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>> No.23278395

delete this thread

>> No.23278416

Also fuck thread splitters

>> No.23278443
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>> No.23278848
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>> No.23279068
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Fuck you

>> No.23280183


>> No.23280246

Never mind not baking

>> No.23280256




>> No.23280260

so boys, how will this circuit breaker effect my nio calls?

>> No.23280272
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Why do people trade shit cryptos?

>> No.23280275

At least buy leveraged index funds if you're gonna do that

>> No.23280277
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> Futures

>> No.23280282
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Itll turn you into pic related

>> No.23280291

>Why do people trade shit cryptos?
They had a hell of a run in 2017. Since then not much but people haven't figured it out yet. Options are the new hotness for young investors. Crypto is almost boomer shit in comparison

>> No.23280302

tomorrow is going to be another boring day

>> No.23280317


Nostalgia of bitcoin. Also because some of the funny money costs less than penny stocks.

>> No.23280319

same reason people do venture capital
to try and catch stuff in the initial "growth phase"
why do you think SPACs have been this years hotness on the market?

>> No.23280325
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Start selling covered calls.
>Stocks go up? Make money.
>Stocks go down? Make money.
>Stocks go flat? Make money.
>Futures pumping/dumping? No problem!
>Trouble sleeping? Not anymore!
>Sleep in late? You deserve it!
Feels good. No worries. Find peace in investing.

>> No.23280335

honestly most everyone on this board would make more following this advice than the scamshit they do

>> No.23280349


Would be great except when the stock is volatile and makes a spike in either direction. Rolling it is just a band aid to a deep wound.

>> No.23280355
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>> No.23280362

Anyone else use performance enchacing drugs to help them trade?

Like I wonder if I could get some of that regendertron fdrug they gave to trump i would be superhuman because of all the dead children

>> No.23280365

Welcome to the golden path, fren

>> No.23280375

I snort a viagra at about 8:45 every morning.

>> No.23280381

I did this on BAC and got a little fucked up senpai I won't lie

>> No.23280384

I day trade the quick action on the New York open. Chewing a 4mg stick of nicotine gum sets me right in there.

>> No.23280403

>stock goes up +1000% in the same week

>> No.23280409
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Do any of you stupid faggot retards even make any money? I have made consistent gains in passive index funds, unironically - along with some leveraged ETFs.

I am convinced you dumbass retards throw around 1-5k tops (probably hundreds) and gamble like a generate. youre in this for the rush, you’re all losers that spend way too much time doing this and not doing more constructive things to your life

>> No.23280431


>> No.23280433

>this is just cohen poster trying a new tactic

>> No.23280440

trying to watch this roaringkitten guy

but he talks too fast, too hyper, wearing a headband like a loser. 4 hour fucking stream of just "duude, going to pop, how can shorts take this duuude"

long gme jan 15c and 18c btw

>> No.23280443


>> No.23280444

i have $20K in GME right now because i actually looked at the numbers and DD myself

>> No.23280457

Why do betas and soi-boys think the rectangular, half-frame, wire glasses look is cool? I don’t wear glasses because I’m a 15-20 vision chad, but if I did I would wear something a little more traditional like horn-rimmed or circular lenses.

>> No.23280468
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Then either don't do it on volatile stocks or sell farther out of the money, or just wait for "the spike" and then sell. You don't need to roll weeklys every Friday.

It can take practice figuring out the best strike. Its ok to sell below the current value too if premiums are high, giving you more downside protection.

>stock goes up +1000% in the same week
Either don't buy shit that can spike "1000%", or wait for a spike and then sell. Its really not that hard, just takes practice.

>> No.23280472

something i don't understand - what do you do if the stock you're selling covered calls with hits your strike & keeps going?
do you just buy 100 share lots again (at the new higher price) and continue selling covered calls on it?
do you always just keep spare $$$ on hand in case you need it to get the 100 shares back at a higher price?
or is it like if it rises too much, you'll find a different stock that would be good for selling calls?
i have assumed as well that most people selling covered calls are selling OTM - is this right?
is it better to sell 4 monthlies expiring 1 week apart "rolling", or weeklies "rolling"?
sorry for all the questions - i appreciate in advance any answers you may have!

>> No.23280477

If you’ve been paying attention, every time we reach ath the market dumps and recovers after losing 3%-8%. If I could stop holdin these fucking bags I would get into tech and ride the wave.

>> No.23280479

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not long term investing, I'm gambling. That being said I'm up over 30% this year and I will always make more money than you because I'm good at what I do.

>> No.23280482
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it's ogre

>> No.23280483

>shit gets leaked that will end Biden's career
>SHUT IT DOWN response

yeah its over

>> No.23280485
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>> No.23280487
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So does Wolf Blitzer have calls to go ape on Nancy?

>> No.23280491

Literally me

Also thinking of taking all profits from these moon missions and throwing them into ARKK. Thoughts?

>> No.23280493

Index funds are the way to go.
I started investing in index funds after I turned 21, I'm 24 now and my portfolio is worth around 60k now. My initial investment was 10k

>> No.23280496
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>> No.23280499

What are you referring to? All I’ve heard about is the ACB hearings

>> No.23280500

What happened?

>> No.23280503

Oh no I make money, it's just a lot more fun to bitch and moan about the end of the world than it is to pat myself on the back.

>> No.23280513
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Imagine pic related but for the remainder of your working lifetime. Don't think it could happen? Think again.

>> No.23280516
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you ARE investing in ROBLOX when it goes public right?

you'll regret not

>> No.23280526
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he's retarded enough to think people care about hunter biden, when not even the biden family cares about hunter biden LMAO hes like the eric trump of the biden family

>> No.23280535

Everything will be fine when Trump wins a second term

>> No.23280536
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85% of my portfolio is in boomer stocks, what's wrong with playing with the other 15%?

>> No.23280544

How fucked is tomorrow with the Biden leak, or this is a giant bull signal? I really have absolutely no clue.

>> No.23280545

Oh ok nevermind. Yeah libbies are only voting for Biden because they hate Trump, not because they like Biden, so it's a moot point.

>> No.23280549


Fuck you I love losing money faggot

>> No.23280550

The Ukraine Biden scandal shit turned out to be completely true.

