme needing my crypto to hit $10million before cashing out.

But realistically, all i actually need is $300k.
Put that $300k in an S&P 500 tracker fund gives you at least 10% gains per year.
$30k per year is making it for me.

What bout u? How much do you really need???
What is your exit strategy??

>> No.23316024

80k USD so I can buy a house no mortgage:(

>> No.23316038

I need $1M then I can move to a developing country and buy real estate

>> No.23316083

who is this?

>> No.23316098

I realistically will quit my job if I can hit 300k and cash out 100k then focus on trading with the other 200. Once I (hopefully) get to a million I will be able to buy a house and put the rest into a high earning fund like you.

>> No.23316107

right click and reverse google image search
but she deleted her instagram

>> No.23316123

Poster pBCeh9ax

>> No.23316137

A man.

>> No.23316161
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>> No.23316196

not having to work

>> No.23316199

Nice salary anon you're almost there already, I just started work and it's 35k euro for a meme graduate software job I fuckin hate.
I think I'd be comfy if I had over 50k in bank to build a cabin on land I own (have access to cheap materials). After that I'd be happy to work part-time at something and hopefully some steady gains from investments. It's high risk plays tho till I hit 50k
That girl is fucking hot too, saw losers calling her a slut on another thread. Be nice

>> No.23316213

>180,000 a year
>30,000 a year

This is a normal in burgerstan

>There is no inflation in the dollar

Amerimutts will break and burn the world's economy if they don't fight a new war with some brown people in a shithole

>> No.23316220

Being able to quit my job that's literally killing me

>> No.23316243

well she sure isn't a lady

>> No.23316284

Not funny and you are gay

>> No.23316301

Where the fuck can you buy a house for 80k? In my country you can buy a small apartment for 200k.

>> No.23316317

it's not supposed to be funny

>> No.23316328

I've got some bad news for you mate, that is a man

>> No.23316335


>> No.23316392

anything under $50k is poverty in most major US cities, I live pretty comfortably with 20k one bedroom apartment no roommates I cook my own food buy in season dry goods in bulk.

>> No.23316401

sex dolls are looking really realistic these days
and idk i'll just say 50 mil to make it for me

>> No.23316402

What the fuck, I was expecting some third world shithole but Hungary is not even bad. What the fuck am I doing in my country lol

>> No.23316428

Where u at homeboy
And that's Budapest prices btw

>> No.23316436

>live in a safe, white area in America and houses are only 120k because it's "boring" here

It really is boring but at least the internet exists and my bike works lmao

>> No.23316452

google always gives me just pinterest bullshit, how long do I have to scroll for actual results?

>> No.23316461

>what is "making it" to you?
grossing $80k/year from investment income in a MCOL/LCOL area
>what is your reality
wageslaving for $70k/year in a HCOL area

>> No.23316485

10m but I guess I would retire at 2m

I'd withdraw 2% per year and let it grow

>> No.23316505


>> No.23316570

Wew lad

>> No.23316574

Yeah fuck this place lol

>> No.23316595

50k-100k for a mortgage deposit to by my own appartment.

>> No.23316614

That's a pretty shitty exit strategy. I'll tell you how to make it anon.

180K salary means the government will lend you up to $1.5M to buy a 4 plex.

Buy one in a city with decent demographics that allows you to build an ADU. So now you have 5 units but can use FHA financing still.

Then, get an RV permit and park an RV on it. Now you have 6 units.

So now you are in Portland in a favorable area with strong populatiom growth, appreciaton, etc.. Extremely cash flow positive on a 6plex with little money down.

Put the ADU on Airbnb, rent the original 4 units out regular highly qualified tenants, and the RV on Airbnb (or live in it yourself).

Now suddenly your property is rising 5% a year ($75K), and you more than enough cash flow to live on.

>> No.23316616

it depends how much a slave costs

>> No.23316641

Atleast no niggers right?

>> No.23316656

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention, you can be on welfare while doing this.

