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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23302885 No.23302885 [Reply] [Original]

$30 waiting room

>> No.23302998
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comfiest hold since 2017 LINK

>> No.23303000

We are fucking MOONING

>> No.23303058

>meme coin
>no use case
>copy paste code
>twitter shilling at ATH

Hard pass.

>> No.23303096

$1,000/CLV at 22,222 supply = 22.2m marketcap.
few understand.

>> No.23303107

Revolutionary new defi system only allowing people who provide liquidity to pool this means more liquidity more people buying more people staking more liquidity more people buying etc The circle of Clover

>> No.23303130

Its usecases are stated on the website, shitposter. However since it's a /biz/ coin it's full of terminally retarded faggots like you who prefer to swing it so it scares people into panic selling, trapping it in a permanent position where it doesn't moon until pajeets think they're getting free stuff and fomo in. Except CLV pissed off jeets like you.

>> No.23303144

>staying poor
you had 7 days

>> No.23303159


>> No.23303196

This is not a drill

>> No.23303207
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lets go

>> No.23303210


>> No.23303231
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>> No.23303242

A POWH copy is not revolutionary.

Getting more useless shit for holding a coin is not a use case. Neither is memeing itself into reality.

>> No.23303248
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>> No.23303272

Already there dude, make a $44.44 waiting room and Trust the Plan

>> No.23303297

Cloverineos assemble!

>> No.23303317
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friend, come join us. this is the /biz/ coin.

>> No.23303359

It's already past 30 dollars, stay fucking mad. Volume keeps going up, even if it dips down again it'll go up again. You've missed the boat being a seething pajeet faggot and there are MULTIPLE usecases and features that the token will roll out because it's literally supposed to be "what if /biz/ could have our own coin for all the stuff we like".

Buy high sell low, faggot.

>> No.23303378
File: 142 KB, 945x745, didntread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to swing your stack, fren? You only had to fucking hold on to it.

>> No.23303392

All this volume is giving my C3D a boost!!!

>> No.23303411

Name one single use case that provides actual value. Just warning you, dumb twitter money only lasts for so long.

>> No.23303446
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>he doesn't know

>> No.23303541

What's BTC's usecase now? It was invented to have decentralized non-bank controlled transactions away from gubmint eyes and now corporations own 3-10% of the supply and the government probably just as much.

You're the same retard that comes into these threads each time there's a pump and cries "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE USECASE, BUY XRP" and the fact is I'm betting you actually got an airdrop and sold because 'no usecase lol' and were content getting 13, 17 or 21 dollars for your tokens and now you see the volume building you realize you made a mistake because this is probably going to go parabolic like ROPE, MEME and other memetic tokens did but with a longer lifespan because there's more development work and appeals to a more established audience (4chan shitposters).

>> No.23303667

>4chan meme coin
>Actually manages to break out and go parabolic

>> No.23303672

>comparing this to btc
>b..b..but just look at MEME!
No I have never touched CLV or XRP, and I won't in the future. You still didn't mention a single use case that provides actual value. Just make sure to take some profit before the ponzi runs out.

>> No.23303702

Absolute midwit. We don't want you anyway.

>> No.23303762
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>i-it doesn't have a usecase because I don't like your usecases!

Seethe more pajeet, shoe on head didn't get you clovies.

>> No.23303787

>despite 4chan fudding their own coin
>despite Hiro refusing to accept our gift of pajeet blood/4chan passes
>despite /biz/ swinging the shit out of this and causing it to crab below 10 dollars for a week
>it still managed to break out because a handful of /biz/raelis trusted the plan and got repeating digits

Few Understand, Many Will Complain

>> No.23303846

I mean, you should have expected all of the above other than hiro not taking free money. Thought he was practically a jew.

>> No.23303888

>still cant mention a single use case that provides actual value.

>> No.23303969

The value is good times. Stay mad and poor. Also I bought it because I instantly recognized getting airdropped 41 shitcoins valued at 3 dollars each and spreading those across 41 wallets to receive 41 more airdrops from every coin that chooses to use CLV's airdrop function in the future would provide exponentially greater dividends to the point where I could just be a neet and live off of airdrops if I wanted to.