>> No.23280551

Yes, I already have PSTH calls. Can’t wait until they announced the merger.

>> No.23280554

Biden's campaign is absolutely fucked

>> No.23280556

You did it with AMD too

>> No.23280557

I want to laugh but I also laughed at Unity and look who's the retard now.

>> No.23280559

Oh God I fucking hope so

>> No.23280563

never said i was voting for biden faggot, but no one gives a fuck about hunter biden, just like trump woudlnt lose votes if eric trump was videotaped jerking off jared

>> No.23280566

Why not take the remaining 15% to Vegas?

>> No.23280569

How long will developers use Unity? Are they just pumping out new versions of their program?

>> No.23280575

What will you use to save face when Biden wins?

>> No.23280581

>Either don't buy shit that can spike "1000%", or wait for a spike and then sell. Its really not that hard, just takes practice.
tell that to the people who wrote covered calls on GME before last week's massive spike
lucky for them this wasn't an infinite squeeze

>> No.23280584

>having an entire decade to invest in great companies that are clearly undervalued

How is this a bad thing?

>> No.23280587
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>> No.23280588

Biden is directly selling influence, he'll 100% be impeached if he wins it's literally what they accused Trump of doing only it's real

>> No.23280589

AMD was actually quite successful, I was up a lot. But I had rolled up so many times I could no longer afford even 100 AMD shares

... so in mid february, I went all in upro. On margin.

>> No.23280590

Well, to be fair, I wanna hear the dirt.

>> No.23280592
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>laughed at unity
>people laughed at gme
>now roblox will be laughed at


>> No.23280597

I never said you were voting for Biden faggot I was making a point.

>> No.23280608

oh i read it as

>you libbies
>yeah libbies
im tired AF

>> No.23280610
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Because I'm sure I would have lost all my money at the casino rather than being up 3k since the end of September.

>> No.23280614


Sell further out and you make less, pick less volatile shit and now you have a dead stock with shit premiums. CCs are pretty nice when the market is flat and nothing interesting is going on.

>> No.23280618

> never said i was voting for biden faggot

No one said you were. Are you that turd-pusher from the last thread that’s mad Bob Iger didn’t take a pay cut so Disney Land janitors could loaf around at home on the company dime?

>> No.23280627

I, for one, have inverse ETFs ready to go when the market crashes.

>> No.23280631

i wasn't in last thread and i dont give a rats ass about disney

>> No.23280638

Very well. Nvm

>> No.23280644

Yeah once we get a real crash I probably will go full boomer and just dump all of my money into SPY.

>> No.23280650
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Got any good recs for wheel stocks in the $10-15 range? I was doing real well on WKHS until it mooned out of reach for my small-fry account.

>> No.23280652
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>> No.23280653

*mouses ass
Wait, is it Mouses' ass or Mice Ass?

>> No.23280654

story is in here, including big tech complete censorship


>> No.23280657

I like that rifle. That's a nice fuckin' rifle.

>> No.23280664

Exactly why Statera is a better buy than LINK, currently. : )

>> No.23280666

BAHAHAAHAHAA!! Zero Hedge -- why not just quote RT and South Front, too?

>> No.23280668

last post


>> No.23280670

And these are the people "safeguarding our democracy" by controlling what people can say and who they can repost/retweet to and how fast. What a fucking farce

>> No.23280673

so what's the point of posting here if all you care about is passive investing? discussing companies and their stocks is the antithesis of passive investing

>> No.23280677

no one but q anon conspiracy drumptards care about this

>> No.23280682

The Biden expose was front page of the NY Post, this was just a commentary on horrific tech censorship

>> No.23280687

>end Biden’s career
The only thing notable about this storey is the attempt to bury it. No one cares about Hunter smoking crack enough to not vote Biden. This is a 1950s pearl-clutching tier bullshit “scandal”.

>> No.23280698

Just buy nio

>> No.23280701

Have you read the story?

>> No.23280707
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None. But VOO consistently gives better returns than any hand picked portfolio by investing gods. Except maybe the last 3 years, the markets been crazy good lately ngl

Did you trade in a ROTH or normal brokerage? That’s quite a bit of capital gains your gonna pay there man

>> No.23280710

>no one but q anon conspiracy drumptards care about this
I am still on the fence for who I'm voting for on the third and I care

>> No.23280713

Fuck off shill.

>> No.23280720

>NY Post
This isn't helping your case; you know that, right?

>> No.23280721
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>> No.23280723

imagine losing 50k to acb hahaha...

>> No.23280725

I can solve this with one question. Are you white?

>> No.23280728
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>I consider the new york times, washington post, and CNN, to be legitimate sources.
the absolute state of the left lmao

>> No.23280731


>> No.23280735

I already made money off that, and now it's out of my price range.

>> No.23280742

I'm really tired of this myth that "nobody can beat the market!", it's that the majority of people can not. Like come the fuck on, the S&P 500 is just an extrmeley basic algorithm that picks and drops companies based on financials, it's not difficult to go through the 500 companies and look at the ones that don't have bright futures if you aren't a lazy dimwit.

>> No.23280754

I'm a legal immigrant and as they say it's the newly converted who are the most zealous and I really like this democracy. It's my first vote and I am trying to be as objective as possible.

>> No.23280755

It's mostly true but when you consider the type of retards that throw money into the market it isn't surprising to see the results side with index funds

>> No.23280759
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You don't think it's gonna dump at open & crab all day? Bought yesterday & am trying to decide when to take earnings. I'm skeptical of that $30-$33 EOW estimate...

>> No.23280762

>Career politician engaged in blatant nepotism, extortion, bribery, and to top it all off, with Russia

You are right, the burying it attempt is proof this is rock solid shit and the satanists are seething. Time for a rugpull to change the topic.

>> No.23280763

No news is legitimate because it is all influenced by the government, but the NY Post has horrible credibility compared to Fox, CNN, or MSNBC. The fact that you’re already using phrases like ‘the state of the left’ means you’re already filled with ‘based/SJW’ culture war brain poison and should kill your self. If you fall for any of that low IQ cesspool specifically formulated to sink into losers and the proles of this society you should rope.