>> No.23316660

Doesn't S&P500 have 3-5%

>> No.23316673

i put it in dollars cos this is an Ameri board
figures are actually in £

>> No.23316713
File: 39 KB, 960x296, Screenshot 2020-10-16 at 18.20.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how S&P 500 tracker has performed in the past 5 years

>> No.23316721

$1MM is how I define it talking to others.

But my number is more like $5MM

That would be enough. At least it used to. But this whole monetary paradigm shift has got me trying to redefine what made it status actually is.

Like, what's the use of being a dollar millionaire if the dollar goes to shit? These are strange times to be in. The very definition of wealth is in question.

>> No.23317057

Oh we have plenty of those

>> No.23317095

>500k for land and building a house with basement gym, sauna, and lap pool
>2.6mm for stupidly conservative 2% draw of $1k/wk
My plan is to just never think about money and play genteman farmer while doing steroids and watching lots of anime and doing whatever I want. I'll go skiing a couple times a year. I'll get interested in something and play with it for a few months like brewing beer and then move on to another interest until I eventually get interested in beer again or whatever. I'm naturally a tightwad even with my hobbies so $1k is probably more than I can realistically spend in a week even being loose. Maybe 15 years down the road I'll be old and just want to live in a midtown condo, eat out every night and walk everywhere without needing a car. The conservative draw will let my safe portfolio grow and I'll have the money for a mid sized city condo.
Or if I get a midlife crisis like all my older friends who feel the all consuming need to buy a boat and live on the marina. I don't know if the divorce fucked them up or if they get bored of normal life but they turn ascetic and just want to windsurf or fish every day. I guess it's not that different from my dream though. Just bass and deer instead of seafish and the house is a little drier and less floaty.

>> No.23317142

and you only had to expose yourself to ~12 fucking strangers worth of liability. Any one of those stupid fucks could burn down your shitplex or kill a neighbor, or cook meth...etc

>> No.23317303

since tether's apy is around 18%, my lowerbound for making it is 100k, while not paying taxes because i'm not american. if you can the taxes and some extra money to reinvest, then 200k is better. if you also price in the inflation and tether's apy decreasing, i guess 500k would be fine to never wagecuck again

>> No.23317306

somewhat passive multiple income streams, netting me atleast 1k play-money a month.

working towards it. time is most precious. that i have. thinking i need some more money and more diversification of income streams.

>> No.23317316

Highly qualified tenants is just code for not black. And you mention Portland. Even if they failed for something like income or credit score they will report you, sue, and take the entire 4plex after winning in court. Some places you are required to rent to the first person that applies. Being a landlord sounds like a terrible way to live. If you've ever had roommates or lived with your parents you'd know how filthy and destructive most people are. Visit a friend's house and I guarantee you will see stuff like handprints on the wall or a loose handle/faucet on the sink. If they are fine with little stuff like that you can only imagine how bad it is under the surface. People are disgusting and I don't want my livelihood depending on people behaving responsibly. It's certainly profitable for some though. If you've got the head for it then I'm a little envious. I'd be pissed as hell to rent to someone and see they scuffed the paint on my doorframe or scratches on the wall.

>> No.23317661
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>I fell for the meme needing my crypto to hit $10million before cashing out

>> No.23317971


It's northern Europe, which is nigger Valhalla.

>> No.23318018

Maine, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, etc.

>> No.23318062
File: 30 KB, 778x428, bhGFjoIkMSCunPt-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any place in the world I can rent which will give me more than 1% a year? Japan? something specific?

>> No.23318119

Dear lord
Is she holding a rock in her hand?!?

>> No.23318207

my girlfriend loving me again

>> No.23318240

80k in pa will put you in a dead coal town or a trap house

>> No.23318274

that bitch is banging

>> No.23318420

Guess 3 million to really make it, which means quit my job, buy a comfy estate and land where I can live self-sufficiently and get off the grid as far as possible and never give a fuck again, except when I'm in the mood. I hate thios rotten society so much, I just want to get out and live a comfy life.

>> No.23319160

if I made $300k off crypto I would unironically OD in about 3-5 weeks.

>> No.23319736

Fellow Finn here: the fuck you are on? Just get out of these sorry excuses of cities and you'll find houses dirt cheap.