The bigger CLV gets, the more likely this is to actually happen.

>> No.23303977
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>> No.23303989

Nice digits though.

>> No.23304043

>The value is good times
>living off of airdrops provided by CLV
Well, I wish good luck to you brother.

>> No.23304116

holy fuck just did the math

if big biz implements half the shit he's talking about we're going to fucking make it, aren't we?

my clovies are gonna make me a wealthy man, all thanks to my biz bros and Twitter degens. thank you all, my best frens

>> No.23304130
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CLV trending at #6 on DexTools. Imagine not having at least 22 CLV.

>> No.23304156
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I went with the magic 33

>> No.23304161

when hiromoot?

>> No.23304244

He took the money, he just ignored our request for CLV to be added to the possible currency you can use to get a 4chan pass (currently only BTC accepted, what is this- 2013?).

I wish it was 2013

Based. WAGMI.

>> No.23304258

>22222 dollars per clovie by 2025 means that a 22.2 suicide stack would be worth roughly half a million

>> No.23304616

>who wants to be a clovidaire

>> No.23304618


>> No.23304652

What will I be able to purchase with my triple digit clovies in a month?
>received the airdrop, market bought a sizable stack at $4

>> No.23304654

money would have been better spent on the clv dev fund

>> No.23304733
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>Didn't get the airdrop
>market bought $15
Feels good to still have gotten in early.

>> No.23304780

checked welcome friend

>> No.23304794

kek be real though, a few hours ago you were sweating when it was at 13.

>> No.23304815

>was on /biz/ the time of the airdrop
>even looking at the threads
>i was retarded and couldn't find the form
I am going to an hero.

>> No.23304818

I had 50+ CLV and I sold at 17 before it went to 4 and didnt buy back in. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.23304874

>we're on day 3 of CLV's ascension to the peak
>most of /biz/ still doesn't UNDERSTAND, KNOW or TRUST THE PLAN


>> No.23304955

I was asleep :^)

>> No.23305019

Based hibernator of no worries.

This man could have been a whale, instead he's just a simp who will lose his eth on a scam.

>> No.23305067

>buying a coin
>going to sleep immediately
Jesus, brave soul

>> No.23305141

I fomo'd back in and I will not touch these again until $777. I should have trusted the plan

>> No.23305167

wait isn't this the rug pull one? I was looking for Clover42 that is actually doing something useful for people

>> No.23305206
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>19 daily transactions
>$2000 daily volume
>200 total transactions
holy shit you guys are still trying? at this point it's an obvious desperate attempt to pump your bags. jesus anon

>> No.23305222

In two weeks these threads will be constant and all over the place and your retarded scam will be dead in the water. Thanks for the bump I guess.

>> No.23305236

dump it

>> No.23305346

this is going to make me so much money

>> No.23305356
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>> No.23305537

Are clovid OG holders given airdrops?

>> No.23305658

He understands staking for lp providers = more liquidity = more buyers = more staking = more liquidity = more buyers =¿

>> No.23305750

100k now. 200K by monday. 1 million by halloween.

>> No.23305813

is it too late to fomoo

>> No.23305842
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>> No.23305850

No. Trust the Plan!

>> No.23305864

Should I buy 1000 USD worth or too late. Will i get rugged and jeeted?

>> No.23305870
File: 71 KB, 945x745, photo_2020-10-03_20-43-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you obviously don't know anything retard

>> No.23305941

We're just getting started.

>> No.23306061

How do I fucking buy it on uniswap? Transfer some ether into uniswap and buy some?

>> No.23306079
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>> No.23307060

>Hard pass
You mean you bought a 4chan pass don't you

>> No.23307244

He'll be back soon, the cunt.

>> No.23307251

You should buy before 1 CLV = $1000

>> No.23307599

ngl I was hoping for a bit to buy more

>> No.23307605

*I was hoping for a dip. FUck me I need to get some coffee

>> No.23308587

I'm thinking there is something missing about this image. I like the green color but I also think it could include other images although I know you are going for a 'motif'. what about something like LOKI or pepe or something?

>> No.23309279

We have hit 30$. We need a 100$ waiting room

>> No.23310002

pretty wild when you think about it

>> No.23310136

