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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23291201 No.23291201 [Reply] [Original]


>possible Chrome/Firefox extension that lets you +1/-1 threads based on your percentage ownership of the tokens, let you sort threads by Clover weightings. Wisdom of the crowd for the board
>CLV will let me downboat pajeet scam threads and upboat my own threads

So when is any of this shit actually being implemented? Where the fuck are the Clover devs?

>> No.23291343

super le updoots for 100+ clovies would be nice

>> No.23291481
File: 109 KB, 1242x841, photo_2020-10-09_21-07-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the supply crunch with CLV will eventually force C3D (or another subtoken) to become a substitute. A lot of these projects they want to build on top of the Clover Network seem like they were designed for a token with 1 million supply, not 22,222.

>> No.23291579

>enormous if authentic
DUDE that extension sounds dope. literally crowdsourcing pajeetry identification, based on level of investment in supporting the 4chan ecosystem.

>> No.23291607

as an aside - the add-on should only be accessible to those who have proven ownership of clovies. Should require you to link your address so it can validate your ownership of CLV

Don't let the plebs have access to the codes

>> No.23291728

thank you lucky CLV cat!

>> No.23291787


>> No.23292725

sounds reddit af

>> No.23293363

I hope OP doesn't deliver on this
best thing to have is a prediction market

>> No.23293455

This feature is pure reddit

>> No.23293708

might be nice to have threads filtered by quality so that the shit ones are filtered to the bottom of the catalog, subjective to CLV holders that fit prerequisites (41+). this board is so stained with rugpulls that you can’t even use the word filter anymore, there’s always new ones. i’d say a feature to highlight good posts but there’d almost certainly be retards highlighting rugs too. but yes a simple upvote/downvote system is as reddit as it possibly gets.

>> No.23293770

How about reporting the shit threads retard?

>> No.23293808

are you new? jannies only clean up giveaway threads, they don’t clean up obvious pajeet rugs, and there’s at least a dozen on the catalog just at this moment. these past few weeks have been rug after rug and people still fall for it, was hilarious at first but it’s gotten old

>> No.23293820

Doesn't work when a gang of scammers make a dozen threads an hour ever hour until exit scam happens, my brown friend.

>every time someone suggests flags or anything to filter pajeet threads, someone comes in calling it reddit

>> No.23293896

/biz/ has been so bad lately compared to 2017 or literally any other year this idea is genius. Filter the newfags and telegram shillers with the OFFICIAL /biz/ token. We need this or flags on this board.

>> No.23293942

>are you new?

Ok guys I retract what I said. I kinda agree with the feature on a second thought given the absolute fucking state of jannies. Flags would do nothing tho.

>> No.23293980

>are you new?
>Flags would do nothing tho.
Stop posting and lurk moar newfag. How much CLV are you holding? Your newfaggotry is the perfect example of why this would be beneficial to the quality of this board.

>> No.23294032

>What is shitposting?
I'm a 2017 latefag so I'm new but not nu. I hold very little bc I am a poorfag and missed the airdrop

>> No.23294035

Nigger flags would be the absolute most ideal scenario for this board, you truly don’t know the state of how many real life Indians are in crypto and as a result in here. DBC was one of the most shilled tokens here in 2017, they did a kyc to see who the holders were, and the vast majority were literally from India, barely any in the western world. We need flags, it’s a sort of quality control that lets you know who you’re dealing with. Half of the yfi clones shilled here were unironically Malaysian

>> No.23294058

This shit is an OG swingcoin now

>> No.23294094

I wish it was that easy

>> No.23294133

Coin got as low as 2.7 last friday. If you had bought then, you'd be up 5x now.

>> No.23294150

>tfw should have sold at 26 and bought back in at 13


>> No.23294249

I have missed plenty of opportunities out of fear a project may come from India or SEA. I know that this the board is infested by these subhumans and true in spirit /biz/lets are outnumbered by them. I was pro-flags but I believe they will not solve the problem for a few reasons. Rangeban of certain geographic locations would be nice but the best solution imo would be to make the board red

same. I'm disgusted with myself

checked and I did but bought way less than I wanted and I'm seething

>> No.23294365

Anyways sorry for derailing the thread. I have aquestion i wanna ax. Does CLV have anything to do with the clover android app?

>> No.23294480

Not yet but it should.

>> No.23294540

snapshot soon need 22 clvs to be included nfts go for 300$ minimum as they are collectors editions. Getting in the first snapshot for the official biz token could end up being worth 3k in the future

>> No.23294630


Few Understand
Many will complain they didn't know
Trust the plan

>> No.23294702

A fool and his money will soon be parted. If you can't identify obvious pajeetery from a mile away, its your own damn fault. Spoonfeeding retards will only mean more retards will show up

>> No.23294802
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Even retards have fiat dollars. Mass adoption of crypto over 50 years (aka what will fund your retirement, moomer-zoomer-doomer) requires that even brainlets in bumfuck, Cameroon can use Satoshis to pay their phone bill to Verizon Africa.

Likewise normalfags in the USA and Europe adopting it is obviously the first leg up.

BTC will be worth 1 million in your lifetime and ETH will hit 50k. Plan on at least 1 BTC and 32 ETH if you ever want to reach a point where waging won't be necessary.

>> No.23294962

What does that have to do with enacting reddit shit?
All that will do is give whales an easy way to manipulate the board because "they are og 4channelers"
Dumb pajeets are preferable to the cancer that is twitter and reddit crypto communities.

>> No.23295366
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Yeah okay, jeet.

>> No.23295573

t. salty no clovie. YOU HAD 7 DAYS

>> No.23296070
File: 6 KB, 178x166, clovies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon...

>> No.23296179

>buys a coin
>doesn't even know the possible usecases


>> No.23296188


>> No.23296217

>2 clv of liquidity for that clovid
>or he pulled out

>> No.23296255

>the eternal swingie

>> No.23296276

THESE DIGITS. Thanks for the volume fren, may the swings be in your favor.