>> No.23280784

I bought roughly $20,000 of ACB during the January dip of 2019. I thought it would recover and eventually skyrocket but instead it has been gradually declining and I'm already down -92%. There's a lawsuit started that should hopefully get me some of my principle back from this fraud company. Is there any hope of Aurora Cannabis recovering or do I sell now? If I sell my shares now will I still get the proceeds of the lawsuit?

>> No.23280786

i bought at the first FOMO peak and boy was i glad i got bailed out at the 2nd top
by that time I had finalyl learned how to DD and I had fucking pure hate for ACB for having done like 3 stock dilutions while I was bagholding, and i was dumbfounded that another hype rally started thanks to Canopy and Constellation brands rekindling the hype

thx for bailing me out buddy

>> No.23280797

This is true but the facts don’t say that index funds OUTPERFORM the average joe. Index funds outperform the best investors portfolios routinely. The markets unpredictable, shocking right

>> No.23280802

literally no new information on hunter biden came out.. and people are running around like chickens with their heads cut off.. all of this shit was known months & months ago.. there is not a single new thing added other than pictures of him smoking crack (which we already knew he did)
someone pls tell me i'm wrong and point to NEW information that has come out

>> No.23280804

Well trumps the only presidential candidate that won't bend the knee and say "all white people are scum". If I vote against Trump I'm voting against the white race. I have nothing against minorities bit surely you can see why it's in my best interest to vote Trump. I can also see why you may not.

>> No.23280805

biden was getting half the "salary/bonuses" his son was getting - and we already have calls of Biden threatening not to give Ukraine $1b PUBLIC funding if they didn't fire the prosecutor looking into his son (which Biden was financially benefeting from because he is corrupt as fuck). Aso that public funding makes its way to Burisma - it's all a big fucking scam.
1. politicians pass some multibillion dollar foreign aid package
2. the family of those politicians are working for companys in the country that package is sent to
3. the corrupt politicians of that country (who get some of the money) then give contracts to select companys that those family members work for
4. those family members then get ridiculous salarys and bonus in the millions of dollars, with an agreement that they must funnel some of that money back to the original politician
Now you know why the US funds so much "foreign aid" to shithole corrupt countries. Romney, Pelosi, Biden, Bushes, Clintons are all deep in this scam. Just one of many, Hunter biden is a big fuckin retard and didn't even try to hide it.
And then they convince soiboy retards that we need to "raise taxes against those mean-ol rich people" and enact communism - because then they have MORE funds to launder back to themselves. That's why historically with communism, the leaders still live like kings and everyone else is fighting in the streets to eat a rat carcass.

>> No.23280809
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Imagine unironically believing this

>> No.23280819

Thoughts on Tesla's stock movement? Sell calls before ER?

>> No.23280823

Well Biden said he never met anyone related to Hunter Biden's business dealings and there is an email from his laptop saying directly the opposite, so it looks like the Bidens were selling influence using the VP office, that's the bid deal

>> No.23280825

I want to try options but I'm also completely fucking braindead and too burnt out from work to focus on anything analytical at home.
I also don't think I'm lucky enough to get rich guessing, and I just want some semi-reliable money with just a small chance of losing it all.
I also don't know how to set up an account for day trading without the feds tradebanning me, I just use etrade and am not educated about finance or investing.

SO, I was thinking about just doing a one-week short straddle or two.
I remember it being pretty simple from reading about it being the cause of the biggest bank break ever, because an earthquake hit Japan when some moron was short straddling the Yen with over-borrowed assets for the bank he worked for, or something.
I'm thinking because of the state of the market short straddling might be considered more risky than usual but also not be quite as risky as it's currently considered by people, so the returns on it might be better due to that perception of risk.

Can anyone suggest any good market sectors or very high volume stocks/funds/whatever that aren't really moving at all right now and won't be very affected by news about bailouts or covid spreading or new vaccines coming out?

>> No.23280824

pls link a [reliable] source showing that he was getting half of the salary / bonuses, and I will believe you

>> No.23280830
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Sold my NIO calls for AMZN calls. How retarded am I senpai

>> No.23280841

If you're center of the road and you've read the NYT/WashPo or watched ABC/CNN/ABC recently, it's pretty fucking shocking how they've contorted themselves into the equivalent of left-wing Fox News these days.

I mean the divide was bad in the 2000's but now it's ridiculous. "News Source" agendas are hilariously corrupt and out of control now. They'd go out of business otherwise, I can't even blame them, but people still have this rose-colored nostalgia view of some of these news sources, and they're just not what they used to be. They all have agendas and these agendas are directed by party lines.

>> No.23280851

It depends on your own strategy. Sometimes you want it to execute because it spiked, meaning you sold at the top, then you just wait for it to come down or move on. If it goes past your strike, it can have the "illusion" of losing money, but the truth is that your account value is still up. Just because you can't afford 100 shares of it doesnt mean your total account value went down.

These questions are really up to you to answer because you are building a strategy. If you want to make sure you are always green, you can just buy a stock and sell ATM calls. Or you can just sell calls on green days and buy back on red days. Or you can sell calls in anticipation of an event like earnings. You could also use it to jump on quickly rising stocks by buying in and immediately selling covered calls at the money.

I've used selling covered calls in my IRA on companies that have upcoming earnings each week and made over 50% in 6th month. However it takes practice, don't think you can sell right every time. If in doubt, only buy stocks you are willing to hold, or sell at the money or in the money calls. Don't get stuck in the mindset of "missing out" because the point is that you always guarantee green, not to play the lottery.

>> No.23280857

This is literally what connie leftists argue and what every US politician does with their families. Also source.

>> No.23280858

I fully expect Tesla to dump after earnings. There is literally no reason for it's current price. Even musk says so.

>> No.23280875


>> No.23280883

>playing 18 holes of golf with your son & his coworker 1 year before the supposed 'crime'
>selling political influence
not trolling - who cares if he played golf once with his son's coworker?

>> No.23280895
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This guy gets it. Libtards are all “LMAO who cares about crack!?” Putting their heads in the sand about the damning shit. Right wing death squads can come fast enough.

>> No.23280910

>it's about smoking crack not Biden caught red handed enriching his family by selling the country out

>> No.23280917

its literally in the messages on the hard drive you fucking NPC cuck. Bet you still believe in Russiagate - while posting on the site that actually started it in 2016 as a joke. I can't wait til Trump wins and 41% of you faggots kill yourselves.

