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File: 1.23 MB, 2988x5312, 1577040729916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23297571 No.23297571 [Reply] [Original]

First 3 words to come to mind.

>> No.23297585

continue the dump

>> No.23297591


>> No.23297602

Based dream home

>> No.23297638

that's a man

>> No.23297639


>> No.23297677 [DELETED] 

Order. Financial freedom. Choice.

>> No.23297692

needs more space

>> No.23297697

Fuck Father Gascoigne

>> No.23297707

my dream setup

>> No.23297731

Clean. Peaceful. Inspiring.

>> No.23297738

Based based based

>> No.23297741

has no games

>> No.23297750

pc master race

>> No.23297766

this is acceptable

>> No.23297769

my ass hurts

>> No.23297839

men: not ok

>> No.23297869


>> No.23297884

Finally some peace

>> No.23297891

He fucking made it

>> No.23297922

>First 3 words to come to mind.

>> No.23297927

fuck my ass

>> No.23297943


I use the same chair for my desk at home.

I put a couple towels on the seat to make it comfier and it's not that bad.

>> No.23297945

Women hate how little it really takes to make a man happy

>> No.23297956

Finally, peace.

>> No.23297960

There is nothing wrong with being a minimalist, don't let materialists and women tell you otherwise. He is saving a ton of money, although if I were him, I would, at the very least, purchase a comfy couch or bean bag or something

>> No.23297980

Past a certain

>> No.23297985

where can I get a gf like this ?

>> No.23298026

Comfy as fuck

>> No.23298035

Unironically this is what my apartment looked like before I got a gf. I had a desk, office chair and a bed, that's it.

Now I have couches, tables, shelves, shoe racks (I had 1 pair of shoes before and did just fine, my gf needs like 30 for some reason), mirrors, art, a tv (what am I? A fucking Kardashian?), etc etc etc. I mean, the place does look a lot nicer now, and guests always go "wow, I love your place!" when they see it, but I legitimately could be just as happy in a cave with a desk, chair and a mattress..

>> No.23298041

the minimalist aesthetic still has intent and a way of projecting that you are spending money on a design.
OP's pic is straight out not giving a fuck, not even asceticism

>> No.23298069


>> No.23298094

uncomfortable. just look at that fucking chair

>> No.23298182

pretty fucking comfy

>> No.23298243

Do men really

>> No.23298344

Minimalistic man cave

>> No.23298361


>> No.23298377

fucking based game

>> No.23298381

>Next 3 words to come to mind.
Doorbell interrupts gaming

>> No.23298413

good for VR

>> No.23298430
File: 42 KB, 334x506, pepe top hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is spiritually ideal to own as few things as possible. Possessions are reminders of the past, which you need to let go to be happier. Even if your past was happy, you should not have an unhealthy fixation on trying to go back to those times. Focus on the future, eating right, sleeping well, living peacefully, and of course making money.

>> No.23298431

I made it

>> No.23298641

Pseud post

>> No.23298648

Business and Finance

>> No.23298704

too much stuff

>> No.23298715

Name the flaw

>> No.23298733


>> No.23298734


>> No.23298746
File: 452 KB, 1284x909, 1581829384316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23298770

art can enrich your life
not saying buy trinkets but some wall art would go well with this aesthetic

>> No.23298777

Too much stuff

All you need when you make it is
>phone + laptop
>maybe a car depending on what you do for a living

>> No.23298792

the fuck do you need that many monitors for

>> No.23298859

Honestly the setup on the left would be perfect without the lights and extraneous crap. Investments/Gaming/Programming Projects on 3 sides all minimalist like.

>> No.23298923


>> No.23298960

Based chad setup.

>> No.23298973

My back hurts

>> No.23298980

seed and feed

>> No.23298981

Am I the only one who gets fantasies of breaking into left's home and smashing everything with a baseball bat as he/she sits helplessly by as I crush all her faggot ass vaporlights?

>> No.23299012
File: 105 KB, 900x1200, EMVrs4SWkAA72CI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a whore. True patrician decor coing through.

