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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2327176 No.2327176 [Reply] [Original]

>One of the most active community
>#1 in voting for listing in livecoin
>Community wants to pay for bittrex listing
>Already mooning since a few day
>Still early and only 13 sats
>New chain with new roadmap that doesnt copy the others 100000 shitcoins

cya on moon bois

>> No.2327193
File: 284 KB, 951x652, shitcoins_to_avoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off pajeet. Espers is a dead coin and I'm still here as gatekeeper.

>> No.2327204


nice fudding jew kys

>> No.2327205
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Made by pajeets for pajeets

>> No.2327224
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Make your own pajeet scamcoin for just 0.5bitcoins!

>> No.2327230

MAD on yobit is about to pump, gonna be the new espers.

>> No.2327236
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very very good gmail business account sir
#1 trustworthy business model sir

>> No.2327276

Heard that bittrex is going to catch ESP on their list. Bought thesee mafakas 2 satoshi each,now 14 baby dog

>> No.2327324

Loling at the nocoiners fudding this coin. I'll send a postcard to you guys when I'm on the moon

>> No.2327340

Still fudding?
>25% staking rate
>Masternodes coming

>> No.2327379

where did hear this. bittrex is a very LARGE exchange and espers price will go very high when listed. espers is a very good coin with lots of future. i suggest BUY if you want lots of riches very quick. thank you

>> No.2327399

this was painful to read

>> No.2327406

very true. espers for me is my investment. we expect it will go high and up in value.

>> No.2327411

Someone named J. Titor whispered it in mydreams

>> No.2327415


>> No.2327448

fucking bastard actually it is very painful to buy espers after price is increased again you bloody bastard

>> No.2327460

Buy or regret later.

>> No.2327716

Now thats what I call a badass logo, unlike that retarded bitbean shit.

Who /espergers/ here?

>> No.2327722

I think ESP willbe 8000 Satoshi after bittrex

>> No.2327754

I finally got some BTC onto Nova then the fucking website goes under maintenance.

Last I saw it was @13 sat.

>> No.2327763

i may be shilling the coin but man how delusional r u

>> No.2327815

just wait

>> No.2328749
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>> No.2328780

Why not? Do you hate free money?

>> No.2328855

They never updated the blockchain.
Yobit uses esp. You want to buy esp2

>> No.2328899


fuck off

>> No.2328903


It's the old coin. We sended multiple emails, tweets etc to Yobit telling them to remove it and use the new Espers. But they won't respond, so BASICALLY WHEN YOU BUY ON YOBIT YOU WILL GET THE OLD ESPER WHICH WILL NEVER GET CONVERTED TO THE NEW ONE. AKA YOU JUST LOST ALL YOUR SHIT AND YOUR FUTURE VILLA + BOAT + LAMBO + BIG FAT TITTIES IN YOUR FACE.

>> No.2328942

dumb shill or funny shill?

>> No.2328973

once the next update comes out this will skyrocket even more along with it being on livecoin

>> No.2329016


>> No.2329043


100% m8, patience is the key for victory.

>> No.2329079

This is a pajeetcoin make no mistake, but even a pajeetcoin can have momentaary value

>> No.2329137

LOL @ all of these guys fudding they mad because they did not get at 5 sat and now they think its too late.. baka

>> No.2329138

At the moment its only listed on NovaExchange, if this coin gets moved to Polo or Bittrex its sure to moon, so how can I move all my ESP over to these exchanges?

>> No.2329155
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>tfw got it at 12 SATS

>> No.2329175

Its on coinexchange too, and poswallet trading with pair posw/esp..
Not too late my frient

>> No.2329179

You do know this coin was revived and updated and is in alpha with a strong dev team, right???!!!???

>> No.2329186


I got in at 15.

Not mad at all, 15 is such a good price.

>> No.2329195

Its been in alpha since the beginning, only thing that was updated was the chain to go hybrid POW/POS, so many unique things its taken time to develop.

>> No.2329199

>Its on coinexchange too, and poswallet trading with pair posw/esp..

Can you explain more? Lets say ESP gets listed on Polo and it moons to 200 sat, how is it possible to take 150k ESP and move it to Polo?

>> No.2329212

Why would it not be? :D You can move the coins where ever you want bro

>> No.2329219


>> No.2329221

Just send the coins from where you have them to your polo wallet address when they list it :D Same as any other coin.