>> No.23280923

>There is literally no reason for it's current price. Even musk says so
Yeah but that's been the case for years at this point and it still goes up.

>> No.23280934

I want RWDS so bad :(

>> No.23280935

fair value always wins eventually

>> No.23280936

True, but I expect it do dump after earnings anyway. If puts aren't ridiculously priced I'll probably buy a couple weeklies.

>> No.23280956

please link me a source showing the messages on the harddrive, again, i'm more than willing to believe you if i see the source

>> No.23280964

Seems pretty clear cut to me.

>> No.23280974

Not him but at the end of the day it's irrelevant. People voting for Biden are actually voting for Kamala harris. Everyone knows Biden wouldn't make it 4 years

>> No.23280982

You're supposed to get lenses based on the shape of your face/jaw/head, I'm not sure which one for which kind of face but it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.23281001

Why the FUCK is KODK still $10?

>> No.23281007

you overestimate the broader public

>> No.23281008

Wolf Blitzer, out of either the last few brain cells' worth of sincerity or out of obedience to a corporate ultimatum handed down to restore their death row ratings, literally just asked Pelosi why she turned down $1200 miracle magic handwaving bucks to every family or whatever, and she starts going off about him being a Republican apologist. Wolf Blitzer. Remember three years ago when she was advertised as the old guard "center-left" senior anchoring the praiseworthy idealism of AOC and Harris' racial supremacist fanaticism? Yeah, now she's telling Wolf Blitzer he's not radical enough while Harris is the VP pick.
The truth is, those news agencies were always just as biased as Fox, they just adopted a veneer of professionalism over it, so you didn't notice the trend of their continual selection bias, you just accepted it as frank news about the state of the world and its issues. Now the facade is slipping thanks to the internet, and the public conditioning isn't proceeding at an even, polite pace. If you still had Dan Rather telling you that you needed to live on your knees to make it up to the poor minorities for being born the wrong color, that on the other hand the rich owed you everything they had won for themselves, and if he said it all in his soothing reconciliatory newsman voice, you'd accept it as the norm, as necessary, as the way forward. Even if he pulled a CNN and fed you some completely fake document. To be honest, even at the time, Rather didn't actually need to step down. He did so because he or someone who wrote his checks said so, because they happened to have a little integrity or at least regard for professionalism.
The reason the populace believes that it is a woman's inalienable and innate right to take the life of her unborn child - and that other people should even pay taxes for, and thus be culpable in the killing of, those children - is not a matter of your personal ethics or morals. It's because the TV said so. Over and over.

>> No.23281010

>use VP to funnel money to corrupt energy company in Ukraine
>son works there and paid shitloads and does literally nothing at the company and has no experience related to position at said company
>paid millions and millions tho
>other D kids/people involved with company as well and get shitloads of corrupt US money funnel through Ukraine
>what is even illegal about this?

>> No.23281022

>The European Union has welcomed the dismissal of Ukraine’s scandal-ridden prosecutor general and called for a crackdown on corruption
>"Ukraine’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to fire Viktor Shokin, ridding the beleaguered prosecutor’s office of a figure who is accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and stymying moves to root out graft."
The European Union has welcomed the dismissal of Ukraine’s scandal-ridden prosecutor general and called for a crackdown on corruption, even as the country’s political crisis deepened over efforts to form a new ruling coalition and appoint a new prime minister.

Ukraine’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to fire Viktor Shokin, ridding the beleaguered prosecutor’s office of a figure who is accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and stymying moves to root out graft.

“This decision creates an opportunity to make a fresh start in the prosecutor general’s office. I hope that the new prosecutor general will ensure that [his] office . . . becomes independent from political influence and pressure and enjoys public trust,” said Jan Tombinski, the EU’s envoy to Ukraine.

“There is still a lack of tangible results of investigations into serious cases . . . as well as investigations of high-level officials within the prosecutor general’s office"
>"In what appeared to be his last act before dismissal, Mr Shokin sacked his deputy, Davit Sakvarelidze, who had repeatedly called for his boss to be fired."
obviously none of us know shit about ukrainian politics, but it doesn't sound like shokin was a good guy / ukraine parliament voted him out & the EU celebrated his removal..

>> No.23281037

Yeah, just stop thinking and invest in our funds while we charge the ass out of you.

>> No.23281041
File: 6 KB, 217x250, 1464772685623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIObros, what will you buy with your first million?

>> No.23281048
File: 25 KB, 704x396, 1581950401231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing the part where Biden gets asked to strong arm and shake down another nation by a company giving his family millions of dollars and he actually went ahead and did it, then did it again when that nation tried investigating his son who was also involved, so he withheld billions of dollars from them until they fired the guy responsible for the investigation into that corruption.

>> No.23281050

please tell me how he funneled money to the company in ukraine / link me a source showing he funneled money into ukraine
(not a source saying that he threatened to withhold aid)

>> No.23281061

thats way worse lmao
i "need" glasses but i just dont wear em except shades cos they all look shit. someday ill pony up the dough for surgery.

>> No.23281066

From everything that you just cited, and what we already know, that just shows that everyone was in on these incredibly corrupt dealings and the guy who was in charge of investigating this stuff was conveniently hunted down and destroyed.

>> No.23281079

when i hear the sound of hooves, i think horses - when you hear the sound of hooves you think it's flamingos wearing horse shoes

>> No.23281091

>what every US politician does
And that's why Trump is better than every US politician.

>> No.23281094

Its been awhile but basically US gave them billions in treasury notes.
Corrupt ukranian govt people funneled them to energy companies like where biden son worked.
It was just a front to funnel US tax payer dollars and screw Ukranian citizens.
When biden boy in the ukranian election lost and anti-corruption leader won, the next day joe biden ran for president. Coincidence?

>> No.23281099
File: 32 KB, 383x383, 1600645862815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever hear about those people who get the surgery and it goes bad? I've read about a few suicides cause they went blind and had a burning/stabbing eye pain that wouldn't go away.

>> No.23281101

We knew all this shit before corona, didn’t we? I always thought that was the reason Biden was running so that he was protected from trump. What specific piece of evidence came out today that has pol jizzing themselves?