>> No.23299037

a murderer lives there.
someone who likes to chop up bodies.
that shit aint normal

>> No.23299038
File: 57 KB, 220x220, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I never finished bloodborne....I think I got as far as the castle. Now Im afraid to go back because the storyline is so confusing I dont know what Im supposed to do or where to go. It hurts bros I dont want to leave it unfinished but its been over 1 year. I also didn't finish Sekiro I stopped at the last area......I finished DS3 ringed city but never ended the game, got to 95% on both DS1 and DS2 then walked away......i do this thing where I get very sad when something amazing is over so I just walk away from things before the end that way they are never over in my mind. It brings me nostalgia and sadness to remember those things but at least I dont feel they are "over" why is life like this bros

>> No.23299086

I lose interest. Never finished Bloodborne or DS3. Completed DS1 though. Still havent finished Ghost of Tsushima and I'm right near the end lol.

>> No.23299114

The simple things

>> No.23299190

fuck this, I just want my pc, I can occupy half of the space as well

>> No.23299459

very painful hemorrhoids

>> No.23299472

Just needs couch

>> No.23299494

My second divorce.

>> No.23299549

Frugal. Efficient. Lonely.

>> No.23299564

Did you fight Martyr Logarius yet?

>> No.23299579

he made it

>> No.23299626
File: 41 KB, 216x234, 48DA18C9-5563-4E39-BAA9-42F0495620C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spotted a fellow GMEchad

>> No.23299661

Virgin for life.

>> No.23299666

I like it

>> No.23299681

Epic Gamer Moment

>> No.23299697

comfy ass room

>> No.23299722

is this computer generated?

>> No.23299724

treatment resistant depression and kleros

>> No.23299745
File: 1.21 MB, 1183x862, 1566599066497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get hobbies, loser

>> No.23299758
File: 2 KB, 125x92, 1596602699930s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biden will die

>> No.23299779

That is one old ass meme sir.

>> No.23299922

Do men really????

>> No.23300025

yes, I think I beat him but I dont remember Im sure I left it off right at that point. Its such a great story but its so complex it feels like a burden to remember everything and go back at it

>> No.23300040

Onions milk latte

>> No.23300045

typical cuck shed

>> No.23300983

Single white male

>> No.23301496


>> No.23301645

rugpull cope pack

>> No.23301660


>> No.23301674

Why two controllers?

>> No.23301687

Hell yeah bro

>> No.23301698

imagine the smell

>> No.23301716


>> No.23301721

you can't count

>> No.23301730

I made it.

>> No.23301757

Big old booty

>> No.23301782
File: 9 KB, 216x234, C791852E-4FA8-44BD-B23D-90310757774D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carpet soaks up everything so I don’t see it and don’t care
>Tile shows all the hair and dust So I’m constantly cleaning


>> No.23301801

Booty go tooty

>> No.23301807

Of course you do satan...

>> No.23301823

Brap brap brrrrrrrap

>> No.23301834

Man his art/paneling is so good

>> No.23301846

he gone makeit

>> No.23301860

nice place kid

>> No.23301919

:OOOOOOOOO that’s what they said in the meme

>> No.23301964

some say kosm

>> No.23302349

This but bigger

>> No.23302369

cool pad bro

>> No.23302517


Based frugal dude.

>> No.23302533

thats my room

>> No.23302632


>> No.23302654

Fucking console fags

>> No.23302701

Needs better chair

>> No.23302728

Peace of mind.

>> No.23303251


>> No.23303266

What? No Beer?

>> No.23303294

clearly weed man

>> No.23303644


>> No.23303677

Get a couch

>> No.23303722

Look at all that wood, this guy is set up for the winter. Plus the clint eastwood poster and demon souls its pretty fucking based. One concern is how low the TV is it might strain the neck a bit.

>> No.23303736

demons souls*

>> No.23303742

Freedom from women.

>> No.23303744

I hate niggers

>> No.23303769

Shit taste anon

>> No.23303827

No unnecessary junk.

>> No.23303922

all you need
you are a faggot

>> No.23303946

Gonna make it.

>> No.23304023

What a chad

>> No.23304055

nigger nigger nigger

>> No.23304165


>> No.23304296

I am gay

>> No.23304299

Pain the Back.

>> No.23304318

Big boomer penis

>> No.23304350

Imagine the smell

>> No.23304362

consoles ruined gaming

>> No.23304421

get a better chair.

>> No.23304625

wish were me

>> No.23304845

Costco quality chair

>> No.23305365

Open tits plz