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23305017 No.23305017 [Reply] [Original]

I want a wageslave.
I want to rent somebody to do my chores around the house for 40 hours a week for a cool $1500 a month and yell at him and throw peanuts at his head.
Maybe I'll also make him sew teddy bears so I can sell them or something.

>> No.23305033


>> No.23305055

Make it 3000 a month no taxes. You got yourself a deal.

>> No.23305089

The deal is that you won't have to work at mcdonalds

>> No.23305153

I've got two people living in my house that do the cleaning, laundry, cook meals, errands to the store to buy things, babysit my one year old at a moment's notice, and do anything else I need 24/7. Total cost is $180 a month, their food, and whatever tiny usage they have in utilities. I also live in the Philippines so while my environment may not be as nice as your 1st world infrastructure, I'm still way more comfy than your average American.

>> No.23305193

This exists.

Look up domestic helpers in Hong Kong for example.

They live with their employers and get 1 day off (sunday), with typically a 10pm curfew LOL

This is one of the best kept secrets of Asia. Abuse of domestic helpers by Chinese is a huge problem, as the employer has so much dominion over te filipino and indonesian chicks that perform these roles.

Here's a short excerpt on the laws around domestic helpers there:
"How Much Will it Cost?You should pay a foreign domestic helper a salary that is no less than the Minimum Allowable Wage (MAW) announced by the Government and prevailing at the date of signing the employment contract for employing the foreign domestic helper. The MAW is currently set at HK$4,630 per month.Under the Standard Employment Contract, you must provide the helper with suitable accommodation and with reasonable privacy, free food (or food allowance in lieu, which is HK$1,121 per month at present) and free passage from the helper’s home country to Hong Kong and return to the home country on termination or expiry of the contract. The above levels of the MAW and food allowance are applicable to all contracts signed on or after 28 September 2019."

That's $600/month + food or $145 food allowance MONTHLY for live-in help that does everything from clean your place/car, take care of pets, do grocery shopping, cook, or even raise children (some are more of the child's mom than the biological one).

I'm not sure why Asians get a pass on this kind of stuff. It would be like us passing a law to allow work contracts to Mexicans at 25% of minimum wage to work on our property. Imagine the immediate outrage SJWs would be in

>> No.23305221

The pros of the philippines seems to far outweigh the cons.

For those that like a bit more comfort, a neighborhood like Taguig is straight up nicer than just about any US city's downtown.

Are you an expat?

>> No.23305374

I'm an expat and a local at the same time. I was born in America and am half white but I also have citizenship here so I look and sound like a foreigner but I'm not legally.

>> No.23305470

Ours don't even get a day off. We let them visit home (in the same town) for a few hours but the perk is they can ask to go with no notice once a week. SJW's don't survive in Asia because they get murdered when they try to fuck with rich people. Overall though we are probably the best domestic help employers one could ask for. They eat at the table with us and everyone that's ever worked here has gained weight after a lifetime of poverty eating. They sleep in a proper bedroom and have their own bathroom which is 60% as nice as ours. They have 1st world cooking conditions and the cleaning is easy because the house is immaculate as fuck to begin with. I've seen how others treat their help. Some real 3rd world shit. Some even only feed their people twice a day.

>> No.23305784

Become a sugar daddy

>> No.23305833


My friend from Bangladesh told me that they hire full time servants there for like $150 a month.

>> No.23305881

So for fifty bucks, the servants will pretty much do whatever? Like butt massage stuff?

>> No.23305900

based Hapa

>> No.23305906

Its called a wife but you bizfags are are gay always posting mans wanting mans to fed you suck your dick and clean, cook /humiliation. Fuck this gay degenerate board

>> No.23305923

ok but can you fuck them?

>> No.23306281

>ok but can you fuck them?
If you're a decent looking white dude, they'd probably be down.

Filipino and Indonesian chicks are seemingly the most conditioned to simp for white dudes on the planet.

Is it part of the legal work arrangement though? No.

>> No.23306334

>SJW's don't survive in Asia because they get murdered when they try to fuck with rich people
This is so fucking based that I'm interested in learning the history of this
>I've seen how others treat their help. Some real 3rd world shit.
Right. It gets as bad as physical torture. Imagine living at work and your employer is literally burning you and giving you leftover food scraps.

That's someone's life right now

>> No.23306358

Why a wageslave? Why not just get a real slave?

>> No.23306437

Because then I'd have to take care of him. kek.

>> No.23306450

Functionally, there is little difference unless the price is significant to you.

I feel fucking dirty even airing this thought, but it is almost a "better deal" to be able to pay for your slave in monthly installments.

"In 1850, an average slave in the American South cost the equivalent of $40,000 in today’s money. "

Compare $40k upfront + maintenance to $500/month + food.