>> No.23281108

When they finally air a tranny anchor once a day, that will be the straw that breaks the camel. Then it will become a virtue signal just to watch their channel and bask in the tranny glory for an hour. It will win awards for heroic journalism. I personally can't wait for tranny journos.

>> No.23281121

ever hear about those people who get in car crashes and are debilitated for life? why drive if there's a chance of that? you're on a gambling board buddy get used to risk

>> No.23281122


I don't understand this bogle heads propoganda. index funds are supposed to be easy and cheap, not God's true portfolio.

your statement isn't even true. what if I just bought and hold amazon, apple, or brk. these aren't meme stocks, or sudden jumps, they have been on for decades. plenty of investors have done just that.

am I an investing genius?

>> No.23281126

Oh make no mistake, Trump is doing shady shit whole he is in office, but overall I'm ok with that because he isn't blatantly anti-white like all the Democrats are. That's the sad thing, if the Democrats would drop the "muh white supremacy" schtick, they wouldn't be in the position they are.

>> No.23281134

"Ukraine’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to fire Viktor Shokin, ridding the beleaguered prosecutor’s office of a figure who is accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and stymying moves to root out graft."

Ukraine is incredibly corrupt, this is well known. They also literally ousted the guy in charge of investigating corruption between the government and a corporation who has been retroactively proven to be insanely corrupt, killing the investigation entirely.

Does that not raise any alarms for you?

>> No.23281139

the point is god's true portfolio can't be known and chances are you'll fuck up worse than the market will

>> No.23281154

So when’s the reversal they pull this shit about every other week. Bull trap bear trap bull trap bear trap until they’ve fleeced everyone

>> No.23281156
File: 69 KB, 749x499, BN-HN591_NYARCA_P_20150322160311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell niggers and spics consoles on credit
>mere months away from a global depression
>call back all the consoles when they can't pay the loan
>free consoles
>still have retail locations
>set up local lan gaming rooms
>charge per hour
>video game addicted zoomers won't resist
gamestop will make skynet look like a fucking joke.

>> No.23281163
File: 1.02 MB, 1196x896, 1601276489628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Struck a nerve, eh?

>> No.23281165

The flamingos have been getting away with it for years thanks to people like you.

>> No.23281176

this is a legit business model in latam countries
america will become so impoverished, video game addicted s0ys will have no choice

but not me, i hold gme

>> No.23281179
File: 587 KB, 997x1005, 1581334425250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We knew all this shit before corona, didn’t we?
All we had was the connections (millions of dollars worth), Biden saying he wanted him gone, and saying he strong-armed Ukraine with a billion dollars hanging over their heads if they didn't comply to get rid of the guy investigating his son for corruption.
Biden and his campaign said he never talked to his son about Burisma, who gave him stacks of cash for doing literally nothing other than being connected to his father who was involved with the Ukraine deal, because he has no actual skills.

This email shows that Burisma (who was giving Hunter money) actively sought out connections with Joe Biden through Hunter, to work on their behalf and use his influence to their benefit, and that it was actually a conspiracy.

Before there was some very frail plausible deniability. Now it's blowing up in Biden's face.

>> No.23281181

Na, don't agree with any of that.

Things have noticeably changed. "IT WAS ALWAYS LIKE THIS" alarmist retards are the equivalent of the "DRUMPF CAUSED ALL OF THIS" alarmist fuck heads on the left.

I fucking hate you idiots.

>> No.23281184

Time to short FB

>> No.23281188


>> No.23281191

just crawled out from under the rock, friend?

>> No.23281197

I'm still amazed that some people still don't realize Maddow is the most crazy conspiracy theorist on the air.

>> No.23281203

not really.. as you pointed out and we all know, ukraine and that whole region of the world is extremely corrupt, bribes and money skimming are the norm - just part of doing business
is it really that hard to believe that the prosecutor general was corrupt too? especially if people within his office are saying he is corrupt and to fire him? can you imagine going around to the media and people in congress pleading with them for months to fire your boss because he's corrupt?
>“There is still a lack of tangible results of investigations into serious cases . . . as well as investigations of high-level officials within the prosecutor general’s office"
perhaps the guy in charge of prosecuting corruption in a corrupt country, was corrupt himself?

>> No.23281206
File: 158 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201014-233613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this mean?

>> No.23281207

Apparently. What happened with facebook?

>> No.23281211
File: 151 KB, 1690x291, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FSLY puts anon here, just finished celebrating and about to go to bed. No one got dubs on my last post, so first person to get dubs decides what I go all in on. The pick must have an option chain. Pic is very much related.

>> No.23281215

they want to act like a publisher, soon they will be regulated like one.

>> No.23281216

Twitter too.

>is it really that hard to believe that the prosecutor general was corrupt too?
If that's true then it all evens out and you just end up with Biden selectively targeting the one corrupt guy over all the other corrupt guys, because he was investigating him and his son.

>> No.23281219

What a fucking mess

>> No.23281220

Alright, that sounds pretty solid. Thank you for the effort post on my account anon.

>> No.23281224

Facebook is working with the dems to steal the election

>> No.23281226
File: 38 KB, 323x458, 170CDCF2-5BAD-4B09-A762-B620CE5C09FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual...

>> No.23281235

please note that nobody was ever able to link a source for these claims.. i swear that we are getting raided by some sort of cambridge analytica manipulate public opinion shit, just like 2016
i want to be clear that i am not advocating for anyone to vote either way in this election, i don't give a shit. but i do care about the pursuit of truth on a fundamental moral level, and not just spouting radical claims without evidence to back it up - i am 100% happy with to believe any claims being made that can be backed up with evidence, and would be excited to read & learn the truth when presented to me
i read the whole senate hunter biden burisma report - i'm not seeing anything new..

>> No.23281236

GME 1/15/2021 $25c

>> No.23281238


>> No.23281248

NIO 30c 1/15/21

>> No.23281252
File: 1.93 MB, 1919x1077, COOMTRUMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join us in COOM

>> No.23281257

wtf am i looking at. looks gross

>> No.23281269

screenshot gains!

>> No.23281274

I always thought zuck kind of carved his own path but I guess not. He's married to a chink so I guess I should have expected nothing less.

