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File: 52 KB, 1953x499, algo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23280684 No.23280684 [Reply] [Original]

anybody holding ALGO here?

keep hearing that it has the worst tokenomics in crypto. is this legit fud?

>> No.23280693

Yes, hold at least a stack.

>> No.23280782

They say that because of the release/amount of tokens. But that's because they don't know that the official world currencies will work on ALGO. I mean, marshall islands deployed USDC as their official coin with ALGO backing it. Team has a Nobel Prize and a Turing prize, they have a REAL product. Their wallet is just AMAZING. The transactions are fast as fuck and really cheap, it's just a fucking great project in every way. I believe this project to be one of the survivors on the long run. I bet Algorand will be a standard. Don't fall for the low-effort FUD. Expect downtrend from here, it's normal, if you already bought hold and stake in ALGOwallet and keep lowering your avg. This coin may not do a 10x in a month like shitcoins but it is a safe bet and a expect your 10x return in a few years, I mean I'm confident in putting all my money in this project because I'm sure below 50cents is guaranteed at least a 2x in 1-2years and that's a way better APY than the bank or any platform (compound, aave, curve)
Holding 4.5k rn, I want to make it to 10k at least before 2021

>> No.23280822

>keep hearing that it has the worst tokenomics in crypto. is this legit fud?

I mean, sort of. If the tokenomics weren't the way they are, it would be a lot higher than 30 cents, lol

>> No.23280908

Bros wtf is this...


They say it's liquidity mining but then

>Participants earn rewards by placing maker orders for Algorand tokens and contributing to order book depth.

Placing maker orders on Binance isn't providing liquidity wtf...

>> No.23281047


Much bette than scams like Tron and Fantom.

>> No.23281051

It is. Providing liquidity means providing an "ease to exchange certain asset" so by placing maker orders you are easing the exchange of ALGO for another asset, thus making ALGO more "liquid". Is the common way of providing liquidity, however crypto users are used to liquidity mining as providing liquidity in LP, which is not this case. Maker orders promote the movement of ALGO between currencies (USDT or BTC in this specific case) so yeah, they provide liquidity. However its only $30k in rewards so don't expect it to be noticeable in the order book. It won't do shit for or against ALGO.

>> No.23281059

But worse than ADA ;-)

>> No.23281298

One of my small bags, but I still have a bag,

>> No.23281370

Cardano has no working smart contracts and zero enterprise adoption. Meanwhile, an Algorand advisor literally just won a nobel laureate in economics.

ADA is the most overpriced coin in crypto.

>> No.23281396

No, it's the second worst. First would be RSR.

>> No.23281415

I only just found out recently when anons say this it's wholely and soley because of the token count, it's fucking retarded

>> No.23281443
File: 67 KB, 391x397, ALGOchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding 1k, been buying 250 algo every two weeks since I found out about it.

>> No.23281447

so you guys are telling me ALGO has the smartest team of scientists and yet they cannot figure out the tokenomics?

>> No.23281457

The tokenomics are not great, but you can still make an easy profit with ALGO. Only Pajeets looking for 1000x moonshot will hate Algorand. Also, 80% of supply is locked up into nodes, there will never be 10 billion coins "dumping" on the market.

>> No.23281463

Most supply is locked up forever for security

>> No.23281475
File: 49 KB, 400x400, ALGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing, anon, the tokenomics don't need to be figures out because the algorithm is working.

>> No.23281500

Apparently one of their advisors won a nobel prize in economics, so it probably is kiked as fuck.

>> No.23281506

Cuckdano’s founder endorsed a literal pedo for president this election. Let that sink in. Meanwhile you have a fully functional Italian kitchen with all the best chefs winning all the best awards.

>> No.23281700

This is what I'm referring to low-effort FUD. This OP is how you know that you are going to make it.

>> No.23281922

Look i hold Algo and it's not low effort fud, You don't mess with shitty tokenomics, ever. Algo rightnow is in much better place than 1 year ego investment wise tho.

>> No.23282047

Agreed, the Dutch auction in a bear market was a terrible idea. Now is the perfect entry for the next bull market imo, the tokenomics won't mean much when additional money pours into the space.

>> No.23282067

I couldn't possibly believe Charles would endorse the recumbent considering his ties to Epstein, and wishing Maxwell "good."

>> No.23282098

lol notice how you cant get a single straight answer.

>> No.23282174

None of us know what modeling they used. Doubt the circulation amount was arbitrary

>> No.23282227

garbage venture cap shitcoin. useless. wait for Bonded.Finance or forever get dumped on by whales who bought the covid crash.

>> No.23282369

A lot of this FUD is based around an earlier VC release schedule.

Without going into too much detail, one VC dumped right after the initial public dutch auction and absolutely killed momentum for Algorand.

Since then VC release schedule has changed drastically, it's now 5 years with release amount heavily weighted to years 4/5 (2023/2024).

Buy technology wise it's top notch. The future is CBDCs and it will all be built on Algorand.