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23275742 No.23275742 [Reply] [Original]

Just got fired from my job. It did pay really well, especially since I just got out of college in the spring. It was soul draining though.

My finances are fine and I can make it a while without needing another job. Thinking it'd be best to try to get to know myself better before I try applying so I actually get a job I can somewhat enjoy.

I know most of you peeps on here are wagecucks, but what can I do to find a job more suited for me or know myself better so I know when a better job comes along?

>> No.23275782

What you need from a job is better people around. If you have a boss you like, coworkers you like, and customers you like, the actual work itself doesnt matter much.

>> No.23275831

>what you need is another job with less shitty people

no thanks kek

fuck waging anon, you have the opportunity to start fresh. fuck this "finding yourself" bullshit. just find stuff you enjoy doing and then create ways to market that. you'll be much happier when you can simply sell 1 $300 product each day instead of waging for hours off your life.

>> No.23275834

Why did you get fired, what industry, and what general role?

>> No.23275850

green text story nao

>> No.23275854

You're going to make it anon with or without advice.

>> No.23275907

>just find stuff you enjoy doing and then create ways to market that

Half of that is the "finding yourself bullshit" you're talking about btw.

I do have side projects I was working on while on the job, and some will come to fruition soon.

>> No.23276178

>be me, 22 year old finance & econ grad
>have 5 different temp agencies looking for a job for me as well as applying myself
>Temp agency #4 calls
>Says one of their clients wants to interview me
>Specialty insurance firm that only hires through agency
>Sounds right up my ally. An analyst roll
>I interview
>Week later I get a call while on the toilet and they tell me I got the job
>The job is temp to hire
>4 months as a temp. Then hired on
>Get to place. First day.
>Meet gal I'm replacing. She was promoted and was going to train me along with another woman.
>Train for only 2 days a week because of big flu
>Training takes a whole month to complete
>Told I'm nearly finished with training and think "wait. All I've been taught to do was data entry"
>Realize role is actually just data entry and they only used the title of Analyst to lure in young grads like me.
>Coworkers with the same role are listed as "Assistants" instead of "Analysts"
>They got me hook line and sinker
>Job is remote the other 3 days of the week
>Do everything I'm told each day according to instructions I have saved to my desktop.
>Ask a lot of questions but overall doing what I'm told.
>One month into job. Been 3 days since I finished training.
>It's a Monday. I'm working remotely.
>Excited to play Shadow of Mordor (finally picked it up) so I finish work quickly and wait to "clock out"
>Playing vidiagame
>Look at phone and see I have a missed call and voicemail from Temp Agency #4
>voicemail says they have "time sensitive information"
>Call back
>Agency lady tells me they've received feedback from Insurance Firm
>Feedback says I'm not engage in the job and "not showing the improvement they wanted"
>Surprised by negative feedback. Did all work that was listed for me to do everyday.
>Knew I was quite tired every morning due to sleep issues and changing sleep schedule. Probably what they interpreted as me not being engaged in the work.


>> No.23276260

>Agency lady tells me that for those reasons they were going to have to terminate my contract
>had to last 4 months to get hired and I lasted 1.
>Didn't ask any further questions. I was confused but the Agency lady told me all the info she had.
>Still have to mail back all the equipment they gave me to work remotely (30 minute drive but they want me to mail it).
>Had to tell mom & dad. They took it well and said they were sorry for me. Kindof surprised me.
>still confused by moving on.
>My therapist called the next day and we talked about it.
I seem to have gone through all the stages of grief already. Just dread going back to the grind applying for jobs. I hated doing that all day.

>> No.23276736


just go and figure your shit out idk what to tell you seems like you're in a good spot to do so

>> No.23277706

Oh nice, I'm at a carrier. Insurance isn't a bad industry for a job right now, but I'm personally looking to get out myself. I'm up a few rungs from where you were, and it doesn't change too much. You should be able to easily get another job at a brokerage instead of an agency. If you can answer, what kind of specialty? I was at an arborist package broker prior. Sounds a hell of a lot like my experience. You might want to consider actuarial or sales. They're not bad. Tech isn't bad either that way, but expect to be less pampered.

>> No.23277774

Much of this you will have to answer yourself but the best thing I can say is try to figure out what you can handle and what you can't. I've been in a sales job the last 7 years and while the pay is great, soul-draining is an understatement and I am constantly trying to find a way out. Settle into something you like early on and you will have a better time. Good luck.

>> No.23277775
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I was in Medical Stop Loss

Really want to avoid a sales role if I can. I can speak infront of people and am not shy. Just no my cup of tea.

Also have no tech skills. Taking an online basic javascript course now.

But hank you for hearing me out.

>> No.23277784

Additionally, outside of tier 1 places (and even in places like a prudential) working in insurance BO/MO is about the closest to government job in the private sector that I can think of. Automation might fuck us up mid term, but holy shit it's cushy.

>> No.23277813

Thank you, mate. Best of luck to you as well.

>> No.23277827
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Go to Jesus otherwise there is no hope, you can start a family , get a great job, have a great house etc etc etc but you and your offspring will ultimately still all burn in hell for eternity for what enjoyed in approx 80~ years

Most people die and go there in their sin, don't be one of them anon

>> No.23277842

We're definitely going to get automated out with blockchain on DAOs. All I could think about during my job was how it easy it would be to automate the entire process of my job.

>> No.23277868

Religion is getting to me more and more.
Especially because of Jordan Peterson and Alan Watts.

I agree there is a lot of meaning to be found in religion/spirituality.

I own a 97 year old bible. Any other recommendations for reads when soul searching?

>> No.23277889

Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.23277938

>Lead character is an educated 30 year old that lives with his mother and is unemployed.

Sounds like the NEET novel.

>> No.23277955

>no tech skills
If you're in underwriting or business intelligence/it/liason, you're probably better off going for VB, SAS, or Access and crap. If you want to make apps for the Policy mgmt shit, I think you're good with Javascript and a bit of... Java..? I can't recall. You might consider a pivot into marketing and work with Salesforce management. There's always a bunch of data cleaning needed in there.

>> No.23277987

Thanks fren. Taking notes.

>> No.23278092

God damn, sounds like they were just using you. Fuck that

>> No.23278147

>sleep issues
>My therapist called
Anyone want to take bets that op is an insufferably depressed faggot and that's why he was fired?

>> No.23278156

Don't worry anon. I quit like 400 jobs when I got out university. Now, four years later, I make almost six figures. Sometimes the job just isn't for you

>> No.23278177

>Plato's Complete Dialogues (Absolutely essential)
>Everything from Aristotle, most importantly Nicomachean Ethics, Physics, and On the Soul
>Augustine's Confessions (and City of God if you are feeling brave)
>Pascal's Pensees
>St. Anselm's dialogues, especially the ones on free will and Satan
>Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals
>Berkeley's Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge

>> No.23278259

Massive keks.

Nah. I'm just an actual autist.
Autism keeps my brain up at night and I've basically been doing therapy all my life.

>> No.23278279

Adding them all to my reading list. Thanks mate.