>> No.23281277

NAK $2c anytime after 11/3

>> No.23281279

rkt leaps

>> No.23281280

Happy for you fren, buy some good land.

>> No.23281288
File: 17 KB, 300x225, EEA67862-0573-42AA-99B8-C63AE33A974A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you tell me right now where you get your whale alerts from young man

>> No.23281312

most likely
(but he might have a better source!)

>> No.23281346

What about weeklies?

>> No.23281349

based baggins poster.

>> No.23281366
File: 55 KB, 575x1024, 1590660876646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hunter Biden met and married Kathleen Buhle in 1993. The two divorced in 2017 after a 22-year marriage that produced three daughters. In divorce papers, Kathleen accused her ex of blowing family funds on drugs and prostitutes.

>The same year as the split — as was first reported by Page Six — Hunter began dating his widowed sister-in-law, Hallie Biden, who had lost her husband, Beau, to brain cancer in 2015.

>The two began dating while he was recovering from a crack binge, which he explained in a New Yorker interview last July took place while grieving his brother’s death.

>In late 2019, Hunter entered a court battle over unpaid child support for a baby he fathered with ex-stripper Lunden Alexis Roberts.

>Roberts filed a suit against Hunter in November after he denied being the father of their child, born in August 2018, and subsequently declined to pay child support.

>In January 2020, an Arkansas judge ruled that Biden was the “biological and legal father” of the baby, noting that a DNA test had showed “with near scientific certainty” that Hunter was the parent.

>The two reached an out-of-court settlement in which Biden agreed to retroactively pay child support going back to November 2018.

>Hunter discussed his drug use during his New Yorker interview last year, in which he admitted to almost having a brush with law enforcement after damaging a rental car in Arizona in 2016.

>After the car was replaced by Hertz, the rental car company, a rental officer found a crack pipe in the car along with a white powder residue.

>Police were called, but there was no evidence that Hunter had used the pipe, so narcotics charges weren’t pursued, the magazine reported.

>The younger Biden’s drug problems date back far further than 2016, however.

>> No.23281369

god fucking damn I can't wait for this election to be over and some kind of stimulus or some shit can actually happen

>> No.23281376

rip my NIO 23.5cc, feels pretty fucking awful t b h

>> No.23281377


>Hunter was arrested in 1988 for drug possession, something he admitted to in a 2006 disclosure form after being nominated to serve on the Amtrak Reform Board.

>“I was cited for possession of a controlled substance in Stone Harbor, NJ. There was a pre-trial intervention and the record was expunged,” he admitted.

>In November 2019, Page Six exclusively reported that the former vice president’s son was suspected of smoking crack inside a Washington, DC, strip club where he dropped “thousands of dollars” during multiple visits.

>The incident, which took place at Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club late last year, represents the most recent alleged drug use by Biden, who has acknowledged six stints in rehab for alcoholism and addiction.

>Security worker Ranko Petrovic said Biden would routinely hole up in a VIP room and drink during his visits.

>Although Petrovic said the club “had no issue with him,” former Archibald’s managing partner James Ritter said one occasion in late 2018 was marred by a “suspicion of drug use.”

This is the same Hunter Biden who makes 85k a month from Burisma, and got 3.5 million wired to him from the richest woman in Russia (the mayor of Moscow's wife).

>> No.23281393

who cares

>> No.23281397
File: 52 KB, 718x720, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4f4f7039724658353865313178773d3d2d3333313630393331362e313438353038363362386665623862353235343634393338383434302e6a7067 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biden in the first debate: "My son has beaten his drug addiction!"
>These photos come out.

>> No.23281409

FUCK that’s based

>> No.23281411

Don't you get it anon. No one cares. You're either a Hobbes guy or a Rousseau guy. You either believe the world is one big hugbox or that people are generally self interested. The facts don't matter.

Where are the imaginary people moving from one party to the other based on news vs what it almost always come down to, which candidate is more likeable.

>> No.23281414

There's a video of him smoking crack while fucking someone too.

>> No.23281436

it's just some crack man, chill out, you wanna do pushups?

>> No.23281439

sounds pretty based

>> No.23281451
File: 159 KB, 768x1024, 1585137163142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just explaining the situation I don't think I ever made a claim to how this would effect the election or how it would effect the market.
If you were to ask me though I'd say this is bearish for Biden because it's bad optics, however the next debate moderator just scrubbed her twitter and hid it so no one could see all of her bias (only some remains), and the one after that literally was an intern for Joe Biden and owes his career to him, so it's entirely possible that they NEVER ask about this in the debate. Last debate Trump was cut off so he couldn't even question Joe about it.

>> No.23281465

I don't know
What'd cause options to be irregular?

>> No.23281470

How is this hunter news going to affect the market or are you guys just banned from /pol/ and bored?

>> No.23281476

Lol nobody gets banned from /pol/

>> No.23281485

/pol/ are 4chan's facebook boomers. They go far and wide to ramble at anyone they can

>> No.23281486

>round frames
enjoy your asian chick face

Do CHADS ever grab your ass by accident thinking that you are some meek asian slut who they can just dominate?

>> No.23281487

That was a really interested interview. Not so much for the content, it was all obfuscation and blame shifting and projection from Pelosi, but because of Blitzer's loss of patience. To me it showed there may be some cracks forming among the older crew of the MSM and the younger who are completely on board with behaving as propaganda wing for the DNC. Pelosi has dragged out the stimulus negotiations beyond all reason other than partisan games and it appears Blitzer has had enough.

I look forward to what might happen in future with Blitzer and his employer. He's likely to continue to ask less than softball questions to democrat politicians in future. Will CNN try to reign him in? Will it escalate? Should be interesting.

>> No.23281490


>> No.23281494

I rarely use my phone so I have an old iphone, I'm missing out on a bunch of android apps but I'm sure glad that none of mine look like THAT, holy fuck that is an eye sore.

>> No.23281501

name one android app you're missing out on

>> No.23281511

FB and TWTR stock will drop 5-10% in the morning. I might buy the dip if it happens

>> No.23281522

crack pipe sales go up

>> No.23281528

How low will GME crash after failing Q3 earnings? fuck

>> No.23281533

4chan reader
Any MAL client app
Any browser that can view webm's.

>> No.23281534

nigs will just smash the consoles

>> No.23281541

I say you should run the wheel on spy and collect premium.