>> No.2329222

People who don't get ESP2 right now are fucking retarded. Probably the same people who fell for other shitcoins and are still salty. Get some before you regret it, faggots.

>> No.2329254

lol i just sold my ESPERS for LDOGE

>> No.2329256


Ahh, gotcha ;)

Just "withdraw" ESP from NovaExchange then send it directly to the Polo "deposit".

Thanks a lot bro.

>> No.2329350

you can also download the wallet and keep your coins in it

>> No.2329580

>tfw bought this coin the first time it was shilled here

>> No.2329806

Me too, at 4 than, sold at 6.
just bought back 2 days ago at 4 again.
Riding this train to the moon.
Bought to buy more once my transfer goes through

>> No.2329859

holding 45.5 mil boi got in around 2-3sat

>> No.2329866

Projections for ATH?

>> No.2329901

I would say 20 on nova, When it gets listed... around 200 by july

>> No.2329909


200 sats, probably

>> No.2329965

me and you buddy i aint missing this boat

>> No.2329990

For anyone who like to read about Espers and the tech behind it


I'm in at 13 satoshi, I'll just put this on my windows wallet and let it sit there for staking, not gonna sell until it reach bittrex, this coin has future.

>> No.2330031

The hybrid PoW and PoS is similar with what Decred does. This coin is legit and not just copy paste like hundreds of other coin.

>> No.2330056

its got its own unique algorithm too that cryptocoderz designed, it's really not a shitcoin like people keep calling it
masternodes are coming as well

>> No.2330152

Where do i get an espers wallet? I dont want to leave it on nova long term

>> No.2330169 [DELETED] 

Don't be mad when pajeet call any coin on /biz/ a shitcoin, literally every coin is scam or shitcoin, according /biz/.


If any, people who FUD it will help in publicity of the coin, people are not dumb and at the end of the day they can decide for themselves whether to invest in a coin or not.

Based on my research, Espers is worth getting into because:
- The rewards are greater than the risk. If this coin flop, maybe I'll lose few hundreds, but if it does deliver, we are talking about 50x or 100x gain
- It's still alpha, see how pro twitter trader make millions? It's because they invest in a coin very early
- The community if there, without community backup it will be hard to boos a coin

>> No.2330214

Don't be mad when pajeet call any coin on /biz/ a shitcoin, literally every coin is scam or shitcoin, according /biz/.

If any, people who FUD it will help in publicity of the coin, people are not dumb and at the end of the day they can decide for themselves whether to invest in a coin or not.

Based on my research, Espers is worth getting into because:
- The rewards are greater than the risk. If this coin flop, maybe I'll lose few hundreds, but if it does deliver, we are talking about 50x or 100x gain
- It's still alpha, see how pro twitter trader make millions? It's because they invest in a coin very early
- The community is there, without community backup it will be hard to boost a coin
- The main developer identity is public, and He can be easily approached on discord. Less likely to be a scam.


>> No.2330292
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>> No.2330331

Lol "dont buy on yobit"

>> No.2330462

realistically where can this coin reach in a year or two?

holding on to 40k of them right now

>> No.2330502

0,50-1$ in 2019.

>> No.2330503

No one knows, but I would say based upon what I have read, and if the devs dont get lazy.
3000 or so

>> No.2330517
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>> No.2330605
File: 86 KB, 188x300, eJwNyEEOhCAMAMC_8AAQKF3qbwgSNFFLaPe08e_rYS7zM995mtXsqkNW57ZDKs_NivIsvdnO3M9WxiG28uWKaqn71W4VF30ifAGCjzlCgLdyRgT0BOQxJczOA-FCgTJ9lmDH3c3zB8CjIpQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just broke the 65btc volume!!!

>> No.2330699

anybody buying that lite doge?

>> No.2330741
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if you're gonna meme, meme big

>> No.2330816

I buy it for teh lulz

but seriously, the amount of shilling on twitter about LDOGE is a good sign that people will eventually jump on the hype train

>> No.2330958
File: 889 KB, 1015x1200, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got in at 6
>stop checking
>now 14
i-is it happening? did this even hit any bigger exchanges yet?

