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23309754 No.23309754 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a degenerate gambling addict and need to know the answer so I can get a rush of dopamine if I win. A lot of the polls are saying Biden will win by a landslide, quite reminiscent of 2016 but his rallies seem so dead. What do?

>> No.23309767

Don't care, still voting Trump.

>> No.23309770

Trump will win by more than last time.

>> No.23309788

EUfag here. i actually think Trump will win. his voter base is really fanatic and literally nobody comes to Biden happenings

>> No.23309789


>> No.23309797

This has been debunked already.

>> No.23309815

Trump would win anyway but when you factor in all the Republican voter manipulation trickery he will win by an absolute landslide. Easy money.

>> No.23309837

two truly horrific choices. a proponent of the wart on drugs, and a seething orange blob. nice, america.

>> No.23309861
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Should I put $2000 on orange man?

>> No.23309889

I'm an ausfag and even I know it's going to be a trump win. How have you not betted on him yet.

>> No.23309914

How much have you bet?

>> No.23309949

What about all the pozzed kids that were too young in 2016 but are now of voting age after years of orange man bad rhetoric, could that swing it? Would zoomers even be able to summon the effort and attention span it would take to vote, do they care enough?


>> No.23309952

1000 dollarydoos. Not even trump is getting any more of my stinkies.

>> No.23310033

Pretty based.

>> No.23310170
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Anyone who isn't an NPC will be voting Trump because of Biden corruption and absolute disgust at corporate media malfeasance.

The longer you wait to put the bet on, the closer the gay polls will get to a 99% Harris victory like last time.

That's when you dump your load and maximize profit.

>> No.23310209

Every single election that is trotted out and they never turn up and vote. Happens literally every time in the UK.
it literally never happens. Most kids don't give a fuck and the ones that do are still retards and will either stay in bed or forget to register.

>> No.23310305
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I'm a Trump fan and will be voting for him but his odds are VERY thin. Consider Oregon and Washington. Both these states were unironically 50/50 republican/Democrat purple state until the day they implemented universal mail in voting. Then the very next elections they both became unwinnable +20 D strongholds. Whether it's simply because it so strongly encouraged poor retards to vote or outright fraud, the universal mail in voting the Dems so successfully pushed with the Covid scam is going to be nearly impossible to overcome.the only arguments I have for Trump is if God is real and doesn't want to give up on the West yet (I grew up atheist but I can't help but believe this could still happen), or some major surprise like leaked docs or Trump dying. Also up in Alaska I am unironically seeing a ridiculous amount of Biden signs. Don't get me wrong, it's only the fat old loser ladies with them, but not one of these fat loser ladies forgot, didn't see much of this in 2016. All the single old feminists are riled up by the 3.5 years of propaganda and have made voting out Trump their one true religion. Trump has about a 20% if you look at it realistically, 10% is a huge silent majority and 10% is God's intervention. Trump has made progress with minorities but has lost a ridiculous amount of support from white women. Women are fucking retards who can't think critically and have been successfully persuaded to hate Trump over the past 3.5 years by the constant media propaganda the average man can easily see past. But all the fake news was never targeted at us, it was targeted at emotional white women and it has been very effective

>> No.23310345

Plus you've got the reddit magapedes that were too young in 2016 that'll vote for trump just for lulz

>> No.23310394

The income 18 year old voters are also overwhelmingly liberal, but in theory they are balanced out by the 30-50 year olds who finally start wising up and realising how retarded being a Democrat is. The problem of course is mass immigration that despite Trump in office still results in millions of new dem voters every four years, not to mention millions of Dems escaping the messes they've caused in New York and California and moving to Republican states but still voting Dem. This year the young voters who often forget will vote at a much higher frequency due to ballots being automatically sent to them rather than them having to remember anything
And all of this is even before the rampant fraud. Honestly everything is stacked against Trump and it's a miracle he won in 2016, and would be a much bigger miracle in 2020. But I do have some hope, I mean even the laptop debacle seems like a miracle from God. But all this being said I would strongly advise to hope for the best and vote Trump and encourage all to do the same, but don't bet on it. You're getting awful odds in the market, and if Trump wins you'll more than make up for it financially with four years of a bull stock market anyways.