>> No.23281540

Doubtful. This report won't change it's user base because they're all addicted.

>> No.23281542
File: 46 KB, 1242x1230, 1602738436276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I profit off of the Ukrainian crack trade?

>> No.23281545

Even if the whole country knew they wouldn't believe it if they didn't want to, same as with trump. None of us knew the facts we just dont trust fucking fegs and glowies. No one here actually poured through the data and even if it was true its not like it would have made us vote for hillary.

Biden will lose because he simply doesn't encapsulate the feelings of his base the way trump does, just like romney was a lowest common denominator against an obama who very well represented the entire base of dems at the time.

>> No.23281546

is the market going to dump tomorrow? fuck

>> No.23281554
File: 30 KB, 301x295, notlikefaye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan reader
>MAL client
pic related

>> No.23281556

>implying the markets won't be drastically affected both by election uncertainty & the outcome itself

>> No.23281559


I think of it in terms of ammunition. If one side has the ammunition to be on the attack then that is leagues better than being on the defense for multiple news cycles.

>> No.23281561

-15% at most? And that's if gamestop doesnt try to offset it with news that they bought back 15 million shares during the Q2 dip, or like the dozen other shit they could do if they cared about the stock price

i'm holding through, i'm already deep green anyways and it's *still* fundamentally undervalued. Also, they only have to beat a -0.85 estimate

>> No.23281562

by selling crack

>> No.23281573

We selling, NETbros?

>> No.23281599

Guidance will save GME earnings

>> No.23281600

Rerolling spy

>> No.23281610

Trump will get re-elected. Twitter will be destroyed for their election interference, assissting in an assassination attempt by tracking Trumps location via GPS and providing it to assassins, crimes against humanity, distributing CP, and child trafficking. Enjoy the show and get your TWTR Jan 2023 puts in now.

>> No.23281616

>Implying I haven't been out since early this week
I figured I was greedy enough by pushing for that much profit as it was since I was lucky enough to buy in at $35. Wish I had the stones to write calls at that time instead of just buying stocks, but it can't be helped.

What do you reckon it'll settle at? Surely the moon mission couldn't continue forever.

>> No.23281620


Anon buy shares of spy and sell covered calls, rake the premium, when you get assigned sell cash secured puts post gains

>> No.23281627

that's included in the dozen other shit they could do if they cared about stock price

can you say with 100% certainty they will give guidance though? Corona still serves as an excuse

>> No.23281628
File: 26 KB, 388x394, fsly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I don't really wanna spend that much on NAK, but you are the first one to get dubs. I wanna get some 2023 LEAPS but there's is 0 open interest on them. I don't wanna be like that CLF faggot.

Thanks fren I think Kek has been trying to help me these last few months. I had the same feeling I had when I saw the put today that I did when I saw the unusual whale alert for TSLA right before they announced their stock split. Fucking glad I trusted my gut on this one.

I pay $20 a month to subscribe to the unusual whale discord, another anon linked their twitter. A lot of what's posted in is whales selling calls and puts, but they alerted TSLA before the stock split, KODK before its epic run up and in most recent memory GME before the MSFT deal. I generally only play 1 or 2 contracts at a time, but decided to go all in on this one.

>> No.23281629

I really, really hope that it squeezes before earnings.

>> No.23281672

If my wife caught me reading this thread she probably would not let me manage our investments anymore lmfao

>> No.23281679

With the ridiculous amount of institutional investors, they most definitely didn't dump in all that money to lose it.

>> No.23281686

>not let me
Wear the pants, jesus

Although she'd be right in this case

>> No.23281687

thats what im trying to get through to you tho. it doesn't matter. do u rly think all the /b/tard trannies became that way because of sissy hypno. or that ppl watching CNN who formerly voted for trump are like "yeah, bernine dose sound pretty good actually"?

no. it doesnt happen. ppl aren't as dumb as we think. ppl know when they're being proagandized to.

>> No.23281693

>worrying about what your wife will let you do
white people used to be so much better in the past

>> No.23281698

This honestly seems like a 1000x better than buying calls on NAK when the mine won't even be started till like 2027 or some shit. Thanks fren. Should I sell daily covered calls? Weeklies? Monthlies? I've never had enough money to even think about buying fucking 200 shares of SPY, so I have no idea how to run the wheel on this.

>> No.23281701
File: 5 KB, 500x590, numale1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281707

Your wife really had no idea who she married did she?

>> No.23281709

man these basedjaks fucking suck

>> No.23281711

> ppl aren't as dumb as we think. ppl know when they're being proagandized to.
People are retarded, what are you talking about? All it takes is for a debate moderator to not ask important questions the general public doesn't know about in an incredibly biased way (like last debate) and the general public will still feel like the moderator was good because they didn't cut anyone off. The average person does not know what they don't know.

>> No.23281721

>I really, really hope that it squeezes before earnings.
think about it in GME's perspective though, they won't benefit from a squeeze when overall sentiment on them is still overall negative. Like who would buy into an offering with the inflated stock price afterwards?

this really is dependent on Q3 and/or Q4 in the end. Q3 *needs* to be good, i get the feeling they'd rather save big news for later on when they've proven their fundamentals
Look how BBBY changed after a single earnings beat (just +0.50 EPS too)

>> No.23281722

Let me know what you think I should sell in terms of either daily, weekly, monthly, etc. I'm off to bed, thanks for the input.

>> No.23281724
File: 132 KB, 1118x1697, 1118full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck futures look terrible! I hope it doesn't affect my FIZZ

>> No.23281730

Popping out to the shops lads, want anything?

>> No.23281733


>> No.23281736

Queso dip, pork rinds, and a green tea. Thanks!

>> No.23281737

UNH looks good.

>> No.23281744
File: 76 KB, 301x877, 1579475175749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If my wife caught me reading this thread she probably would not let me manage our investments anymore lmfao

>> No.23281745

100 Grand, and a Payday

>> No.23281746

Nah hedge funds are buying in now so YoY growth looks better.

