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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23299752 No.23299752 [Reply] [Original]

Mfw after learning that the people who control things are part of a small international clique that are working towards a common goal

>> No.23299778
File: 85 KB, 800x600, 168B44A7-F069-4D9E-9D03-7A6EEF8EF5F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my’re face when 99% of the population is too dumb to do anything to overcome their social conditioning and persist in willful ignorance

>> No.23299786


>> No.23299803

I think you mean (((the people)))

>> No.23299819
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Mfw they all hate white people, have similar sounding last names, and a lot of money

>> No.23299820

They aren't, it's mostly an autonomous system of feedback loops.

>> No.23299829
File: 120 KB, 428x500, 5711D967-BA86-4E9F-A0BC-FA65CF5A0B93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, maybe we do need a plague to kill everyone. But they always let the dumber ones live and kill of the smarter ones.

>> No.23299859

aka literally demons.

>> No.23300355

I always think though. The high IQ small group is the only thing keeping us in a global civilised society.

If everyone realised the full meaning of wageslaving. Society would collapse, people would behave like raiders from fallout.

They keep the population in line with law and order and unbreakable high echelons of society. Without them there would be chaos and no economy.

It's just unfortunate some of us stand back and actually realise how the world truly works.

>> No.23300439

Kys you fucking kike
Democracy is a new construct and the only things that are worse than this are communism and depotism.
To be precise: It sets the stage for communism again

>> No.23300470


This should be enough to convince anyone using coinbase to move off fast. In league with Twitter.

>> No.23300501

Stop coping you loser.

>> No.23300518

They fear BSV, especially Jack. Brian just follows the money

>> No.23300532
File: 31 KB, 474x474, 1560972580725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're going to be shoah'd for real this time

>> No.23300636

are we really the only people that realise how the world is actually run or are we just unmedicated schizos?

>> No.23300660
File: 120 KB, 1024x640, 1492542589333m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23300839

No, not really. You're just a mad bitch with no real power lmfao, like all /pol/cucks. Literally none of you fags will ever do anything.

Not even Jewish btw.

>> No.23301153

antisemites aren't welcome here, can you believe the chutzpah of this goy

>> No.23301178

Not really an argument anon

>> No.23301191

You're too good for this place, anon.

>> No.23301247

What a bupkis, right

>> No.23301323

It's fitting that this post is redditspaced.

>> No.23301360


>> No.23301400

I'd rather honest chaos than dishonest order

>> No.23301423

some say the police protection racquet would be better performed by profit motive private regulated businesses.

>> No.23301447

I don't pity them. They're responsible for allowing these people to stay in power. They defend them. They don't want to know the truth and they don't care. They will religiously defend their lies to the end.