>> No.2330973

Not even on livecoin yet, there are talk on slack/discord to pool 3 BTC from community to be insta-listed on bittrex

>> No.2331000

Just bought a lot of ESP2 for long term hodling. Do you know if Blockfolio will get ESP2? It only has the wrong yobit esp.

>> No.2331024


>> No.2331066
File: 18 KB, 400x251, CqGnwr3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buckle up

>> No.2331079

this shit is going places, can't believe I missed disregarded it as a shitcoin.

>> No.2331116

Fuck it, I'm in at 15sat. You better don't shit you ballsacks all over me!

>> No.2331154

Yes I have believe that this Esper will solves all of the problems, perhaps in the worlds problem, and bring us 100,00 doller... Very soon

>> No.2331155

welcome aboard ESPâdres!

>> No.2331166

Than you for this.

>> No.2331212

Bought in @12 sats, hodling strong

>> No.2331221

you are bad at shilling, i think it would be better if you stopped.

>> No.2331454

Thanks For Buying My BAGS!!

>> No.2331499

is this another pnd shit again or longterm?

>> No.2331534

This is real deal.


>> No.2331538

Dude it's still going up

>> No.2331586

>Buying your bag
The price just hit 16 satoshi on nova.. do you even know what bag is?

Dude buy at 12 and He can just sell it now and make 33% profit.

If it's P&D, it will be dumped already since it already rise 800% from last week, join our discord and engaged with the community


>> No.2331676

Finally just bought more!

>> No.2331684

i wanted to buy this shit last week. Fucking A

Is Nova still down?

>> No.2331689

Make a ''Roll'' in the /biz/ Rolling Game here >>2323347

>> No.2331727

Bought at nova 30 mins ago

>> No.2331728

up and running, just an hour maintenance or so.

>> No.2331780

who thinks this is gonna dip before it gets on bittrex?

>> No.2331810

No one. Espers will be listed to livecoin soon and price goes up!

>> No.2331864

thats what i thought.

Sitting here like an asshole waiting for my BTC wallet to update.

Fucking shit man. Getting more BTC is a pain in the ass. Trying to buy espers two days ago.

>> No.2331995

Already dumping?

>> No.2332051

You wish

>> No.2332090

There are some massive sells going

>> No.2332117

You're still on time if you buy in the next couple days this coin is ready For launch lots of money to be made

>> No.2333065

my autism flared up and I was in the wrong tab and sold a ton of my esp2 for litecoin...
But luckily litecoin was going up and I rebought more esp2 coins than what I started with...
Worked out...

>> No.2333723

is the espers wallet having trouble syncing?

I haven't been able to sync a mostly up to date wallet for the last couple hours.

>> No.2333759

esp is garbage. Right now all the action is in Mooncoin, and the next show is MAD.

>> No.2334057

>Esp2 is garbage
4sat to 16sat in 48hrs
no end in sight
eat a dick

>> No.2334123

does this shit have long term potential?

>> No.2334171

Guys, I'm about to become one of you.

Just awaiting my DOGE deposit on NovaExchange.

Espers will receive one more shill.

>> No.2334359

feels good man

>> No.2334419

I bought somewhere at 2 or 3 sats, holding almost 6 mil

>> No.2334485

You can buy it 1 sats

>> No.2334580


lots of unique features

this isn't a p&d, this is legitimately the community shilling because they like it

>> No.2334647

if you like memecoins get in on KARMA at 1 sat.

>> No.2334699

>buying on yobit
You're just asking to get cucked aren't you?

>> No.2334737


>> No.2334770

the bid price there is 16 what are you talking about

>> No.2334792

MOON and ESP2 are the super undervalued coins right now. Sorry to all the wannabe's

>> No.2334813

Oh, finally. There was just a major shake-up in the DOGE price (I used it for transferring) on Nova because of the Bitcoin dip, but after my order was fulfilled, I got a bit more than I sent. Feels good.

Now, I am finally an Espers owner. I've been watching how this coin grows and actually liked the arguments in favor of it.

And yeah, folks, don't touch ESP on YoBit, never. The same for LDOGE.

Hopefully, Espers will take us to the moon

>> No.2335801

TFW I wanted to get in at 4 sat but had my BTC tied up, and got in at 16 sat. I wish could say I had over 1 million espers?

>> No.2335823

Dont worry it will be 2000 sat. soon