>> No.23310423

How do I 100x my 100k euro investment? on what website do I go, what vpn do I use and what are my options?

>> No.23310447
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>> No.23310542

JEW DETECTED ' i vote trump but.. insert defaitist reasons'

>> No.23310578

every trump voter i know is ready to kill for the man, one word from trump and the chimps are exterminated.

>> No.23310588
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Zoomers are surprisingly right wing
Plus, anti-semitic, racist, pro christian, etc. memes are really popular amongst the young. Even if they share it ironically it's still in their toughts.

>> No.23310653

That's just saying 2/3 zoomers are non-white and not even capable of having Jewish programming installed. They don't need to understand how important it is to give money to Jews though since they don't make money. They're here mainly to terrorize whites to keep us on the back foot.

>> No.23310682

maybe if they spent more time in school learning about actual shit instead of being emotionally coddled this wouldn't be a reality.

Also, just note that most of these young American adults who don't know this are niggers, because who has the time for dat.

>> No.23310689

>1/10 believe jews caused the holocaust
that goes beyond ignorance

>> No.23310699

Genuinely not sure and i won big on him in 16

>> No.23310702

Yes Trump will, uh uh uh Win

>> No.23310735

I think Sean last might have gad a good breakdown on it. They're really not atypically right wing, in fact on political issues they poll more left than milennials, just generally more extreme across the board some the right are more right. One in four don't even identify as straight.

>> No.23310789

I mean, obviously it didn't happen but in the sense that Jews were the ones who fabricated the Holocaust, they caused it.

>> No.23310790

hmmm great question I wonder who the alt right users of this site thinks will win the election. If you think trump has any chance you're probably a hick faggot who thinks literally everything is a conspiracy. Also this year is not even close to 2016, dumb hicks point out the one 99% Hillary win poll from 2016 and acts like all polls were like that. 2016 polls were for the most part pretty accurate.

>> No.23310861
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>hmmm great question I wonder who the alt right users of this site thinks will win the election
I don't even have a stake in this election and genuinely don't even like either candidate but you sound like a bitter, seething gaylord tbqh senpai.

>> No.23310962
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Unironically this.
Never underestimate the power of deceit, fraud and outright cheating. I hadn't voted for 20 years before re-registering for Trump because I just couldn't see Hillary in there, but I'm old enough to know that neither party really truly matters because the Quakers that control the media, banking, education, etc are the true power. We're undergoing a real Communist putsch at the moment and the Quakers behind the scenes don't want OrangeMan slowing their progress down, especially for the Greater Israel project the Quakers so desperately want

tldr; don't be surprised if Biden wins in the same fashion Bush won in 2000

>> No.23311517

I don't think Trump will win, I'm not even american, but you are the most pathetic smol cok I've seen for a long time lmao.

>> No.23311542

Still voting Biden

>> No.23311548

> quakers
Lmao is this code?

>> No.23311567

Betting on Kamala to win. Biden gets covid and drops the race. I'm gonna be so rich when this happens.

>> No.23311583

The polls are put there so young dems feel they don’t have to vote. That way trump won and continue to be controlled opposition to globalization

>> No.23311609

I hedged my trump bet with a Kamila Harris bet because the only way the dems win is if they swap that old man out

>> No.23311613

Trump has served his purpose. Biden has been chosen to lead us into The Great Reset.

>> No.23311621

High IQ take.

>> No.23311655

Doubt it. The polls have historically been alright, even in 2016 they were near dead on overall numbers, they just were off given they weren't analysed properly given pollsters and journalists are fucking retards.

>> No.23311668

Not a US citizen. Not registered to vote. Still voting Trump.

>> No.23311767

I would say trump but the media has really been pumping out the "PLEASE VOTE" campaigns hard. And its always a bunch of black women telling you to vote. They are quite obvious about who they want you to vote for. I think trump may still win because most of blue collar America goes completely unnoticed by the rest of the population. For example, i live in an important battleground state and live in its major city. When i talk to people, its all biden and they cant possibly believe trump would win. Thing is, they came from some other state and have no idea that just an hour outside of the city are millions upon millions of rednecks, blue collar workers, etc that will be voting trump and turn the state red.