>> No.23281747

Dubs. I am fresh out

>> No.23281754

Where's the sauce

>> No.23281755

you should never let anyone know you 4chan, I made the mistake of telling my sister when I was drunk and now she thinks I'm an incel and sends me incel support reading material

>> No.23281757

>Like who would buy into an offering with the inflated stock price afterwards?
I would desu. Use (some) of Bobo's money to Gamestop's benefit

>> No.23281762

Don't bring sony into this please

>> No.23281765

I let my manager know he still hates me

>> No.23281769

is nacho cheese dip good with pork rinds? what queso dip brand do you use with ur rinds?

>> No.23281772


>> No.23281775

Nah, people are that stupid. They believe whatever the authoritarians tell them. When they said the earth was flat, retard consensus nodded it’s head and said yeah even tho anyone living in a mountain could see it curved. When authoritarians said if you went far enough into the ocean, you’d fall off the earth, consensus drooled on itself and said yih yih, das troof. Consensus is retarded af. That’s why elitist fucks like bill gates smirk and laugh as they kill us and consensus nods its head as it dies by a thousand cuts. Consensus even kneels down and sucks bills Dry load. Consensus is retarded af. The movies about zombies are real. The zombies are consensus wanting to kill anyone whose awoke (with brains) so they can drag them into consensus. It’s called crab mentality.

>> No.23281781

>she thinks I'm an incel and sends me incel support reading material
Is she hot? you can use this an excuse to bang her.

>> No.23281787

Is unusual whale actually useful?

>> No.23281794

Lol I always say I browse "forums" to avoid this.
I prefer hummus but gas stations normally don't carry that and I'm assuming that's where snon is going. Pork rinds are the best. 9 grams of protein per serving and taste great.

>> No.23281797

You could prove to her you aren't an incel, and fuck her.

>> No.23281805

I'm thinking of selling my NAK and buying more GME

>> No.23281819

I suspect the indexes may enter a range and stay there from now until a few days prior to November 3rd. For Nasdaq I'm looking at something like 11700 low to 12100 high (just shy of the top). If news does not change and volume does not pick up, I will be taking about 2/3rds profit from my TQQQ long somewhere near the upper end of this range as defensive measure against election outcome related uncertainty.

>> No.23281827

A lot of it is institutions selling instead of buying, but there are the occasional winners

>> No.23281836

Lmao I'm currently wearing the pants, investing her entire $90k salary. Understandably, she would probably insist on handling investments herself if she knew I was posting on /smg/

>> No.23281847

post portfolio for us to critique

>> No.23281851

You're on the right path, anon. All you need to do is call her a fag.

>> No.23281860

I'll make next bread.

>> No.23281861

staying up for that TSM earnings call even though no matter the results I cant do shit about it for another 6.5 hours and have no idea what the stonks will do anyway, anyone else?

>> No.23281863


I think the nasdaq is just going to bounce off of 11800 unless there’s a stimulus (very unlikely) or until the election

>> No.23281869

Pork rinds are awesome, I'll try dipping them instead of cooking them into my food like I like to do


>> No.23281892

Are EVs gonna continue rally tomorrow? $SOLO production started and deliveries EOY.

>> No.23281898
File: 32 KB, 598x223, justin DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up to you

it's always risk-reward to me, i cannot own any other stock right now (im only 5 figure though) when GME beats everything else for me. Relatively low downside potential because it's fundamentally undervalued (due to the short interest) and is now a solid long play due to MSFT? And it has similar upside potential to a penny stock due to the short interest time bomb?

if you can't figure it out yourself, then i dunno what to say. Another opportunity like this won't come again for years

>> No.23281904

They are great for breading meat as well instead of using flour or breadcrumbs.

>> No.23281909

>and sends me incel support reading material
Post incel support reading material

>> No.23281931

based and ketopilled

>> No.23281934

Fresh bread when ready

>> No.23281950

I have retarded 1-2k bags here and there but I DCA:
50% VTI
25% QQQ
25% VTEB (lol)

>> No.23281959

What is the realistic PT for GME? Holding 50 shares at 12.90 and tempted to average down and grab another 50

>> No.23281998

If GME is substantially down tomorrow I may buy another $2k, what do you guys think? Wait till Friday instead? I’m just assuming the market is gonna be shit at least the rest of this week

>> No.23282006

realistic no squeeze is probably ~$20

>> No.23282042

Airline stocks can go nowhere but up right?

>> No.23282138

Since they announced Cloudflare One, and ARK Invest just bought in, it seems like they can still go up after pulling back after the breakout. I’m thinking of selling now and buying back after it dips. Not sure if I’m going to sell half or all though. I bought at $36.

>> No.23282211

I bought at $39 and sold for half of my profit at the peak yesterday. Will probably just hold for a few years now like I was planning since I was not expecting or predicting a run up like this

>> No.23282341

Domestic US flights? Absolutely
International and EU Airliners? Still half dead presumably. So if you want a long hold and are certain there isn't going to be a crash sure.

>> No.23282373

so what you're saying is LUV

>> No.23282384


>> No.23282417

Implying operation Lightspeed is a success and the vaccine for the corona virus is deployed before 2021 you could see the stock price go back up to $50-60 implying you want to wait that long for a 25-50% increase on the current stock price, If you're keen on it and don't mind the potential dips go for it.

>> No.23282503

nah I'm 100% in GME

>> No.23282564


All right if you say so. I just disagree. I don't really think its all that possible to change ppl minds if they don't want to change. No fox news report is ever bring over a dem.

The only way to change peoples minds is unironically through memes, since its not immidiatly recognizable as arguing a point or threatening. Some long typed out report or news piece and people have their mental guard up/

>> No.23282854

Microsoft will buy Gamestop.

>> No.23282963

>>Police were called, but there was no evidence that Hunter had used the pipe, so narcotics charges weren’t pursued, the magazine reported.
Blacks will defend this while Hunter's dad locks them up en masse for crack possession, kek

>> No.23283105

yeah great everyone invest in the same shit index fun. onesided trades are the recipe for succes r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-ight? nothing can go wrong right? especially how these inexes r structured r-r-r-r-ight?

>> No.23283130

god i hope so

>> No.23283165

any tender offer/buyout offer would trigger a squeeze due to institutional share recall for voting

>> No.23283194

ur a f simp. it's not about hunter being a degenerate its about lying in the burisma case. f idiot pleb holy shit

>> No.23283861

plz send incel support material