>> No.23311846

>tldr; don't be surprised if Biden wins in the same fashion Bush won in 2000
A Supreme Court decision? it's 6-3 against him. It's either landslide Biden or the tie goes to trump in the court.
Trump came in on a bungle and will go out on a bungle. All he had to do was not fuck up the Covid response, cut a few more $1200 checks... Had months and months to unfuck it but still didn't. Now he's losing the old voters and white women. Bungled.

>> No.23311948

Biden wants to legalize multiple drugs including marijuana as well as decriminalize drug charges. So idk what you’re talking about. I did shit 30 years ago that was dumb too, people change, especially with the times.

>> No.23312001

>Hey, us degenerates deserve a second chance!

The country/world would be much better off without people like you alive.

>> No.23312259

I don't know who to vote flr guys, i love them both so much!!

>> No.23312297

>All he had to do was not fuck up the Covid response

you have to go back. you really, really do

>> No.23312322


found the guy seething about the fact he never had friends

>> No.23312425


>> No.23312507

In every swing state, republican registration is outpacing democratic registration. Trump is also polling equally and if not better than he was in swing states compared to HIllary.
Mail in voting is going to be mostly democrat because they are scared of the flu. Walk up voting will be mostly Trump supporters (including myself).
What you are going to see is a result similar to 2016. The silent majority is tired of the lockdowns and the riots. They don't want socialism or higher taxes. More hispanics/blacks are also voting for trump then last time, and perhaps most importantly of all, Biden is extremely boring. What democrats are hoping for is people are voting AGAINST Trump instead of FOR Biden, and this will backfire because many of their base will be apathetic and decide to stay home.

>> No.23312806

trump & mnuchin literally could have bought the election, legally. Suspend rent payments, mortgage payments, loan payments. Here's a thousand a month in walking around money. Easiest layup in electoral history and they bungled it, lmao

>> No.23313041

Americans are fucking baffling. I understand that you don't want to pay taxes, I also don't, but how can that be sufficient reason to elect that complete retarded clown to be your defacto leader? Why the fuck do you want a complete sociopat with sub 90 IQ and a narcissistic personality to be the person leading your country ?

>> No.23313120

Trump will win legit but you can't bet on it because Dems are going to manufacture fake Biden mail-in ballots

>> No.23313170

The polls had Trump losing in 2016 too. Despite all their best efforts and AI models no one can explain why Trump keeps winning

>> No.23313236

>complete sociopat with sub 90 IQ and a narcissistic personality
that literally is america though. He's the hero we deserve.

>> No.23313252
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>his rallies seem dead
Not at all shill

>> No.23313301

Judging by the yard signs I see as I drive around Trump will win, 3:1. Nobody but the bluest of blue pilled retards has any enthusiasm for Biden.

>> No.23313332

He has realistic views on the Coronavirus compared to every other Western nation. He's also the first administration in my lifetime who didn't start a war....a low bar but hey it's something. Economically he's clearly better than Biden. And he's a much stronger individual.
I think this election is a no brainer. I am independent and always go lesser of two evils, and it's pretty clear he is the lesser of two evils.

>> No.23313367

But guys, haven't you heard? Orange man bad!

>> No.23313642

Yes. GOP crushed it with new voter registration. Vote by mail was nowhere near as good as Dems needed. A large percentage of Trump rally crowds were registered Dems. Registered independents are predicted to sway around 70% GOP. No one is excited to vote for Biden and will not risk going to a poll to vote during a pandemic. The GOP turnout will be huge for in person voting.

>> No.23313656

Fuck the polls. Look at specific trends..for instance, how much FREE publicity is trump getting? Majority of Americans are being brainwashed by Fox News. Trump is likely to win.

>> No.23313767

>He's also the first administration in my lifetime who didn't start a war
Wars are unironically a big part of what keeps America great though

>> No.23313768

I unironically believe this. our country can name 50 celebs but not all 50 states. Ask any American to tell you 3 amendments of the constitution and they couldn't. We treat our politician party like sports teams. No one gives a fuck about each other and everyone just wants to get ahead.

We need a political reform, but we deserve a narcasistic rich old white celebrity

>> No.23314104

I am incredulous while reading your response. He literally handed out military allies to their enemies to be slaughtered, that's way worse than being belligerent.

>> No.23314127

Shouldn't you strive to elect your betters and not your middling representative?

>> No.23314178

lol wut. are you talking about the Kurds? Those fucks literally just had to side with Asaad and give their land back that they stole (which they ended up doing). We were only in syria to destabilize the region for Israel, and we did this by funding jihadist cunts. Trump actually stopped funding these mercenaries on day one and more or less backed out of Syria. We are still over there but the outlook is much better than it was when Obama was in office. You are bluepilled as fuck. The YPG are not good guys.

>> No.23314353

Kurda were the US military's allies long before the Syrian civil war.
Also being afraid of China and just talking shit and putting a few taxes and nkt defending Taiwan and HK.

>> No.23314379

YPG are not the Kurds, they are associated.
Also, having a guy who evaded the draft taking military decisions with absolutely zero skin in the game, fucking hell.

>> No.23314453

the ypg are a subsect of the kurds. And notice how the media propaganda talked about how they would be slaughtered and surprise surprise they just went to asaad and worked out a deal.
The obama adminstration destabilized lybia, which was previously one of the most well run nations in Africa. It is now a hell-hole. They have a literal slave trade. ISIS has numerous strongholds. Every day civilians die, women are raped, murdered, etc. Syria is similar -- by the US arming mercenaries we prolonged a civil war that killed hundreds of thousands.
>Also being afraid of China
At least Trump sticks up to them. And speaking of that, Trump actually meeting Kim Jong Un is a huge deal, and yet he never gets praise for it.
I don't agree with all of Trump's foreign policy, but it is unironically much improved from Obama. It was a low bar, but still.

>> No.23314502

the polls didn't predict hillary to win by a landslide. in fact, the final result was within the margin of error of the predicted result (don't forget that hillary got the most votes after all).
trump failed on all fronts and greatly damaged the republican party in the process. they now have four years to rebuild and to put a decent candidate on the ballot, then they can easily kick biden out if he is even still alive then.

>> No.23314522

I'm Black and voting for Trump. He's a dickhead and easy to make fun of, but I've made huge gains financially since he came into office. I couldn't give two shits about poorfags or minority Americans. A Biden government wouldn't be able to fix their problems anyway. They'll only fuck up my future gains by trying. At this rate, my net worth will be $1 million by the time Trump finishes his second term.

>> No.23314702

Trump will win. Polls are biased for a number of reasons, BLM support has cratered lately and no one cares enough to show up to Biden rallies. It’s gonna be 2016 all over again.

>> No.23314966

If you're an American who'd like Trump to win, I'd definitely encourage you to bet on it. Ideally, you'd more than you can afford to lose.

>> No.23315009
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Here in Florida I have yet to find somebody voting for biden

>> No.23315055

Yeah. No thank. I will NOT be voting for that ignorant racist fat scum migrant child hater racist dumbass who is so far up own ass he is

>> No.23315073

>I'm Black
no you ain't

>> No.23315161
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>I'm Black

>> No.23315356

Put $2020 on post and timestamp

>> No.23315367


>> No.23315518

The gop don't give a shit. Trump is just getting them what they really want and that was to fill the scotus vacancies. The last 30 years thats all its been about.

>> No.23315608

no lol

>> No.23315635

yeah dude your the main character for sure. trump fags lmao

>> No.23315847
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>Not at all shill
You're literally a retard, I was talking about Biden's rallies.

>> No.23316110

Trump will have a crushing loss. Then, he'll appeal to SCOTUS, hoping enough in mail ballots get thrown away. It's his only chance of being reelected.

>> No.23316167
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Yes I am

>> No.23316187

Listen to your balls.

Mine say Trump will win.